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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    That sounds like a great way to celebrate Easter; with Ava, G-man, & Steady all having an Easter luncheon together!

    Pav, here you were feeling behind on keeping up with your own house after traveling, and now you had to do your mom’s too! But, I’ve been-there-done-that too a number of times; having to major clean and sort out relatives’ places. Hope you enjoy your next getaway!

    Wags, you must be getting exhausted. The diarrhea is maybe a side effect from the antibiotics? Too bad dogs won’t keep their diapers on!

    Daughter’s MIL didn’t actually go there to take care of them through COVID: she had plans to travel there and stay for a week, and didn’t change her plans since she’d already had COVID herself, and had already had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated. I don’t think I should be going up there and risk getting it and spreading it further. Son-in-law had it first, and his case was fairly mild, so he was able to take care of his wife and baby pretty well.

    We have had beautiful warm Spring weather here for a few days, and I have been able to go outside for bike rides!! I love that, and miss it during the long winters.

    I went back on my NSAID pain pills for my knee, and, along with icing and pain gel, am getting around better.

    Ava, I sure hope your mom has a mild case of shingles. That is supposed to be horribly painful, as Pav attested to.

    Wishing all a cozy night in the nest!
    Last edited by Slo; April 7, 2021, 05:42 PM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Thanks to all for the ideas and well wishes for our pup. It's almost certainly a post-antibiotic reaction and I hope we're over that hurdle soon. We've got her on a bland diet with some probiotics added in. It just feels like one thing after another.

      Slo - hope you start to get some relief from that knee pain!

      Ava - I'll chime in on the healing thoughts for your mom and the shingles.

      Hellos and waves to Lav, Pav, Nar and everyone else stopping by the nest. We're over the hump of hump day!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Thursday everyone.

        Wags, I feel for you. It is so hard when your dog has diarrhea once let alone every night for an extended time but like you said, thank goodness you are not drinking.

        Lav, you are the best cook, oh and Byrdie too. Some of the pictures of her treats she makes, YUM!

        So cool, Slo, Ava and G meeting up for lunch, that would be so much fun. You guys do share a common bond and you know all of us which is cool.

        Pav, so glad you don't drink. That sounds nice having lunch with your 'bubble'.

        I am going in for a Covid test tomorrow because I haven't been feeling good for the past day. Better safe than sorry. We are going into a partial lockdown tomorrow as cases are rising quickly. Some people brought in the variant from BC because they went skiing there (which they were not supposed to) and because of them the virus has spread over many sites very quickly. I am super busy at work, it is crazy right now.

        Have a good one everybody, and don't drink today.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, Nest

          Sorry about your dog, Wags. Our go-to for diarrhea in dogs has been pumpkin mush mixed in with the food. Not a miracle cure but seemed to bind "stuff" together. I hope s/he recovers soon and you get some good nights of sleep.

          I'm pretty jealous of Ava, Steady, and Mr G! My 20-second hug with Byrdie in the Charlotte airport over a year ago didn't quite cut it!

          I hope you don't have Covid, Nar. That would be so frustrating after staying healthy all these months.
          And I hope your daughter and grandson continue to improve, Slo.

          I've been pretty busy meeting puppy-, family-, and work-needs. Thankful to be sober and up for all of this :victorious:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Still enjoying nice weather in these parts but the weekend is looking to be damp. April showers bring May flowers so I guess we had better accept the fact haha.
            Accompanied my husband to another medical appt today even though he didn’t need a drIver this time

            Slo, glad to hear your family is well taken care of & I hope everyone is happy & healthy again very soon.
            Sorry about the chronic knee pain, that stinks. Lots of ice after exercise for sure

            Wags, keeping my fingers crossed for your energy & sanity with the doggie stuff.

            Narilly, I hope you test negative, maybe it’s something else going on. I’ve been dragging the past few weeks like I do every spRing due to allergies, ugh. Get some rest!

            NS, how’s the puppy training going?
            I’ve been thinking about adding another dog to the household but it’s been 9 years since I trained the last one. Not sure if I have the energy haha. Good luck to you!

            Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Lots of rain today, and the trees are rapidly turning green, and some flowers are blooming!

              Waiting to hear if you test negative, Narilly. If you’re spiking there, then it is a worry. Daughter with COVID is feeling much better today, and Beckett’s fever broke last weekend, so all good there.

