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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    afternoon nesters

    Not much to report here.

    Kensho, i had 4 children thinking they would all play together nicely. Not sure what drug i was on when i thought that one! My brother and i fought all the time, he was forever trying to fart on my face or shoot me whith his slug gun, i was busy chasing him with an axe. oh those were the days. I think you just need to learn to turn off which is oh so hard.

    up to 2nd lot of ab's for my tooth abscess. Its feeling better but no way am i going to the dentist yet. I have a phobia for those awful people and need to be sedated, even thinking of making an apt brings me out in a sweat of fear. dentists back in the day have a lot to answer for i think! Living on ice blocks and yoghurt and soup so its not too bad.

    trying to paint a spare room and sand back a coffee table terrarium. i broke the glass top of the coffee table. Had it for 33 years, 4 children and i broke it. as everyone says 2020 just keeps on giving.

    Cant believe 2021 is just around the corner, no resolutions atm for me.

    Lav, the simple life would be lovely. i watch a lot of amish docs, they have a very simple life. We could all learn something from that.

    Take care xxx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Quick sober fly by tonight. Hugs, hellos and waves to everyone!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        AMEN to a simpler life AVA! I think that is why I like camping. Not much to stress about but the next meal, the weather and keeping a much smaller space organized to find stuff. Sorry your tooth is still bothering you. Hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick. Imagine what dentistry must have been like 100 years ago... makes me thankful for what they can offer now!

        My 11 yr old daughter is struggling to sleep in her room at night... saying she feels sad at night and that we help her feel happy, confident and safe. Our bedrooms are literally 10 feet apart. The parenting issues right now, with kids at home ALL of the time, are constant. All of your comments remind me that most kids survive... I will say that iPhones and iPads are a major problem now, and cause my kids to get themselves into a completely different (and very limited & manufactured) reality. We are installing the time limits today.

        Anyway, I DO tell myself during these parenting challenges that AT LEAST I'M NOT A DRUNK. And my GF sourdough starter is happy!

        Happy almost 2021 everyone!
        Last edited by KENSHO; December 30, 2020, 10:45 AM.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          It sounds like you're doing the best you can during challenging times, [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], and I agree that simply by not drinking, you've helped your kids enormously in so many ways. You should be proud of yourself.

          I'm embracing simplification, also. In fact, when things I don't 'need' break, it is fine. One less thing to care or worry about. (This is a good attitude given that we have 4 grandsons!).

          This came out in the NYT today and makes me so mad: U.S. Diet Guidelines Sidestep Scientific Advice to Cut Sugar and Alcohol - The New York Times

          That committee is very conservative and reluctant to make changes so if they were recommending that Americans cut down on alcohol and sugar, you can bet there were some compelling underlying data. But, wouldn't you know, the current administration rejected scientific advice.

          Isn't it nice not to be worrying about how to handle tomorrow night? Abstinence is just so much simpler. I love the MindPeace. xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            I packed away Christmas today, glad that’s done.

            NS, I saw that article earlier & wondered how the Ag dept. has so much power & feels fine ignoring the science. People seem to just continue to do what they want to do regardless of the health consequences anyway, sad

            Kensho, glad to hear your starter is happy
            Mine will be celebrating it’s first birthday pretty soon & it’s still happy!

            Hi Wags, hope your day was good!

            Ava, grown kids don’t always get along. My two haven’t spoken to one another for several years. That started when my bi-polar DIL had a major flip out.
            I don’t envy the Amish folks, they are really hard workers & I know I don’t have the stamina. I never would have been able to raise 7-9 kids, haha!!

            It’s supposed to rain the next two days so I’m staying inside & staying safe.
            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, all:

              The stupid thing is that school lunches are based on those guidelines - they are such a load of processed gunk it is disgusting what we feed our kids. So sad. And don't forget, ketchup is a vegetable...

              I had a CRAZY drinking dream last night - I got wasted at a wedding and blacked out some of it (there was much more but I'll spare you). I woke up in my dream and was so regretful - I couldn't remember wanting to drink, I just did, so I was trying to convince myself that I didn't have to start at day 1 again. So stressful to try to work out how I was going to work it out with you all. Thankfully, then I woke up for real... Thank goodness I don't drink.

