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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    I'm feeling a bit better today. We are back to Level 3 lockdown here from December 1st.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Just a quick note to add I planted amaryllis bulbs for each of you all different colors and textures. Just as versatile and wonderful success stories as you all have shared to celebrate the season.
      It’s been a year since my son passed from al induced heart attack. I still miss him every minute and planted a Xmas tree in my 3 acre garden for him. He loved working in the garden. Have designed a whole sections for all his fav plants.
      Sending blessings your way to stay safe over the holidays.

      Hugs Shades
      "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Shades - your garden sounds wonderful, and it's obvious you put a lot of thought and care into it. What a beautiful way to remember and honor your son. Sending you hugs of support - I'm sure this is a difficult time of year.

        Nar - I didn't realize you'd been out of work a year at this point, mainly because 2020 has simultaneously crawled and flown by. Any word on the contact tracing work?

        Pav - I can't imagine not having enough to do! I feel like my list gets longer if I just breathe in its direction, and it's exhausting because every task ticked off seems to unearth 2-5 new ones I didn't see coming. Sigh... I hope you had a wonderful day today!

        Lav - I can relate to your quickie outing to get essentials, as I hardly want to set foot in any type of store or other public place. People here are pretty good about mask-wearing but cases are still surging.

        Byrdie - I'm so sorry to hear about the vertigo. It does seem like the drops shouldn't be causing that. If you don't have an ear infection, I wonder if the "Epley Maneuver" would give you some relief. Google and youtube can show you what this is and what/how it helps. Maybe check it out?

        Hellos and waves everyone, and happy Monday/Tuesday to you all. Stay safe and don't drink!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi nesters

          Shades what a wonderful idea for your son, thinking of you on the anniversary of your sons death and can i please have the bulb that flowers purple (if there is one). xx

          Byrd i hope you feel better soon and your vertigo settles down

          How is your foot Pav? I hope its getting better

          Walk, glad you are feeling better. Keep taking it one day at a time and you will be fine. In 8 days it has been 7 years for me and each day i still do öne day at a time. Keep safe from covid please.

          Had a migraine today so been laying in the dark. i am sure they are hormonal now. I never got them this frequently before. As i am the coordinator of headache i should chat to one of the drs maybe!

          I went to the chemist today and so many people are still wearing masks. i wore one when in the chemist. It looks like they are a way of our life and people are being really cautious which is great. i am sure when it gets warmer they wont be worn as much.

          I think i am a mechanic, the fuel pump was nearly gone, bad fuel and rust in my petrol tank. My mechanic charged me $225 to fix it all. i love my mechanic. if i went to a shop it would have cost over a grand. This car i parked in the garage for five years as i had too many fines on it. He got it up and running and i am paying off the fines. its ten years old. Sad that during my drinking years that drinking was more important than keeping my car going. Now i can afford to get it fixed and keep the electricity on. All a big bonus.

          Tonight is "Addicted Australia"which focuses on about 7 people who are addicted to al, meth, gambling, heroin etc. Up to episode 3 and it makes me remember what it felt like in the early days, the euphoria of giving up and going a few days then the cravings hitting and dealing with life in general. I just keep hoping they make it.

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Wow, Lav. 1/3? That's a lot. Apparently that's a problem in hospitals as well - they may have enough beds but they don't have staff. Sorry he won't make it for Thanksgiving, but that sounds like a good idea. Apparently there were 1 million flights on Sunday, so I guess people won't be staying home. Let's stay safe!

            Wags, I have PLENTY to do - I just didn't do it. That's what make relaxing hard... I felt like a procrastinating college student!

            Ava, sorry about your migraine. It does seem those docs you work with could help? Hope you feel better. You, too, Byrdie! Tomorrow's Wednesday, so not long now.

            Nar, will the construction be there long? I feel like our neighbors have had SOMETHING going on for a long time, so there is always construction noise outside. Still hoping for a job for you!

            Shades, that garden sounds beautiful and a great tribute to your son.

