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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good morning,

    I'm with you, Nar. It is SO wonderful not to be hungover on Saturday morning. Phew.

    Byrdie, that image is hilarious. I am sure you're ok - although maybe it WAS trying to get out through your eye?? (HAHAHA)

    Glad you're back, Lav. All was NOT right with the world. I hope your family are being careful and won't bring a virus to you. I think it was the governor of Colorado who said "if you don't quarantine and then are with family for Thanksgiving that's like holding a loaded gun to grandma's head." He doesn't want mask mandates but it trying to scare people i guess. It is all so fraught.

    We got a bit of rain and it has been cold (for here) here. Feels like winter. I agree with you, Byrdie, the lights are my favorite part.

    Happy SOBER Saturday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters

      I need to take some time to catch up with you all. A plan for today in the 33 degree heat we are going to have.

      We are now down to no cases of covid and its been 15 days now. Life is slowly getting back to our new covid normal. Its nice that i have the choice to go out if i want to and have a coffee and look at the shops. Still wary though. We still have to wear masks when we are out and i hope they ease this when we are out exercising soon. I just cant do it but i do wear one and put it up when someone passes. The states are slowly opening up to each other so xmas may be spent with family. I told mum that we will go to her this year, she is in a country area and i dont want her in the city. We have just opened up to be able to visit the country areas of our state so will visit mum this weekend, its been 7 months since i have see her and my son.

      Lav, the cases of covid is sad over your way and the hospitals being at full capacity. Its sad when the health of the people is not important for a president to concern himself about. Hopefully in January an effort will be made to set things right.

      Work is getting busier in a different way, now leading up to xmas everyone wants to be seen before then and face to face. we are slowly bringing those appointment back but not fully. The new normal is video if at all possible. My boss is trying to get me back to work but they have no desk for me although did offer for me to desk share. i dont think so, after 13 years they can find me a desk or i am quite happy to stay home and work.

      Glad everyone is well and sane still.

      take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        It was a bit chillier today & going down to freezing tonight. I guess my young chickens will be a bit shocked but they still have a heat lamp in their vicinity.
        I am going to have to seriously reconsider my holiday plan. I found out today my son had to go to DC on his day off to provide fire/EMS services for the MAGA rally. That just really pisses me off, I know most of those fools will be mask-less & coming from who knows where with their funky germs. I’ll talk to him the first chance I get to figure out how much exposure he actually had to the crowd. It’s not Thanksgiving so much I want to recognize but my kid’s 40th birthday, ugh. Other than that all is well here.

        Byrdie, it’s way too soon for decorations for me but I do love the lights
        Anything you bake now can be frozen until needed.

        Narilly, how’s the snow? Is it still hanging around?

        Pav, I trust my kid so if he says he had a lot of exposure then we will postpone, not a big deal. We should not be in this situation after all these months. PA is still reporting > 5500 cases daily, yikes!

        Ava, good to see you & congrats on your country’s handling of the pandemic. Why couldn’t we have done the same? No reason except for the big fat orange blob sitting in the White House.
        My daughter texted me a picture today from work where they had just designated a second Covid unit in the hospital. I’m not sure how many beds are on each unit but I do know they’re pretty big. That’s a lot of very sick people

        Hello to teh rest of the group & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters

          Hope everyone's doing okay despite the ongoing Covid madness. As Ava said, we're currently down to Zero new cases in Melbourne, which is great. I hope it continues, and becomes the norm across the globe.

          I continue to think a lot about how alcohol has affected my life, and am so grateful to be free of it now. I recently reconnected (on Facebook) with a classmate from way back. I told him I was horrified at the thought of how much alcohol I drank, from the age of 14 years. He said, "Yes, you were terrible!" He wasn't being mean or anything, just confirming that he remembers me being one of those kids that drank a LOT. I didn't see any point in telling him where it lead me, just how bad it got, but it was interesting to chat about our teenage misadventures, & realise my excess was noticed by others (since my parents somehow missed it?!)

          Also, I was recently diagnosed with átrial fibrillation
          AF free since April 29, 2013


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Don't know if it's MWO or my new laptop, but the second half of my post obviously disappeared! I was just saying that I was diagnosed with AF, & doctor has referred me to a cardiologist. The reason I mention it here is that on the referral paperwork my doctor wrote that I have a history of alcohol abuse, but have been sober for 7 years, so I guess he believes there's a correlation between excess drinking & my AF. All the more reason to NEVER go back to drinking again!

            Stay well everyone, love,
            Steady x
            AF free since April 29, 2013


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi nesters,

              Hi Steady. I bet you're much healthier since you've stopped boozing. The odds are sure to be in your favour to successfully manage the new diagnosis. It's also amazing what i read about the foods we eat and the healing effect certain foods and eating practices have.

