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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Byrdie - getting cataracts cleared will help your eyesight in ways you don't even know. Many of my cousins who live in altitude have had to get cataracts removed and talk about how bright and clear the world becomes. I think it will go well. Can't help with the Smash and Grab - that just stinks...

    Slo, I didn't know your other daughter was struggling with fertility. That must be hard seeing her sister have babies. I hope it all goes ok for her.

    Lav, sorry you're not better. I don't think I'm going to drink but I am always vigilant because it seems relapse can sneak up from behind (there are signs that are easily ignored). I am reminding myself that to actually stay sober I need to tend to my sobriety. It is kind of a pain in the neck sometimes, but I think it beats the alternative - going back to drinking.

    It has been very windy here so my allergies are CRAZY. And everything else is crazy. Wind causes me stress for some reason. I want to be outside but it stinks to go outside. I have a late meeting today but we're going away for the weekend tomorrow afternoon with some other fully vaccinated friends. Can't wait.

    Happy SOBER Thursday.



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Warm & sunny again. I just heard it’s been 10 days without rain here which is unusually long. I know to be careful what we wish for especially now as we’re approaching hurricane season. We stopped in a few stores in Delaware this afternoon, tax free shopping is OK Good to live in the intersection of 3 states!

      Byrdie, the cataract extraction process is sO much better these days with a very quick recovery. You’ll be glad to get them done.
      Don’t feel sorry for doctors, they make a lot of money, haha!

      Slo, being outside is so important to me as well. Anytime we connect with nature we are taking care of ourselves. Hope your mild weather continues

      Pav, I’m doing OK, just nevver liked being the patient if you know what I mean. It’s actually weird for me, LOL
      We seem to be having an extended allergy season as well. Everything outside is covered with pollen. I hope your weeekend getaway is nice, have fun!

      Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters

        quick check in. kinked my neck in my sleep the other night and damn it hurt. on the mend now thankfully but had a couple of days off work as moving my neck was giving me headaches. im loving this aging stuff

        Slo sorry to hear that your sister drank, i know i hibernated from the world for months until i had some tools to deal with al and life. Best thing i ever did. How is Mabel going? I love getting out for a walk, i procrastinate a lot but carl motivates me as soon as i say THAT word (walk). i always think i could be doing something else but what is better than listening to my music and seeing carl enjoy himself (and myself). Sorry to hear about your other daughter and her fertility issues, that must be hard.

        Lav, glad to hear your bloods came back ok. My BP is still low 100/60 but GP said that some people just have low BP and it was better than high. i have had a couple of times where i have felt like i wanted to pass out but it seems if i eat i am ok.

        Wags, i never thought of walking and taking a drink! i just didnt walk as it cut into my drinking time, goes to show i just had not initiative ha ha.

        Rahul, a very sad situation over where you live, stay safe.

        Not long till my dental work, paid the $6,500 for the anaesthetist and had a chat to the nurse last night. I'm still excited to be getting the work done and not focusing on afterwards. just as long as i get good pain relief i will cope.

        going to be a lovely weekend this weekend, it was a blamy 2.4 degrees this morning when i took my daughter to work, brrr. i am so glad i dont have to drive into work every day.

        time for a cuppa and then some more work.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Slo - I hope all works out well for your daughter. Hooray for you on getting out on your bike!

          Ava - sorry to hear about your neck and glad it's feeling somewhat better.

          Pav - we're right there with you on the concerns about fire season. At least we have a president who won't say something stupid and dismissive like we should've raked our forests better.

          I'm pretty tired so am gonna keep this short tonight. Happy Fridays to everyone!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Still loving the beautiful Spring weather; having the windows open, and the fragrance of dogwood, lilac, and other blossoms in the air! I get to go out on my bike yet again! The rain has been sporadic, and the predicted high winds never came!

            Yes, it has been hard for my daughter to watch her sister having back-to-back babies while she has been unable to, and especially since it’s her identical twin sister! And they married at nearly the same time, and it’s actually daughter with fertility issues who started trying to have a baby first! But they retrieved 14 eggs, and will try to implant some in July or August, she says.