            Today is my mini-Friday as I have Wed-Friday off. I am lucky and grateful! Although we're writing a grant that is due the week we return so likely I'll be working some. At least I won't have to set an alarm.

            Have a wonderful day, all.



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

              No word on the contact tracing. I think I need to change my resume up to make it less about oil and gas.

              Our Covid numbers are through the roof, today we are going to hear about new restrictions. We had a anti mask rally here on Saturday FFS, how embarrasing. People say we are the province most similar to the U.S. and not in a good way
              We had over 1500 new cases yesterday and day before so I am sure S__t is gonna hit the fan today.

              Yeah, I slept through the construction this morning, must have been tired. They should be done in about a week I think.

              Enjoy your mini Friday Pav, isn't it nice that you are not drinking on your Friday? That was always THE night to drink for me...and Saturday, Sunday, Monday...etc.

              Shades I love the garden and the tribute to your son, I will have to arm wrestle Ava for the purple bulb as I want that one too.

              Byrdie, that sucks about the Vertigo but very nice about the old customer calling you. I can imagine how good that felt, we all know you are a rawk star as G would say.

              Wags, you always know So much- hey did you finish the Queen's Gambit? It was So good and the Undoing with Nicole Kidman is really good too.

              Walk- 100 days!!! Woo hoo!!!

              Have a good one everybody and don't drink today.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nest. We did travel to see my husband's parents, but we did it safely. Quarenteen, then Covid tests for everyone, and even another for my husband when we got here. A 12 hour straight drive, peeing on the roadside, since the gas stations were packed with people. We have been wearing masks in their house, but spending a lot of time outdoors in the amazing weather - at least until we get my husband's test back. It has been both nice to be in another environment, and so weird being masked. Not ideal, but I'll take it.

                I am reminded often here how much others drink. They all know not to bother me with it. It almost seems a little pathetic now. I just don't want that burden any more. I thought it through the other night, as his family has been a temptation for me in the past - and I remember wanting them to go to bed so I could sneak shots from their pantry. And wanting MORE of the margaritas they got at the restaurant, and being upset that they drank more than their exact fair share. It never felt like enough - endless wanting. I can say that nearly 3 years without the stuff now, and it is MUCH easier. I just know that I don't drink it, and then the thoughts leave me alone.

                This is the first visit here being gluten and corn free (and usually soy and dairy too - as much as possible), and they are trying to accommodate as best they can. I am really good at taking care of myself so I don't burden them, but they are actually trying, which is heartwarming. They are not the most healthy people and thought I was a nut for quitting drinking, so this is different. I really don't care what they think now... but the support is welcome!

                PAV, enjoy more sleep! It is SO golden!!

                AVA, sorry about your migraine, feel better soon.

                Byrdie, vertigo is the WORST! Hope you get through that soon!

                Shades, your garden sounds like a nurturing, beautiful place. Glad you can spend some time there and remember your son.

                Best to everyone - Nar, NS, Wags and everyone else. I am thankful for you all.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  I know Thanksgiving is almost here because we picked up our free pie courtesy of our financial planner, haha. It’s a nice gift, an apple pie made locally, yum.
                  I am mentally rearranging things a bit for Thursday but it will be fine. My DIL’s dad doesn’t drink & my grandsons certainly don’t so there will be no AL here

                  Shades, such a lovely garden plan you have, that’s wonderful. Be sure to post some pics of your colorful amaryllis when they bloom
                  I’m sitting on about 2 1/2 acres & it’s fun to have many different gardens.

                  Byrdie, how are you doing today?

                  Wags, even in retirement some days are just too busy for the likes of me, haha! I don’t know how I managed all I did for all those years but I do know I fell apart afterwards. Never again.

                  Walk, glad to hear you are feeling better. Keep going!!

                  Pav, enjoy your time off, it’s precious.

                  Ava, sorry about the headaches. I never had migraines but I do remember a few very nasty hormonal headaches, ugh. Talk to the doc, get some help.

