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    Newbies Nest

    papmom3;878601 wrote: Hi Fennel,
    I am way behind on posts so I don't know what others have said to you but I wanted to offer my experience with CRF before I lose my train of thought.
    I had two eldery cats who were diagnosed with advanced CRF. It's an insidious disease that usually doesn't show any symptoms until their kidney function is down by 50% or more. They both lived for 2 more years after diagnosis and with a good quality of life until it was time to say goodby. I won't sugar coat this: There is no cure except transplant but with supportive care your kitty can live a number of very good years. Your vet is right-as long as she still has her appetite, things are good. I gave both cats subQ fluids twice a day for 2 years. I started out taking them to the vet once a week for them to do it (very expensive) and finally put my big girl panties on and asked to be taught how to do it. Once I got it down it was very easy. I learned all sorts of tricks about how to keep the fluids warm as it went into the skin, how the bigger nee dles are scarier to use but the session goes twice as fast, to setting up a special station to do this at. Once it got to the point where they needed it twice a day I was very glad I had sucked it up and learned. Because my kitties were having trouble with their appetite, I didn't worry about special diets. Whatever and whenever they ate was a cause for joy but your vet may recommend a low protein diet or whatever the current medical thinking is (my cats have been gone since 2000 and 2002 and I haven't kept up). I totally understand how devastating this diagnosis is but depending on age and how far gone her kidney function is, you may still have many wonderful years with her and all you'll have to do is keep her hydrated.
    Thanks, papmom...
    I don't recall her numbers, but they're pretty high right now. Hopefully, treatment will bring them down. I would rather do the sub-q fluids on her myself, as it would be much less traumatic on her. She pretty much will let me do anything to her- hopefully, this won't be such a huge thing for her. I'm so shocked, since I've had she and her daughter in for exams every year, and they've checked out A-ok each time. This was such a huge shock to me! I would be so grateful for two good years with her. She is so much my cat...she lives and breathes for me and I have to say that I am pretty smitten with her.

    God knows I'll never find another like her. I'll do anything for her. Thanks for your history/advice. It's greatly appreciated! :h


      Newbies Nest

      Oddly, Bob has been adapting well to the renal diet the vet has put her on at the hospital. I'm hopeful that she'll be o.k. with it at home.


        Newbies Nest

        hey Fennel-sending huge pings Bob's way that she stabilizes soon and more pings to you. She's a very lucky cat to have you as her mom!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Newbies Nest

          papmom3;878628 wrote: hey Fennel-sending huge pings Bob's way that she stabilizes soon and more pings to you. She's a very lucky cat to have you as her mom!!
          Thank you so have no idea how much hope you've just brought to me! I love that cat so much...if I can have her fora bit more, I'd count myself as so lucky. She is the dearest critter to my heart and I know you understand how that goes. She adores me and I adore her and nobody can take her away from me. I am in it with her for the long haul. I may hit you up for tips, if you don't mind. :h


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nestlings!

            Nope, still no peanut!
            I was a bit peeved today; I told my daughter to pop into the hospital close to her (they don't do deliveries) just to check on things, get the baby's vitals and whatnot. Well, the father-to-be was unwilling to leave his video games and 'waste his time' at the hospital, so I drove over an hour, picked her up, took her to the hospital, stopped at a store and a bit to eat, dropped her off and drove back home. I'm starting to see why she is ditching her b/f. :durn:

            Anyways, that was pretty much my day. However, the good news is that the peanut is doing just peachy and mum will just have to wait and suffer a while longer (I suppose that last part isn't all that much good news LOL). So, I'm glad we went, the doctor agreed that it was a good idea to come in and actually spent quite some time talking to her/us.

            Fennel, how's the kitty? I do hope she's feeling better!?
            Everyone else - :hallo: luv ya, miss ya... but am somewhat preoccupied these day! LOL
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all.
              Wow Sunny - still no bub! She/He is certainly taking after his/her mum with you being in labour so long with her. Hope you are abit more patient than I am...
              Molly - what a lovely thing for your young fella to say. You are obviously doing the right thing if he thinks like that - and tells you.
              Fennel - hope Bob is doing better. Where did you get that name from?

