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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Rain & clouds all day until just now so at least we get an hour or two of sunlight.
    My weekend visitor has retuned home so it’s back to us & the animals, haha!

    Wags, my beagle mix is prone to anal gland issues, the` worst stink on the planet. A spoonful or two of pumpkin in her dinner bowl fixes that problem, thank goodness, haha! So many uses for canned pumpkin, who knew???

    Aww, Byrdie, sorry you were not well after the vaccine. That will bE us on the 20th this month. I’ve told my husband to make no plans for that day, hope he’s listening. Get yourself some fresh air &sun

    Pav, besides me only my son-in-law is completely abstinent. I don’t know his reasoning, haven’t felt the need to ask as it’s not my business. But I do feel a little better when he’s walking around with a big glass of water so I’m not the only one. The kids all have to make their own choices, that’s for sure. I know when my son first started as an EMT many moons ago he saw enough damage & decided to not go there.

    Slo, my one & only daughter ended up being my best travel companion too. Glad we got to explore a lot of Europe together. Now she’s busy with work & my granddaughter. Do you have any friends who like to travel?

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      My oldest son went through a "sober" phase when he was around 18 - he even suggested we get matching sobriety tattoos! I suggested he wait a bit, and sure enough that phase didn't last long. My kids smoke/vape weed more than they drink, it seems, although they seem to enjoy both. I don't see any signs of drinking like I did when I was their age, so that's a good thing.

      SLO, sorry about your missed opportunity to travel to Hawaii. I hope you get to go soon - have you been? It IS the paradise it is made out to be as long as you stay away from the extreme tourist traps. Is your daughter going off to college? She had a hell of a senior year! Poor thing.

      I'm off to work after some days off. I just don't like that early alarm!!

      Happy SOBER Monday,


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good afternoon, nesters.
        Lav, my tummy still isn’t quite right and I have no energy, but considerably better than the day after. My hubs had no issue at all, you just never know. Better each day, thank goodness.
        Going to get lab work tomorrow morning, my first doctors appointment in well over a year. It’ll be weird! Hopefully, everything is still working properly. I’ll go back next week for the actual physical. I’ll also be calling to get a hair appointment, man oh man, my poor hairdresser! I’ve got a mess! My hair is about 5 different colors and my bangs, how can such a simple concept completely elude me? I’ll be glad to get myself in the shop for maintenance.
        It’s a beautiful spring day here! Hope everyone has a great day. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Busy weekend with puppy and a visit from my sister, which was really nice.

          This dog is no problem at night - doesn't fight the crate or bark to get out. The problem is the daytime when she eats EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. And, it doesn't show up at the other end!! I have no idea how much trash is in her stomach and intestines right now. The vet said not to worry as long as she is not vomiting, wants to eat, and continues to poop.

          Sounds like everyone is doing ok even if not perfect. (Although I don't think we've heard back from [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION], have we??) I think of all of you every day. :heartbeat:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Boy we ended up having a huge thunderstorm last night, not that it was needed, haha!
            Cloudy & cool here today, no sign of sun.

            Pav, glad you waited on that tattoo.....18 year olds still have a lot of changing to go through.
            When I was young drinking was a very rare thing for me, believe it or not. We both had jobs that subjected us to random drug testing so smoking weed was a big risk. I somehow caught up on all that youthful behavior in my mid forties. Hope work was OK today.

            Byrdie, keep feeling better, geez. You’ll be feeling great when you get your hair done for sure
            I haven’t seen my medical provider in all this time either, hope they open up for office appts soon.

            Not much going on here so I’ll wish everyone a safe night in the nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Cross posted NS!
              Did I tell you one of our Goldens had a fondness for Christmas tree tinsel? Yeah, you could see the shining strands out in the yard when he went out to poop haha!! Puppies are incredible!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening, Nesters:

                I did get to go to Hawaii in the past, in conjunction with boozy business trips with HB. It was absolutely gorgeous! The beauty of this trip would have been to get to enjoy it with with a non-drinking person -HB would have been in conferences all day, so it would have been just the two of us shopping, sightseeing, and enjoying the beach! But she will be 18 soon and then off to college...she will become one of the drinkers.

                Yes, it has been a hard year for her to be a senior in high school because of COVID -but better this year than last year, anyways. And at least she has been attending school in person this year, and also still had high school swim team, and club swim team.

                Those puppies chew up everything in sight, NS! And it can go on for almost 2 years.

                [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], that was interesting about how strongly your kids reacted to the idea of you going back to drinking! It’s reinforcing to know that they prefer the sober you.
                Last edited by Slo; April 12, 2021, 08:21 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  We were blessed with a sunny day today. We took a ride & stopped at our daughter’s & left her with 6 dozens eggs which she shares with friends. Got to see our granddaughter for a few minutes while she was on her lunch break. The full time zoom schooling has been good for her, she’s happy & learning what 4th graders need to learn.

                  Hi to Slo! I see the nest has been quiet today, hopefully everyone is busy & having a good Tuesday.

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    NS - hopefully your pup will eventually pass anything that won't break down in the intestines. It's amazing what some dogs will eat, isn't it?

