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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, Nest:

    Anj - glad you can visit your sister. Here in the US we don't really listen to rules about the pandemic, and apparently the White House has given up on fighting it anyway... Maybe we'll always be stuck here and no one will let us visit... I feel bad for my mom who is bored and sad and misses her friends. I am trying to help her figure out how to do it safely, but her friends aren't really safe so it is difficult.

    Mr. G - brrrrr. Love the sentiment "my thought are not necessarily instructions for the day."

    Got a good long walk in with my SiL yesterday, cooked some healthy food, and even watched some football and baseball. Overall a good day!

    Pauly, you still around? I don't have time in the morning to get to the other threads anymore. Maybe you're over there...

    Happy SOBER Monday!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone!! We have about a foot of new snow... Narily we are both shivering! It helped the fires though. Good luck with your zipper!

      Winter workouts? We have been doing online workouts on my Gaia app (yoga and pilates), and Peleton app (cardio, strength). We can screen share our phone onto a TV, and see it big. Each app is about $10/month - cheaper than a gym for a family!

      Byrdie, organizing things like that overwhelm me in an instant! I ask all the same questions, since there are 20 ways to group things, so I just give up! I'm sorry your group excluded you. Probably for the better, it sounds like. Still, pretty rude!

      Hi Walk! I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious. Such an unpleasant human experience. Less alcohol will definitely begin to help with that, but it is not always the entire picture. Take care of yourself, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. It is SO worth it!!

      AVA, glad you only go in once per week. Your setup sounds about as safe as it could be. Sounds like you are enjoying some mild wether!

      LAV, I need a she shed. I can't get more than about 3 minutes to myself in this house without being interrupted. It's one reason I post less here! I tried to read a 4 paragraph thing yesterday morning, and it took me a full hour!!!! UG!

      Sunshine! Thank you for sharing your 7 year anniversary with us!! That's spectacular! Hugs, high fives and big congratulations! You rock!

      I was a little depressed yesterday for some reason. Feeling more chipper today though and am ready to tackle the day. I do have a lot on my plate. I'm SO glad I'm not hungover! Or fighting myself, or loathing myself. Sometimes I SORT OF miss drinking... but I can honestly say that I don't miss it ENOUGH to want all the terrible that goes along with being a drinker. Yea!

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Monday everyone.

        [QUOTERemember friends. Nothing is permanent. Weather changes, clouds change, thoughts change, times change. Covid pandemic will also pass. I cannot control the outside world and i'm careful what i allow into my head. Thoughts become things, so i must be mindful and careful. I CAN control my headspace and my little thought world. We all can. That's a great goal to go for if ur not using it already. My thoughts are not necessarily my instructions for the day.
        Love this quote G, thank you.

        Hello Walk, Anj, glad you are here. Hang in there.

        The zipper will definitely have to get fixed this week, lucky the weather is supposed to be warm this week. (as in above 0C)

        Have a good one everybody and don't drink today.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Monday evening everyone,

          Chilly & damp here with a good bit of fog. BUT, my head is clear & that’s all that really matters

          Wags, yes, I lived the first 49.5 years of my life in a suburb just outside of Philadelphia. When we moved here I was about 2/3 of the way thru my 10 year problem drinking era. Stopped & started so many times it wasn’t funny. I finally gathered the strength to quit once & for all a few months after my grandson was born. I just knew I wanted to spend time with him & couldn’t continue doing what i had been doing. So I have been AF ever since & didn’t miss a minute with him & the two grandkids who followed. Best decision I ever made, absolutely!

          Anjicia, I have a 15 mile roundtrip to & from our little town center where the grocery store, post office & feed store are so it’s really not that bad. I seriously do have more cows, horses & sheep than people neighbors but that’s fine with me. I hope your trip to see your sister goes well for you.

          Pav, it’s sad that your Mom is feeling so isolated.
          I want so bad to go visit a former neighbor & family friend but she’s in an assisted living place & I don’t think they are allowing visitors. She’s nearly 85 & has dementia, sad.

          Kensho, hope you like snow, haha! That’s a lot for this early in the season, well maybe not for you.
          A she shed with wifi would be perfect. I’ve been known to sit on a bench outside the chicken house for some alone time, Lol

          Narilly, hope you’re coping with your early snow. Hope it warms up soon, Brrr.

