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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    I Love Love Love that story, LC. That opening up and being honest is an amazing feeling! I still haven't done that completely with my own kids who are older than yours, but they know enough. You are a role model. Something else you said really resonated with me - the idea that if you didn't come completely clean with them you were leaving the door open for drinking again. I think we all try to do that in the start - if people don't know the full story they won't tell me I can't drink when I want to again - whether consciously or subconsciously. I think part of the process is finding those open doors, those cracks in the intention, and closing them for good. I am so glad you're back!

    Mr. G - Maybe when you're done with the music you can start a zen studio or write a book or something. I love the way you think and talk about mind/body awareness and finding inner peace. Thanks for sharing.

    Water - glad you got in. While I love the water I'm not sure I would get in the ocean in Ireland in the winter. Glad you're feeling better.

    Nar - Wow that is a slow process. You'd think they would be in a hurry to get new contact tracers! What was the other interview like? Any good come of it?

    Stay safe in the snow, Lav. Baking?

    Happy SOBER Hump Day,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by walktothewater View Post
      Anxiety off the charts after four months sober.
      Sorry you're feeling that way, Walk. Many good anti-anxiety suggestions have been offered. For a 'quick fix' of your feelings, you might find this to be a helpful technique: Wim Hof Method Guided Breathing for Beginners (3 Rounds Slow Pace) - YouTube. There are several other videos available if this one becomes too easy and so not as effective.

      @lifechange , I'm so glad you've returned. Telling your friends and family the truth is HUGE - like you said, you're no longer giving yourself permission to drink again. The chance of reading a post from you will motivate me to come onto MWO in the morning more regularly!

      Thanks for the video, @Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB). It is a good reminder of the truth and is very encouraging about human adaptability.

      Right now I'm going to (try to) get over my aversion to cold and head out for a walk in the snow that fell last night. Have a good day, Nesters - NS
      Last edited by NoSugar; December 16, 2020, 10:43 AM.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

        LC, that is so good that you talked to your friend and family that way. I love what you said Pav said about the closed door and I am glad you are not leaving the door open even just a little bit. Us alkies will find any chance we can to find that little opening if we can.

        I had an interview for another job last week and I totally shit the bed on that one- whatever...Hopefully I hear about the Contract Tracing job soon, I will let you know.

        It is warming up here and so this week will be really nice. Its +3C (36F) right now and sunny. Gotta love it. I will be taking my pups for a walk.

        It is always nice to see you NS and Lav, bake something for me will ya?

        Have a good one and don't drink today.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Just got a nice 6-7” of snow in a period of about 5 hours. It’s below freezing so I guess the snow will stick around for a while. Chickens are now officially cooped up for a day or two, haha.
          No cookie baking today but I did bakes some baking powder biscuits to go with my turkey noodle soup, yum.

          LC, sounds like you’re in it to win this time, that’s great!
          Honesty with yourself & others clears up a lot, don’t you think? Just stay on your current path & enjoy life to the fullest.

          Narilly, not all interviews go well, I do remember that myself. Hopefully the right job opens up very soon for you!

          Hi Pav, NS, Wags & everyone.
          Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Ah, well, Nar. I've certainly had some doozies in my day. I had one demo lesson way back that was such a disaster that the principal said "teaching this grade isn't for everyone." Good thing I didn't let that stop me... Funny how 36 is warm. We'd all be in goose down and snow boots if it got that cold here.

            Lav, what DO the chickens do in the cold? Do they stay in the coop by choice or do you have to lock them in? What do chickens think of the snow? Do they lay eggs in winter?

            NS, did you walk in the snow with your new dog? How'd he like it?

            Not much new here. Pretty cold for us, and grey/wet which is good.

            Happy SOBER Thursday,


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Un Hung Thursday everyone.

              I GOT THE JOB!!! I will start on January 4th as a contact tracer, yay!

              It is 'warm' and sunny today +5C (40F) and that is awesome. We have really sunny days here in Alberta.

              Nice to have some snow Lav. It is beautiful just after a snowfall.

              Yeah, interviews suck. It looks like the project I was interviewing for has been delayed a few months now anyway so who knows. I will be contact tracing anyway!

