Slo - I'm so sorry things have deteriorated further with your marriage. Going through either that or knee surgery would be challenging enough, but both at essentially the same time sounds overwhelming. Good for you on standing up for yourself. It says a lot that that is one of the things influencing your husband's thoughts re divorce.
Nar - so glad you're feeling better, and HUGE congrats on your 7 years!
Byrdie - thanks for the support. My wife was up and walking the day after her knee replacement, and they've told her she'll be up and walking the same day she gets the hip. It's scheduled to be outpatient surgery, so as long as she passes the PT tests and revives enough from the anesthesia, she'll be home by bedtime.
Lav - yes to all of what you said re post-surgery movement. These joint replacement procedures have come a really long way in the past decade or two. I'm so glad the hip recovery is generally easier than the knee. My wife is a retired physical education teacher so she's chomping at the bit to return to full activity as quickly as is safe/wise. Hope your snow storm was just enough to kiss winter goodbye!
We're almost to the weekend everyone - stay safe and sober!!!