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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Sitting here waiting for another rain event even though we really don’t need one.

    Slo, that’s great news about your sister, I hope she continues on her AF path, nothing like being fully present!
    Sounds like your husband doesn’t want to participate in his own life, what’s up with that? Could he be one of those people who will never be happy regardless of how well everything is going? I thought that my husband was venturing into that a number of years ago or maybe a deep seated depression. He was diagnosed with severe chronic depression & was put on Zoloft. It started to help then he suddenly quit taking it & there was nothing I could do to convince him otherwise. He ended up living on his own for 4 years to work out whatever was going on then returned. Things are different now, you really can’t go back. I hope your husband has his awakening sooner rather than later. Sorry you haven’t had the support you needed, I understand that.

    Pav, you really should take some of this rain off our hands here on the east coast. I feel bad for the folks down south dealing with multiple tornados.

    NS, glad you checked in & are doing well. Good luck catching up!

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest


      Not much to report here. I am planning a couple of trips for the summer - and SO excited. It will be good to see people again. (albeit in small groups).

      I have been trying to eat less meat which automatically has brought more vegetables to my diet. I guess that's a win-win. Anyone have a good source for easy and delicious vegetarian meals?? Lav, also cutting back on dairy so I added oat milk to my coffee this week. Not the same, but not bad. I will see how long this all lasts, but I am trying to make small changes that might last a while...

      Happy SOBER Hump Day,


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.
        Well, we are in the throes of the 3rd wave here. We have more cases than anywhere in Canada, people are saying we are the Texas of Canada, ugh. We had too many mixed messages from our provincial government and people breaking the rules. It is really sad because the majority of us are smart, law abiding citizens.

        I really notice it now when I call people. The whole family has it, the variant is SO contagious that even people living separate basement suites get the virus just because they are sharing the same HVAC system.
        I called a girl yesterday who lived with 4 girls in a basement suite, they were all in their 20's and had been isolating because one of them was a close contact. All 5 girls had tested positive and then when I put their address in the system I found that 6 people who lived upstairs tested positive. The girls downstairs don't associate with the upstairs people so it really seems to be in the air.
        If someone in the house gets it, everybody gets it. That is what I am finding right now. No wonder our numbers are so high.

        Anyway, it sounds like we are getting a bunch of vaccine soon so that is good. I am so glad I got my first shot.

        SLO, sorry about your husband. I wish we could come over and give him a big kick in the ass, lol. That is really great that your sister is sober, what a gift. You have been through alot Slo sista.

        Pav, it is easier to make small changes that big ones, right? I have been a lot less strict with my diet but at least I am not drinking.

        Lav, its been raining here a bit but we need a lot more. I don't want to have a smokey summer because of the forest fires. We usually get a lot of rain in June.

        GMan, music man, you raaawk!

        Hello, NS, Byrdie, everyone.

        I am off to the dentist this morning to fix a broken tooth. aaaaaaargh!!!
        It's all good, at least I have coverage

        Have a good one everybody and don't drink today.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          That new variant being so highly contagious sounds very scary, Narilly. It makes me appreciate not sharing a HVAC system.

          I hope the west side of the U.S. and Canada get the rain they need. We were dry here a month ago, and saw an increase in house fires.

          Pav, I would recommend organic corn or whole wheat tortillas with refried beans.

          Good luck getting back to normal after your joyful but intense family time, NS!

          HB is having his first “dark night of the soul”; his first depression. He lost his Most Important Person, his dad, to death three years ago -right after his mom died, and right before the heir apparent nephew quit their family business and the other heir apparent nephew decided to not join after all. Now HB is left struggling with his dad’s business with nobody to take it over. I have become more & more disengaged from him due to the lack of love, communication, & cooperation. And here we are: he quietly went to a counselor without ever talking to me about how he’s feeling, and it seems as though the counselor has recommended that he get a divorce.

          Daughter is hanging in there at 37 weeks pregnant!

          Best wishes to all for a stable AF day today.
          Last edited by Slo; May 5, 2021, 11:57 AM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning nesters

            quick check in, 5.15am, have to take daughter to work in 5 minutes, will be getting a coffee for that drive which is only 10 minutes and a good excuse for a coffee.

