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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Lav, the smell of freshly baking bread! I need to find a gluten free one that smells that good. Not sure it exists. Yes, share your rain please

    NS, my neighbor works at a hospital so he connected me with the person who handles donation things. We bounced ideas around and I posted (because of AVA’s recommendation) on NextDoor (nearby community members). I got about 10 responses there (half either sending me $$ or dropping off snacks, and the other half from medical workers saying how much their job is a struggle right now, and thanks for caring). There appears to be a genuine need for support right now, and with my family and my immediate neighbors, we will end up with about 800 individually wrapped snacks with personal messages on them. My heart is warmed by people’s desire to help. I could make a full time job out of it - there seems to be enough interest. I am convinced that kindness and propping each other up is the way out of our dark 2020.

    PAV, I’ve been feeling that “wanting” sensation with coffee. I truly and completely love the smell and taste of coffee - said it was the one addiction I would allow. But now, I almost get some, then remember the feeling of a migraine and go get my chai.

    Walk, hope you can cozy up indoors!

    PAV, my son LOVES the British Baking Show!

    AVA, how sad to hear about your kids’ friends. These times are really hard and I think drugs and alcohol are enticing to so many. Glad your son is recovering, even though you had to walk in the heat! Aloe Vera!

    Hi to G, Wags, LC, Pauly, Narily!

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      hi Nesters!
      so good to be on here reading again and i look forward to jumping back in a week from Monday!! Could probably start sooner, but I feel like I need to make the solid commitment to myself first.. I don't know if that makes sense? I got so sick of just hearing myself talk without backing it with action.
      Big hugs to all of you lovely people!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        LC, your spot is open & waiting for you

        Kensho, you can buy gluten free sourdough starter here: Cultures for Health: Yogurt Starter, Sourdough Starter, Kombucha, Kefir Grains, Cheese Making and more |
        Supplies for a Real Food Lifestyle

        Anything baked at home always smells so good, give it a try.

        Pav, you can slice that bread as thin as you like. I actually bought a bread slicing box with different measurements for thin or thicker slices, haha! I often slice half the loaf & immediately put the rest in the freezer so it’s not in my direct sight, haha!

        Pauly, hello to you too!

        Made a pot of dairy free potato soup today which was delicious. I made a quart of fresh cashew milk to use in place of the dairy, simple & quick.
        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Sunday I met a friend from rehab who lives on the other side of Dublin. We had originally planned to go for a swim but she said it was too cold. I went along with this as I have never in my life been for a swim in the sea later than August, so she's the expert on the matter. We just went for a walk with her dog. Very cold here. A few cravings yesterday but nothing major.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Just a quick fly-by to wrap up another sober weekend. Seems like folks are doing pretty well here in the nest, all things considered. Hope you all have great starts to your weeks and I'll catch you again tomorrow!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Lav! That made me laugh. You don't have to have big slices, two slices, butter and cheese on it... I didn't make the starter yet. We'll see if I can get around to it. We have such good bread I can buy...

              Kensho, that sounds like a very nice and supportive thing to do for the healthcare workers. Glad you rallied the neighbors.

              Not much to report here. I did a ton of cooking yesterday and Saturday so we have meals for the week. I love that feeling as I don't have to rush home from work.

              As you know, I have been nursing tendonitis in my foot and haven't been out for a hike in two weeks. It is very hard for me to be so inactive for so long. Things (ie. muscles) die and freeze up so quickly! I've been doing the yoga I can and on the bike with low resistance, but I need a good, outdoor hike! I'm such a baby with injury. It really could be worse.

              See you more regularly next week, LC.

              Happy SOBER Monday,
              Last edited by Pavati; December 7, 2020, 09:56 AM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                LAV, I had no idea that GF sourdough was even a thing!! I will order that today... thanks so much!

                LC, proud of you! Hope to hear more from you soon!

                PAV, sorry about your foot. It is so frustrating when we can't do the things that give us so much satisfaction! Is it plantar fasciitis?

                After a very busy weekend, I'm searching for some quiet time to make progress on my billing. You all know how much I love doing that.

                Have a strong day everyone!

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nesters,

                  Apologies for not being regular here but good to see ol timers here supporting and helping each other. Today i mentioned to someone on face to face how "online forum" helped me in my drinking and surprising the person proudly said my Dad's in AA.

