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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Lav - sorry about your chick, and I hope you find some semblance of a good mood to latch on to. This time of year is typically hard for me as well, so you have my sympathy.

    Kensho - I agree that we're hopefully on a path to a better world even though it might get worse first. My concern is that we have some real divides, not just in the U.S., about what is truly desirable. On the surface I think most people would agree that we need more honest governments that truly work for the people, but underneath that we've got vicious disagreements regarding what that looks like. Both of the major "sides" think the other is the dishonest one, the duped one, and as long as everyone clings fast to their own positions (and their won sets of 'facts'!!) we'll never get anywhere. I read something recently that basically said you cannot use reason or rational thinking to try to reach a person who is operating from an irrational place like a fear or other emotion. I believe that's true. Sigh... Having said all of that, I figure I can't change the world but I can make small changes in my own circles, and it starts with being a good person. So that is where I try to begin each day.

    G - what I was just saying to Kensho is similar to your comment about being kind. Yes. That is one thing we can all choose to do, and if enough of us choose that maybe we can alter the energy of the world. Can't hurt to try and we might just have some good experiences along the way. I hope your wealth manifests and then you feel abundantly generous with your nestmates Just kidding... Actually, I've tried a similar tactic not focusing on wealth but on attracting the types of students I'd like to work with, and it almost always has worked at least somewhat. Keep us posted!

    Nar - I can only imagine what the sh*tshow looks like from the north! I hope you're ready to sponsor some of us as refugees when everything hits the fan and we need to get out of here. I heard today that the number of people from the U.S. who were invited to become Canadian citizens has doubled since 2017, and I'm not surprised. I wish my Canadian aunt was still alive -- we would probably have moved up to live with her in BC a few years ago. Glad you're having nice weather! I'm guessing that's unusual this time of year.

    Hellos and waves to everyone. Happy rest of (or end of) weekends to you all!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good MAE, everyone:

      Mr. G, I feel like I'm cold all of the time (with "flashes" of HOT :eek-new so I'm not sure I can get myself to try that. I might look it up. Around here the ocean is about 50-55 degrees F - pretty cold. I do swim when it is hot out, but I would be hard pressed to get in there in winter...

      In my work we say people come to a conversation from a particular place: Emotion, thinking (where data and facts will sway them), believing (a moral righteousness), or acting (a belief that talk is superfluous and we need action). Only by centering ourselves first, and understanding where someone is coming from will we make change. If someone is in the emotional quadrant, coming with facts and research won't work - you have to appeal to emotions. Anyway, that is a VERY condensed version of it, but it has helped me not only at work but in other relationships in my life. However, I also believe that there are things that are just WRONG and that people need to be held accountable for despicable acts.

      I have had my rose-colored glasses on when looking at alcohol this week, combined with some facebook memories of the times I was drinking before I quit. It is SO EASY to remember how sad, scared and sick I was feeling, and I know I will NEVER go back there... Grateful for the freedom!

      Last edited by Pavati; January 10, 2021, 01:34 PM.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hola nesters,

        Wags, you bet i'll share the big bucks around! I need to do something for my twilight years, and to further expand some community activities i'm involved in.

        Big waves to evabody. Wishing all a safe, peaceful week including your chickens Lav.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          My chickens were happy today after we put the two canopies up. They almost seemed to know why we did that as they were much more relaxed than they have been the past few days. Blocking the view of the neighborhood hawks will help reduce these awful events. The canopies will also provide more shade in the summer. There’s room for two more so I think I’ll get them.
          We had real sun today & it helped brighten my mood. I even got out for a short walk with the dog, haha!

          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hey all.
            Jane, I’m so happy for your 7 years sober. That big. Bigger than big! It’s the BEST, I am busting (yes, busting) with pride for you! Keep up the great work. How’s Red, The Wonder Dog, doing? I hope he isn’t running all over you like our chihuahua. Hugs to you, dear lady.

            The past few days have really gotten me down. I never thought I’d see America like this. I had a shouting match with my brother last night. He is indoctrinated. No amount of reason would work. He is taking advice from a guy who thinks he has a child via alien abduction. It’s insane. Everything you hear about, my brother believes, including that vaccines have trackers in them. I said, ‘what us that thing you have in your hand that you take everywhere, even the bathroom.’ No need for a tracker, you’re holding it! I give up. These people are gone! I don’t know what the answer is. Misinformation is crippling us as a society.