            Slo, i cant believe how much my life has changed sober, when i was reading back i thought to myself "who is that person who's brothers wife died and he started drinking" and you mentioned it. i was so hoping he had stopped drinking and was living a sober life for his kids. mind you i wasnt sober for mine and i had to find my rock bottom to start living again. You are an inspiration to your family and i find now that nothing can bring me down unless i allow it.

            Dental day is tentatively booked for 4th June and i am excited, just filled out the anaesthetitist form and i am fit and healthy which is good. there is a reason i could never have had this done in my drinking days, i would have had to stop al for 48 hours. god if i could not get a blood test in 8 years as i drank everyday, how could i have done this. it may have taken me 7 years but most of my shite is sorted out in life.

            Pav, i have almond milk now and love it, doesnt froth my coffee but i enjoy it in everything.

            Nar, sad to hear your cases are going up. we finally opened up vax hubs which is good now we are coming into winter. our lockdowns from hotel quarantine are normally to to covid going through the air con. one person used a nebuliser, was positive and it went through the hotel air con system. gave us a 5 day lockdown.

            glad to hear your wife is on the mend Wags, i have asked my daughter to be with me when i get home after my teeth, i know she will be a great nurse and she owes me lol. my son is dropping me off and picking me up as he owes me too. I am just going to love this attention.

            carl and i are off to the vets today, he needs a needle for his itching and i love seeing my vet. now Mads and Rupey are not with me, i dont get to see her much and she is jsut lovely.

            have a great day and take care xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Rain & more rain here, we are getting a bit soggy & muddy. I met two old work friends for lunch today & we had a nice time catching up. We all miss one another but not the job, haha!

              Pav take a look at Delicious Vegan Recipes | Connoisseurus Veg
              I use lots of their recipes. There are actually oat milk creamers on the market, they work a bit better in coffee. It’s a change but your taste buds adjust & your body will thank you

              Narilly, everyone I know who has had Covid infected their entire households including some with very frail elderly family members. You are right, once the virus is in the house it gets everyone. I hope Canada can speed up on the vaccinations, I really think it’s helping here. I feel fortunate to be able to meet my friends, we’re all vaccinated.

              Slo, sorry to hear about your husband’s depression but it was kind of obvious, don’t you think? I’m not sure how a counselor can give that advice on divorce without ever talking to you, doesn’t seem ethical to me. My husband actually went to a lawyer & had some sort of pre-divorce agreement put together. I refused to look at it until he got himself back on his antidepressants & got his depression under control. I was not about to be pushed into doing anything, especially since he took off without giving any reason or notice! People just do not think logically when they are severely depressed, they react to their thoughts, real or not. I hope you stand firmly & protect your interests :hug:
              New baby will be here soon, something wonderful for you to focus on.

              Ava, great you have your dental work scheduled! It will make such a huge difference for you, yay!
              I’m sure your kids will pitch in & look after you. They do owe you after all, haha!

              Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi all,

                Hooray for Nar and Ava getting dental work scheduled and/or done! it's usually not a fun process but it's worth it afterwards.

                Nar - the whole "in the air" angle on the spread of the variant is scary. Makes me very glad I'm rarely in shared air with others. I hope the increase in vax availability in your area starts to help quickly!

                Pav - for veg meals are you looking for recipes or ready-made meals? Or both maybe? The Moosewood Cookbook and The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen are both classics for tasty simple-to-prepare vegetarian meals. The most recent editions are the best, as Mollie has improved and streamlined each book several times.

                All is good here, although I'm a little tired. Hellos to Lav, Slo, NS and everyone!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Nar, that is scary. I'm glad you have one shot. It is so weird to me that people aren't vaccinating for political reasons. My niece developed a vaccine phobia - she CAN'T get a shot and has even been to therapy about it. I tried to send stuff to my sister about the effects of Covid that are much worse, but her mind is stuck. Brains are so weird... I guess their complexity means they misfire sometimes. Like in alcoholism...

                  Slo, sorry you have so much to deal with with him. Another caretaker - just make sure you take care of yourself.