                  That got me thinking, I have not told my wife, my family and my teen kids about my struggle and war with Al. They know I dont drink but they have no clue about the struggles. My kids are now seeing how books, media, movies glorify alcohol. The idea of being a "grownup" free to do anything and also to drink gives them an excitement.

                  So many years from Al my health, my state of mind is better but I am still struggling with one thing ... relationships. Its not good with my wife, kids and I still have no friends. like ZIP ! I have found more ways to keep myself busy and keep myself sane .... but when it comes to sharing with others including my spouse its a constant struggle. This bad habit of being introvert is what made me depressed in early life and got me hooked to Al.

                  With so many years of isolation with people in general i am still struggling to mend relationships and make more ...
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Nice to see you Rahul! I struggled with some of the same, having social anxiety. I'm sorry you are feeling like that. Connection is important though - for sanity and health. Glad you stopped by!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; December 7, 2020, 03:08 PM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hey all!
                      Lav, the sourdough starter sounds like a real commitment. When you use that, do you still need yeast? I’m scared! Ha!
                      LC, so good to see you. 3 weeks sober is a big deal and something to be proud of. There are plenty of folks out there who would do anything to have 3 weeks. I remember being one of them. Great job!
                      Kensho, how thoughtful of you to think of your HeathCare Workers. My heart goes out to them. It is a shame that we are our own worst enemies. We could have behaved our way out of this mess (like our Aussie friends) but chose to do otherwise. It’s sad. There is no telling how things will look in 6 months. I hope and pray that we will be able to turn things around.
                      Rahul, great to see you. Relationships are hard. All we can do is our best. You are a person with such a depth of feeling. You have such a gift for writing, I wonder if you could better express yourself with your wife and kids thru writing? Just a thought. You have a great gift. I often wondered why you didn’t write a book. It would be fascinating! I’m a big believer in online support groups. Maybe there might be something available to help you? Never hurts to check it out. Besides this one, I belong to a Crohn’s/Colitis group. A Lupus group, a cake decorating group, a group for burnedout salespeople, and a group for people who find out surprise results on DNA tests. I’m not shy about seeking help. Finding this place changed my life. We are thinking of you and hoping you find what gives you happiness.
                      I hope everyone is having an easy day! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        Clear skies but chilly here A fire in the fire place helps with that.

                        Rahul, I understand where you’re coming from. I purposely chose not to talk to family & friends about my AL troubles because people who don’t have the problem simply do not understand. They almost immediately start blaming & pointing out personal flaws, etc. I didn’t need that negativity, I needed understanding. That’s why we’re all here, no victim blaming only support & understanding :hug:
                        We are always here when you feel the need to talk, we’re good listeners. Another thing - the older I get the less I feel the need for bunches of friends. I have a few old friends that I connect with from time to time, no expectations & no stress. Be friends with your wife & kids, they know you best anyway.

                        Byrdie, the sourdough starter is alive & active, that’s why you need to feed it regularly & it completely replaces yeast in your recipes. Baking a loaf of bread can take up to 2 days (mix ingredients one day & bake the next). The bread dough rises slowing unlike yeasted dough. The long rise also means you get more flavor, yum.

                        Kensho, let me know when you get your starter. It takes a little effort to get it going but you’ll love the results.

                        Pav, that bread slicer box keeps me from pigging out by accident, haha! Are you keep your foot wrapped or braced? It should help yuor foot/ankle feel more stable in the long run.

                        Wags, hope you have a good week.

                        Walktothewater, I think it’s nice you met your friend for a walk. No way would I be jumping in the water this time of year either!

                        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hola evabody,

                          Hi Rahul, good to see you. You have friends here and i'm sure on other forums. I know it's not face to face, but go easy on yourself. You're still connecting with others. I suppose your business travel lifestyle would've made it difficult to build and sustain relationships or form new ones at home. One step at a time mate. Chip away and put yourself out there in your community. You have more than enough skills.

                          Hi Walk. It's never too cold in the ocean is my opinion. Why? Because i dive in rain hail or shine, summer or freezing winter. You will feel electric! Just be careful of currents and snags etc. but i'm a little loco. P.S. Wim Hof recommends gradual exposure to the cold. It's a bit of a shock to the system so make sure ur ticker's ok.

