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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Enjoy your walk, Wags, and I am looking forward to hearing how you like your Spanish class.

    I hate shopping at all times, and going out on a shopping day sounds like a nightmare to me!

    Nar, we had Chinese food for Christmas, too, but now I might look into making perogies!

    Happy SOBER Sunday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I want some Chinese food! AND pierogies! (fists pounding).

      Wags, your zeal for learning makes me feel heartened! I admire your taking this new adventure.
      Pav, are you still taking singing lessons? When someone asks me if I can sing, I say it depends on how much you’ve had to drink.

      A quiet day here. Just the way I like it. Stay strong,everyone! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, Nesters. Great to hear about all of the enjoyment of a scaled back holiday. Ours scaled back a bit too far - lost heat, internet, and tv. But - it reminded me that we don't always know what is best. Here I was, kind of disappointed not to have a full house and then, turned out to be very grateful NOT to have a full house under those conditions. It has been very cold here (until today) and the house was not comfortable so I'm glad others weren't subjected to it. Plus, it was bad enough for us to be offline - other family members would really have struggled!! Both heat and cable systems need repair but they are now 'sort of' working so the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen!

        Take care, NS


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nesters,

          NS, sounds like you were hit with some real storm damage. I know there’s similar problems going on in areas not too far from here. Sorry you’ve had to deal with that, hope it’s all fixed soon. Stay warm :hug:

          Byrdie, it’s quiet here too ~ perfect!

          Pav, once you get hooked on pierogie you’ll never go back haha!!!

          Narilly, “Canadian crack’, LOL. I’m sure some immigrants from Eastern Europe landed there & brought their traditions too

          Wags, have fun with learning Spanish. I really should learn some myself. Being in a rural farming area we have lots of farm workers from Mexico living in the area. My son studied Spanish from Jr high thru college but says he can’t understand what they speak, different I guess.

          Ava, sure hope that tooth isn’t bothering you too much. I’d love to have a lemon tree but it’s too cold here. Maybe a mini tree for would fit in the greenhouse.

          Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Lav, I sure am trying to enjoy your rain, as I miss it here! We have had enough sun though to be with family outdoors without getting too cold - so that has been a plus!

            AVA, windy, humid, rainy and 90 deg F? Weird. Is that typical there? It must be really hard to watch your kids go down the road you know does not bring good things. I worry about my kids doing the same some day.

            Wags, me gusta hablar español mucho. I’m not very good at it, but I can communicate, and it's fun! Great idea to do it with a friend so you can practice!

            NS, a different type of holiday for you, huh? Did you lose food in your fridge? Sorry you have been cold! What caused that?

            It’s quiet here with my daughter at a friend’s house overnight. My son and I have very similar brains and can enjoy being in the same space, but not constantly interacting - so I don't feel smothered. Also, when one of my kids is gone, they can’t fight - and they seem to do that ALL the time UG! Any words of wisdom from those of you with grown kids?

            I have made a long list of things to tackle today - some fun and some work-related. My. GF sourdough starter seems to be eating and growing, but more slowly than typical because we keep our house in the 60's temps. I am enjoying the slower pace and sleeping in. The only thing I really, really need is some silence. I might have to start getting out of bed at 4am! I hate early mornings - but might consider it because I'm in constant noise and demand during the day!!

            Stay sober everyone. I mentioned to my family about how I don't miss drinking at all - it reminds me of hangovers and nausea. When I view it as poison, all the glamour fades and I see it for what it is - a cheap and toxic escape from something I very much want to experience now - life.

            G - I'm going to start doing yoga every M-W-F mornings. I think of you diving in the cold water sometimes, and I am reminded that I need to connect with my body and nature more! Hope you are well my friend!
            Last edited by KENSHO; December 28, 2020, 10:58 AM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Un Hung Monday everyone.

              Everyone sounds good. Yeah Ken, AL is a poison, that is a good way to view it. My hangovers were epic and I am so glad to be rid of them.

              Some crazy weather for you Byrdie, we have a ton of snow here and it snowed again yesterday which is fine. It is winter.

              Ok, gotta go get some more coffee. Talk later.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                NoSugar - what a nightmare. I hope it wasn't too long that you had no heat. Interesting how quickly things can be thrown into perspective.

                Kensho, I have nothing for you in the parenting realm. My kids fought some. As a middle child, I had sympathy and empathy for both positions, being the younger bossed around by an older sibling, and being the older, seeing a younger sibling be a pest and push buttons. Think of it as training for life!

                I keep waking up with headaches - I wonder if it is sugar? Hormones? It is bad, but at least it isn't a hangover.

                Happy SOBER Monday to you all.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Well, heat and internet are back on, thank goodness. Our heat isn't electric, Kensho, so fortunately we had electricity and didn't lose any food or have to stumble around in the dark. I sometimes rant and rave against technology but a few days of deprivation sure made me change my tune! Last night we celebrated by watching the new G Clooney file on Netflix. Sadly, it is AWFUL, which really surprised me. I usually love his films.

                  My sister and I weren't 'allowed' to fight. The only outcome of that rule was that we learned to battle silently. I would squeeze her wrists and she would dig her fingernails into mine. Luckily the fighting years were brief. My kids didn't fight much but 2 of my grandsons do. About the only solution I've found is to ignore them unless it appears that a mortal wound is imminent. I have a close friend who is an only child and one interesting/challenging thing about her is that she still doesn't understand that it is possible to disagree or even have a serious quarrel and it isn't the end of the world -- that we can get past it. Having never drawn blood with her fingernails, she apparently didn't learn to fight and move on... So, while it is a drag to listen to, you are giving your kids space to learn some important relationship lessons.