                    Byrdie - sorry your 2nd dose knocked you on your butt, although still way better than getting covid! I hope you're feeling back to usual (or better!) in no time.

                    Slo - sorry you lost your chance to travel with your AF daughter. Who knows - maybe she'll get to college and see that drinking isn't all it's cracked up to be and continue to opt out.

                    Hellos and waves to everyone. Hope you're all having good weeks.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Well, I know you're all eager for the poop report: HUGE with no identifiable components. She must have battery acid in the belly! Lav, your tinsel story made me think of our first Golden who ate a bunch of those little easter eggs wrapped in pastel colored foil. Luckily the chocolate didn't bother her and she had pretty poop for several days.

                      Pav, it wasn't a tattoo for us but at some point (maybe around 15 years?), our daughter and her BFF decided to get purity rings. When they proudly showed them to me, I was pretty noncommital. As an adult she told me they were annoyed about my lack of enthusiasm but "got it" a few years later :haha:.

                      Slo, maybe your daughter won't be all that interested in alcohol. I know it is hard for this group to believe but the majority of people drink little or nothing!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, All:

                        Glad your pup is still moving things through, NS. I had to laugh. Our dog still gets socks when he can. We will be sitting in the living room and he will come through VERY SLOWLY as if we can see him, with a sock in his mouth. We are definitely missing some, so he definitely has a stash somewhere.

                        I do love sober travel - almost as much as I love sober live music. There is so much more to take in and enjoy without worrying about when where and how to drink. I have mentioned this many times, but I remember Rahul was at a business meeting in India and while the rest of the participants hung out at the bar he went swimming in the Indian Ocean. That sounds SO much more enjoyable to me. But I agree, SLO, it is nice to have other non drinkers around.

                        The weather here is pretty typical April. We want it to be warmer but it just isn't yet. It is actually very windy, too, which takes the joy out of those backyard gatherings we have been having with my sister and her partner.

                        Off to work. The good news is that there is a lot of Covid relief money and other support for schools. The bad news is that each pot of money comes with a full report that has to be written - so much bureaucracy!!!

                        Happy SOBER Hump Day.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Humpday greetings Nesters,

                          Chilly & rainy here once again, just as predicted.
                          Here in the mid-Atlantic area we have to be careful wishing for warm weather. Once the warmth arrives it brings the ungodly humidity along, ugh. That’s just one of the reasons I keep my hair pretty short, haha! Another medical appt for my husband today & I think he’s done now for 3 months. Getting older means you spend a lot of time running from appt to appt, geez!

                          Wags, good to see you
                          I once had a German Shepherd who took an entire pound of butter off of my kitchen counter & ate the entire thing including the box & paper wrappers on the sticks. We saw a lot of yellow out in the yard for several days haha. I learned to hide the butter while leaving it out to soften up for baking

                          NS, one of my son’s Goldens used to eat socks & actually passed them too haha! They are funny dogs.

                          Pav, glad your school is getting the $$. Nothing is really free, is it? Have fun with the report writing.

                          I hope everyone else is doing OK & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey, nesters!
                            My Chihuahua used to love to eat earplugs. I had them on the bedside table to drown out hub’s snoring. I don’t know how they made it through without blocking something, but out they’d go. I guess they were fun to chew.
                            Speaking of, I made some gummy bears yesterday and posted a pic on FB. I had at least 2 people responding with suggestions to soak them in vodka and one asking if I’d added tch! Yikes. I didn’t know that was a thing with the vodka. My standards were pretty low, but that doesn’t sound good to me. The truth is (which I didn’t want to disclose) is that I made them as a snack for my colonoscopy in a couple weeks. Ha! I’m a real party animal, no?
                            Slo, as I was reading your post, I wondered if the 61 year old me could go back and talk with the 18 year old me, what would I say? As I think about it, I’m not sure AL became an issue until I started my first big job at age 28. I wonder if I would have listened to me if I told myself that AL would become the biggest problem of my life. I doubt it, and that’s a real shame. It sure sneaks up on you over time. Our tolerance of our tolerance. Scary when you look back at it.
                            Missing socks! I’m reminded of the time I was out of town and caught in a snow storm. It took me two hours to go 3 miles to my hotel. I took a bath and washed out my socks and one of them went down the bathtub drain! I was mortified, I was sure it would stop up the water but that sucker was gone. Later that night, the power went out and I had to sleep in my coat. Next morning I left out the door with my one sock on and was never so glad to get home. Henceforth, I packed an extra pair of socks.
                            Not much going on here, hope everyone is having a great day! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Exciting day, I got my hair cut haha!! Small things make me extremely happy

                              Byrdie, when I saw you gummy bears I didn’t even think of vodka or THC. Is it my age or my sobriety or both?? I guess I have learned to stop thrill seeking behaviors (except hair cuts). Isn’t is awesome that we have grown out of that funky stage of life? Good sock story, unusual haha!

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Wow, such great sock stories! I don't think I have one to add, unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately

                                Not much to report from here except another day free from al. Hope you all have easy nights and days.

