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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Ava - good job on getting yourself to the dentist. As challenging as that was, I think you probably saved yourself from something worse down the road if you had let things go much longer.

    Pav - yes, an extroverted introvert sounds just like me! I always test right on the cusp of those two on personality tests, with a very slight leaning toward extrovert but I honestly think I've shifted somewhat more toward introvert as I've gotten older. They say that doesn't happen, that people don't change in that way, but I disagree to a certain extent. I definitely get energy from being around other people -- I just don't always want to actually interact/talk with them!

    Nar - we've had some politicians here do the same thing. And then of course we have the pols who just treat it all as a hoax and flaunt their maskless travels as "being patriots." I wish covid and karma could get together just for a day. That's terrible to say and I hate feeling that way, but I just wish the people taking all the risks were the ones suffering the consequences instead of innocent others. Hope all goes well at the dentist for you tomorrow!

    Lav - glad you were able to turn things around on drinking. Reality sometimes isn't a barrel of monkeys but it beats the alternative of not "being" at all!

    Kensho - that movie taught me a lot about octopi that I never knew before, and it sure showed how complex they are as creatures. I would be very sad to see one in a seafood market!

    Hellos and waves to 3BoW and everyone else stopping by the nest. Have wonderful days and eves!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Wags, this made me laugh.

      Originally posted by wagmor View Post
      I definitely get energy from being around other people -- I just don't always want to actually interact/talk with them!
      That about sums it up. I love love being with other people, but I also love love being alone - I need both.

      Nar - that's outrageous. As you all know, our Cheeto is trying to steal an election. I don't think he'll be successful, but it has me full of anxiety wondering what stunt he's going to pull and which a'holes are going to support him. The Georgia Sec. of State is NOTORIOUS when it comes to voter suppression and even he knows it is outrageous. As I just read - being human is hard... How'd the job go?

      Hope the rest of you have good sober days.



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

        Well, I start my new job on the 11th now which is fine. Another week off, woohoo!

        I have been watching the news about your election in Georgia, it is really interesting and scary at the same time. I wonder what is going to happen over the next 2 days.

        Wags, that is true about not wanting to talk to other people but just being around them is enough. I still have to watch the Octopus Teacher, maybe tonight.

        Well, off to the dentist now with my momma. Talk later.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          hi everyone!!

          don't quite know what to say as it seems that everything is up in the air!!

          Juli, big congrats on 1 year AF!!! Well done.. :heartbeat:

          I loved my octopus teacher and as well the previous film he made, (the great dance, a hunter's story..).. so beautiful, but also sad, as we see that these very old ways of life have a difficult time carrying on..

          Not much new here.. lock down, schools down, at least until the end of January.. my younger daughter is definitely suffering with the lack of contact with school friends, sports friends, etc., etc... I get that we all have to be careful...but the damage being done to our young people is quite horrifying.. a sacrifice..?
          hopefully there will be some relief soon..
          love and strength to all of you..


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            I’d love to see a bit more sunshine, it motivates me. I have some work stuff coming up & an having a hard time getting myself interested, oh well. Maybe tomorrow will be brighter

            Wags, like you I don’t always want to talk to people. Just seeing them from a distance is usually good enough for me, haha!
            When my first grandson was born 12 years ago I decided that’s it - I’m done drinking, smoking too. He motivated me like nothing & no one else ever did. Grateful still for his arrival just in the nick if time.

            PAV, all eyes are on Georgia today & I’m keeping my fingers crossed that people there are ready for change.

            Narilly, another week to enjoy, good for you!

            LC, it almost seems ‘too soon’ to reopen life as we knew it, the virus hasn’t left town yet. I do feel sorry for the kids, they are missing their friends & activities. Hope you stay well!

            Hello to the rest of the nest & wishing everyone a safe night.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Wags, reading your realization about AL was true for me, too. It was my esacaoe from what was going on around me. As Mr G always tells us, we need to learn the skill of siting with those feelings instead of trying to escape from them. It is a skill, indeed.