            Lav, glad you got your chickens some additional protection.

            Nar, we’ll need a 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with a garage near you. See what you can do, ok? :haha:

            Stay safe and sober, everyone. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good Monday evening Nesters,

              Sunny & chilly here but I prefer this to the summer heat
              Ran some errands today & made a delicious vegan lasagne, yum.

              Byrdie, I get a kick out of some of the people responding to your FB posts! It’s fun pointing out to them how little they actually know, haha!!
              I can’t believe how gullible some people are - tracers in vaccines, that’s classic paranoia. I think we need some pop up mental health facilities in this country, geez.

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nest,
                IÂ’m a familiar face. I am jvo. I am 17 days sober. I was contemplating on coming back here, not because I donÂ’t want to be, but IÂ’m sure IÂ’ve used up my chances with you all.

                I quit drinking on December 26th. I realized and believed that if I didnÂ’t, in another week, Al would have put me in the hospital for how very sick I felt. IÂ’m doing it so I get to live, but am also doing for my loved ones in this house. I was drinking a bottle and a half of wine to two a night.

                The phases of alcoholism are real. The way IÂ’ve turned into just a shell has made me realize and know that there are no more risks I can take, ever. The only risk IÂ’ll take is accepting and forgiving myself.

                A lot has happened with me, and a lot has not happened.

                I donÂ’t feel afraid of not drinking. I feel afraid what will happen if I ever put it in my system again.

                IÂ’ve been keeping myself occupied and distracted these past 17 days. I must have watched 15 musicals and so many Netflix series. ThatÂ’s all IÂ’ve managed, except for work. IÂ’ve been working from home since mid November. IÂ’ve learned a lot about technology as it applies to google classroom, but I still donÂ’t know how to make a music playlist! That will come. We return to school next week.

                I will be retiring from public school teaching on June 3. Well, I plan to sub and try my hand at something different, but the decision to retire provided a lot of relief for me. It’s 3 1/2 years before I get my full pension, but we will be fine. Lotsa booze savings. Administration has a noose around so many of us. They’re teacher hunting and putting so many in “needs improvement” and along with that is even extra work. They have five in our building now, and if they get another needs improvement, they will lose their jobs. 17 people have left the district in a year and a half’s time. There are a lot of law suits against the district. The environment is so toxic. They’re bullying us. 10 administrators will walk through a classroom at once, on surprise. I’m blessed that I have the years and age so I can receive a still decent pension.

                I hope you will accept me back.

                Neen formerly known as jvo


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Jvo!! Welcome back! I have been wondering about you, and worried that maybe you weren’t doing well. It’s so good to know that you are here and ready to heal now! Retirement from that stressful job should help immensely.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Aww Jvo I think about you often, it's great to see you back and fab job on 17 days! Don't go away this time! We love having you here:heartbeat:
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Jvo/Neen - glad to see you, and even more glad to hear about your 17 days so far. Welcome back!

                      Lav - I'm sure your chickens were very comforted by the overhead canopies. Now they can relax at least a little bit!

                      Byrdie - I am so sorry to hear about the interactions with your brother. These are dark scary days for sure, and one of the few things helping me stay at all sane/calm is that I have nobody in my friends/family circle who supports or believes any of the nonsense. What's happening now is shocking but not surprising, if that makes sense. People have been fed a deluge of lies and propaganda for years (decades really) and the last 4+ years they've been spearheaded by the guy at the top. Many people are quite literally brainwashed, and part of the stories they've been fed is that WE are the ones who have been duped. I honestly don't know how we get very many of these people back. Facts don't work. Ignoring them doesn't work. Fighting them just strengthens their resolve. I am sad that you have this so close to you, and I send you hugs to help fend off all of the negative energy coming from the brainwashed mob. :hug: :heartbeat:

                      I tried to get on this site yesterday but wasn't able to get it to load. Did anyone else run into any problems? Anyway, things are as well as they could be here.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Welcome back, J-Vo!

                        I think about you also. I am glad to hear you are 17 days sober. Welcome back and settle in. I'm glad you get to retire - that sounds like a terrible situation. Jane and J-Vo visiting in the same week!? How great. We need Little Beagle back now! (good to see you pop in, too, Pauly).

