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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Afternoon nesters

    Just wanted to check in and wish my quit buddy a happy 7th sober birthday. Time flies when you are having fun without al of course. Life just keeps getting better and better. I hope you have a happy day. much love

    LC great to see you log in, please keep on here, we still all love you and respect you any which way you are.

    Wags, our nurses/doctors got a lot of companies donating food, chocolates, beauty creams etc and free coffees from our cafe at work. I have a friend in ICU and she said it was heartbreaking sitting with someone while they died without family around, it takes its toll emotionally as well as physically on them. Luckily for us there are no cases in any of our hospitals now and people are being sensible. I went into work this week and you still have to do a covid screen, still a temperature check and still need to wear a mask at all times. one visitor per day for one hour. We are still very strict.

    I had to take my son to hospital today, he has a fistula on his testicle and needs surgery. This is the 2nd time so we know the drill but i cant be there. i had to drop him off at emergency and come home. I was not happy but i understand. he is still waiting for surgery. i do hope he will be home tonight.

    Kensho, maybe you could go around some shops and see if they will donate. do you have a fb group for your community, if so maybe post in that and ask for donations. i am sure they would appreciate anything. I cant see any end in sight for the medical profession in the US at the moment. Even just doing admin is draining at this time, patients are unsure, suicidal, etc and its just very hard for everyone. It is lovely what you are doing.

    Well i am going to nap, i cant see myself getting my son anytime soon and its been a long day. not done too much work so will spend a few hours later on that.

    Take care xxx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      SO SO good to see you LC. Thanks for coming back, and I agree with Lav. The nest is better with you here.

      All of you, many thanks for the congratulations. I got myself takeout for dinner and even had some weeknight ice cream!

      Ava - that sounds awful. I hate that people can't be with their people who are sick. So sad to be in the hospital alone. I hope he comes through fine - that must really hurt.

      Send some sourdough over here, Lav! My son and I were saying that's the one thing we haven't tackled in the kitchen in the pandemic - bread. He made a delicious chicken pot pie with our leftovers - it was honestly the best I've ever had. And he's made up a few cookie recipes. Maybe bread is next...

      Happy SOBER Thursday,


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        The sad report from my state is 11,640 new covid cases today. That’s just insane, no wonder the hospitals are struggling & have no where to put people
        We must do better & do it quickly!

        Pav, go to & get yourself a package of their excellent sourdough starter. I’ve kept mine going since last winter, easy to do. Their website & King Arthur Flour website both have great sourdough bread recipes. It’s a fun & tasty project

        Ava, I hope your son came thru his procedure OK. This sounds like a recurring situation, ouch.

        Hi to G, Kenhso, Narilly & everyone.
        I have some work to do tonight so I should get it done. Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Ava - sorry to hear about your son's situation, both in needing to go to the hospital and in having to be alone while there. I hope he comes through it all expeditiously and healthfully.

          Pav - congrats again on 7 years AND on excellent choices for celebrating. What kind of takeout did you get?

          Lav - thanks for the suggested source for a sourdough starter. My wife and I might look into this as well.

          Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today. Happy (almost) Friday to you all!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Wags, I got sushi. It is my favorite but for some reason the first time we have gotten it during the pandemic. I think I like it more than the rest of the family...

            Thanks, Lav. I'll check it out.

            My husband made a margarita last night, and I'll admit I looked at it for an extra 5 seconds instead of ignoring it as I usually do. That quick, easy release is tantalizing. All I have to do is remember the other 99% of hell that alcohol caused in my life and I'm GOOD. No, I actually don't want a margarita, thanks.

            Off to work. Happy SOBER Friday all.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              I love sushi, Pav, but so much of it is made with gluten-containg soy sauce and my husband got horrible food poisoning from it one time so it is a rare treat for me.

              Sadly, Lav, most of the US is in trouble right now. I like Kensho's idea of supporting the HCWs but don't really know how to go about it. I guess the best thing we can do is keep ourselves and families out of trouble and not add to their burden.

              So when is 30 days, LC? It would be so nice to have you back on a regular basis. We've missed you.

              Have a great AF weekend, everyone! NS


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hope all are well. It's cold here.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Cold & raining here as a ‘nor'easter is about to move thru here. I just heard on the news that we have already received > 45” of rain in this area this year. After tomorrow it will likely be 47”. I just wish we could transfer some of this rain to the dry areas out west & get those fires put out once & for all! I’m keeping busy stitching up ornaments for folks.

                  Pav & Wags - if you do decide to get the sourdough starter just follow the instructions, takes a few days of regular ‘feedings’ of flour & water to get it activated. If you’re not going to be doing a lot of baking you store it in the fridge & reduce the feedings to once per week. It’s a tiny bit labor intensive to start then it’s easy to keep it happy

                  NS, my daughter & I sewed some surgical head coverings in bright & fun colors & patterns back in the spring & donated them to a few hospitals. I may do more when I’m caught up with everything else. Donating meals delivered to the hospitals is another idea. At my age I just can’t see myself stepping back into work mode although they’ve asked. Just don’t have the stamina anymore.

                  LC, thinking about you with fingers crossed

                  Walktothewater, bundle up & get some fresh air & exercise when you can. It really helps your overall outlook!

                  Hellos to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hello everyone, Its Friday!

