Lav - sorry about your chick, and I hope you find some semblance of a good mood to latch on to. This time of year is typically hard for me as well, so you have my sympathy.
Kensho - I agree that we're hopefully on a path to a better world even though it might get worse first. My concern is that we have some real divides, not just in the U.S., about what is truly desirable. On the surface I think most people would agree that we need more honest governments that truly work for the people, but underneath that we've got vicious disagreements regarding what that looks like. Both of the major "sides" think the other is the dishonest one, the duped one, and as long as everyone clings fast to their own positions (and their won sets of 'facts'!!) we'll never get anywhere. I read something recently that basically said you cannot use reason or rational thinking to try to reach a person who is operating from an irrational place like a fear or other emotion. I believe that's true. Sigh... Having said all of that, I figure I can't change the world but I can make small changes in my own circles, and it starts with being a good person. So that is where I try to begin each day.
G - what I was just saying to Kensho is similar to your comment about being kind. Yes. That is one thing we can all choose to do, and if enough of us choose that maybe we can alter the energy of the world. Can't hurt to try and we might just have some good experiences along the way. I hope your wealth manifests and then you feel abundantly generous with your nestmates

Nar - I can only imagine what the sh*tshow looks like from the north! I hope you're ready to sponsor some of us as refugees when everything hits the fan and we need to get out of here. I heard today that the number of people from the U.S. who were invited to become Canadian citizens has doubled since 2017, and I'm not surprised. I wish my Canadian aunt was still alive -- we would probably have moved up to live with her in BC a few years ago. Glad you're having nice weather! I'm guessing that's unusual this time of year.
Hellos and waves to everyone. Happy rest of (or end of) weekends to you all!