                  Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I'll take a look. I have the Moosewood cookbook from a LONG time ago and haven't picked it up - I totally forgot I have it. And I'll check the website, Lav. I'm not ready to give up meat forever, just cutting back for now.

                  Happy SOBER Thursday,


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Sunny & 60 degrees here today, not bad at all
                    I’m working on face masks once again. I got so sick of making them last year I gave up after doing a bunch for Halloween. Someone has asked me for 8 so I’m pushing myself to get them done haha.

                    Pav, I cook meat for the carnivore that lives here but I don’t eat much at this point. It just doesn’t agree with me so. I skip it most days. I use my vegan dishes as side dishes for the meat eaters, works out fine.

                    Wags, good to hear everything is status quo

                    I hope everyone is OK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Oh, I’m glad you got another chance to spend time with your lovely vet friend, Ava!

                      Pav, I also recommend barley with sautéed mushrooms. It is easy to cook up barley in a rice cooker. But go easy with the barley, as it’s so nutritious that it can cause detox symptoms if you have too much at once. Personally, I would add a bit of ground beef to the barley & mushrooms; and would also sprinkle some beef crumbles on the tortillas & refined beans. In this way meat is included, but reduced in amount.

                      Lav, you really understand what I am going through here. That was savvy of you to refuse to entertain the pre-divorce papers that your husband had drawn up.
                      Unfortunately mine made it clear to me yesterday that he really wants a divorce. At least we talked for a change, and I spilled out a lot of the things that have bothered me that I haven’t been allowed to ever talk about. It felt very cathartic to finally speak instead of leaving everything to fester. So I feel very sad and scared that there’s less chance that we can try again, but oddly relieved to have finally been able to communicate some.

                      Baby is coming! Daughter is being induced on Tuesday!

                      Thinking of you all and wishing you well.
                      Last edited by Slo; May 6, 2021, 09:26 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Slo - :hug: I'm so sorry about the divorce, and I'm very glad you'll soon have another grandbaby to help welcome to the world.

                        Lav - your lunch with former colleague friends sounds like it was fun. We've gotten together with just a few people thus far, all outdoors and all are vaccinated. It has been wonderful, although simultaneously familiar and weird.

                        Ava - that's so great that you are so fond of your vet, and I hope you enjoyed your visit.

                        Pav - keep us posted on what you decide to try (and more importantly what you LIKE) with your veggie efforts. I'll be really curious to hear whether you find yourself feeling better or worse. I personally find a meatless diet to be fantastic (and I should probably try dairy-free too) but I know it's not the best choice for some people. Have you ever looked into the supposed link between blood type and diet? I don't know much about it but some people swear by it!

                        I worked out today and it felt so good. That's one of my best self-care activities, and I'm committed to getting back into a regular routine.

                        Hellos and waves to everyone. Finally Friday. Can you believe it's May already???


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Slo, so glad you felt like you got to say what was on your mind, and sorry for what you're going through. So exciting to have a grandbaby on the way! Barley is one of the few grains I just don't like. Like REALLY don't like. I am aware that it doesn't make any sense, but there must be something. But mushrooms are a fave and I cook them a lot in a number of dishes. I've been loving the simple bean dishes. I found this recipe for white fish with beans (I know - not vegetarian, but at least fish). It was simple and delicious (I cut back on the butter and used some vinegar instead of wine) White Fish with Tomato Basil Beans - What's Gaby Cooking

                          Wags, glad you got a workout. I am with you on making things regular. Somehow the days without exercise just slip by for me. How's your business? Is it picking up again? Are people taking tests?

                          I am so grateful it is Friday. It has been a long week and I am tired! Looking forward to a couple of planned hikes and meals with friends and family (outdoors, vaccinated!) Phew.

                          Hope you all have fantastic days.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Getting a light rain now & it’s a bit chilly. Good for growing things I guess
                            I saw my NP this morning & she’s agreed to let me try doubling the dose of my B/P med, hoping for good results. I guess you can’t expect the same dose of the same med to work forever. She’s also having me get a Lyme titer done due to this 2 week long headache situation. Apparently a lot of people are testing + for Lyme without having the usual symptoms, joint pain, etc. I’ll be getting that & a ton of other bloodwork done on the 17th. This headache started the evening after my 2nd dose of vaccine so I’m thinking there’s some correlation.