              Lav, staying inside and staying safe sounds good. I just saw a friend at the grocery store who said he and his family were "staying positive and testing negative." A newly elected representative who refused to wear a mask just died of covid. He was 40 and had small kids. So scary.

              Happy SOBER Wednesday...


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hello everyone,
                We went cross country skiing today in the mountains, it was beautiful! I am really tired though. It is a really good work out that is for sure.

                Yeah, staying inside sounds good for NYE. It is my daughter's birthday on Jan 1st so we will be getting Chinese food again. Lucky we love it so much.

                Good thing you don't drink Pav. Those dreams are scary for sure.

                Have a good one evabody.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters,

                  Checking in to wish everyone all the very best for the coming year. Had some great news recently from the cardiologist. He said so long as I monitor my blood pressure & pulse, I can try doing without the medications, & report back in a couple of months. I was thrilled to receive this news. So keeping everything as balanced, moderate & steady as I can!

                  I sincerely wish everyone a happy 2021. We know there will be challenges, but we can manage without drinking & reap the rewards.

                  Steady :heartbeat:
                  AF free since April 29, 2013


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Steady - that's fantastic news about your meds. I hope all goes well for you and that you can stay off of them!

                    Kensho - it does indeed sound like you are managing the new challenges of parenting during covid (on top of the already-existing challenges in this day and age). Being sober for yourself and your kids is top priority and you seem very solid with that.

                    Ava - I hope that the ab regimen helps at least keep things with your tooth at bay. Finding the right dentist can be so challenging and yet such a difference-maker.

                    Pav - so glad that was just a dream! And yes, the school meals we give kids are horrific. Our country's dietary guidelines are driven far too much by industry interests instead of by health or science (big shocker). It's maddening, saddening, and disappointing.

                    Ok nesters, it's time to send 2020 packing and to ring in the new year. I hope you all have wonderful last eves and first days. 2021 here we come!!!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Happy New Year's Eve. I am excited to kick 2020 to the curb, although I know this pandemic isn't ending. In the US we're up to almost 4000 deaths a day. So sad.

                      Glad to hear your news, Steady. What a relief.

                      LC, I hope all is ok with you over there - haven't heard much from you! You, too, Pauly.

                      It is a beautiful day here - we'll get out and about and then come home to make a delicious an un-nutritious meal of steak and potatoes. Maybe a game and then watching a New York new year before going to bed. THAT's MY kind of NYE.

                      See you all in 2021!



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good morning. All of a sudden we have house guests tonight. It's the four bubble people we have allowed ourselves to see, but I'm not feeling terribly interested in mess and guests. Maybe they will leave early.

                        Sad about the diet guidelines. The sugar and alcohol industry are right there with other addiction corporations - they have power over the masses and they know it. I am getting a VERY up close view of the pull sugar has with my kids. They sneak, hide, steal and lie about eating it!! There's another group who doesn't want sugar limited.... pharmaceutical companies who want to make money on diabetics. Hopefully that will change someday!

                        I'm excited to get back to a better diet and health! Yoga again this am.

                        LAV, I would like to be as simple as the Amish for a few days! But not the 7 kids...

                        I'll probably scrap work today. It's been almost impossible while the rest of my family recreates.

                        Anyway, 2021 without alcohol feels like a PERFECT way to continue the positivity. Nothing but better things have happened with alcohol out of the picture. I'm glad to be sober and can focus on the things in life that require presence, patience, clarity and focus. Peace everyone!

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi All

                          First of all happy new year!

                          I want to say I am sorry for going AWOL a few months ago during my 30+ day AL free streak.

                          I benefitted greatly from these weeks and from your support – but I felt I wasn’t in the right place – I like beer, don’t get me wrong, I have drunk since, a few bottles a week – never during the week and never alone, I enjoy having a few with my friends and letting it go – I have no desire or need to drink afterwards and I don’t go looking for it. As for the weed, that became a little too much, I went back on that but am happily a few weeks off it now, all withdrawals finished except the odd pain in the head, it was rough this time, but pulled through, with no desire to do that again! Way too old for that stuff.

