Greetings Nesters,
Rain & clouds all day until just now so at least we get an hour or two of sunlight.
My weekend visitor has retuned home so it’s back to us & the animals, haha!
Wags, my beagle mix is prone to anal gland issues, the` worst stink on the planet. A spoonful or two of pumpkin in her dinner bowl fixes that problem, thank goodness, haha! So many uses for canned pumpkin, who knew???
Aww, Byrdie, sorry you were not well after the vaccine. That will bE us on the 20th this month. I’ve told my husband to make no plans for that day, hope he’s listening. Get yourself some fresh air &sun

Pav, besides me only my son-in-law is completely abstinent. I don’t know his reasoning, haven’t felt the need to ask as it’s not my business. But I do feel a little better when he’s walking around with a big glass of water so I’m not the only one. The kids all have to make their own choices, that’s for sure. I know when my son first started as an EMT many moons ago he saw enough damage & decided to not go there.
Slo, my one & only daughter ended up being my best travel companion too. Glad we got to explore a lot of Europe together. Now she’s busy with work & my granddaughter. Do you have any friends who like to travel?
Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!