          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi all,

            I wrote out a long post and then erased it. I'm feeling a bit down after the supreme court process recently, and I'm struggling to cling to hope (and I'm typically an optimist, so that's saying something!).

            Byrdie - I missed and then read back on how your neighbors had a gathering but didn't include you. That must have felt terrible, even if you would have chosen not to attend. I'm sorry that happened to you friend. :hug:

            Nar and Kensho - it sounds very cold where both of you are! Hopefully the snow is at least visually beautiful, and maybe with covid you don't have to drive in it as much? Although I suspect that people in both of your areas are better snow drivers than folks are here.

            Anj - glad you'll be able to go see your sister

            Lav - it does sound like your grandson might have saved your life, or at least he helped you take it back from al.

            Hellos and waves to everyone. Have great days and nights!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Afternoon all well it started with rain here but sunny now and temps the same since the weekend around the 56f mark. Yes its good i can visit my sister as she misses her husband whom she cannot visit and he is 5 weeks now. I didn't know also yesterday they were 52 years married and another one they cannot be together and celebrate. I could cry too. He is not doing great in hospital his weight has gone down and on a lot of meds. Its not looking great but what we can we do for now both side of the family are worried but trying to be stay hopeful lthat at least he can get home soon. Not much to else to say i just finishing my usual house and some laundry cleaning and going our for a walk and then i need to pick up more cat food. Ok wishing you all well xxx


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

                Hello Anj, our temp is about the same as yours. +9C today, which is around +48F. Okay, the same but cooler Sorry about your sister's hubby, that really sucks. Hopefully he does come home soon.

                Byrdie, I read Wags post and I feel the same way about the neighbour get together. It must have really sucked, sometimes people are not very nice. :hug: You would definitely be invited to any party I had!

                Hubby left to go back up north for work so I am solo. It is pretty nice actually. Nice when he comes back and nice when he leaves because I know he is coming back. Now I don't have to watch sports for a week, haha. Although I might watch the very end of the World Series, maybe..

                Anyway, I am off to go for a walk. I have to take advantage of this warm weather!

                Don't drink today.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  Pretty much sunless all day, 61 degrees so not all that bad. I know we’re expecting heavy rain (up to 3”) here Thursday from the latest hurricane approaching the southern coast now. This has been a super busy year for strong storms. 2020 will be remembered for a lot of uncomfortable things.

                  Wags, it depressing the way they rammed that unfit women onto the court last night, in the dark without ceremony. Now I am all for adding a few more justices to the SC To balance things out a bit, geez.
                  The fight for our democratic rights will go on, no doubt!
                  Back when I was getting ready to quit I had to ask myself if I would have been willing to hand my newborn over to someone who may or may not be completely sober on any given day. I just knew the only answer was to quit & stay quit if I wanted that special time with my grandson. So yeah, he was my motivation & I am forever grateful.

                  Anjicia, hope your day turned out well & you got your walk as planned.
                  Sounds like your sister & her husband are going to need some help at home. It’s hard for the elderly to manage everything even on a good day.

                  Narilly, you sound like me appreciating the alone time, haha!! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that & yuo couldn’t make me sit & watch sports on TV, haha!!

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Lav, you are an awesome Chicken Tender! I hope the newer chicks are thriving.

                    Sunny, great to see you. I’m so glad you popped in to share your good news. 7 years is big! Don’t be a stranger!

                    You’ll never believe this, the neighbor who didn’t invite me to her ladies masquerade party called me today and asked me if I could do a cake for her boyfriend in the shape of a whisky barrel with Jim Beam logo on it, with small bottles of Jim Beam on the top. She wanted a 10” cake to feed about 30 people.
                    She said, ‘I would insist on paying you’.
                    #1. I don’t have 10” pans, so would have to buy.
                    #2. I don’t have wood grain molds, would have to buy.
                    #3. It had special lettering on it (a Jim Beam label) that I would have to buy.
                    #4. I would have to go to the liquor store and buy the small bottles of Jim Beam.
                    #5. 30 people during a pandemic is reckless. No wonder our numbers are soaring.
                    #6. I am capable of making this cake, but since I wasn’t worthy of your other party, I’ll take a hard pass.
                    Shallow? Maybe. Besides, as you know, I don’t condone AL so it now goes against my religion to produce a cake like that. I also made a vow never to buy it. The way she said ‘I’d insist on paying you’ just hit me the wrong way. Like I’d spend $100 on this cake and give it to you? People got a nerve. I declined.

