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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Happy Un Hung Monday everyone!

    Today is Solistice, yippee!! We are having our Christmas turkey today because my hubby goes back to work tomorrow for a week.
    Last night we had some rum cake with this rum icing that we had to pour on top and it was SO strong. I was afraid I might feel a buzz but I did not. Then I thought it would be nice to have a rum and eggnog. I quickly put those thoughts out of my head and went on with my evening. Thank goodness we did not have any rum and eggnog around and no one was drinking it. Geez, its too easy to relapse, we have to stay vigilant!

    Lav, I am having a hommade cinnamon bun just for you this morning. Yum!

    Wow, Ken, your bookkeeper died of Covid? That is awful. Last week I was talking to my local butcher (who is also someone I grew up with) and he was going on about Covid and asking me if I knew anyone who had it. He was saying he did not think it was as big of a deal as they were saying and that people die of the flu, blah blah blah. He thought the whole mask thing was to make people afraid and it was overblown. I told him to stop talking and that I did not want to listen to him.
    SO I went to the market this Friday and he was not there, which is very unusual so I texted him yesterday. It took about 8 hours to get back to me and he said he has been really sick for a week but has not been tested. He said "I am alive". So I am thinking he has Covid and it sounds like he has it pretty bad.
    That is my story.

    Have a good one everybody and don't drink today.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Happy Solstice Nesters,

      I imagine we are all looking forward to more daylight at this point!
      Went to the market to restock & pick up some need food items for Christmas. Still have plenty of snow around from last week’s storm. Now I hear we are getting a huge rainstorm & nearly 60 degrees for Christmas eve. Things seem a little backwards, haha. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, I appreciate them all.

      Narilly, hope the turkey was good! That’s sad about the butcher, some people just have to learn the hard way. A lifelong friend of ours is in ICU with Covid pneumonia. He suffered a bowel rupture yesterday 7 was rushed into surgery, doesn’t sound good.

      Kensho, any recipe you find calling for sourdough will tell you exactly how much to use, usually 1/2 cup. I’ve done breads, rolls, pancakes & even cinnamon buns. If you search using sourdough discards you’ll find lots of recipes. Sorry to hear about your bookkeeper, sad.

      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy solstice everyone!!!

        I'm always sorry to hear about people who don't think covid is a big deal until they get it themselves or they lose someone very close to them. WTF is wrong with people that so many can only care about issues when they are personally affected?

        Nar - glad you didn't have rum and eggnog! I'm not sure I could even handle the cake and icing you mentioned though. Hope your hubs has a safe week at work.

        Kensho - sounds like quite a difficult few weeks and I hope you get a chance to breathe over the holidays.

        Ok now I'm craving cinnamon rolls so I might just have to see about making some tomorrow. Thanks for the yummy idea!

        Here's to the start of another good week -- one of the last of this dreadful year and only one more month until the orange buffoon is out of office. THAT will be a day to have a dance party for sure.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

          CINNAMON ROLLS!!! I need them now You guys are making me hungry.

          There has been a dump of over one foot of snow, holy crap. My dogs dissapeared into the snow this morning, it's pretty crazy. My hubby's plane left late this morning because the crew had a hard time getting to the airport and they were 2 hours late.
          It is quite beautiful though, I love it and it is still snowing.

          Yeah, people are crazy sometimes, delusional thinking. "I tested positive for Covid but I don't believe in it so I don't have it. Geez I wish I could breathe." Seriously

          Well, I am off to put on my snow gear and walk to the post office to mail a present. So much fun walking through fresh snow.

          Have a good one everybody and don't drink today. I have to admit I have been having fleeting thoughts of having eggnog with a little bit of rum in it. These thoughts scare me and I have to make sure I stay vigilant. Maybe i will read some of the stories I keep in my iphone about some of my previous drinking nights which ended badly which they usually do.

          Later gaters.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Looks like everyone is pretty busy preparing for Christmas, I know I am too
            Finally got the gift wrapping out of the way, a job that causes me much unneeded anxiety, haha!!

