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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Happy new year evabody!

    Ava, abc news reported zero covid cases today, so that's good. But i know we've gotta remain cautious.

    Good to see u 3B's.

    Take it easy out there. Ain't life grand without booze in the frame. It's next level living quality. In fact.....with senses alive and barriers/walls down, once you learn this and see that u can tune into other energies that are ever present around us, there are no limits. It's a high and contentment that surpasses booze. Yep, u heard that right pilgrims.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Thanks all, not sure what I am doing - guess my subconscious wants to do another 30 day streak - not sure why I feel the need to post but I remember I enjoyed it last time, I really enjoyed my sobriety and the process and logging in here daily to check in - it's a beautiful thing and can do nothing but good. I don't need to do it, a couple of bottles a week does not merit me joining a support group (I think) but as I said there could be something else going on in the background so I will follow it. Happy new year and looking forward to chatting with you all this year. Have a lovely day.

      P.S. I need to be more honest with myself and you guys if I want to live a better life, any alcohol at all is not good, even the few bottles I have a the weekend alters my personality and ability to think clearly next day as well as that - who am I kidding? I still drink, not to get drunk but I still drink in order to ease the addiction to it that I obviously have - I drink to satisfy the cravings - not many, not enough to even feel merry - but still - why am I here? Why am I writing this? What is the point of any alcohol at all!!
      Last edited by ThreeBottlesOfWine; January 1, 2021, 05:15 AM.
      Life is better sober


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy New Year everyone! Let's have the first days of 2021 set a positive and wonderful tone for the coming year. We definitely still have a lot of work to do and things will not magically get better, but I have hope again for the first time in a few years and I plan to nurture and coddle that!

        Hope you all have, or had, fantastic first days of the year in your corners of the world. Stay safe and don't drink!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Happy New Year, Nest!

          3BOW - sounds like you're uncertain. It really isn't about the amount, it is about your relationship to the booze - how it is affecting your life and making you feel. What is a few? How do you feel when you drink? The day after? Chances are you came here for a reason - we're here for you when you decide what that is. Personally, I have NO REGRETS about not drinking. More people are joining our ranks every day.

          Byrdie - have you seen those memes about how much dogs love the quarantine. When their humans go back to work and day-to-day life it will be a harsh reality for all involved.

          I am grateful to have found you wonderful people to support my sobriety. I am so grateful to be typing this sober and without a hangover. Phew.

          Happy 2021 - I'm ready to work hard, Wags. It WILL be better...



            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hey 3BOW. I never drank exceedingly large amounts of alcohol, but I kept coming here - because the relationship I had with alcohol was making me unhappy. I disliked the addiction, the need, the control it had over me. Mostly, I hated that I obsessed about it - thinking about my first drink of the night, telling myself I wouldn't have it until ___, later wishing I didn't have it, and planning for it again; then feeling confused about it all. And when I was honest, it made me sneak around and lie, and be more cranky, and feel terrible in the middle of the night. Like PAV said, it isn't the quantity, it's how its effecting your life. I am also very, very glad I am not drinking any more. I thought it would create a huge hole in my life, but I honestly don't miss it much at all. I am the same me, just better.

            Wags, thanks for your positive words!! I also feel good about a new direction starting.

            Hi G. Awesome on the zero cases! Not sure we will ever get there in the USA. Agreed about the natural high of life.

            PAV, yikes on the drinking dream! The panic!!!

            Steady, great news with the cardiologist!

            Hi Narily, Byrdie, LAV, AVA - LC where are you?

            Happy New Year everyone.
            Last edited by KENSHO; January 1, 2021, 12:46 PM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Un Hung New Year everyone! It is SO nice to wake up Jan 1st with NO hangover and no regrets from what I did last night. I LOVE being AL free.

              Today is my daughter's birthday and we are ordering Chinese food which is a tradition. I remember just a short 8 years ago being so hungover on this day that I had to go puke in the middle of eating my Chinese food. I felt so terrible both physically and mentally.

              Sounds like everyone had a nice New Year's Eve. We went to bed just before midnight, no fireworks or gatherings here. Two people in our government have been called out for travelling to Hawaii and Mexico while telling the public they should not travel. What is wrong with these people? They are elected officials, duh.

              3Bow, nice to see you and I am glad you got a job. I start as a contact tracer on Monday so that should be interesting, I am looking forward to it.

              I love you all, thank you for posting here, we are lucky to be part of each other's journey. :hug:

              Enjoy your first day of 2021 and do not drink today.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good points all, good points. Well, if I am doing it then it needs to be today - all your points are valid - my past relationship with the old devil is atrocious, I don't know why I would ever think it could be a friend. If I want to make a solid real change in my life then I need to remove my desire for the drug - I have the desire because my mind is now saying "It's weekend - come on, let's go, what are you waiting for?" but it's now or never. I lost my life, wife, house to alcohol - why on earth am I giving it any time at all, how am I supposed to get back to her or even someone new if I prefer the alcohol relationship. Thanks all, I will join you on this wonderful journey, you are a tremendous source of inspiration . Looking forward to it. There is a reason why I am here, true Pav, I don't know what it is but I can guess I have been around the block enough times to know my guides and read the signs.