                        Byrdie, I was talking with someone I work with who doesn't want the vaccine. I understand that people are afraid, but the way one of my friends who is a scientist put it: 1) they have been developing this TYPE of vaccine for a long time. While the disease application is new, it is on the foundation of years of research and science. AND 2) right now we have a lot more evidence of the potential negative long-term effects from COVID than we do for vaccines. Your phone question is spot on. Big Brother doesn't need a vaccine to watch us.

                        I'm personally having a rough week emotionally. Sometimes that happens. I know that at night a drink would work fast and easy, but I also know that would soon be LONG and HARD. Instead, I had a hard workout last night and did a puzzle (sort of a meditation). I'm ok and will get through - that's the only way out!

                        Happy SOBER Tuesday,


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Welcome home, J-Vo

                          You'll never run out of chances with us. But it is important to quit before you reach a rock bottom you can't recover from. One of my BILs is dealing with his 2nd DUI (the last one was 20 years ago) and likely will face jail time. I think this has been his rock bottom and as I discussed with my SIL, it could have been so much worse. It is great that you are quitting while it remains your choice. xx, NS


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Welcome back Jvo, we’re still here & still open for business! Great job on your 17 days, just keep moving forward. I have never regretted quitting, you won’t either

                            NS, that’s a shame about your BIL. I’m so grateful I quit before anything like that happened to me. Protecting our quits is vital.

                            Pav, I’m with you in dealing with low energy & low mood as well. There’s so much going on in the world it seems like arrows are coming from all different directions. I’m paying attention to self care & plan to lay low until the winds change direction. Granted it’s easier when you’re retired but you know what you. Need to do :hug:
                            Btw, both of my kids have had their 2nd doses of the vaccine now since they are front line workers. My daughter had a low grade temp & headache for 24 hrs then was fine. There’s nothing to fear about this vaccine & I will get it as soon as I can.

                            Glad to report a peaceful day in the chicken yard, yay!

                            Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            Last edited by Lavande; January 12, 2021, 05:50 PM.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for the welcome backs. I appreciate it lots.

                              I’ve been teaching from home and I can honestly say that I don’t hate being at home. It was really scary at first, learning so much tech at first, but once you get the swing of it, it kind of rocks. For me, anyway. So many teachers hate it. I think I would prob feel differently if I wasn’t leaving in June. It’s kind of getting me in a different mindset. We go back this coming Tuesday but still hybrid.

                              Something came to my mind this afternoon. I had texted a friend a few months back. Instead of texting my friend from work, I texted Nar. I asked her what was best about escaping the beast. She said, “I like myself.” I think that’s the biggest thing I want out of quitting. That would be most important to me. I know there are so many more advantages, but I’ll take that.

                              Our country is so divided. It’s not a good feeling at all. I couldn’t sleep last Wednesday thinking of the disaster this nation has become.

                              NS, that really does suck. Hopefully that will help him to make a different choice. A woman I work with had 3 DUI’s and three small children at the time of her third. She had to go to rehab and they let her keep her job luckily. She’s been sober since 2007.

                              Anyone read this naked mind. A good read.

                              Have a good night.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Welcome back, JVo! Congrats on the 17 days!
                                I agree with Nar, liking myself again has been the best. Quickly followed by trusting myself again. It’s as if I operate with more and better information. I’m sure I am, 6 hours a day I was checked out and many a morning I’m sure I was still buzzed, then felt like hell. That cycle sucks. You will love retirement. I left my job a year ago (in a huff) and never looked back. It was past time to leave. I’m optimistic for the exciting prospects ahead for you!
                                I was reading something that said that here in the US have been operating at unsustainable stress levels. I agree. Between our political upheaval and out of control pandemic, we are not sleeping, stress eating and drinking more. At least I don’t have to worry about that one. I’ll be glad when we find our way out of this deep water. It is exhausting. I’m getting repetitive click finger and Amazon is quite happy about it. I ordered a box of chocolate candy the other night (Lindor truffles). Ugg.
                                Stay strong, everyone. Hopefully, we are in the last mile! Byrdie
                                Last edited by Byrdlady; January 12, 2021, 08:17 PM.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