              Biscuits and turkey soup? Sound really tasty Lav!

              Going to enjoy the heck out of this day.

              TTYL- oh and don't drink today.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Congratulations, [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION]! You are lucky that your cases are low enough to actually do contact tracing. It is too out of control here for that to be very effective, unfortunately.

                The walk in the snow was good other than having to slow down to avoid slipping, [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION]. I like to walk fast. New dog was fine with it. Since he hails from Kentucky, it might have been his first experience with snow. After I had fed him breakfast, he declined going out into the back yard as he usually does so he clearly wasn't too interested in it at first! You got a REAL snow, [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION]! Those can be fun once the roads are cleared.

                Have a good one, Nesters!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  Cold here, never went above freezing all day, We ended up with a fairly thick layer of ice over the snow so walking, snow-blowing, shoveling was nearly impossible for us. Our young neighbor came over & plowed the driveway for us which was a blessing. I gave him eggs, haha!!
                  My older chickens were never fans of snow & the younger ones have never seen it so they just all stayed in the coop today. I will at some point shovel a path for them so they can go out in their yard, Hopefully we get some melting soon.

                  Pav, egg production goes down in winter naturally because they don’t get enough daylight. The young chickens are just starting to lay & don’t seem to notice the difference in daylight hours. Hope your day was good!

                  Narilly, Congrats on the new. Job & starting after the holidays sounds perfect

                  NS, I miss my big Swissy because she loved the snow like no other dog I have ever had. My beagle mix had fun getting around today & making yellow snow LOL
                  We didn’t attempt to go anywhere today, the roads were looking pretty bad. Hope you enjoyed the day!

                  Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hey, all!
                    Walk, I don’t blame your friend for being anxious about driving in Dublin. In 2016, Hubs and I visited there and met up with Mick (from the daily thread on MWO) and another MWO member, Daisy. It was awesome to see them in real life. [MENTION=17668]Mick[/MENTION] and I were nearly flattened by a tram in Dublin. There was a note on the sidewalk that I was reading that said LOOK LEFT, so as I was looking left, the tram approached from the right. Hubs said the look on the tram drivers face was horrifying, obviously, he didn’t notice mine, I nearly soiled my britches. We were just plain lucky we didn’t get hurt that day. It’s a big, bustling city. I’m so glad to hear you are feeling better. Some days are just better than others.

                    Ktab, thank you so much for that video. It’s a good reminder about what we have all learned about ourselves this year.

                    LC, great job on your 30+ days! Here’s your hat! :guy: Well done!

                    Narilly, congrats on nabbing that job! I’m so happy for you!

                    All’s quiet here, you aren’t missing a thing here. Stay strong, everyone? Hugs to all, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Nar - congrats on the contact tracer job!!! I agree with Lav, starting right after the holidays and new year sounds perfect. In contrast, here in the U.S. we've just learned that our govt's plan since summer (or maybe earlier than that) has been to get loads of people infected in an effort to achieve herd immunity. It's a ridiculous approach to a novel virus, but the geniuses in charge aren't known for wisdom (or human decency for that matter). I hope thru the CT program you all are able to bring about a positive change in your city/province/country.

                      LC - that's so great that you talked with your ex and then with your daughters. That must feel so freeing! Really glad to have you back here with us.

                      Lav - it's fund hearing about how the chickens deal with the snow. I imagine the young ones are a bit perplexed.

                      Byrdie - that's a scary story about your close call in Dublin. So glad you and Mick weren't hurt!

                      Hellos and waves to Pav, NS, Ava, G, and everyone else stopping by the nest.
                      Last edited by wagmor; December 17, 2020, 11:42 PM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Narilly, congratulations on the job!!! I'm so happy for you waves to all!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Congratulations, Nar! It IS perfect - a new job and now two weeks of vacation.

                          TGIF is all I can say. Very busy week but I hope to finish most of it today.

