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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hey Nesters,

    Happy Tuesday to all
    Came home with a turkey today, tucked it in the freezer so I’m ready for The Thanksgiving/Birthdays celebration. Honestly, having my youngest kid turn 40 on the 25th kind of makes me sad & it makes me old haha!! And my grandson turning 12 two days after Thanksgiving makes me proud because he was the reason & motivation behind my final & forever quit!

    Kensho, the soup is really nice BUT you probably want to reduce the amount of cayenne, it really had a kick. I will only use 1/4-1/2 tsp next time.
    Being busy is a good thing whether we realize it or not. Even at my age I prefer to keep myself busier than I really need to be. Keeps the brain cells firing & that’s important. Good luck with your jobs.

    Pav, pulled muscles are terrible. Use alternating heat & ice packs, really helps!

    Narilly, snow is pretty as long as you don’t have to remove it or drive in it, Lol
    I am using Force of Nature now & it has helped with a lot of things, mostly my allergy to commercial cleaners. Works great & you can use it on anything to disinfect & clean.
    Sending you a PM re dachshund embroidery.

    Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Veteran's Day holiday here - honor the veterans AND get some time off. I need to vacuum and maybe a hike.

      Not much else to report. Thanksgiving seems to be gearing up to be a superspreader event - so many traveling! I'm a bit worried about where we are with the virus...



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Pav, I am very worried as to where we are with this virus. It’s sickening (no pun intended).
        Election Day continues. Just amazing. I never thought that Democracy was fragile, but here we are. I hope our institutions will withstand the strain.
        I can tell you how to get AL out of your thoughts: eat a giant bowl of spaghetti and meatballs with 3 slices of crusty bread. OMG, I am sure I’m going to die. My innards are wondering what the he__? So my advice on cravings! I am still full and it’s almost 6 hours later. I have spaghetti head!
        When you clean the house with vinegar doesn’t the house smell like salad dressing? Is it apple cider vinegar or white vinegar? I must google that.
        Today, we’ve had remnants of Eta. We’ve had so much rain.
        Hope everyone has an easy evening. Just say ‘no’ to spaghetti. What was I thinking?
        Hugs to all my dear friends here! XO, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hey everyone!! I think eating spaghetti is much preferable to alcohol. But, sorry you are miserable Birdie.

          My nephew's wife & 2 of their children (15, 16) will be in the area from out of state. I finally told them that we wouldn't be able to visit with them this time. :sad: Just a situation where they do not believe covid is a big deal and I know that they are not social distancing, etc. Plus the fact that they will have been traveling in close quarters airports/airplanes, visiting friends, etc.
          We have been so cautious. Hubby has COPD, our DIL is pregnant and due December 14. There were just too many risks involved. I hate to be this way but there is a pandemic going on (I believe).

          Lav - thanks for that Force of Nature info. I'm going to look into it.

          Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!! We started pulling out Christmas decorations today.
          Last edited by NoraC; November 11, 2020, 07:22 PM.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Re: Newbies Nest

            NS - a harness for your new pup sounds like a very good idea. That must have been frustrating and scary, and I'm glad it had a happy ending.

            Pav - I hope your back muscle has calmed down and is feeling better!

            Byrdie - that sounds like a very tasty way to get al off our minds. Yum!!!

            Nora - that must have been hard to tell family you won't be able to see them over the holidays this year but I think you're making a very wise decision. A lot of families will be celebrating through zoom or similar, while others will just gather as usual -- some will pay the ultimate price, which is sad. I just heard we hit 144,000 new cases today (probably higher actually, that was at 5pm) in the U.S. So many needless deaths because the whole thing has been politicized.

            Things are pretty good here in Wagland. I'm starting in with a new crew of students aiming to take tests in Jan/Feb, and I've still got a few holdovers continuing from this fall or even this past summer. I'm grateful every single day to love my work and have enough of it to make a living.

            We had a grocery order delivered this eve, and there was a 6-pack of beer in one of the bags that we did not purchase. For a fleeting instant I had this thought of how the beer shouldn't go to waste and that I could drink just this 6-pack as a reward for surviving the current political sh!tshow, and then I quickly came to my senses and gave it to our neighbor (they were thrilled). I don't think I was really in any danger of drinking, but it did remind me just how quickly those thoughts sneak in when we least expect them. Time to polish the tools in my tool kit again!