                This time next year I want to be 365 days sober and back home with my family - this is the only way I can do that.

                Great to be back.

                GL with the job Narilly.

                Thanks everyone and see you all very soon
                Life is better sober


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I feel like a drink.
                  But I am going out for a jog.
                  Lose the beer belly.
                  Get fit.
                  It's not rocket science.
                  Life is better sober


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy 2021 Nesters! May it be a healthy & productive year for all of us

                    3BoW, sounds like you’ve figured things out & have a goal, that’s wonderful!
                    I’m coming up on 12 years in March & not once have I ever regretted quitting. I’m pretty sure you will feel the same as you move along your journey.

                    Dark & rainy here all day with the possibility of freezing rain later. I’m staying put, not dealing with that mess for anything, haha!
                    Glad to see so many checking in & reaffirming what we all know - AL is poison, we don’t drink!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi 3b's,

                      It sure is something we can only work out ourselves. My observations (and many others) from my time on the planet is that for some reason once we cross that line into problem drinking on a regular basis, then for most of us that option remains available to our operating system/memory banks as a viable coping/escape mechanism for years to come. For me it'd be playing with fire. When drinking, my booze addled mind will pull out all stops and any excuse to keep the medication and anaesthetic coming. My question to myself was......why? Why am i numbing myself and living in mediocrity instead of to my full capacity and maybe greatness? It's always an option. However with some sober time and clear thinking, i've been able to conduct a personal inventory and assessment. Who am i? Who do i want to be? Am i fine with who i am? What do i want out of life? Do i want to change? Any dreams? Bucket list? Am i scared, don't like new adventures? Have i worked out that fear is usually my ancient minds way of trying to keep me safe? blah blah blah.

                      I could waffle on for hours about this stuff lol. But i'll leave u in peace. Great decision and happy new year.

                      Big waves to evabody!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        A quick good morning ��...I'm awake!!
                        Really awake!
                        So clear minded....omg I missed this sooooo much!
                        Will write more later...thanks for the wonderful advice and kind words Lav and Guitarista ... Wonderful people
                        Love to all.
                        Speak soon
                        Life is better sober


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy New Years, dear Nesters!!

                          All is well here.. I had a New Years Eve celebration with a "new love".. which was weird, but also somehow ok in this time of who knows what's going on?
                          it sounds like everyone had a good few days before..? and then the change into a new year.? I always try to remind myself that it's all relative.. this is our new year, but so many people celebrate differently..
                          it's still such an uncertain time.. i'm still unemployed (though thankfully receiving state money).. and don't see a real end to the madness..?
                          we hear one thing and then another.
                          but the morning walks and meditation are helping!! as you said, Gman.. doesn't take a lot of time to make a commitment.
                          one minute is amazing!!!!
                          i've joined the bandwagon in learning chess!!:happy2: i LOVED the queens gambit and have been learning online.. can't wait for the flea markets to open again so i can find a decent board!
                          love to all of you..oxoxoxox
                          Last edited by lifechange; January 2, 2021, 11:34 AM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            TOOLBOX THAT G-MAN! Excellent post. "Why am I numbing myself" is what impacted me too. I did find that many of the reasons I was escaping didn't reveal themselves until I quit. You ROCK buddy. Way to go for the life you were meant to have and the greatness you were intended to be!

                            After my daughter slept in our room (again), I actually had about 3 minutes to log in here and drink my tea in silence - until I realized the dog barfed at the back door. SO, we are headed out and I don't have much time again. I SO miss my personal time. I know my daughter won't cling to me forever, and I will likely miss it - but GOSH! I do need some me time. Especially in the. mornings when I can ease into the day with positive thoughts here.

                            Keep at it 3BOW. One day, one hour, one minute at a time. Did you make a plan, with how to handle your cravings as they come up? A plan really helped me.


                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              No, no craving plan. Just not giving in to it, seems easy enough. I'm really enjoying it again. Even the few I had at the weekend had an effect on me...took a huge long walk today, mediated with a mooji podcast. Very beautiful. I'm very at peace. And I want to stay this way. Sorry to those who see me here who know I've been here before, I must look a little pathetic to you, but I'm working on this. I promise this is my year and I look forward to posting here and getting to know my fellow wariors. Much love and peace to all.
                              Life is better sober


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                We actually had a half decent day here, no rain & fairly mild. I’m sure winter will return very soon, haha!

                                3BoW, in case you haven’t noticed there’s no judgement here. We’ve all been where you are right now & we just want to encourage you to keep moving forward. Helping each other reach our goals is what we do

                                Kensho, I remember feeling the way you do trying to carve out a minute for yourself. It does end, I promise you that & yes you will miss the constant interruptions, believe it or not. I really don’t think there’s any way around it but you will be OK

                                LC, good to see you & congrats on the new love interest. Being happy & healthy to enjoy normal things is what we all want.
                                I’m grateful you’re receiving state money during this time, you know what’s happening here, ugh. Hope you can get back to work soon.

                                G, Happy New Year to you!!

                                Not much else going on here so I’ll wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

