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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, all:

    GREAT to see you Peppersnow. When I saw your name I was really hoping you were here to report long sober time. CONGRATULATIONS on nearly 7 years. Whoot.

    Glad you sent your friend our way. I hope s/he show up.

    Chrissy promoted Holly's (Hip Sobriety but called something else now??) book which I hadn't seen. I might check it out. It IS great to have her on our team - she's pretty funny.

    Happy SOBER Friday. I had a happy week and also a rough week for a lot of reasons and am really, really looking forward to a recharge.



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Happy Un hung Friday everyone!

      Hopefully things get back to normal now, yay to go U.S.A!

      My contact tracing job is going well. It is all done remotely and I am enjoying working from home. My doggies definitely like it!
      Our cases are finally going down a bit, we will see. I talked to a guy who tested positive yesterday and he works in a manufacturing facility. He worked the whole time when he was infectous and the day he became symptomatic. So this had to be escalated to our medical officer of health because it could mean a break out at that facility. Crazy times!

      Pav, I am going to check out that book- Hip sobriety. Thank you for the post about Chrissy Tiegan, I had no idea.

      Mitchell- excercise, eat, change your routine, YOU can do this and welcome!

      Byrdie, 10 years? Holy smokes!!!! WHOOP!!! You deserve a big medal!

      I have today off but work all weekend, I don't mind at all. Temps are going down here for the next week. -12C right now.

      Talk soon and don't drink today.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        morning nesters

        Mitchelle, welome to the nest, i was a 2 bottle of wine drinker a day, more on the weekends as i had to relax and thought there was no way out of the cycle. luckily i found here and found a bunch of alcoholics/addicts that truly understood what i was going through. We all have a story and nothing suprises us as we have probably done it.

        I meant to ask you NAR how your job was going, glad you are working from home. I have been home a year in March and i worry that if i ever go back to work Carl is going to be a wreck. i am going to look into fostering dogs but need to get my side fences made higher. glad that you enjoy your job. -12 sounds appealing, we are 41C on Monday. i am so going to melt.

        Pepper, congratulations on your 7 years sober, its a wonderful feeling isnt it, not to rely on al, to hate it with a vengeance and just feel free. Another friend to help is always welcome.

        Busy week again, our new nurse who thought work was just great is now being worn down. she will get used to it ha ha. I am having a 4 day weekend as Australia Day is on Tuesday. Looking forward to winding down.

        My daughters friend moves in today, daughters bedroom is painted and half moved in and looks so fresh. when she has moved out of other room fully i will then start on that. keeps me busy and out of trouble. not that i need either.

        Kensho, i am not looking forward to the dark days again, summer and daylight savings is wonderful.

        Wags, i think the whole world is celebrating Biden getting in and not seeing the chaos and for me, not muting the tv when the ex P came on. An awful awful human being.

        off for another cuppa and to start the day. take care xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Friday Evening,

          There have been a lot of ups and downs in my first week back to work. The beginning of the week had me feeling proud and at peace with hearing my name recommended to the board for retirement. That peace was a great feeling. It lasted two days.

          President Biden and and VP Harris are our new leaders, and yeah, that feels phenomenal.

          Early yesterday morning, my husband and I got news from my son that suddenly, our beautiful furry friend passed on. Ramsay is not with us anymore. He was only 5 years old.

          Yesterday (Thursday) started as all of our working days do. Husband leaves at 5:30, Ramsay helps me get ready for work, by running around on my bed, admiring himself in my big mirror, then burrows under the covers until I transfer to his brother when I leave for work.

          Apparently Husband had been trying to call my cell, but I never have it out as I could be reprimanded for that. The secretary called up to my room to tell me to call my husband. I did and I heard my husband wailing, saying “Ramsay is gone.” Then after saying that several time, he said, “ and son wrecked the car trying to get him to the emergency vet.”

          Around 8:25, Ramsay had let out a screeching noise twice, then went limp. Son knew he was gone, but panicked and took him, intending to take him to emergency vet. Then he wrecked. Son is fine. Just some bruises and scratches thank God.

          The people I work with are gems. I was too hysterical to drive home, so one friend drove my car and me home, and the other friend followed. I work with amazing people.

          After taking our buddy to the vet to be cremated, we all came home. It was a day of crying off and on. All day and all night. ItÂ’s not much different today.

          Did I want to drink. Yes. Very much. I thought I need to escape this awful feeling. I donÂ’t want to feel this pain. Is this a damn good excuse. I thought so. I thought it was a good enough excuse yesterday and today.

          What did I do? I didnÂ’t drink. I told my husband and son what I felt like and I asked them to help me stay away from it. They did. I was present for both of them, and felt the pain course through my veins. I hugged and cried with them both.

          I almost have a month. Although this was a tragic time, I was able to have the people closest to me help me to keep my promise, to not drink no matter what.

          IÂ’m very tired. I hope I can continue making the right choice.

          Last edited by Neen; January 22, 2021, 06:26 PM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Great to see so many folks checking in today
            Getting colder, snow expected on Monday so we’ll see what happens.

            Good to see you Peppersnow & Congrats on your upcoming 7 years AF, wonderful!! Tell your friend we’re nice here because we are.

            Narilly, glad your new job is going well.

            Hello gto Wags, Pav, Kensho & Steady!!

