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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Good luck with that job, Nar. Unfortunately I think we'll be needing those contact tracers for a while... Come to think of it, my son has a new girlfriend also, but I think in college it is a bit different, too. Nana Ava has a nice ring...

    I really like Queen's Gambit - it is so beautiful to look at for one. Dark and foreboding, but good. I am about half way through. I am looking forward to the new season of the Crown, but I want to finish QG first...

    Have a fun night with the band, G. Take precautions so you don't get sick! Hope you find someone.

    I've been exercising a lot more which is great for my brain, but the rest of the body is not responding. Still having trouble buttoning those pants... I guess I'll have to look at my eating now? How boring!

    Happy SOBER Tuesday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Everyone must be super busy? No one here but me & Pav

      Pav, I have kinda given up expecting my body to respond to diet & exercise - just not happening for me, haha! I give you loads of credit, hope you see your desired results soon.

      Another lockdown is upon us which is a good thing. My state reported 5900 new cases today, too much! We really need to bite the bullet & cooperate with guidelines as much as possible to get these daily numbers way down.
      Hang in there everyone & wishinga safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters,

        So sorry to all those going through increasing C-19 numbers & return to lockdown. Thank goodness we're sober so we can deal with it without going crazy!

        Echocardiogram done. 24 hr heart monitor worn for a day. Blood thinners & calcium channel blockers taken. If you shook me I'd rattle. But at least I should be getting better now, rather than worse! I eat very well and, until the event was exercising, so I really do all the right things.

        Am tired even when sitting, so will sign off & see you guys soon,
        Steady :heartbeat:
        AF free since April 29, 2013


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Evening nesters

          Pav she met him online, it was when restrictions were easing. he seems like a nice boy, i have spoken to him on video. She has been so adamant that she does not want children but she is not saying no but better not get too ahead of myself. Oh i get you with weight loss, i have been on keto for 4 weeks and have lost a few kgs. i find that walking is not shifting anything so found "fabulous 50"on you tube and she has some good exercises that dont go for too long, so i am doing a 14 day challenge. wish me luck

          Nar good luck with your job interview. Covid tracer, now that will keep you busy over there for sure.

          Lav, that is a lot of cases, please stay safe. are you still making masks? How is your new machine?

          Steady, i hope you get some more energy when the drugs start working for you. Sucks to be getting older but we are sober so at least not killing ourselves daily.

          I found out my daughters ex boyfriend (they went out together at 15) has been on ICE for 6 months, ended up in jail due to beating his girlfriend and may end up in jail for 3-6 years. This guy had it all, worked in the Mines, got custody of his daughter and now has a $1000-$1500 a week habit. His dad was diagnosed with ALS recently so he needs to get his shit together. Going to call him and have a chat, an addict to an addict. I hope against hope that he has reached his bottom. so very sad to see what all drugs do to you.

          Well thats my happy news! take care and be safe. x
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, all:

            Ava, we always thought you should be an addiction counselor. Is that on hold? That is a terrible story and I really hope this IS the bottom for him. I looked up ICE - I think it is meth, right? I have a former student who is off on a tear. He's living with an older woman illegally (he is still a minor) and just taking drugs. Because he left his mom, she's about to lose her apartment because he was helping her with rent. It is a big fat mess. We keep reaching out to him to no result. I'm crushed as he is such an amazing kid.

            Glad you're feeling steady, Steady. As I said, my mom has been on blood thinners and everything for 20+ years and she's lived a perfectly great life. Exercise and all. I hope you get it all under control.

            Lav, my current motivation is just not to have to buy new clothes - I'm too cheap. I think I can do that, right?? I hope so...

            Happy SOBER Wednesday.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey all, happy hump day.
              Steady, back when I was drinking, I had heart palpitations periodically. I wore a monitor for a time, but there was never any definitive answer, I think it was called VST, or VRST, I can’t remember. The last episode I had was in an airport bathroom. When your heart races like that, it makes you want to throw up. I darned near missed my flight. Oddly enough, once I quit drinking, I haven’t had another one. Just another reason to stay sober.
              I’ve been battling an ear infection. Over the summer, my sis recommended soaking my ears in the tub to help with ringing. I did it about once a week for several weeks and I felt like it did help. Unfortunately, in September, my right ear developed a force itch, then it ached, then a post nasal drip, scratchy throat and as if Sunday, dizziness. Not wishing to consult my sister again or Dr Google (who convinced me I had a stage 4 brain tumor). Lav told me to call the doctor, so I did. We did a FaceTime visit. He says it’s Swimmer’s ear. Called in a prescription for an antibiotic and some ear drops. I’m looking forward to feeling better. Ironic, I have Runner’s Knee but don’t run and Swimmer’s Ear and I don’t swim.
              Covid is just exploding. My arthritis doctor called and told me not to come in, in fact he told me to stay out of circulation completely. I appreciate his honesty. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I told him I was circulating about as much as a $3 bill (not at all).
              Hard to believe next week is Thanksgiving. I don’t even know where this year has gone. I’m so glad to be sober as we head into the holidays.
              Hugs to all, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Pav, I’m still wearing the same size clothes I wore 30 lb ago, haha! I refuse to buy bigger because I’m cheap too.
                Sad about your former student, damn drugs are everywhere.