                    Ava, I hope your son is ok. It is hard to leave kids at the hospital no matter how old they are.

                    Funny thing Pav, NS, we are getting sushi tonight. Yum! Me and my hubby are having a date. There also may be ice cream after the sushi.

                    Lav, we had 1852 new cases today and are freaking out. I think you have a larger population but not that much larger.

                    Our weather has been un seasonably warm here. We had +16C yesterday which is an 85 year high for that day. +62F This whole week is super warm which is really weird. They trucked in a bunch of snow from the mountains and put it in the park today because they were doing a tourist brochure of our city and we have NO snow, lol. It is really different for it to be this warm, I don't know how to dress.

                    Hello walk, hope you are doing well.

                    Keep it up LC, just focus on today. Don't drink today- one day at a time right?

                    Later Newbs.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      LC - really glad to see you. I've been wondering where you've been.

                      Nar - hope you have (or had) a great date night!

                      Lav - fantastic advice on the starter, thanks!

                      Quick fly-by tonight. AF and happy about it!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy Saturday Morning:

                        Not much to report here. I do wish you could send your rain this way, Lav. So dry here, still and again. Weird weather all around.

                        I finished this season of the Great British Baking Show last night - I love that show because it is just nice, friendly, a wee bit of tension, some dorky humor, and FOOD. All of the things that help take my mind off everything else. I wish I still had a new season to watch!

                        Happy SOBER Day,


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters

                          Cool here today also but i do like the cooler weather.

                          Son is doing well, he was finally operated on, on Friday and i went to pick him up and my car broke down. I had to get that towed to my mechanic and of course the tow truck driver could not drop me off due to covid restrictions so i walked the 3k's home which is fine but i didnt have my walking shoes on and there was not a cloud in the sky. not a good walking situation for a redhead. I had to uber with him to drs yesterday and have now decided to sell the car and uber everywhere, damn that would be nice albeit expensive. Hoping to get my car back today.

                          The numbers o/s are sad and scary. I do hope that Biden can get some control over the situation.

                          My daughters best friends ex partner killed himself yesterday. he took GBH a couple of weeks ago and broke her nose and fractured her skull for no reason, destroyed the flat they lived in and abused people and police. She got an AVO out against him and would not take his calls. She was doing so well and the police knocked on her door early yesterday saying he died in a car accident. 29 years old, drugs and i would say psychosis from drug use. No help, they let him out and he died. Her life is just in tatters, the what ifs etc. Another friend of my kids died of drugs the week before, 26 years of age. Words cannot describe the sadness and just realising that kids are dying from drugs.

                          I am so glad i dont drink, rewind 7 years ago and all of the above would have been a justification of why i needed to drink on those days and blame the world for my life. Now i have been able to talk to my daughters friend logically and help in any way i can.

                          On a happy note my mum is 84 today, i could not make it down, plans went astray but i have called her and had a great yelling conversation for a few minutes (deaf as a post). i think covid has actually bought us closer so there are positives to 2020.

                          take care and be safe and LC please keep checking in. xx
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            The rain stopped & the cold weather returned, ho hum. It does feel more like Christmas though!
                            I am finding all kinds of cool recipes using the sourdough discards. You need to get rid of some while continuing to feed the starter or else you would end up with gallons of starter haha. I’ve made banana bread, waffles & cinnamon buns with the discards & now I’m going to make cutout Christmas cookies with some when I get around to baking, yay.

                            Ava, I’m so sorry to hear about those young people losing their lives due to drugs. I never went ‘there’ when I was young but I certainly did care for a few ODs in the hospital. It’s sad & such a waste of life.
                            Their families are devastated I’m sure.

                            Pav, my daughter watch that show all the time. I do too when I remember Lol

                            Wag, when you discover all you can do with sourdough starter besides baking bread you’re going to want to jump right in

                            Narilly, our state population is ~ 12.7 million. My county has ~ 525,000 with > 13,000 cases. Too much
                            Enjoy your warm weather because you know it won’t last, right?

                            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters, Ava that is so sad about your daughters friends ex such a waste so young, I hate drugs and alcohol! Hope your mom had a nice birthday, she's cute as a button Lav, yes send the west some rain our new record is over 230 days now with no rainfall, hasn't rained since April! Life change, good to see you don't be such a stranger please, Pav, glad you have something you're enjoying watching, I'm still watching the same Criminal Minds, NCIS New Orleans, law and order that I've been watching throughout this whole time but I keep watching cuz usually episodes I've never seen come on woo hoo! Hope everyone has a wonderful day, stay safe
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Pauly, that's funny. My husband is watching all of the old Law and Orders. ALL of them... We had two days of rain earlier this fall - I can't believe you've had NONE.

                                Ava - so, so sad. I didn't realize that had happened. Very sad for the young man, and that poor young woman. I hope she can get to al-anon or another group for people who love addicts. She didn't cause it, she couldn't control it, and she couldn't cure it. She did what she had to do and I hope she can get to a place where she can realize that.

                                Lav - that sounds interesting. I might look into getting a starter started today! The last thing I need right now is to bring homemade bread into my life - I keep gaining weights. I should be on salads...

                                LC - hope you're ok. I'm also wondering about Belle? Tony? Who else is out there lurking? We're here!

                                Happy SOBER Sunday.