            Mabel is doing really well! Daughter had a difficult pregnancy, an actually traumatizing birth experience, and difficult aftermath with Beckett last year, so I’m glad it has gone better this time. She switched providers this time, and also went with a midwife. It was still a somewhat difficult pregnancy (intractable low back pain again, gestational diabetes again, her asthma, high blood pressure for several weeks, COVID), but a beautiful, natural birth at full-term (although 15 days ahead of due date) -and this baby latched on immediately and knows exactly how to nurse! She is calm and hardly fusses. The other grandparents are up there now for five days.

            I hope your wife’s rehab and healing from hip surgery is going smoothly, Wags. Still extra work for you -you probably drive her back & forth to physical therapy? I’m in PT now for my knee replacement combined with my low back nerve damage issues, and it is going excellent!

            Thinking of you [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], as you try to keep all your balls in the air.

            Let’s have a good sober day, all!
            Last edited by Slo; May 21, 2021, 08:14 AM.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Slo - glad it all turned out ok. My sister had a traumatic birth of her first child and we think it contributed to the severe post-partum depression she got. Who knows.

              Ava - I'm glad you got your dental work scheduled. THAT is stressful for me - I used to love the dentist because I liked clean teeth, but as I get older it feels more and more stressful to me.

              Wags - hope all is good up there.

              Hi to everyone else. Kensho, I hope you're near and just busy. Mr. G, Pauly always a shout out. Anyone wavering - come join us!

              Not much new. We had a parent meeting last night that went really well, even though it was on Zoom. Teachers are amazing, and especially in this year. Go hug a teacher today!

              I won't bring my computer and will put away my phone this weekend. See you all Monday!



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Had another nice day today. Somehow I feel we will be paying for this stretch of nice days sooner or later haha!

                Ava, neck issues, ugh. I woke up one morning when I was 20 years old with a severe muscle spasm & it still bothers me from time to time all these years later. Hope you feel better soon.

                Wags, hope your wife is doing well with her PT & you are well too.

                Slo, geez I wish the best for both of your daughters. Glad you are enjoying nice days outside as well.

                Pav, enjoy your weekend away

                My son in law had sinus surgery yesterday & was sent right home. So I’ve been fielding questions from my daughter who is taking care of him. She works in PT, not nursing but she has some good practical patient experience. She says it turned out to be a little more involved than they expected. I’m just glad it’s done & he won’t be dealing with repeated sinus infections in the future

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I'm gonna hug a teacher! Thanks Pav.

                  Hola evabody. Wishing y'all a fab weekend.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    Quiet day here I see. I hope everyone is busy enjoying the good life, good weather, etc.

                    Nothing new with me, just grateful to be alive, AF & relatively healthy
                    It’s over 90 degrees outside, too hot to do much out there. So hiding in the AC is what I am doing haha!

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Pav - you are so right - teachers ARE amazing! I happen to be married to one and my mom was also a fantastic teacher, so maybe I'm a bit biased. But I'm really in awe of how well teachers, parents and students have managed to get through the past incredibly difficult 15 months. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend untethered from phones etc.

                      Lav - hiding in the AC sounds about right for 90 degrees (and humid I assume). 90 and dry I can do, but humid 90 that makes you sweat as you're toweling off from your shower, no. Glad your SIL's surgery went well and I hope he has a quick recovery.

                      Thanks to all who have asked and to all who have been sending well wishes. My wife continues to make progress from her hip replacement. PT is going well and today she walked (with me all the way to and from our community garden plot. She's still using a walker for long walks like that but she's moving about the house without any need for assistance.

                      I'm hanging in there too. I finally decided that one way I'm going to engage in self-care is to hire someone to come and clean our house. Well, mostly my dad's living space like his kitchenette and bathroom, but a portion of our living space too. I've just got too much on my plate and this will be a real treat to have someone else do a really good job. This might be one of the best gifts I could give myself.

                      Hope you all are having good weekends! Stay safe.

                      G - great to see you!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nest! I miss you all. Things are good here. Our flowers are planted (love seeing them this time of year), and we are 75% vaccinated in my house. Weather is sunny and springy today.

                        PAV, amazed by the innovation and commitment of teachers. It was a hard year. A definite hug to you over the cyber wavelengths!

                        LAV, glad your SIL had a successful surgery. My terrible neck issues almost completely went away when I stopped eating gluten and dairy (and corn & mostly soy). I must have an issue that those foods inflame. YIKES - 90 degrees? I'll bet its very humid.

                        Hi G! Your energy is as good as ever, even in your short post. Keep up the positivity!