                    Anj, these are hard times. It’s ok not to be ok. Hugs to you.
                    Walk, thinking of you and wishing you strength. One day at a time got every single one of us through!

                    Have a great evening all. Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Byrdie - good for you. Boundaries are important and you've set and respected yours. Big kudos to you!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, Nest:

                        Byrdie - what is WRONG with people!?!?! I am so glad you took that hard pass. What gall she has...

                        I'm with you Wags - generally optimistic turning into a complete pessimist. I just was listening to the radio about how voices from leaders could do a lot to quell impending violence but that so far the current Cheeto in Chief has done the opposite. I don't see that changing. And all of those people who are propping him up right now...

                        I have to run but wanted to quickly check in. Nar - get that zipper fixed. Lav - glad your grandson changed your life, Ken, an new day... Anj, G, Wake, Belle, Pauly, and everyone else - we got this. Our sobriety is one thing in this world we CAN control as long as we don't take that first sip.



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie, well done and good for you for sticking to your principles. I bet your neighbour was surprised you declined her “offer”.

                          AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                          F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Evening all not much to report here another quiet day. I just had to go to the post office and a pharmacy nearby. I just a walk around town not enough for proper exercise but fresh air. It is getting colder but nice sunny spells again today. byrd i did read about the neighbour that excluded you from the gathering which i though was very rude. Even if you declined to attended she could have had manners to ask anyway. Well done for turning her outright for asking you to go out of your way to bake a cake with alcohol minis and a logo. She had some nerve so good for you for putting her straight. Wag sorry to hear you were a bit down i don't American politics much so i don't about laws passed htere but i hope you feeling a bit chipper now. I think everyone is going through something and the times we are in does not help. Oh ii got 2 books in the post i ordered online from a lady i follow on youtube and facebook and she has a website too and i think also instagram. Colette O Neill she lives in a lovely old cottage in the west of Ireland on 3 acres. She is into permaculture and her cottage and land is awesome and hte worjk she does. Her cottage is called Bealtine cottage and she can has many videos on youtube plus her books and other stuff on her website. worth a look in anyone is interested. If you google Bealtine cottage Colette o Neill. Hi to everyone else have a pleasent afternoon/evening.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              The day went by fast, all days seem to be doing that lately, haha. Maybe it’s the shorter daylight hours? We turn the clocks back one hour this Saturday night so I guess we get more darkness next week. Ho hum!

                              Byrdie, I am so glad to hear your turned down that request. People are incredibly insensitive, some are just downright dumb!!!
                              I hope she ends up paying $200 for that cake made by someone who doesn’t care, haha! Honestly, the older I get the easier it is for me to tell people NO without any explanation whatsoever I’mproud of you for taking a stand for yourself!

                              Wags, you doing OK?
                              I’m trying real hard not to look too much into the future. We don’t really know how things are going to shake out & I don’t want to waste my time or energy. You take care :hug:

                              Pav, I do feel very lucky my grandson came along when he did! I was at my lowest point, feeling pretty hopeless & really couldn’t find anything to look forward to anymore. He saved my skin, for sure
                              Hope your day was a good one!

                              QW, nice to see you!

                              Anjicia, that’s interesting about Collette O Neill, I’ll look her up. Glad you got out & about today, even a short walk helps!

                              Hello to the rest of the nesters & wishing everyone a safe night!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hola nesters,

                                Anj, cool re permaculture etc. We can grow herbs and veggies even on a balcony in the city. Such things are great projects. thanks for the info. I love the west of Eire.

                                Good call Byrdie on the cake. Sheesh! I agree with Wags about maintaining boundaries. We don't have to say yes to everything or anything. Saying NO is good sometimes. Thinking it through is the process which gives us time and space to make a considered decision, as opposed to an emotionally driven one off the cuff.

                                Big waves to y'all. Take care over there. Crazy times all round. Like Pav says - we CAN control whether we decide to drink or not. We decide and control how we live and operate amid the madness. As long as i take care of my inner self and keep a balance of sorts, i'm more than ok.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