              May as well get out for a drive, Lav!
              Yes, I have to sit a long time and ice after being on my feet doing the daily activities. I have also purchased a knee sleeve with healing properties from Back on Track that I wear a lot now to help brace it. I thought a knee replacement was supposed to cure all this!?!

              Byrdie, I know what you mean about you and your husband eating different things and at different times. I eat a somewhat special diet too for my hypervitaminosis A detox, so I often eat a totally different meal from them, and not always at the same time. One difference is that, like Lav, I eat (mostly) dairy-free now.

              Take care, everyone!
              Last edited by Slo; April 8, 2021, 07:52 PM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Friday Nesters,

                Cloudy with some brief rain showers today. It was just enough rain to stir up the pollen & make me sneeze like an idiot haha!! Why would I ever get a break? Lol.
                I ended up mixing up a sourdough pizza recipe 8 pm last evening & let it sit to rise until 4 pm today. A long slow rise means you get a lot of sourdough flavor, yum. Put half the dough in the fridge to use another day & baked the other half with some pizza sauce, dairy free mozzarella & fresh basil. Delicious

                Slo, has anyone looked at your knee in terms of chronic infection? Happens sometimes sorry to say. I can remember patients coming into the hospital for IV antibiotics & sometimes a revision after their TKRs & THR as well. You should not be dealing with so much pain after all this time, so sorry :hug:
                I picked up a knee support for my husband today to stabilize his knee. He did something yesterday while moving some heavy outdoor furniture yesterday & is C/O pain in the lateral aspect of his knee. It’s always something!!

                Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Your pizza sounds delicious, Lav!

                  I hope NoSugar’s puppy is settling into more of a routine, and I hope Wag’s dog is firming up and sleeping through the night! I wonder if NoSugar’s puppy sleeps through the night?!

                  Ava -there’s already a series of beautifully illustrated story books about a large dog named Carl!

                  Lav, I saw the surgeon this week, and we’ll do blood work to check for infection in the knee, and do a bone scan too.
                  I saw a second orthopedic doctor this week also, one who is more holistic; and will have a few PT visits to strengthen the quadriceps on that side that atrophied quite a bit in the gap between the injury that necessitated revision surgery and the actual surgery; and never bounced back. And also a few PT visits to correct the right SI joint that is making my right hip sit higher than the left, and irritating/inflaming the IT band on that knee replacement side. So I’m feeling hopeful that it can get somewhat better!

                  Best wishes to all for a sound sleep in the Nest.
                  Last edited by Slo; April 9, 2021, 08:41 PM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Back from a relaxing and nice little vacation. Just what the doctor ordered!

                    Nar, I hope you're feeling ok and the test was negative. Scary. My son knows two college students (and their roommates) who have covid - at least one was brought back by an unvaccinated roommate who travelled to New Orleans over spring break. SMH - get those 20-somethings vaccinated (and educated!)

                    Wags, hope the pup responded to your remedies.

                    Have great SOBER Saturdays,


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters

                      a very brisk 5 degrees this morning and rainy. winter is coming. Back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off and i want to retire. Spent a few days at mums and her arm is not too good. Hospital says its shingles, dr says its arthritis. im thinking maybe a cellulitis or bursitis as she is in a fair bit of pain. cant really lift the arm and she really loves sewing and cant do that. we had a nice time and i am learning to switch off.

                      Hope you are feeling better Nar. they have stopped the Astra Zenica vax here for under 50's. I am due to get mine on Wednesday, bit iffy about it tbh as i dont fancy a blood clot but they say it is more prevelant in younger people. will talk to my drs and see what they say.

                      Slo, i hope the fam are on the mend now. i will try and post a pic of Carl, i need to download pics off my phone and there are thousands and most of carl lol. I hope your knee starts feeling better. I used to be so frustrated with my shin splints and not being able to walk far. Thankfully after buying my $260 shoes they are fine and well worth the money.

                      Wags, im with NS on the mashed pumpkin, my mads used to get the runs all the time and blood in her stools so she was on pumpkin and yakult for her gut health.

                      I took Carl to the vets the other day for his yearly needles. It was so lovely to see my vet, was like carl was not there. We had a great catch up talking about our families and life. Carl was such a good boy and he also got a needle for his incessant itching. Wish i had of gotten that done a few months ago, it has worked a treat and the bonus is i get to go and see my vet again in a month. Its the small things in life really! He does have to lose a couple of kgs, dont we all!

                      well off to make a coffee and start the day. take care xx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        We had a mix of sun & clouds today after a night of rain. Typical spring I guess!
                        I have one grandson staying overnight & the other is on his way home. One at a time is good, haha!