                          As Narilly says, don't drink.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nest. I had a long post to a lot of people, but my daughter lost it in a panic this am, trying to log on to her morning school webex. UG! I am almost at my breaking point with people in my house, interrupting me constantly. I am the "go to" person in my house, and something has to change because I can't get my work done, or get the time I need to read and respond here. I am learning to live with the noise, but the interruptions are what are killing me. I can barely bill half my time, and someone asks me for a password, or someone needs help with math (or she will keep her failing grade), someone wants to share a thought with me, someone asks for a cup of water..... AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I used to have at least 6 hours of silent office time 5 days per week. Now, I'm lucky if I get 15 minutes! I also have a pile of presents on my office floor covered with a blanket - because there's never a time when the kids are not home! How do people do this??

                            Time to re-evaluate, and problem solve. Locks on the doors??

                            Anyway, sorry to rant, but I'm about to lose my mind.

                            My post in a nutshell:

                            LAV, hope you're getting some cozy winter time indoors...

                            LC, I'm SO happy to see you here and hear how open you are being to yourself and others. It's a huge step.

                            Byrdie, YIKES on that tram story - I was afraid for you!

                            Hi to G for GURU - and everyone else stopping in. I was telling my daughter yesterday how much habits can change - and how I used to WANT alcohol, but now I don't really. She brought up remembering my getting the bottle in my office closet and drinking from it. She must have caught me more than once.

                            SO glad I'm not a drinker any more! Hugs to you all!
                            Last edited by KENSHO; December 18, 2020, 10:53 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters!

                              Nar, Congratulations on the new job!!:congratulatory:

                              Kensho, that's a tough situation.. I'm guessing your kids are doing online schooling at the moment? My best friend is in a similar situation and she has made "office hours" for herself, same set time every day and she does go into her room and lock the door during that time! Sometimes she has to cut it short, but usually ends up getting at least a couple of hours in. I think that's necessary for your peace of mind!

                              Lav, I wish we would get some snow! We haven't had a good snow fall in years, which is scary, seeing how far north we are! When I was out at my friend's place in the country this week I got to witness Puddles, one of her roosters crowing for the first time.. it was pretty cute. Unfortunately she has too many roosters and he's a big bully so he'll get the cut on New Years Eve.. He's going to be the New Years roast.. glad I wasn't invited!!

                              Pav, only a couple more days until winter solstice! Then the days will begin to get lighter for us! Yayy!! Hope you have a lovely holiday break.. have you been teaching online?

                              NS, I don't recall reading what breed of dog you got..? What's his/her name?

                              Not much going on here which is fine with me.. I'm still not working and looks like I probably won't be until at least March. We were hoping to be able to begin at least partially in January, but there's no way that will happen. Right now all the shops are closed except those selling "essentials" (saw the wine shops were still open!) and restaurants selling take away.. people are so pissed that they can't enjoy their spiced wine out on the streets as per usual this time of year. Sure doesn't bother me! I've got an outside walking date tomorrow afternoon which I'm pretty excited and nervous about.. it's been a looong while since I've been even remotely interested in anyone! Let's see how it goes. No expectations here!!:happy2:
                              Wishing everyone a lovely Friday and upcoming weekend.. I'm looking forward to decorating the tree and making some molasses cookies.. mmmm..
                              Last edited by lifechange; December 18, 2020, 12:43 PM.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Un Hung Friday everyone.

                                Thank you for the congrats everybody. I really appreciate it, you are the best! It is really good that I don't have to start until after the holidays, how cool is that?

                                Ken, sounds crazy at your house. I think locks on the door might be a good idea.

                                It is getting dark SO early here. Its 3:20 and aleady feeling like it is 'dimming', I love winter solistice too and then the days start to get longer which is really nice.
                                Byrdie, so cool that you went to Dublin and met Mick and Daisy, thank goodness you did not get plastered by the traffic.

                                I just planned this party:
                                Molasses cookies from LC, sourdough from Lav, cake from Byrdie, low sugar treats from NS, non AL beveridges from Wags and Ken, G and Ava can bring some delicious Auzzie thing, and I will bring the maple syrup. Pav-popcorn and Walk- some Irish biscuits. Pauly, tea for our cake and cookies. LC, German Sausage.
                                There we go, that is our party and anyone can join. We are going to have an excellent time!

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