            Happy midweek everyone. One day at a time we will get through this.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Byrdie - sorry you're feeling bad but you do make me laugh. Oh, those meals of regret... At least you didn't have to cook dinner.

              Wags - glad your business is thriving. How are people taking those tests? In a room just distanced and with a mask? That seems like it would add more stress to the process!

              Lav - You're uncharacteristically quiet - hope all is well.

              G - Did you have the date yet?

              Nora - We're staying distanced too. We have two heat lamps and are going to try to eat outside with my mom. We'll see how cold it actually is - we may just have to bail. I just feel so bad leaving her alone... I believe you made the right choice with your family and I hope they understand.

              I had a great day off work, hiking, cleaning, cards, and even an episode of the Great British Bakeoff. It always makes me want to try baking, especially the savory breads and pies.

              Happy SOBER Thursday,


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Un Hung Thursday everyone.

                New restrictions are coming in today for Covid. We will see what they are. I am squeezing in a hair cut/colour this morning just in case.

                Byrdie, 3 slices of bread? I totally understand, especially if the bread was fresh, Yum! I also understand the feeling of being SO full, lol.

                Wags, good you did not drink that beer- its gross anyway, right?

                Lav, I will check my messages, I am SO excited.

                Pav, you are a hiking girl, way to go. Your day off sounds wonderful.

                Hello G, Ava, LC, Anj. and anyone else reading these threads- Don't drink today- it's gross, right Pauly?

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  No Pav I wasn’t being quiet. I couldn’t get on the site yesterday despite trying about 6 times, haha! I felt like I was being gagged or something
                  Lots of rain here yesterday & today, Eta remnants I believe.

                  Nora, keep yourselves safe, no matter what!
                  I heard from my daughter today who lives & works in the neighboring county. All of the county’s ERs, with the exception of one are on divert. They are slammed with Covid cases
                  So if you have a heart attack or stroke you’re going to have quite a hike finding an ER accepting patients,. How sad is that? How dangerous is that?
                  People who refuse to see & comprehend these situations are truly foolish.

                  Byrdie, I sure hope you’ve digested all that spaghetti OK, haha! I’ve done the same thing & understand that feeling, oh boy.

                  Wags, glad your business is staying steady & profitable. I hope it continues for you

                  Narilly, hope the hair appointment went well. Nothing like a good hair cut, yay!

                  Hello to the rest of teh group & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Nar - yes, beer is gross now that you mention it! As is the rest of al, or at the very least the impacts of al on our lives are gross :eek-new:

                    Lav - glad you were finally able to login yesterday. I've had that happen a few times and it sounds like others have as well. Really sad situation about the ERs across the country. I'm crossing my fingers that we don't need one for any reason.

                    Pav - sounds like a lovely day with the hike and the baking show. I've been meaning to try that show but keep getting sidetracked.

                    Welp, it's a very blustery stormy day here so we'll be hunkering down inside most of the day. We watched a Netflix movie yesterday some of you might like: I Am Woman, the story of Helen Reddy. It's really good, especially if you're at all interested in women's rights over the past 50 years. It centers on the U.S. as her career evolved here, but I imagine similar stages of "evolution" have occurred elsewhere in the world, even if not at the same time. I know many places still lag behind even us (we aren't equal yet), and many places achieved truer equity a long time ago. Anyway, a good movie!

                    Take care everyone and happy Fridays/weekends


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I used to blast that song, Wags! I loved the sentiment even though I didn't yet have an understanding of feminism. It just sounded right to my young self. I'll look for the movie. Also, the next season of The Crown drops today. I am going to TRY not to act like an addict and watch the whole season this weekend...

                      Our family is struggling with the choices that have to be made over the next couple months. In some ways I think the most recent warnings are directed at the people who are living their best lives as if there is no pandemic but being heard only by people like us who have been making careful, conservative choices the whole time. So should we be STRICTER?? It is so hard and frankly, I'd like to just skip to January 20 and start fresh (in so many ways) from there.

                      New Dog remains skittish but is settling in. I'm enjoying how cuddly and affectionate he is. Our furry golden retrievers were hot and didn't want to be touching much.