                        Slo, I’m glad to hear they’re looking into your knee situation. Hopefully things turn around soon. I am a big believer in PT & even talked my daughter into going into PT for her second career. She loves it much better than the business world where she started. She’s given me quite a few helpful hints. To manage chronic aches & pains.

                        Pav, great that you enjoyed your time away. The closest college to us is actually the University of Delaware & I know they are having problems with the students & Covid too. Hopefully they get the message sooner rather than later.

                        Ava, sorry your Mum is not feeling well. Does she have lesions anywhere else besides her arm? Shingles usually pop out on the trunk first. Maybe she has a psoriatic arthritis? That is quite painful too. I hope she gets relief soon. Glad Carl got his annual vaccines & something for his itching. My dog needs a little help with that as well. Last spring I took her on long walks most days, she lost 3 lbs & I lost nothing & ended up with very sore feet. Now we both need to lose a few lbs, haha!

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          NS and Lav - yes, pumpkin is out go-to for doggie runs too. Between that, and the bland diet, and probably just some time for her gut to heal after so many weeks of abx, we finally seem to have rounded the bend on that and we've had a few good nights in a row. :yay:

                          Nar - I hope your covid test comes back negative and that you start to feel better soon. It's sad that a few self-interested people can travel and then have such a negative impact on an entire community upon return.

                          Slo - I hope you get some answers at the very least from your upcoming appts and tests, and that the PT helps bring great relief. Pain is exhausting!

                          Ava - glad that you had such a nice vet visit and that Carl is less itchy. I hear your concerns about your own covid vax and I hope you're able to get good advice from those around you.

                          Happy weekend everyone!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey, nesters
                            I got my 2nd Covid Vaccine on Thursday and Friday, I was on the couch. My immune system must have gotten insulted because it threw all it had at it. I’m still not 100% but doing much better.
                            Nar, I hope you are ok. I’m so sorry you don’t feel well and wish you a speedy recovery.
                            Slo, I hope your family continues on the path to wellness, too.
                            Ava, G, Steady, what fun that must have been. That’s good company right there....3 Powerhouses!
                            pav, I had to chuckle about your cleaning. My sister (63) still has her clothes from high school! It’s nuts! She says she kept them to show her kids how small she used to be. I said, don’t you have pictures? I can’t imagine hanging on to clothes that long. Who has the space? Yikes.
                            A beautiful day here. I shoukd pry myself off this couch and go out and get some fresh air.
                            Hugs to all, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Not much to say today, although I guess that's how I feel most days. Staying sober is not a day-to-day struggle anymore. I think about it now because my kids are coming into the age of "normalized" drinking, whatever that is. Wouldn't it be nice if every generation automatically got the learning from the generation before them? Although I'm sure they'd figure out how to make new mistakes - it is human nature.

                              A beautiful day here, too, Byrdie, and I, too, am having trouble motivating for fresh air. I have no idea why - I love being outdoors. Just in a funk.

                              Here's to pumpkin, dog walks, and sober living!



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Sorry to hear you’re sick from the COVID shot, Byrdie. HB and young daughter are doing ok after theirs yesterday. Son-in-law 2 is pretty sick today though, from his yesterday.

                                Young daughter turns 18 this month, and leaves for college this year; so I will be losing my non-drinking buddy. We two were going to tag along on HB’s business trip to Hawaii in November, but it got cancelled because of COVID. There went my last opportunity to travel with an AF buddy. So drinking is on my radar for that reason too [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION].

                                At least oldest daughter has been continuously pregnant and breastfeeding for a couple years -she always has AF beer and AF wine for us to share.

                                Lav, my daughter D2 left the business world to pursue a second career as an OT! -and I heartily endorsed it! HB thought she should stay in the business world, but she was disgusted with shady business practices, sick of being stuffed into and stuck in an office building all day, and sickened by watching the job insecurity of long term coworkers, never knowing when their position could be eliminated. She is much happier in her new field, and has good advice to offer too.

                                Happy Day of Rest!
                                Last edited by Slo; April 11, 2021, 04:43 PM.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