            Wags, we have an old friend dealing with Covid pneumonia & other big problems right now. He’s in ICU & will never know Christmas has come & gone sadly. Don’t know where he picked it up because he’s been a homebody for a few years now.
            I am making 2 chocolate babkas tonight & the smell of chocolate & cinnamon is fabulous

            Narilly, that’s a lot of snow & glad you didn’t get a layer of ice on top like we did last week. Our airports would have closed down with a foot of snow but I guess you northern folks handle it better!!

            Hello to everyone, hope you’re all OK & just busy. Keep checking in during the holidays & don’t get any funny ideas with all the alcohol commercials on TV right now, ‘tis the season for them.
            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Nar - I empathize with you. My husband and kid had egg nog with whiskey in it last night - it was never my favorite but somehow seemed festive and seasonal. We ended up a dinner talking about bad nights drunk and I had to remember a couple. I didn't even give them the full story, but it was enough to make me absolutely not want that egg nog. I did have ice cream though. And thoughts are scary sometimes, but I know you won't drink because you don't drink...

              I have all of my wrapping to do, and even a couple of more things for stocking stuffers to buy. I wish one time I would be organized and not have to go out on 12/23... Yesterday was a gorgeous day here - unseasonably warm. We went on a short walk out on the coast - very beautiful. I am so grateful to live where I do (other than in fire season!) I did order my crab for Christmas Eve and I'll be making spaghetti sauce today. I like cooking when I have the time.

              Happy SOBER Wednesday.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy sober Wednesday everyone.

                Thanks Pav, yes you are right that I don't drink! WE don't drink. I have to admit that I am a bit jealous of the warm weather you have but we have to live here so what can we do?

                Yeah, Lav, there was not enough snow to close things down here. We have to have a TON of snow before things close down. We have winter tires, snow scrapers and everything we need to deal with it and that makes all the difference. I still have to get some cinnamon rolls!

                I don't have any Christmas stuff left to do, we will be having Chinese Food tomorrow night and my mom and MIL will be coming over. The Premier said our cohort could have 1 get together between the 23rd to the 28th with two single people. So we will be having Chinese food tomorrow and that will be our get together. This is good because my mom and MIL are having a bit of a hard time.

                Have a good one, and don't drink today. This is a hard time to stay sober but we can do it! One day at a time.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I'm glad you get to be with your moms, Nar. It is hard having my parents who are 84 and 86 so isolated. We are all so scared of giving it to them that we stay away. Thank goodness my dad is healthy and that they have one another. We have a big family Zoom planned for 12/25 but I'm not sure the internet is big enough for all the people who plan to meet that way!!

                  I wish I still liked to cook, Pav. I thought I used to love it but apparently that was because I liked to drink while cooking . My enthusiasm has declined even more over the last 9 months. I'm going to make an effort on Christmas even though it will be just for 2 of us. On the plus side, the roast cost $33 instead of the $100+ that it would have been for a group.

                  Let's not let the holiday season derail us after making it through 9 months of really tough stress. We are TOO STRONG FOR EGGNOG!!!

                  My wish for everyone is a season of health and peace. xx, NS


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hey, all.
                    Kensho, we put up Christmas trees here at the coast. It usually is chilly Christmas but this year it’s supposed to plunge. We are supposed to be 70° on Thursday and 45° on Friday! We become frantic if a few flakes fall. We cancel everything and everyone runs to the grocery store as if we were all going to starve. The county does have a snow plow, believe it or not. The last time we had a white Christmas was 1989. We actually got a foot. Sent the snow plow guy into a tailspin. Ha!
                    Nar, push all of those thoughts out! There is no eggnog or drink that can replace the MindPeace of sobriety. Stay strong, there is temptation all around us. Put your super duper booze blinders on and power through!
                    Wags, Jan 20 will be a glorious day for many reasons! It is also my 10 year sober anniversary! It’ll be a great day for all!
                    Hope everyone has a happy afternoon! Hugs, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters

                      Well its xmas eve here and all is well on this side of the world. The only covid cases are the ones coming home from overseas. We are wearing masks less and less but i still get confused on when to wear them and where so my mask is my new handbag.