                  Two distant friends recently died of Covid. It really does change things when you 'know' a victim. It is hard to relate to the ever-growing numbers of cases and deaths but the name of someone you know really hits home, as do the faces and stories of people listed on Faces of Covid. I follow that because it is important not to become numb to what is happening.

                  Let's all have a safe and healthy New Year! NS


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Had another dry day today but I hear New Years eve & day will be damp. I sure hope it doesn’t make for more dangerous roads than usual if you know what I mean.
                    Scooted out to the grocery & drug stores today, no crowds.

                    Kensho, do you happen to have a microwave that sits about an oven? I found that to be a good spot to keep my starter warm while the rest of the house is cool.
                    My daughter & son really did very little fighting. I think the almost 4 years in age difference had a lot to do with that so they basically ignored each other, haha. My grandsons are 2 years apart & fight pretty much non-stop. Having them in separate rooms is the only solution, honestly.

                    Hey Narilly, enjoy that snow!

                    Pav, do you have a humidifier in your house? Even running a small one overnight in your bedroom helps get rid of those headaches
                    Get your B/P checked too, you never know.

                    NS, I’ve always considered myself an only child. I was raised with 3 brothers, 2 older, 1 younger. I just did not fit in anywhere. I wasn’t allowed to do the things the boys were doing (sports) & yet I wasn’t offered any alternatives until I was almost 13 & was allowed to taking sewing lessons one summer. So I hid myself away with my grandmother’s old sewing machine & just tried to survive haha!
                    Glad things are working at your house again, it’s hard not having internet access.

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      NS - glad things are back up and running for you. Yes, a few days without can really change perspective on how much we've become accustomed to modern conveniences and services, can't they?

                      Pav and Nar - thinking of AL as literal poison has helped me a lot from time to time. I actually think to myself, "would you drink bleach or lighter fluid or whatever if it gave you a certain buzz or escape, or because other people were?" It's always easier to say NO when I think of al as nothing but a toxin.

                      Hellos and waves to Lav, Kensho and everyone else stopping by the nest. Hope you have great days and eves!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by KENSHO View Post

                        Wags, me gusta hablar español mucho.

                        ¡Y no olvides la buena música!

                        G - I'm going to start doing yoga every M-W-F mornings. I think of you diving in the cold water sometimes, and I am reminded that I need to connect with my body and nature more! Hope you are well my friend!
                        I'm great thanks Friend Kensho. Good move on regular yoga. it is 5000 + years of human healing evidence based science, pill free. The only side effects i've seen is emotional release of stuck emotions in our tissues via some tears of relief. I've seen this on a few occasions. Participants remarked it wasn't stressful, just got tears flowing. 'The issues are in the tissues' some say. P.S. Re gittin up earlier before the chaos, i'm reading a book called 'The 5 a.m. club' by Robin Sharma. Great read for anyone after a performance tweak and might be up your alley given your post.

                        Pav, hope u get to the bottom of that headache. Still doing yoga? My patented 'Speed yoga' is perfect for the busy professional and lazy slacker alike. 1 minute max - ur done. Daily. The secret's in the daily encoding the guru's tell me. I reckon they're right. Take it easy and take care of yourself.

                        Singapore noodles hit the spot. Shoulda coulda woulda got x 2!

                        Big waves to evabody.
                        Last edited by Guitarista; December 29, 2020, 01:45 AM.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

                          Singapore noodles? I havent had those for years, YUM!! Thanks G, I will be getting me some Singapore noodles this week.
                          Singapore noodles, salt and pepper squid, dumplings, mixed veggies, ginger beef and bean sprouts. OH YEAH!

                          My brother is 6 years younger than me and we were always close until he got married. He is an unhappy man and projects his crap onto me and my mom which is very sad. We will see how he evolves over the next 20 years.

                          It is cold here but very sunny which is a blessing.

                          Have a good one evabody!

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            NS, you brought back memories! My sister used to dig her fingernails into arms as well - there was hair pulling, etc. I was certainly left alone - we were the generation that were parented by those in the 70s who were finding themselves - by losing us! What I did on my own vs. what kids now do on their own is SO different, some for the better and some at the expense of their becoming independent adults IMHO.

                            Mr. G - I had an injury and laid off the yoga and now don't do it every day. I'm back on a 30 day challenge that starts Jan 1 and am going to just take it easier instead of launching in full steam ahead. All to say, I'm older than I pretend I am...

                            Thanks for the headache advice - I am thinking it is diet and hormones. We'll see. The humidifier is an interesting proposition - thanks.

                            Happy SOBER Tuesday,


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Pav, have you seen this movie: Now and Then (film) - Wikipedia

                              The characters are the same age I as in 1970, when it takes place (Highly recommend!). Although they had even more freedom than I did at that age, their experiences were much more similar to mine than are those of my kids' generation and younger. I first watched it when mine were still quite young. I tried to keep it in mind when I found myself being overly protective of my very competent kids who needed some space to grow. Think how sheltered kids have been over the last year! Parents are going to have to really make an effort to help give them the confidence to move back into the world. One of my grandsons has been with his parents for all but a couple weeks of his 2 years. Covid hit just as he was beginning daycare. He is in for some Big Adjustments!!

                              I agree with the poison image. After time away from it, even the smell is a clue that it probably shouldn't be consumed!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Not much going on with me, just wanted to say hello to all
                                We were out running some errands this afternoon & noticed tons of little Amish kids walking home from school. After living here in this area for nearly 18 years I didn’t know they have school during the holiday season. I do know they follow the regular school district calendar (for the most part). They walk in groups, but no adults & no sidewalks around here, kind of worries me for their safety. They do wear safety vests over their jackets for visibility. Learn something new every day!

                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! No poison in my house, we’re cool

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