                          Got an amazing job, I don’t know if you remember I was struggling with interviews and had a LOT of taxes to pay back, rent due at end Dec with no income at all, I finally managed to win a competition for a contract which pays awesomely, enough to pay my taxes in a few months – yep – so very happy about that and it came JUST on time!

                          I just wanted to check in with you guys, keep you updated, I am doing well, if you were worried at all – I am sorry – I just needed to do what was ok for me.

                          I will do 30 day streaks again, I enjoyed the process, albeit even the few beers I have at weekends have a slight effect on my mental clarity, and I really enjoy mental clarity - so I may go fully AF one day again.

                          I hope you are all doing very well and I will drop in from time to time to say hi.

                          Lots of love and blessings for this year ahead.
                          Last edited by ThreeBottlesOfWine; December 31, 2020, 03:39 PM. Reason: Dotting some T's and crossing some I's
                          Life is better sober


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy New Year, Nesters!
                            Hubs told me his niece and her hubs had tested positive for Covid and then my sister called and said her daughter had tested positive. She and her daughter, hubs and brand new baby spent Christmas with them, so sis got tested yesterday and hasn’t heard back yet. They are all on pins and needles. I hate that for all of them and hope they will have mild cases. Scary that it’s hitting so close, it gets real in a hurry.
                            3Bots, Im so glad you are doing well. We are here when you need us.
                            Those government guidelines made me pause as well. Can you imagine pouring alcohol on a beautiful orchid everyday and expecting it to live? Scary to think that’s what I was doing to my poor liver (and every other cell in my body). AL is poison, no two ways about it.
                            NS, I think I am now codependent on my dog! All this time together, yes, there will be separation anxiety when things open up again.
                            Wishing everyone a safe, happy and sober 2021 hugs to all, Byrdie
                            Spending a nice, quiet NYE at home.
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good New Year’s Eve Nesters,

                              Chilly & rainy here so I shall plant myself in front of the fireplace & watch 2021 roll in on TV
                              Glad to see so many checking in with plans to bring in the new year AF.

                              Byrdie, I am attached to my dog as well & that’s OK, she’s a good friend.

                              3BoW, thanks for stopping by & letting us know you are OK. Congrats on your new job, I’m happy for you
                              We will be here should you need us in the future, good luck with your plan.

                              Kensho, thought of you today as I mixed up a bowl of sourdough. I’ll let it rise overnight in the fridge & bake tomorrow. The long rises is what is what gives sourdough it’s special twang
                              I really feel for the young Amish women, they look old before their time if you know what I mean.

                              Pav, I had a rather epic nightmare last night but nothing to do with drinking. I thinkit was full moon driven, maybe yours was too, haha! We don’t drink so don’t let it worry you!

                              Steday, I’m happy for your news, that’s awesome!

                              Wags & Narilly, hello to you as well.

                              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest & a very happy & healthy 2021.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters

                                Happy New Year from Australia. Well, it appears no different to 2020 at this stage, we have covid cases again but my loved ones are all alive and well so i cant ask for more than that. The dogs slept through the fireworks so that is good. No one was allowed into the city unless you had a dinner booking so that was a sensible move. people in our suburb were letting off fireworks constantly which kept me awake a lot.

                                3B, great work on the new job and trying to curb your drinking. I loved wine too but alkies cant moderate, al will always win. I tried moderating before i finally got it into my thick head that i could never win against al, the slide back into drinking daily happened yet again. We are always here to help if the need be.

                                Steady, that is great news about your meds and i am sure you will take good care of yourself.

                                Wags, i am looking for that dentist but for some funny reason none seem good enough which is my avoidance factor. I will book today, i have to.

                                Kensho, i used to camp all the time with the kids as it was cheaper than everything else. We loaded up our boat and found an island near where we lived and camped there for the holidays. no showers, nothing, just the lake and kids going feral. The kids still remember those days with fondness and so many "remember whens". I think this is why i prefer motels now ha ha but if i ever get grandchildren i am sure the camping days will return.

                                Take care everyone and i hope 2021 brings us all some more happiness than 2020. xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