            Ava, don’t beat up your nurses, haha! Changing jobs can be confusing. Glad your home decorating is coming along. Stay cool while we try to stay warm

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Jvo/Neen - I am SO sorry to hear about Ramsay. I think it's pretty much always heartbreaking to lose a furry family member, but when it's so unexpected (and in your case also tragic for your son) then it's all the more difficult. Please know that so many of us can relate to your grief and sense of loss. On the positive side, that's fantastic that not only did you NOT drink, you were also honest with son and husband and enabled them to help you stick to your quit. That's what it's all about, and you did it. Hugs to you friend :hug:

              Nar - hooray for the contact tracing job going well, for being able to work remotely from home with your pups, and for cases going down in Canada (or in your Province at least?).

              Ava - I hope you have a wonderful and restful 4-day weekend.

              Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest this weekend. Stay safe!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                What did I do? I didnÂ’t drink. I told my husband and son what I felt like and I asked them to help me stay away from it. They did. I was present for both of them, and felt the pain course through my veins. I hugged and cried with them both.
                J-vo, tears popped into my eyes when I read this. I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you :hug:. It is great that your family is there to support you. I am so sorry about Ramsay and that all of you are in such pain. Losing any dog is so hard but losing a young dog unexpectedly is such a heartbreak. xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  So sorry, J-Vo! That is terrible. I am so grateful that you stayed strong in your quit, though. Good for you for asking for support from your son and husband, and I'm glad your co-workers were there for you. You flexed and strengthened a sober muscle and continue to do so through a difficult. As Mr. G says, the only way OUT of those hard emotions is THROUGH. Drinking would just put them off for a while.

                  Nar - I was going to ask about your job, too. Glad it is working out, and how nice that it can be from your home. And the book is called Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker. Her blog/instagram used to be called hip sobriety but now is called Tempest. I think there have been mixed reviews on her book - Chrissy promoted it as something that helped her.

                  Ava - Wow, do the rooms in my place need painting. But we've been here so long and accumulated so much stuff - it will be challenging when we finally tackle it. The kitchen is first...

                  Ok, today is a break in the delicious rain we had yesterday. Off to enjoy the outdoors somehow.

                  Last edited by Pavati; January 23, 2021, 11:28 AM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    JVo, I’m so sorry about your dog, heartbreaking. We cross-posted last night so I didn’t see your post.
                    Not drinking thru something like that proves you are stronger than you know, we are proud of you. Please take care :hug:

                    Hello to Wags, NS, Pav & everyone.
                    Very cold & very windy here today, preparing us for snow on Monday I believe. I’m staying as much as I can.

                    Wishing everyone a comfy & safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Evening Everyone,

                      Today there was less crying. More reflecting. And a big, long nap. Did a few things around the house. I’m kind of tired, probably from not moving my body around at all. My goal tomorrow is to get some school work done, wash clothes, and the bathrooms are so gross, need to tackle them. It’s time to get up and move.

                      I feel relieved that I’m not feeling as vulnerable as I was the past two days. And also glad that I have things I need to do tomorrow to prepare for the week. Another weekend without booze, and this was a big deal, this one. Thanks for your continued words of encouragement.

                      Nar, so glad you’re enjoying your job, and how great that it’s from home.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hugs to all nesters - the ones who are thriving, the ones who are struggling/surviving, and to everyone in between. :heartbeat:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Un Hung Saturday everyone. Its 10pm and I am just going to have a bath and go to bed. This is much better thatn having another glass of wine and blacking out!

                          Neen, I am really upset about Ramsay. I feel like he was my own little weenie because he was exactly like Elvis and we both got them in 2015. I keep kissing Elvis, he likes it
                          It is wonderful to see you here. I really missed you Neens. That is what I am going to call you.

                          Thank you everyone asking about my job, you are so kind. I like it and I don't feel like I am going to get fired any second which is nice. I am grateful to have it for now and I try not to think too far into the future about the job situation.

                          It is snowing here and freezing cold -13C right now but its beautiful. I get up at 6:40 and go for a 20 minute walk, it is really nice when no one is around and it has just snowed. Can you imagine getting up at that time and going for a walk on a Sunday when we were drinking? Ya Right!! There is NO way that would happen.

                          Don't drink today, one day at a time right!

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Sunday,

                            Glad you're having a sober weekend, Neen. Take care of yourself.

                            Really not much to say. Glad to see you all who check in and to think about those who don't as much. Grateful for this group.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Wait. Stop the presses. There IS something big today.
                              [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] is 8 years sober!

                              I lurked around here for about a year off and on while I was trying to "moderate" and fix myself so I could still drink, and I followed every step of your journey. I so appreciated your scientific, research-based approach, combined with humility and compassion. THANKS for being just 11 months ahead of me forever more, and thanks so very much for supporting me when I first came (and forever more).

                              Hope you have a wonderful day full of celebration. You deserve it!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Wow, Pav, good catch there. NOSugar, I wish your date was in your signature line, I’d stand a decent chance of remembering it!
                                I do recall when you first came into the nest. At that time, Kuya was here and she sent me a PM that she wished all nesters were as receptive as you were. You were like a sponge. That trait seems to have served you well, here you are, 8 years later! I am so proud of you! Just an incredible accomplishment. :dancin:

                                Jvo, I’m crushed to hear about your Ramsey. Just awful. I am so sorry. God bless you all and I hope your pain can be replaced with happy memories soon. Thinking of you.

                                Happy Sunday, everyone! Stay the course! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

