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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Evening nesters.

    Wags, so glad to hear that your wifes surgery went well. I think in and out of hospital is the safest option. Our hospitals are full atm, they started surgery after covid which is great but now all the rehab facilities are full so we cant get them out of the hospital. a Catch 22 situation.

    Happy 8th birthday Steady, i hope you had a lovely day, the years keep rolling by which is wonderful.

    Nar, i dont think carly would do well at a dog park, he is too jumpy and a pain in the butt. Wow that party is bad, i just dont get people who dont think this will affect them. I look at India at the moment and think of Rahul and hope he and his family are safe. Its just awful to watch.

    Slo, a double nana, lucky you. I had my first two 16 months apart and i remember it was another form of hell lol. I hope you get your knee fixed soon. I cant wait to get my teeth done, i dont want the pain but having more than one tooth to chew with will be novel. the rest hurt too much.

    Lav, our Cardi had to have her dew claws removed and it was the best thing. Carl has some type of skin irritation and have just started him on an injection from the vets and seems to be working a treat.

    time for a cuppa and to wind down from the busy week. take care xx

    i am watching handmaids tale now, so glad all the post covid shows are back on. Had a beautiful day here, didnt feel like we were heading into winter at all, i love days like this.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      What a relief, Wags, to have the surgery behind you. Glad it went well, and happy healing.

      Steady - you ARE a legend. Congratulations on 8 years. What a gift.

      Happy Birthday to your daughter, Slo. Another thing when I was a kid - my mom cooked but never baked. I didn't even know you could make a cake from scratch - thought they were all out of the box! :egad: They are so easy by scratch, I can't believe people even made them by box, really. You just have to add baking soda and or powder, really. Not that I bake cakes - I'm not a baker either.

      Nar - these words struck me - "I think it has really changed the path of our lives..." Amazing that what we do can influence others in such a positive way. I'm not sure my quitting has slowed my family down at all, but I do think it makes my kids keep an eye on their own drinking.

      Happy SOBER Friday - no tickets to boozeville here.



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Steady, you are really holding steady at 8 years! Congratulations on your long term sobriety!

        Thanks for the update, Wags. Sounds like the surgery was likely a success for your wife.

        My HB drinks much less at home than he used to when I was a drinker, and if any of the kids & spouses come over or we meet at a restaurant, alcoholic drinks aren’t automatic anymore. Especially at lunchtime or at a Chinese or Indian restaurant. Now HB will often have root beer while he’s watching TV with young daughter, rather than having a beer. So my being AF has changed the family’s habits to some degree as well.

        I’m not a baker either. I just don’t take to it much. Making cookies is an effort for me for some reason, not a relaxing “I just whipped these up!” activity. Although I do like eating them! And I need my treats now that booze is off the table! But yes, turns out making a homemade cake isn’t that much different from using a boxed mix.

        Daughter & I are going to go to the high school tonight to see her friend put on her senior performance play. HB is wrapped up in the NFL draft. (I wonder if he will stay my HB? The uncertainty is eating away at me.)

        You should have cooler weather your way now, Lav!

        Greetings to all.
        Last edited by Slo; April 30, 2021, 04:54 PM.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Steady, 8 big years! So proud of you! You ARE A ROCKSTAR,
          Slo, my heart goes out to you. I have walked on eggshells before, not knowing if I had a future with Hubs. I don’t wish that on anyone. I hope it works out the way you want it to. Thinking of you.
          Wags, so glad to hear that the Missis is hanging in! I know she’s glad to have that behind her. Healing thoughts your way!
          Not much going on here, you aren’t missing a thing.
          It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! :rara: Hugs to all, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Sunny day but super windy. Waiting to lose power ir cable or something.
            I was asked to get the boys after school & feed them dinner. Son & DIL out of town at a funeral but should be picking them up later. So far so good!

            Wags, glad to hear the good news. I hope you’re getting plenty of rest & your wife’s healing goes well
            Now you can put ‘nurse skills’ on your resume.