              Big waves to Av, Lav, Pav, Byrdy and y'all.

              All's well here. Let's hope the covid situation improves over there in the U.S. and Europe. We got it under control fairly quickly here after some tight restrictions, so it's possible. Darn hassle though. Take it easy.

              worth a read | The Latest Nutrition Related Topics
              Last edited by Guitarista; November 15, 2020, 04:18 AM.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Sunday, All:

                Ava, that's amazing that you're down to zero cases. I wonder what it would be like to live somewhere where people weren't paranoid and not wearing masks for "personal" freedom. I wish people would look around at their neighbors and friends, too. As someone put it in an interview I heard - you can't fight a fire town by town with some towns choosing not to fight the fire. That wouldn't do anything. We need a coordinated effort to get this under control and that is not happening. It is challenging to know that W. Bush put together a pandemic task force and Obama supported it and then when faced with a pandemic the Cheeto didn't use it. Very frustrating all around. I'm mad that my mom has to spend her older years so alone and lonely because of others' selfishness. Glad you get to see your mom and son finally!

                Steady - I hear you. I have been a drinker since the age of 14 also. I was definitely known as a drinker for sure! My mom, aunt and some cousins all have a-fib (is that AF??), so it runs in my family. My mom has been on blood thinners for over 25 years because of it. She still drinks, but takes time off now and then. She walks her dogs almost every day and is pretty fit for 81...

                Thanks for the link, G. I'll check it out. Food and health are so interrelated!

                I caught up with my sister and a mutual friend last night on my sister's porch. We were going to be an hour and ended up 4+ - it was a great conversation but the two of them were drinking the whole time. I can't remember the last time I saw my sister drunk like that - I would have been right there with them for sure! I talked to her this morning and she feels awful and embarrassed - I am SO GLAD I won't ever feel like that again!

                Happy SOBER Sunday.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Un Hung Sunday everyone.

                  Wags, I watched "I Am Woman" last night and it was excellent. Thank you for the recommendation.

                  Pav, so interesting your night with your sister. Yeah, I don't miss being drunk like that, my blackouts were horrendous.

                  Ava, yaaay!! I have missed you. Zero cases, way to go Australia. We are having more and more cases everyday. Yesterday our province had over 1000 new cases, it is getting tough and the weather will get colder so more people inside.

                  Steady, I started drinking when I was 12, pretty crazy. So glad you checked in and a good reminder about what AL does to your health.

                  Hello G, I will check out the link, thank you. Good that you are taking care of your beautiful self

                  Lav, it has been really nice out here. Today it is around 6C which is 42F, and sunny. We are known for our sunny skies here in Calgary and we appreciate every ray we get.

                  Have a good one everybody and don't drink today.

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                    We are currently under a severe storm watch until near midnight. There’s already power lines down up in town, about 7 miles from here. I think I have everything hunkered down, including the chickens

                    Steady, so good to see you! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, kinda scary but controllable with meds. Just so you & everyone here knows, here’s a list of probable causes:
                    Possible causes of atrial fibrillation

                    Abnormalities or damage to the heart's structure are the most common cause of atrial fibrillation. Possible causes of atrial fibrillation include:

                    High blood pressure
                    Heart attack
                    Coronary artery disease
                    Abnormal heart valves
                    Heart defects you're born with (congenital)
                    An overactive thyroid gland or other metabolic imbalance
                    Exposure to stimulants, such as medications, caffeine, tobacco or alcohol
                    Sick sinus syndrome — improper functioning of the heart's natural pacemaker
                    Lung diseases
                    Previous heart surgery
                    Viral infections
                    Stress due to surgery, pneumonia or other illnesses
                    Sleep apnea
                    However, some people who have atrial fibrillation don't have any heart defects or damage, a condition called lone atrial fibrillation. In lone atrial fibrillation, the cause is often unclear, and serious complications are rare.

                    Anyone is susceptible really, not just us former drinkers. Take good care of yourself & stay in touch :hug:

                    G, I only wish the people here were willing to follow protocol so we could also be down to 0 cases of Covid. I’m blaming the orange occupant of the White House for people’s non-cooperation!

                    Pav, maybe your sister will consider going AF for a while after yesterday’s performance. I am so grateful to not be worrying about making an ass of myself, I have better things to do, right?

                    Narilly, sounds like you had a nice day, good for you. This big storm is supposed to be ushering in Arctic air next week so a change is on the way.

                    Hello to the rest of the group & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Ava - great to see you and glad things are turning in a good direction there with covid. Wish we could say the same here. My state has actually done a pretty phenomenal job but we're about to tighten things up again for 2-4 weeks starting this coming Wed, and people are fatigued. The total lack of leadership at the national level is both embarrassing and infuriating, especially since so many have lost their own lives or their family members.