              My niece is a new mother, my sister’s first grand baby. They got together for Christmas and the baby was baptized. I was able to see it via zoom. Now they all have Covid. Sis received monoclonal antibodies yesterday. My niece and sister are congested, no smell or taste. The baby’s fever is gone. What a mess. I’m just glad I resisted the urge to go visit. Things get real in a hurry.

              My heart wasn’t in the holidays, either. As we say around here, fake it til you make it.

              Started new insurance as of the New Year, spent this afternoon trying to get my prescriptions moved Then my doctor’s offices computers were hacked. They are offering a year of credit protection so I tried to sign up for that and kept hitting roadblocks. Finally left my name and number which means I had to pick up incoming calls that came in about my car warranty expiring and the high cost of funeral expenses. Ugg. Dang spam callers.

              Stay strong, nesters. No drink tastes better than being sober feels. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hola gang,

                Good luck wit Georgia election. If only the orange orang-utan would stop, pause, and sit with his thoughts/feelings, feel them and allow them to pass through upon non judgmental examination. I suppose he'd either implode or see the possibility of real peace and contentment. But not while the ego's running the show.

                Hi LC! Good to see u. Sheesh, yeah i bet it's tough on kids. they naturally want to just spread their wings and fly. I hope the vaccine process provides a sustainable solution and fast.

                Things are still tricky here re covid, even though we've made solid progress suppressing the thing via lockdown restrictions. a few active and new cases popping up here and there. Hold on tight evabody. As Byrdy says - 'All ya gotta do is get through today'. One day at a time. ODAT.

                Wags, maybe we could carry a timer like they have at some A.A. meetings for talking, when out and about. Speakers get 5 minutes then a bell rings. Later friend. Next! Maybe a loud buzzer would be a better hint that the new convo and friendship is now ENDING!

                Nar! WTG on your new job. You're Raaaawkin!

                Congratulations Julia!

                Take care of yourselves. If i can focus on what i want/love, then allocate some time every day on it, then my balance, stress levels are really good. My hope remains alive and sometimes i might even smile.

                Any goals this year? I can tell yis about mine. Got a few hours spare? No 5 min. timer required as they're really interesting. One thing i've learned is not to overwhelm myself with tooooo much expectation or sign up for tooooo many responsibilities. Of course, life will dish out what it will including too much responsibility and expectation. Usually all in my head! I've had thousands of crises, but only a few have eventuated.

                Big waves and love to all.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I'm doing a happy dance to Ray Charles this morning with my family! Feeling optimistic about our future for the first time in a long time!!!!! The lies and corruption are going to start pouring out - the truth always wins.

                  Your comments about sitting with the feelings is so good. My daughter is having trouble falling asleep at night and so she is in our room all the time. I told her about how when I stopped drinking, I had to learn that sometimes we just have to FEEL the stuff, even if it's uncomfortable. Then it passes. I said that our job was just to feel the feelings that come, and then let them go. But fighting them, or numbing them leads to big problems. Not sure if she got it or not, but I liked the comparison.

                  Anyway - heat is rising on my projects, so I'm going to get moving!

                  BYRDIE, sorry about your family getting Covid! Real indeed. Hopefully more truth will come out there too, and we can unite to fight the virus, and not each other!! Our leaders who have badmouthed masks and downplayed the pandemic have caused real damage.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest


                    Mr. G - This made me laugh!
                    Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                    Good luck wit Georgia election. If only the orange orang-utan would stop, pause, and sit with his thoughts/feelings, feel them and allow them to pass through upon non judgmental examination. I suppose he'd either implode or see the possibility of real peace and contentment. But not while the ego's running the show.
                    I have a goal to continue to examine how to bring more exercise into my work week; to eat less meat in support of the environment; and to be less pessimistic - try optimism. Not blind optimism, but "let's hunker down and get s#*t done" optimism. I need many more than 5 minutes to discuss the rest, but those are the big ones. With your admonition, Mr. G, I try to be kind to myself when I'm not perfect. I try to strive for progress not perfection now. I think perfectionism is a common feature among those of us who like (hate) the booze...