            Ava, this dew claw thing was weird. I never had this issue in nearly 50 years of owning dogs. Matilda’s healing fast, all is good.
            Hope your weekend is relaxing!

            Pav, my kids will have an occasional beer when they’re here or out but nothing like I remember from my family gatherings decades ago. Makes me happy they have more awareness.

            Slo, I can bake my brains out but I cannot decorate a cake or a cookie to save my life, haha.
            This crazy windy weather is bringing 30 degree weather here tomorrow morning which we really don’t need. Oh well.

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Un hung Saturday everyone.

              I bought a whole bunch of sour dought and other treats at the marked today. I don't really bake much. Lav and Byrdie, you both sure make some delicious things.

              Pav, I am sure your quitting drinking has made a difference with your kids. I think this will become apparent as they get older.

              My dogs had their nails clipped yesterday and my weiner dog, Elvis, cried like a baby. lol What a drama queen.

              I have the weekend off and am going to enjoy the heck out of it.


              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Sunny day, much less wind & decent temps - perfect
                Didn’t do all that much today after yesterday’s activities. Slept like a log last night, that’s for sure.

                Narilly, funny about the dog. Actually my son cried for years when I clipped his nails, haha! He doesn’t believe me when I tell him that now.
                Glad you found some tasty goodies at the market today, relax & enjoy

                Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in.the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                  G, hello to you! I was in the car today & heard ‘The Guitar Man’ by Bread - huge hit in the 70’s. Of course it made me think of you

                  Hi Lav! That song was a favourite the second i heard it, and still is. What a great band and sheesh they made a beautiful sound.

                  Gr8 news re the missus Wags.

                  Big waves to evabody. 'Round these parts I was the guitar man last night, and i'll be the man with the geetar again tonight. Lucky to be making original live music.

                  Take it easy.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good that those grandsons wore you out enough so you could get a good night’s sleep finally, Lav!

                    It’s a perfect day here, so I enjoyed a beautiful bike ride outdoors! Doc says that’s the best thing for my knee. It sure beats biking in the basement!

                    Hi Guitar Man, and hope you enjoy your Sunday gig, and the music flows!

                    My sister moved two doors down into a new apartment yesterday -one that is newly refurbished and -most importantly -doesn’t have chain smokers living in the two apartments below hers, flooding her apartment with secondhand smoke! (How is that allowed?!)
                    Our youngest brother and his strapping boys were there yesterday to help her move the big stuff. It was sad for me to see how how deeply red Brother’s face is (I didn’t think it could get any more red!), and riddled chock-a-block with broken blood vessels, and with the smell of alcohol seeping out of his pores as his 12-year-old daughter hugs him. She sure loves her daddy hugs! (-their mother died). I do hope that someday he will address his alcoholism.

                    I’m heading over now to help her unpack.
                    Yesterday HB wasn’t talking back to me when I would try to communicate (what’s new?) , so I went and called my sister and visited for two hours. It was much less lonely that way!

                    Hope you’re having your excellent weekend off, Narilly, and everyone else too!
                    Last edited by Slo; May 2, 2021, 11:50 AM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Sunny & a warm 81 degrees here today
                      I’ve been outside putzing around in the yard, enjoying the day. Rain coming tomorrow which will make more weeds grow, hahah!! Not complaining just noticing the cycle of life.

                      G, this weekend’s musical memory is Average White Band! Heard it in the car of course & immediately told my 12 yr old grandson that all the great bands had a horn section back then, Lol Maybe he will rethink giving up the saxophone at school this year. Glad your weekend is going well!

                      Slo, my grandkids used to wear me out physically, not so much anymore. Now it’s just me trying to make them happy cooking their favorite foods & desserts, my fault, haha!
                      I sure hope your sister settles into her new place & begins a healthy new life. She’s lucky to have you so close. Maybe your brother will make some changes in his life too, never know.
                      Getting the silent treatment from your husband? That’s not helping anything, sorry.