              Well nesters. I am hanging my head in shame........ I chickened out of going to that party! I just couldnt do it. I had been having panic attacks and anxiety all day when I realised that parties were "supposed" to be fun, something to look forward to, not feel like that. So I did my usual and made an excuse not to go. I did feel immediately better after deciding not to go, but it is not a very good thing to admit. I tried so hard. I bought her a lovely present and told the kids I was going, but just couldnt make myself go. I really tried and thought I would go right up until a couple of hours before the start. But the fear won! Maybe I will just stick to abseiling and extreme sports.
              Thank you for all your suggestions, you must think I am a right idiot for not being able to do something as simple as go to a party. Definitely something I need to work on!

              So with my head down and tail between my legs, I will say bye for now.

              Hope you are all reaching your AF goals.

              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Hipster, hardly 'hanging your head in shame'! You dealt with the situation as you saw fit. YOU DIDN'T DRINK!! That's the bottom line - who gives a toss about a poxy party. I've 'chickened out' of heaps of events and have lost friends in the process, I don't care, staying sober is all that matters - well done!!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  hippy, i think you did the right thing. as you say parties are supposed to be fun, not something to be stressed about. ive done the same as you, im just not ready to put myself in that position right now. do you really do abseiling and extreme stuff... thats fantastic
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey HC- I am SOOOOOOO proud of you!! You have NOTHING to be ashamed about-quite the opposite! You stayed true to YOURSELF and did what was RIGHT for you. They don't call this being in recovery for nothing right? You have a ton on your plate right now with a hubby and young kids and trying to stay sober in order to have the best life you can have and be the best you you can be. No Ma'am, you did the absolute right thing. If I remember correctly you said you aren't even really close friends with this woman-it was more a social obligation. Well, as Molly said-pox on that if it causes you more anxiety than joy. I am doing the happy dance for you this morning:dancin:.

                    MollyKA-what a great young lad you have there!! This will be a memory you can always call upon when times get tough as he goes through his late teens (and I suspect they will). You will get through them knowing that deep down he loves and admires you.

                    Fennel-you can call upon me anytime for anything!! As painful as my experience with my kitties was, I don't regret for a second that I had to go through it. It made me stronger and I learned a lot. I have a better relationship with the vet I ended up with in the middle of all this too as I was an informed client and he was my partner in my kittie's care (the other one had passed on by then). PM away my dear.

                    Sunnie-I know nothing about childbirth but I do know about selfish men and your daughter is very strong to be getting rid of that one! I'm sorry the peanut is taking so long to get here but he/she must know it's not the right time. Many pings being sent your way as well -please pass them onto your daughter that everything goes OK and when Peanut finally gets here he/she is healthy and raring to go!!

                    Good morning to everyone else visiting the nest this morning. Will check back later inbetween T-Storms. :l
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Sunny, the "father-to-be" sounds like a real winner.. God forbid he should miss some valuable video game time in order to see if his child is o.k. What an eedjit! I'm glad your daughter is unloading him.

                      I hope the little one comes along soon...maybe he'll be born on my b-day!

             did the absolute right thing! Honestly, it's better to stay home than be in temptation's way. There will come a day when it won't be a big deal. Right now, I say whatever it takes to stay sober is what you need to do. You've done so well! :h


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Fennel, Paps, Spuds, Hipster and everyone else around, just popping in to say hello, I find this site can be quite empty at the weekend and I suppose thats when I need to hang around a bit more!! Hubs having a bottle of wine beside me - he REALLY wouldn't if I asked him not to - he is so not a drinker, but that wouldn't be fair, luckily its red wine and that never did anything for me. He's working for the weekend and just told me he's having a lie on in the morning cos its bank holiday here - just the lie on is til 6.30 AM!! Least the kids have always seen work ethic in the house!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Molly!! Congrats on 30 days of being AF!! I just realized that either Friday or Saturday was your big milestone. Way to go girl!!:wd::yougo::yougo:
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I knew I meant to post here about something - its my Mums 2nd anniversary on Tuesday, and with daughter just gone away I need to be really strong, and I will be, just wanted to be accountable here if you know what I mean. I know I'm like a broken record but you lot really do make such a difference to my life, thank you
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Congrats, Molly!:jumpwow:


                                Newbies Nest

                                mollyka;879195 wrote: I knew I meant to post here about something - its my Mums 2nd anniversary on Tuesday, and with daughter just gone away I need to be really strong, and I will be, just wanted to be accountable here if you know what I mean. I know I'm like a broken record but you lot really do make such a difference to my life, thank you
                                We'll be here, Molly. :h