                      Nar, anything with an alcoholic title attached to it i wont go near. I dont need any temptation in my life and i know i am not missing out on anything except the GSR's if i go near any al. I also have kids that say MUM THATS GOT AL IN IT. The al police as i call them are always on my side.

                      We are off to mums tomorrow and she is so excited, i just want to get there and home in one piece but it will be a lovely day and all of the children will be there. My daughter has not gone to New Zealand yet as going anywhere is a major organisational event.

                      I went out for dinner last night which was nice, i think you learn to appreciate the small things in life. Today i am staying away from the shops and getting the car ready.

                      Its very sad to see the cases of covid over everyones way. Please stay safe and appreciate those you are spending the day with.

                      We have not really had much of a summer as yet. 20 degrees celcius for us tomorrow for xmas which suits me fine.

                      Love and hugs and thinking of you all. xxx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        I spent the last 6-7 hours making pierogie now I worn out, haha!!! I will have plenty to feed the family tomorrow & plan to freeze what’s left.
                        Enjoyed a short visit with my daughter & granddaughter as well, they won’t be here tomorrow.

                        Pav, eggnog was never real interesting to me & once I realized how dairy intolerant I was sealed the deal. I do get the draw on these traditional holiday drinks but I know I am much better off without any of them. I enjoyed that stuff once upon a time & ow I just don’t. Preserving my health & sanity is my focus.

                        Narilly, enjoy your Chinese food with your Moms, sounds very nice

                        NS, I hope your family zoom works well. I imagine a lot of people are planning something similar. We are having a big rain storm move thru tomorrow night into Christmas & they are already warning us of possible power outages. That will mess up a lot of people’s zoom plans.

                        Byrdie, you will. Likely get the rain we’re getting, no snow thank goodness

                        Ava, enjoy our visit with your Mum. I’m sure she’s been lonely like so many. No more shopping for me either, too many people out there haha!!

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie - OMG having Jan 20 as your 10-year sober anniversary just made that date 10 times better (and it was already near the top of my list!). We will celebrate ALL the happy things for sure.

                          Nar - good thing eggnog is gross and you don't drink anyway.

                          Ava - glad you were able to go out for dinner. I think I vaguely recall what that experience feels like I hope folks in your country are watching how badly things are going elsewhere in the world and that our disaster will help people not take your generally healthy country for granted.

                          NS - I get what you mean about cooking. There are lots of things I thought I liked to do, only to discover that I really only liked drinking while doing those things. Ah well, it helps to make better choices for how to spend time now, right?

                          To help myself stay on track over what looks to be a gloomy and sad winter of continued quarantine and death, I've enrolled in a course that is intended to help learners develop fluency in their language of choice. I'm going to focus on Spanish. I've gotten myself to about an Intermediate level but I would LOVE to be as close to fluent as I can get. It's a 12-week program that starts next week, so I figure it'll give me something to work toward for most of Jan-March. We will have weekly online lessons with videos, audio recordings, pdfs of files and worksheets, and then one small-group session per week with a native-speaker tutor. I'm going to do the class with one of my very best friends so we can encourage each other and make sure we both keep up with all of the lessons. I'm excited!

                          I've also decided to learn how to play chess. Well, kind of to re-learn... I know the basics from when my brother taught me to play back when we were young teenagers. I know how the various pieces can move, and how to castle, and what check and checkmate are etc. I'm just pretty clueless about strategy and how to set up a series of moves. I honestly don't know if I'll enjoy it or not but watching the Queen's Gambit has made me curious to at least try.

                          Does anyone else have a goal or target that you are working toward over the next few months? Not necessarily a class or anything, but something you want to accomplish or achieve? Of course putting together more days, weeks and months of sobriety are first and foremost!

                          Hope you each have a safe and sober night or day in your part of the world!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            Byrdie - Jan 20 it is! Positive change all around.