                    It is hump day! The first week after a long vacation is always hard - I have a bit of jet lag as I adjust to waking up early again...

                    Happy SOBER Wednesday,


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

                      I slept in this morning because I was up late watching the election results. So far the restults are good. G made me laught too, Pav. The orange orang-utan, lol.

                      Byrdie, that is scary about your family getting Covid, thank goodness you did not try and see that baby!

                      Well, I have to go get my laptop for work so ttyl.

                      Don't drink today- just focus on today, tomorrow will come soon enough.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Well, feeling some hope for the future of the US today. Thank goodness. Maybe in a couple weeks we will be able to finally start dealing with COVID. I'm so sorry about your family, Byrdie. I hope they all come through it ok - which, fortunately, most people do.

                        It does seem to be a group with a perfectionism problem, Mr G. A serious problem with that is that anything short of The Best seems like a failure. For years, I considered my absolute greatest efforts to be 'adequate' and 'expected'. The problem with that is that there's no where to go but down and there are few chances for feelings of pride and accomplishment. I had the idea that if NoSugar can do it, it must be easy and so (obviously) everyone can. Which then leads to impatience and frustration with others who simply can't do a particular thing. And to add to the misery, I avoided trying anything I knew a priori I likely wouldn't be able to be the best. It makes the world a smaller, less interesting and exciting place. It's no wonder that people who think they need to succeed in all things they do are so tightly wound and desperate for any relief.

                        It sure would have been nice to know long ago the lessons that recovering from addiction taught!

                        Enjoy life as a human BEing, not a human DOing! xx, NS


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Byrdie, sorry about the family Covid spread. I can’t imagine exposing a newborn to that, sad..

                          I was also feeling optimistic today with the senate votes in Georgia turning the state blue.
                          Then this afternoon a huge mob of anarchists broke police lines & stormed the Capitol during the certification of the electoral votes. I am feeling so SICK right now. This cannot be happening in the US, can it? It feels like a nightmare, just like 9/11 did.
                          We calmed down when we talked to our son to find out he’s on his ‘weekend’ & is home missing the violence in DC. They don’t supply the fire/EMS departments with riot gear

                          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Lav - glad to hear your son wasn't working during today's violence. It felt like 9/11 to me too, mostly in the sense of "how did nobody see this coming?" I mean the trumpies have been boasting online about going to battle today for at least a month. I thought for sure the national guard, the DC police, and hopefully some other groups would be present but it seems that wasn't the case. WTF???

                            NS, Kensho, Nar - I was so happy after the Georgia election results last night, and then today that came crashing down. I'm SO tired of trump's lies and narcissistic recklessness. A woman died today and our capitol building was breached (easily it seems). trump incited them to do it and then he went and hid behind his twitter account. So G, I think implosion is the more likely outcome if he ever managed to sit with ANY of his feelings.

                            Dang it, the past several years have just been one 'reason to drink' after another (not good reasons) and I am incredibly grateful I quit before all of this started. Not sure how I'd be faring if I were still using al to cope or escape.

                            Fingers crossed tomorrow will be the start of something better.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Not much to say today. Mind blown at how mind blown some people are that this happened in our capitol.

                              Other than that, we're off to a good start back to school in my house - though it was only the first day! I have been able to set some boundaries.

                              I'm ready to tie some more loose ends up with work.

                              Hello to everyone.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                A sad, sad day for the US. The most outrageous thing is all of the police with riot gear who were on hand for the Black Lives Matter protests seem to have gone completely missing. I couldn't believe some of the footage I saw of people riffling through mail, just pushing past police. And only 15 arrests? A woman killed? A very surreal part of it was watching the milquetoast reaction from everyone - not one comment from the White House except a crazy video to create further violence. Nothing from the FBI, Capitol Security - so very weird. And I agree with you Wags and Kensho - there were actual sweatshirts that said Civil War Jan. 6, 2021. How could "they" not have known this was coming??

                                I am doing a no dessert January and ALMOST ate some ice cream that was in the fridge. But I stopped myself. I'm not giving that a$$ that power.

                                We got this,