                  Narilly, do people frown on the oil & Gas industry? To me a solid resume is a solid resume!
                  Sorry to hear about your rising Covid numbers. Our news just reported a death every one minute in the US this week, how horrible. Stay safe!

                  Kensho, I hope your visit goes well & there’s no issues re food & AL. You are strong in your quit now & we will be here if you need anything

                  Hello to everyone else & wishing a safe night for all in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Thank goodness I don't drink. I am watching Queen's Gambit on Netflix, and while I never passed out on my living room rug, I did feel that insatiable thirst. Even though my thinking brain new I'd had enough, something kept me drinking. I recognized that in that scene which I think was well done. I won't give details on who, what or when, but I recommend the whole series... I still have one more to go.

                    Glad you're safe and cared for.

                    It is a beautiful day here - not sure what we're going to do.

                    Happy SOBER Wednesday,


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Put this post in the wrong place..................ooops
                      Last edited by JackieClaire; November 25, 2020, 12:43 PM.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

                        Not much to report here, we had new restrictions put in place yesterday. They really are not much different than before so we will see what happens.

                        Hi Ken! So good you don't feel like drinking when you are visiting your family, that makes sense since you don't drink!

                        Pav, yeah the drinking part of the Queens Gambit made me cringe. ugh. What a good show though.

                        Lav, yes, oil and gas is frowned upon because people think you will leave as soon as the industry picks up. But like you say, experience is experience.

                        Talk later, have a great day everyone.

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Feeling just a tad older since my youngest kid turns 40 today. Hard to believe, honestly!
                          He’s at work so he won’t be doing any celebrating either.
                          Took my small 10.5 lb turkey out of the freezer Monday & put it in the fridge. Checked on it a few hours ago to find it’s still pretty much frozen. It’s now floating around in cool water (still wrapped) in my laundry room sink, haha! I don’t know how people do it with those jumbo birds.

                          Pav, these days when I see someone either in person or on TV who has had too much AL, I just feel pity for them. They have no idea how bad it can get. We didn’t know how bad it was going to get, did we?

                          Narilly, considering Covid tracking is a temporary position itself I can’t see why they would reject you. Crazy world, huh?
                          All the bars & restaurants in my state had to cease liquor sales at 5 pm tonight. The powers to be are trying to keep people safe but of course no one is happy. Glad it’s not my problem anymore.

                          Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings, Nesters

                            Just flying in to thank you all very much for your words of support & encouragement. Can't help thinking, if only the whole world was more like The Newbies Nest! (a testament to its members.)

                            Sobriety is a super-power, for sure!
                            AF free since April 29, 2013


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Superpower! I love it! I will say that my clarity, focus, awareness and peace have increased in epic proportions since quitting drinking! It’s amazing - the positives that come from sobriety.

                              Enjoying the AZ sun and sleep. It’s very relaxing down here. My workload will be heavy when I return, as I buttoned up one new build contract Wednesday... but today, I’ll make gluten-free sweet potato gnocchi & maple bacon Brussels sprouts to add to our meal. I do appreciate luxuries at times, but all I need is the sun on my face, my family, the Westminster dog show, and some good Saturday Night Live reruns!

                              I am thankful for this Nest and it’s participants. Your energy and wisdom has changed my life forever. Remember, it may be hard at first, but with persistence and support, your life can change in ways you never imagined - for the better. There is no comparison between my life as a drinker and now. I was a captive of my addiction, obsessed, secretive, sick. Now, I am free, at peace, and have engaging relationships with the people and endeavors in my life. I’m healthy and thriving. I still have aches and pains and occasional anxiety, but overall, there is just no comparison!

                              Giving thanks fir another day and for all of you!

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Sobriety IS a superpower!!! At the very least, I know I can do anything I put my mind to after showing myself that I could maintain a quit through the past 4+ years. And yes, the world would be ab fab if it were more like the Nest.

                                Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating it today, and happy day of being thankful for everyone else (cuz that can be any day or every day).