                Today’s news is the US has surpassed 250,000 deaths, how awful. We absolutely have to get everyone vaccinated ASAP.
                My new sewing machine is great & has produced tons of masks & many pillows that I add the embroidered pocket to. I have been keeping busy & sane

                Steady, your treatment plan sounds just right. I sure hope you get your energy back very soon. NOT drinking is the best thing we can do for ourselves & those around us . Rest when you need to & follow yuor doc’s suggestions for resuming exercise. Take good care :hug:

                Byrdie, I am happy you finally got some help for your complaints. In the future you can keep your ears/sinuses open with OTC stuff like Tylenol Sinus. I used to just about live on that stuff along with Sudafed. Having high B/P now I can’t take any of that stuff. We really do need to hunker down during this 2nd surge, it’s much worse than the first just as predicted.

                Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Cold here, the high was only 40 degrees today - winter-like.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi crew,

                  Steady, hope you're feeling good today and your health is good. Look forward to a cuppa with u and Ava when we do it.

                  Yo Byrdy. Swimmers ear and runners knee! lol. I'm sure it ain't much fun. Sorry to hear of the covid situation over there. Lockdowns and restrictions are hard to get our heads around and very frustrating. We have just been through that the last few months. Take it easy and keep sane. :heartbeat:

                  Pava, sorry to hear about those young folk falling prey to substance abuse. For me it was self abuse, so the sooner i took stock and examined where my head and heart were at the better. Easy to say i know. I have a friend right now who's missing in action the last couple of days due to an aggressive public outburst whilst fully tanked. Lovely guy but anger and frustration issues deep down that he needs to look at. I'm waiting for him to surface to give him the mail. That is - his abusive behaviour is not ok drunk or not, and he needs to take responsibility for his actions, rather than the usual 'i'm sorry'. I'll be strongly suggesting he makes a decision. Detox/rehab stop boozing. He's one who should not drink due to angry outbursts and unresolved personal issues. He may well be in police custody as i write, such was his behaviour. Anyway, my main point here is this - Only he can decide the way forward. So i will leave it to him. Me and many others are here to support, but it's up to him. We are the captain of our soul and we get to choose our path. (i know we know this here).

                  In brighter and the Turkish woman didn't quite have a vibe, but i have a new album almost ready for release. And THAT makes me happy. Take care out there.

                  xpost. Hi Lav! Glad ur keeping sane. Gr8 work on the masks.

                  Big waves to all.
                  Last edited by Guitarista; November 18, 2020, 06:22 PM.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    G - congrats on the new album. Can't wait to hear how it goes once released!

                    Nar - fingers crossed for you on the contact tracing job. I agree - we'll probably have quite a need for folks who can do that for at least a couple of years. Keep us posted!

                    Byrdie - sorry to hear about the swimmer's ear but glad you got something to help take care of it.

                    Ava - I can't even imagine being in a place where restrictions are easing up. We just today started a 4-week freeze which is like a moderate lock-down. I feel very lucky that our state has kept our numbers fairly low this entire time but it's infuriating to see people adamantly defending their "freedom" to not wear a mask. If only covid would be selective and just impact those people, but of course that's not how it happens. I hope all goes well with your daughter's new bf. Meeting online is a great way to do it even before covid. We'll stay tuned...

                    Hellos and waves to Lav, Pav, Steady, and everyone else stopping by the nest. Hope you're all having good weeks!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Wags, your state was held up as the state that did everything right from the beginning. From being a hotspot because of flights from Asia to being a cool spot because of management and science. Go figure.

                      G, sorry it didn't work out with the date, but glad you have some new music out. Sorry you're dating in covid times! That must be hard. Sorry about your friend. I always thought that if anyone changes personality drunk there is something deep inside there that needs to come out in a healthier way. I hope your friend takes you up on your offer of support. It is hard to see people like that.

                      Byrdie - That's funny (as usual). I hope the drops clear it up. How's the tinnitus after all that?

                      Lav - thanks for keeping PA in masks! How long does it take you to make one? Where do you get the fabric?