                      Hello to the rest pf the crew & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Lav - sounds like another fun visit with your grandkids! I bet they love spending time with you.

                        Slo - hooray for a bike ride outdoors! That's one of my favorite things to do on a beautiful day (or even a bleh one). Sorry to hear about your brother's drinking though. Do you think that seeing him in such condition helps you keep your quit? And I call BS on your husband. It's so challenging when one person just refuses to participate in dialogue or discussion. I'm so sorry he's being that way.

                        Nar - glad you found such yummy things at the market!

                        Ava - we ended up really glad that my wife just came home right away to start her rehab here. It would have been helpful to have some assistance those first 2-3 days but the risk of covid exposure was just too high to take that chance (and the beds are almost all full anyway, much as you described in your area).

                        G - do you have any clips on youtube or elsewhere that we might sneak a listen your mad skillz (any that you're comfortable sharing I should say)? That's so fab that you're able to get back to playing live music.

                        Hellos and waves to everyone. Here we go for another week, and I hope it brings each of us many good things!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          Cloudy & ready to rain any minute here. Wish it would get started soon, this in-between stuff messes with my sinuses.
                          Busy working on things for people, masks, etc.

                          Wags, I feel so fortunate to have access to my grandkids for visits, dinners, whatever. I like to hear directly from them about the things going on in school, etc
                          Glad to hear the recovery continues to go well for you two!!!

                          What’s everyone else up to these day? I hope you’re all well & busy doing the right things
                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            It can’t hurt for your grandson to hear good classic rock music that features horns, Lav! You have broadened his exposure to what that sax can do!

                            I thought of you when I mentioned biking, Wags -but know you’re in the middle of being a full time caregiver this week. It won’t be too long as the hip replacements are much less invasive nowadays, so she should be pretty independent reasonably quickly.
                            I squeezed in a bike ride today too, before the rain and before we get colder weather starting tomorrow.

                            Good point, Wags, as seeing my brother in the throes of deepening chronic alcohol dependency does reinforce my thankfulness for my quit! I never want to go there again. He moved into a new house this year too, so got decluttered of all his late wife’s things and all the kids’ old stuff etc. The kids are getting older and more independent now, his wife has been gone five years this week, he’s starting fresh...I hope life will get a little easier for him now, as he has been spread too thin over the last some years.

                            HB isn’t giving me the silent treatment, it’s just the way he always is with me. I said a memory about my dad and he said nothing back, and I guess it just hurt and hit me the wrong way as it was the 10th anniversary of my dad’s death.
                            Or like a couple weeks ago when I presented daughter a check of a large sum of money that was from my brother’s estate, and he said absolutely nothing -just took the check to put in her account. Actually he never said anything whatsoever to me when my brother committed suicide a year ago -no support nor comfort at all. It’s just not what I ever thought a marriage or partnership would be like.

                            But! I got to spend a couple hours visiting with my sister after cleaning out her old apartment yesterday, so I came home with my cup filled! I’m so glad she lives near me now -and oh so glad that she doesn’t seem to be drinking & drunk anymore, because she’s so much more stable and present now!!
                            And that makes me appreciate my sobriety too!

                            Wishing everyone a good evening, and the Aussies a good day.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Slo, sorry for your husband being like that. Although a separation would be painful, might it be the best thing? It makes me sad to think of you going through that death of your brother on your own. Glad sis is close, and good thoughts to all of you in your sobriety.

                              Mr. G, live music is my favorite! So cool that you have the talent and have worked hard to make that happen - and to get to create music is amazing. Have a great time.

                              It sounds like a lot of you are enjoying your weather and outdoor activities. The weather is very warm here suddenly. In a drought it feels weird to love the hot sun, but I do. I'll keep the water use down...

                              Happy SOBER Tuesday!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                I'm alive and AF! Now getting unburied from the work that didn't get done while I was (joyfully) buried by family. It sounds like everyone is doing well - great to read it! xx, NS