                            Slo, I’m sorry for your news about your husband but finally getting some clarity on the situation will be helpful to you in the long run. Living with a lifelong non-communicator is definitely not easy, I fully understand & wish you the very best.
                            I imagine your daughter will be thrilled to have this new baby on Tuesday. How exciting for all of you

                            Wags, my work friends were & still are more like family to me! We all understand each other without the need to explain, it’s comforting to be with my tribe!!!
                            Glad to hear you are taking good care of yourself.

                            Pav, I could eat barley & mushrooms every day, haha! My Polish family really loved barley so I have eaten it all my life. Have you tried quinoa? It’s much lighter tasting & has all your essential nutrients. I have made it with sweet potato & spinach, yum. Changing your diet, one thing at a time gives your taste buds a chance to adjust. I’ll look at the white fish recipe, I bet my husband would love it too.

                            Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hey, Nesters.
                              It’s been a week of catching up on doctors appointments. Tuesday, I saw my arthritis doc and he did a battery of tests. He has been a real lifeline throughout this pandemic. We’ve done several tele-visits and he actually called me back in November and told me not to come in that it was too dangerous. He urged me early on to NOT get this virus, so I listened. As I was getting checked in on Tuesday, it was interesting that his nurse feels as if the pandemic has been over blown. Said masks were harmful if worn all day and said she only get a vax because she had to. Yikes. I debated whether or not to say something to him about that, they are definitely not on the same page. She actually lost a SIL to covid, but is blaming it on a heart problem she had. I felt like saying if you have heart problems and get hit by a train, it was the train that killed you. I didn’t feel like arguing. Ugg.
                              Then yesterday, I had my colonoscopy. That went well, but glad to have it behind me. :haha: if you are due for your colonoscopy, get it scheduled, don’t let it fall through the cracks. Colon cancer is the #2 leading killer cancers but 90% curable when you catch it early. I hope someday we can wipe out colon cancer. Next week, it’s Gyno, hair appointment and the Thyroid doctor. May is booked with appointments.
                              Wags, Morgan Fairchild (who had a hip replacement about the same time as Mizz Wags, is walking around outside with a cane and proud of it. She seems to be humming along, I hope your wife is enjoying improvement, too.
                              Slo, I’m so sorry for your situation. Life is big right now and my heart goes out to you. I hope you can find new joy in that grand baby. I’m thinking of you.
                              Kensho, something reminded me of you today and I can’t remember what it was….maybe that my house needs a total redo, but whatever it was, I thought just how proud of you I am. I hope you are proud of all you have accomplished. Oh, I remember what it was! I was thinking that I drank so hard during my 40’s that I don’t even remember them. You are way ahead of where I was and get to enjoy your young years! I’m so proud of you for getting a handle on this before another decade slipped by.
                              Another Friday upon us! It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! :rara: Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Byrdie - good for you on getting so many appts taken care of, and how unsettling to hear such a stance from the nurse. And thanks for your encouragement to my wife. She, too, is up and walking outside with just a cane most of the time. Yesterday I drove her to the school where out community garden plot is and she was so happy to see how much our spinach and other greens have grown in the past 8-10 days. I take full credit for managing not to kill any of them! :sohappy:

                                Lav - sorry to hear about your headaches and I truly hope you don't test positive for Lyme. I understand about colleagues who are like family for sure. I don't really have colleagues now but worked in a very close-knit staff community for about 15 years and some of my dearest friendships were built there.

                                Pav - hope you have a wonderful weekend hiking and visiting family and friends. How very normal sounding that is, even though it probably still won't feel 100% normal. Enjoy!

                                Like Pav and probably many of you, I'm truly glad for the weekend. I've got just one class to teach tomorrow and then I have 3 days off Sun-Tue. I cannot tell you how excited I am. That'll give me enough time to catch up on some chores and projects and still have enough time to workout, relax, hopefully take a few bike rides, etc.


                                Take care everyone and stay safe.

