Lav, the smell of freshly baking bread! I need to find a gluten free one that smells that good. Not sure it exists. Yes, share your rain please

NS, my neighbor works at a hospital so he connected me with the person who handles donation things. We bounced ideas around and I posted (because of AVA’s recommendation) on NextDoor (nearby community members). I got about 10 responses there (half either sending me $$ or dropping off snacks, and the other half from medical workers saying how much their job is a struggle right now, and thanks for caring). There appears to be a genuine need for support right now, and with my family and my immediate neighbors, we will end up with about 800 individually wrapped snacks with personal messages on them. My heart is warmed by people’s desire to help. I could make a full time job out of it - there seems to be enough interest. I am convinced that kindness and propping each other up is the way out of our dark 2020.
PAV, I’ve been feeling that “wanting” sensation with coffee. I truly and completely love the smell and taste of coffee - said it was the one addiction I would allow. But now, I almost get some, then remember the feeling of a migraine and go get my chai.

Walk, hope you can cozy up indoors!
PAV, my son LOVES the British Baking Show!
AVA, how sad to hear about your kids’ friends. These times are really hard and I think drugs and alcohol are enticing to so many. Glad your son is recovering, even though you had to walk in the heat! Aloe Vera!
Hi to G, Wags, LC, Pauly, Narily!