                      Have a good AF weekend, Nesters, and keep yourselves safe and healthy.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Thanks, all, for the gluttony sympathy. Remember that episode of Andy Griffith where he ate 3 meals of spaghetti? I felt like that.
                        So yesterday, I’m sitting there eating lunch and a fruit fly goes in my nose! You’d think it would be reflex to exhale but it’s not. I snorted the guy. I started smacking at my nose to kill it, must have looked like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. I don’t know where he went but in spite of my best efforts, I could not produce a body. I got up there with a flashlight and Q-Tip to no avail. This morning, I had an irritation in my right eye. Hubs says that sucker was trying crawl out. NS and Pav assured me that snot is lethal to the fruit fly. If they are wrong, I don’t want to be right. That’s true friendship right there.
                        Friday the 13th in 2020. Scary, huh? So far, so good.
                        NS, I’m glad you new dog is affectionate. I’m so happy for both of you.
                        We are not getting together for Thanksgiving either. This is not the year for that. Hopefully, sacrificing this one will allow many others. It will be hard but it’s the right thing to do, at least for us.
                        It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille. :rara: Stay strong, everyone! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Un Hung Friday everyone.

                          We have a bunch of new Covid restrictions today. Cases have been going up and so we have to be more careful.

                          Wags thanks for the recommendation. I will watch that. There is also a new movice I want to watch starrting Sophia Lauren, it is supposed to be really good, it is called "The Life Ahead".
                          NS, I love having snuggly dogs, it makes me happy. My daschunds are very snuggly.

                          Lav, it is scary about the ER's in the neighbouring county. Scary stuff for sure.

                          Hello Byrdie, hope you are over your spaghetti diet I bought some stuffed eggplant, hummus and spinach rolled up in philo pastry for supper from the Turkish restaurant. I will throroughly enjoy it.

                          Have a good one everybody and don't drink today.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Friday the 13th greetings Nesters,

                            No major malfunctions so I’d say today was good
                            WE dragged 300 lbs of chicken feed home for my bird friends, they love to eat!
                            The US is reporting 193,000 new cases today. We really need to be more careful, this is an awful situation.

                            Wags, staying healthy is hard enough as we age but the thoughts of ERs being closed is truly frightening to me. I’ve worked in the ER & I know Friday & Saturday nights are crazy under normal circumstances. They can handle whatever comes thru the door. It must be real bad right now . Keep yourselves safe!

                            NS, I love that your new pup is settling in. It shouldn’t take too long for her to feel loved & safe with you! I haven’t been watching much on TV lately, maybe I should take up some of the suggestions given here

                            Byrdie, I hope your system clears the fruit fly soon, haha. My daughter still swears she inhaled a gummy bear when she was a kid &it’s living in her lung LOL
                            I decided no Thanksgiving this year then my daughter-in-law asked if they could come over. It’s going to be a non-traditional event & the focus is going to be on my son’s 40th birthday & my grandson’s 12th birthday.

                            Narilly, keep yourself safe as well. I really don’t go anywhere unless I absolutely have to go - like the feed store today!
                            I hear our weather is going to be getting much colder next week so I’ll just stay inside run my machines.

                            Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              A beautiful Sattidy morning here. As our case numbers rage, 2 different neighbors are having parties! There are 7 cars in the driveway next door and the neighbor across the street is having a 60th birthday party for her BF today. Everything we read says this isn’t the time to socialize, but alas, that doesn’t apply to us, right? Ugg. Sorry to be cynical. It isn’t difficult to see why this stuff is spreading like wildfire.

                              I'm threatening to do some Christmas decorations today. I love the lights and such when it’s all done. Might inspire me to do some baking!
                              Hope everyone has a super day. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Un Hung Saturday everyone.
                                So grateful to feel good on Saturday morning. I remember being SO hungover on Saturday every week and I would always say "Next week I will stop at 2, I don't want to be hungover every Saturday". I could NEVER stop and now I will never take it for granted to feel good on a Saturday morning.

                                Lav, Byrdie, the Covid numbers are going crazy everywhere as you say. Please stay safe.

                                I wateched Queen's Gambit, it is excellent.

                                Have a good one, don't drink today.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