                      Nar - glad you like the movie! We're getting ready to start Queen's Gambit this week.

                      Pav - sounds like a great visit with your sister and friend. Hooray for you not waking hungover the next day!

                      Lav - stay safe!

                      Steady - sorry to hear about your AF diagnosis. Yep, al abuse can definitely have negative health impacts of all sorts. The health angle and my fear that I was literally killing myself was what got me to quit, and what still scares me the most now. There's really not much good to be gotten from drinking.

                      Well, here we are halfway through Nov already. Sheesh, it's almost the holidays and then the new year. Will 2021 let the world turn in a positive direction? I sure hope so.

                      Have good Mondays everyone!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Evening nesters

                        Steady, you will be fine and dandy girl but i can imagine you must be worried. You are blessed to be 7 years sober and be so healthy. We will have to catch up for coffee, with G of course after xmas. I think now we are out of lockdown everyone wants to do everything just in case we close again.

                        Pav, i cant tolerate drinkers at all. I keep telling myself i must be more patient but nope, its not in me, i have to walk away. I cannot believe that we are coming up to 7 years. Those early days are a vague memory but i do know how hard it was and how much easier it was with my quit buddy.

                        My happy news is that my daughter has a bf, i told her i may become a nana lol, mind you she has only been seeing him a month. He wants 6 children, i told him that was a few too many for me to look after. I hope they stay together but for now she is happy and thats all that matters.

                        My ex hubs was diagnosed with parasympathetic nervous system damage due to excessive al. Apparently he just passes out randomly as messages dont go through to his heart and his blood pressure drops. All due to al. And he is still drinking and tells his partner that he can control it. What does it take to realise that you just cant drink. I am so grateful that my health did not suffer too badly.

                        Wags, i see your numbers on the news each day and how can it be bought under control now i wonder. I am hoping we can stop wearing masks walking but they are talking about out in public. When i was at the shops the other day i was looking at a woman and could not figure out what was different about her and she didnt have a mask on. It was really bizarre seeing a whole face.

                        Having awful hayfever at the moment, it is so windy here. The chemists must be making a fortune on meds that dont really work. Its not good going places and sneezing, one gets a lot of death stares!

                        take care xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Quick check in. Ava, how did you daughter find a boyfriend in Covid?? That's pretty good...

                          I'm running late this morning. Happy SOBER Monday,



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Un Hung Monday everyone.

                            So I just applied for a job as a Covid tracer, they are hiring lots of people so hopefully I get an interview, you never know. It would be nice to do something different for a while and to contribute to the 'fight' against Covid.

                            My daughter has a new boyfriend too Ava and she seems to like him. They are in Uni so at a different stage in life than yours. I was just thinking, Nana Ava, has a nice ring to it!

                            Wags, the Queens Gambit is excellent for sure. Watch Kingdom (the American one) after that, it is seriously good.

                            Hallo GMan, Ken, Steady, and anyone else checking in.

                            Don't drink today! See ya later...

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Originally posted by narilly View Post
                              Happy Un Hung Monday everyone.

                              So I just applied for a job as a Covid tracer, they are hiring lots of people so hopefully I get an interview, you never know. It would be nice to do something different for a while and to contribute to the 'fight' against Covid.
                              Now there's some lateral thinking. Adapting with the times Nar! No reason why u wouldn't git it i'm tipping. Good luck mi amiga.

                              Hello to evabody. I woke up this morning and whilst, i say, as i was making breakfast it occured to me how good i feel. I have energy, breathing is good and normal, heart rate amd nervous system feel relaxed and strong. Off to work on this tuesday morn. Dinner tonight with my band and a photographer as later we're taking some band shots out and about. They're good people so am looking forward to a night out. (Might find me a wife.....)

                              Take it easy out there.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good Monday evening Nesters,

                                Sunny today ~ nice
                                I came home from the market with a big bunch of fresh broccoli & turned it into a pot of dairy free cheezy broccoli soup, yum. Thank the universe for the internet & having access to some really good vegan recipes, haha! Even my spouse liked it!

                                Wags, the months are flying by suddenly but I am looking forward to the end of 2020. I have a feeling we’re going to be dealing with Covid for the better part of 2021 or until most of the population is vaccinated.

                                Granny Ava, I’ll be happy to share some tips with you, haha! It’s great that your daughter found a good one during the worst year in our lifetimes. I hope all goes well with them.
                                Sounds like your ex is in big denial, good thing he’s an ex. My allergies are year round at this point & the allergy medicine does absolutely nothing. I feel for you!

                                Pav, hope. Your day was a good one!

                                Narilly, good luck with the job interview. I hope it works out well for you.

                                G, good luck with the pictures & wife finding, Lol

                                Hello to the rest of the crowd & wishing everyone a safe night on the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