                        Wags! Glad to hear your wife is making good progress. I can tell that you are a good caretaker Please do get help where you can. That's a piece of advice someone gave me awhile back that has made a huge difference for us. I've noticed that we who have some sober time have learned so much about self care. It's a good thing.

                        My family is doing well enough, transitioning into summer. I'm hopeful that we can change up our routines a little. Everything has been so "the same" - partly due to Covid and partly due to the fact that my husband and I are such hard workers that we are tired and just settle into boring habits.

                        I have been thinking a lot about how much me quitting drinking has impacted all of our lives. My husband came from a dysfunctional family. When I was a drinker, I didn't cope well, and played right into the bad behaviors he learned. My sobriety has allowed me to reject that and replace it with more mature and healthy coping and communication. I think that if I had kept drinking and stoking the fire, we would be in the same cycle that his parents are still in. He is now choosing to reject their bad behavior and do some healing himself. Sobriety has ripple effects that are good!

                        Hello to everyone here! It's worth every effort to get and stay sober. Truly life changing.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Kensho, that is a profound insight that you have had about sobriety enabling you to step back and respond rather than react to your husband’s learned dysfunctional communication patterns. I understand, because my HB learned a dysfunctional communication pattern from his dad too (temper tantrums, commands), and his mother enabled it.

                          I have no idea what is going to happen to my marriage for sure. Because I’m not in his head, so I don’t know what he is thinking.

                          Teachers are amazing, Pav. I am in awe of them. I hope the parents were nice to them in the Zoom meeting -they aren’t always.
                          G-man is happy to have permission to hug one!

                          I got to see Mabel yesterday! And her brother -and daughter, SIL, and his parents! Luckily I found out HB was going up there to golf, so was able to get myself invited along too.
                          What a blessing to be able to hug & hold such a tiny new newborn!

                          I am so flat and depleted today, and with absolutely no energy. But, this happens most every Sunday, and always happens right before the full moon; so I shouldn’t be surprised.

                          The humidity has left with the rain.
                          Last edited by Slo; May 23, 2021, 04:26 PM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Slo, I’ll take your rain, the ground is dry here & field fires are popping up. Have to be careful in these conditions.
                            So glad you got to see baby Mabel & her family. Newborns are so precious & they grow so fast! Your statement about ‘not being in your husband’s head’ made a lot of sense to me, having dealt with a similar situation. Apparently he was never thinking what I thought or hoped he was thinking. Keep standing your ground, you owe it to yourself.

                            Kensho, glad to hear you are doing well. So we’re both a pain in the neck, huh? Haha!!! I know I have developed a lot of arthritis over the years & really think that’s what acts up & gets me these days. I’m not looking for perfection just some comfort at this point. I hope the summer treats you all well

                            Wags, east coast heat can be brutal with the humidity. I’ve lived here my entire life, you would think I would have adjusted but Noooooo, not me haha!
                            Glad to hear your wife is doing so well, makes me happy to hear success stories Your idea of getting help cleaning sounds just perfect. Treat yourself, why not?

                            We have a young teen girl living next door who was given permission to drive the family’s 4 wheeler around their 5 acre property. She rides all day up until 10 pm or later. I hope she runs out of gas soon, Lol
                            It’s noisy & I can’t help but feel it’s only a matter of time before she gets hurt. It’s a common experience around here unfortunately.

                            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              I'm back. A fantastic weekend getaway - bike ride, swimming, games, and of course lots of food. It was a much needed break.

                              I'll read back later. Off to work. Sometimes I REALLY don't like that alarm clock.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Monday, Nesters!
                                Wags, Morgan Fairchild is making strides with her new hip, too. She’s trying to go a little further (or farther) each day. Each time she posts, I think of your wife and how she must be doing. She’ll be doing backflips like Simone Biles soon!
                                Pav, so glad you got to get some fun activities in the schedule. Teachers are incredible people. I will never know how they do it. I think back on the bad days I had in my career. I can never remember one teacher who reflected any trouble in their own lives. They brought 109% every day (at least, from my perspective, that’s how it appeared). Whatever they are paid, it isn’t enough.

                                I’ve been in the kitchen with chocolate. I always start out thinking it will only take a couple hours, but there I am hours later. I have some bon bones to decorate today, so looking forward to that.

                                Finding a purpose is so important, especially to us. Stay safe and sober, everyone! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