                      Happy SOBER Thursday. I am really, really looking forward to time off next week. I have hit a pit with my mood and just need to get some distance and re-charge.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters, Wags it's those people who still believe covid is fake that really piss me off! Vegas will more than likely be locked up in a few days, our governor told people to stay home last week and I swear I've seen MORE people out! Our governor has covid right now but he says his symptoms are mild, cut a guys hair yesterday who was talking about how many people he's having over for Thanksgiving and I told him I thought we were supposed to be limiting guests but these people just don't care I pretty much quit my salon job yesterday, I have 3 days to put in and then we'll probably go into lockdown and after that I'm not going back. I honestly haven't stayed my whole shift since we've been back open anyways I've been leaving to do grocery delivery since I like doing that more! Ava, that's so sad about that guy, I hate meth, seems it just eats people's brains and makes them weird, my daughters ex still does it and he's cool when he's off it but when he's on forget it he's intolerable! Mr. G sounds like your friend really needs to avoid drinking, when it quits making someone into a fun drunk and just makes them angry is a sign of a problem, sorry the Turkish lady didn't work out, you have better luck with the Latinas haha, waves to the gang and wishes for a happy non drinking day
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Mr. G, if I were 20 years younger, not married, lived 10.054 miles closer and didn’t have Swimmer’s Ear, you’d be on my short list for dating targets. I’m sorry the Turk didn’t work, but I know your lady is out there. You have a nest full of fans already, you certainly deserve female companionship in person. I hate to hear about your friend, yikes, we’ve all been there. He is lucky to have a friend like you.
                          Pauly, I’m glad you will be pursuing a job that doesn’t suck out your soul. Hats off to you. Be careful out there!
                          These ear drops are making me dizzy and muffling my hearing. I’m like a drunk, deaf old lady, eh? The lightheadedness makes me feel like I’ve been drinking, I seriously question what I found appealing about that. Bleh.
                          Hope everyone has an easy evening, hugs to all, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey Kids,

                            Great to see everyone checking in today
                            The weather is cooler but it’s dry, no rain. We have been trying all week to gather supplies just in case another lockdown comes - I think it will. Can’t buy anything from bare shelves in the store, the hoarders have been busy.

                            Byrdie, hang in there. Your ears & sinuses will open up soon, promise

                            Paauly, I think you made a good decision to exit the salon. They gave you little to no respect, who needs that??

                            Pav, I actually do batch sewing so I usually have about a half a dozen going at one time. Sounds crazy but it actually makes the process easier. Cut all the fabric & lining, cut all the elastic then head to the machine. I’m usually listening to an oldies station so it makes me happy

                            Wags, every step our Democratic governor takes to mitigate this virus causes a massive uproar with the TRumpites scattered across the state. I wish he would ignore them & do what he needs to do.

                            G, congrats on the new album, I hope it’s a big hit!!!
                            The Turkish lady doesn’t know what’s she’s missing - her loss! Hang in there buddy!

                            Hello to everyone else & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Not much to add. I feel like I'm dragging to the weekend but I'll get there.

                              Pauly, so great to see you. I hope all is ok. Glad you're dumping a job you don't like.

                              Byrdie - it will clear soon and then you'll hear all you've been missing!

                              Happy SOBER Friday,


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Un Hung Friday everyone.

                                Byrdie, you are hilarious. Sometimes I have swimmers ear and it is super uncomfortable. Yeah, and I am with you on dating the GMan, haha.

                                Thanks for the wishes on the Covid tracing everyone. I haven't heard back from them yet and who knows if I will get an interview, I will hope for the best.

                                Working less is a good idea Pauly especially during this time. Stay safe my friend.

                                Wags, what the heck is wrong with people? The mask is such an easy solution. My kids have a friend who has brain cancer and she posted yesterday that her low white blood cell count was the reason why people need to wear masks. This kid is 25, why don't people understand that.

                                Lav, good luck gathering supplies. Our governments are talking lock downs and I hope my daughter gets home before they stop travel between provinces, she already bought her plane ticket.

                                I am with Pauly, try some Latino women GMan, that may be a better fit for your saucy loving self. Like Lav says, the Turkish lady doesn't know what she is missing!

                                Don't drink today everyone, its gross (right Pauly?)

                                Hey, Anyone reading here, please know that if you want to quit YOU CAN DO IT. I tried to moderate for over 30 years and never could then finally after my one thousandth hang over I was able to quit. It took me about 8 years to quit after trying and trying and now I do not drink.
                                If I did it, You can do it.
                                All of us on this thread struggled for years before we were able to actually quit. DO IT! What do you have to lose?

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