                            Nar, Chinese food for Christmas is the ticket. When I was growing up we had our big party/roast, etc. on Christmas Eve, and Christmas night was for playing with your new things and having leftovers or something easy. We are having fresh crab and spaghetti which is sort of a thing around here. Not mixed together - crab then spaghetti... I'll be cooking again this morning - I still like it.

                            Wags, I would love to know what Spanish course you're taking. I need to learn and have been lazy about it - something like that sounds good, although I also don't have much time. I have always wanted to try to write more, so I recently started a writer's group with a friend. I finally finished my first story - it needs a lot of editing, but it did feel good to finish it. My other goal is to really actually get control of my sugar habit that I have developed. I know it is simple but not easy! After Jan 1 for me...

                            Happy Christmas Eve. The days (here in the North) are getting longer, and the end of the pandemic is in sight - albeit a long way away. We got this!



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Un Hung Thursday everyone.

                              Everyone sounds great and Yes, no eggnog for me. It is full of nasty calories anyway and besides "I don't drink".

                              Jan 20, 10 years? Wow Byrdie...looking forward to the celebration.

                              Cool that you are playing chess Wags, we have a chess board and play sometimes. The Queen's Gambit sure made me want to play for sure.

                              We have tons of snow here but it is going to thaw a bit today and then tomorrow we have plus temps. Our weather here is crazy. We helped a lot of people get unstuck the past few days.

                              So my butcher has Covid and his sister is in the hospital with Covid and pneumonia. He said he was really weak after being in bed for a week. He was the guy who was saying Covid wasn't a thing..sheesh.

                              OH and another thing. My mom's neighbour was found the other day totally imobile laying on the floor, he was having seizures due to alcohol. He drinks everyday and says its medicine because he adds herbs and stuff to the AL. Anyway, they thought he had a stroke, his was immobile on his left side, soiled himself, threw up..gross. Anyway, he is in the hospital getting tested so hopefully he gets well enough to come home. At the end of the day he is an alcoholic and needs to go to rehab.
                              I guess he was having seizures because he quit drinking cold turkey.
                              This guy was a picture of health just a few years ago. He used to hike, go to the dog park everyday with his dogs, go to the mountains and source herbs for his tinctures (all AL based), and he is an amazing cook. He would BBQ all kinds of delicious meats and have really fun dinner parties. He had all kinds of girlfriends and was a vibrant, good looking guy.
                              He got prostate cancer about 5 years ago, then knee replacements and he drinks ALOT. This is what AL does to people, it wrecks their lives as we all know.

                              Thank goodness We Don't Drink! :yay:

                              Anyway, stay healthy everyone and don't drink today. It is a good time to enjoy your life sober.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters

                                Merry Christmas to you all. Its 5.37am here and i am having a cuppa to prepare myself for the drive. I hope the other cars on the road are not fecking idiots, i think we have all been through enough this year.

                                Wags, good on you for taking your spanish further. This year i plan on taking up bike riding (without breaking bones). Nothing too strenous, just out the door for a ride. We see your cases every day on the tv and watch the heartbreak of it. I think after our 4 month lock down that our testing facilities and result times are better, we close borders if there are cluster cases now and are still mask wearing. I think the people are starting to listen and you dont hear very often from the covidiots. mind you there were people shopping yesterday without masks but not me. We wont get a vaccine until early next year but i'm still on the fence about that one.

                                Nar, we see some terrible medical issues come to hospital from alcohol. When i was drinking i told myself it would never happen to me as i wasnt "that bad", however bad that was. The sad thing is al loves anyone, any age.

                                Lav, what is pierogie? A friend was telling me you can buy non-al gin and tonic, bourbon etc and she bought some. I had a thought that maybe i would buy some and have new years but then thought, why bother. Thats a lot of kombucha i can better spend that money on and i doubt i will be going out anywhere.

                                Time to get motivated and get the kids up and going. i dont think my car is big enough for the presents, kids and 2 dogs but....

                                Have a lovely xmas eve and Christmas everyone. Take care and be safe xxxxx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