                          Friend SuperKensho. Look forward to hearing how the gluten free home baked bread goes. I need some of that. Top job on the gifts y'll giving to health care workers. What a positive example to ur kids, friends and local community.

                          Thanks for the bread link Lav. And your words of wisdom in general.

                          Hi Pav!

                          Yo Wags!

                          Big waves to all. Take it easy.
                          Last edited by Guitarista; December 7, 2020, 07:29 PM.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Rahul - so great to see you! I can totally understand why you wouldn't have shared your Al struggles with wife or kids. As Lav mentioned, people tend not to understand if they don't have a similar struggle themselves. Byrdie made a great suggestion. My dad is very introverted and he finds it far easier to communicate through writing. It gives him time to think, to edit his words, to decide what he does/doesn't want to say, etc. Perhaps that's worth a try for you too? On the topic of friends, I'm sorry to hear you find it difficult to connect with others. When you think about that, be sure you're considering what you truly want with regard to relationships, not what society tells you that you should want or how you should measure yourself. If you would really like to develop some friendships, do you have ideas about where to look or how to go about starting? Any clubs or special interest groups? Any Meetup groups in your area? Does your local covid situation even allow in-person gatherings right now? We're definitely your friends here in the nest. How can we best support you in these endeavors? :hug:

                            Kensho - I love what you came up with for the healthcare workers in your area, and that's a fantastic response from your neighbors. I'm sure the workers really appreciate the kind gestures. Sometimes just knowing that folks are out there cheering you on can make a big difference.

                            Pav - It can be so frustrating to have an injury, and tendinitis is one that you just can't push through. Have you been icing the tendon that is injured? I have always found that ice massage works best. Tendons have very little blood supply so they tend to heal more slowly than muscles, but ice massage can bring additional blood flow to the injured area. If you aren't sure how to do it, check youtube or google, but all you really need is a styrofoam or paper cup filled with ice (like fill it with water and freeze it, don't just toss ice cubes in ). Move the ice over the injured area in a circular motion for just a few mins and then give it a rest. Doing this a handful of times per day can really help speed up healing.

                            Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today. Hope your weeks are going well!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Evening nesters

                              Well my car broke down AGAIN yesterday, another tow truck but i did get to ride with the driver and chat so that was nice. It is in my driveway fixed now with new parts so that is good but my anxiety keeps telling me it is going to stop again. If it does then it does, i have the roadside assistance. I think covid has taught me a bit of patience!4

                              Rahul, lovely to see you. I am an introvert and like my own company. I do classify my children as my best friends though and i know they are always there. I figure that i spend so much time when working dealing with people and on the phone to people that i dont need other company. You just need to find what makes you comfortable. I am one that will tell all and sundry i am an alcoholic, i do hope to change peoples perspective in that we are all different, we come from all walks of life.

                              Not much to report. I start leave next Thursday thank god. I am more than ready for some time off.

                              Belle where are you?

                              take care and be safe over there.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Rahul, I had a long sitdown with my husband when I quit and told him EVERYTHING. I figured if I was going to make it, I needed him on my side as he was one of my favorite drinking buddies. He had no idea how I was feeling and what I was doing, but it really helped. I haven't really told everything to my kids, but little by little stuff has come out. I am very private about it in public, but I have told some good friends, including the woman who told me about MWO but didn't stay around here. I always thought of myself as an extrovert, but I realize that I need more down time than I thought, and I also realized that that WIDE group of friends is not necessary for me. I see groups of women getting together on FB and think "I should be there." But in truth, I don't want to be (like Lav suggests - it was what society was telling me I should want). I am satisfied with my small groups of very good friends who are family. I like Wags' suggestions of meeting people if you want to.

                                Ava, sorry about your car. You realize how helpless you are when a car breaks down - at least I do. I don't know the first thing about trouble shooting how to fix it so I am totally at the mercy of the mechanic who could literally tell me anything and I'd believe it.

                                Wrapping my ankle has helped, and I'll try that ice massage. I have been both icing and massaging it, but not at the same time... It isn't plantar fasciitis, but I have had that before on the same foot. I guess I need to see a professional about these feet...

                                I am tired of the DARK. I can't wait for 12/20 to pass and the days start getting lighter. We still need rain, though!

                                Happy SOBER Tuesday.

