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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    The storm was a good one, knocked out power for a few hours but we have a generator that comes on automatically. Yes, we are spoiled, haha. The first year we lived here we went a week with no power & that means no running water or flushing toilets for us, yuck. Some of the roads around us are closed due to downed trees & wires. I’ve been picking up small branches & sweeping leaves off of everything today, such fun.

    Wags, the stationary bike on the deck sounds awesome. I should probably do the same thing on mine, Lol. So glad you have that all figured out & I hope the exercise continues for her healing

    Slo, I guess your cold weather is working it’s way to me. We’re expecting more rain & dropping temps just in time for the holiday weekend. That’s OK, there’s no plans to do anything anyway. I also remember popping open the bottle of wine long before any BBQ guests arrived. They must have thought I was nuts. I am proud I haven’t done any stupid sh*t like that for 12 years!

    Pav, a totally sober holiday weekend is one you’ll likely remember for years to come
    We got enough rain yesterday to get us out of our 2 week dry spell. Wish I could send some to you to avoid fires :hug:

    Narilly, you had a real girls day out, sounds wonderful! Looking forward to doing. Something with my girls later this summer.
    I am a little bit of a weather geek & enjoy watching these storms approach from the west, where we have a good open view.

    Hello to the rest of the crowd & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Quick sober fly-by. Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Fridays all the way around!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        I'm just saying hi on this Friday morning. Have great and sober beginnings to your weekends!



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Glad you had a nice day, Narilly, around your mom’s aftercare appointment. How is MIL doing?

          No wonder you have a generator, Lav; after a full week with no running water/flushing toilets! We have one too.

          So, Pav, you have both the Thanksgiving Massacre AND the Memorial Day drunk from that last year to remind you why you no longer want to drink!

          I have a wedding to attend tomorrow. To me, wedding = drinking. But not to everyone! Both a daughter and a sis-in-law told me that they don’t really like to drink much, and don’t associate it with weddings. Well, they’re both related to my MIL, who never took to alcohol -and they inherited that and don’t really either. I hope it goes ok for me. Then the next day is a big family gathering where it will be flowing too.

          Wishing all a good weekend!
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters & Happy long weekend

            It’s cloudy & damp, temp in the 50’s. Not exactly what you would expect this time of year, oh well.
            No big plans for us but we will be hosting the 10 yr old grandson this weekend so there will be a lot of food involved,, haha!

            Slo, I have been to weddings where the booze was flowing like a river & weddings that were absolutely AF. Both were fine in my opinion. Just go with the knowledge that you do not drink & a plan for a quick exit if you need to get out of there. Don’t worry about what other people are drinking. If they overdo they will be the ones suffering. You can do this

            Hello to Pav, Wags & everyone stopping in tonight.
            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola friends,

              Saturday morning at the beach pad. 'Tis a cool, grey autumnal day. but my lil ol heart is warm. Making a little music here. Some purpose and projects on the go. Have a bewdy evabody.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Slo - you know how to do this - make your plan before you go to either of these weekend events. If you already know what you're gonna say (if needed) and what you're gonna drink instead, who you're gonna try to hang out with, etc then you'll arrive at Monday morning un-hung and with your quit intact. You've got this!

                Lav - glad you emerged safe from the storm. Having a generator is a smart idea. Enjoy the weekend with your grandson!

                G - hope you have a fantastic musical beach weekend

                Hellos and waves to Pav, Nar, and everyone else stopping by the nest this weekend. Have wonderful days & eves!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  It’s Spring here, but with autumnal temperatures!

                  I’m not really worried that I’ll drink at this wedding today, but more about the quality of the experience. Can I still enjoy the experience; can I still be conversant and reasonably good company? That sort of thing. I’m starting off the day on the back foot with not enough sleep, but maybe I can help make up for that with some morning sunshine. I have a big chocolate chip cookie packed as part of my arsenal. Someone on the site just mentioned cranberry juice with 7-Up, so I might try that as a beverage if available, with lime. And then blinders on; do not care about what’s in everyone else’s glasses!

                  [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], teeth time is fast approaching! Thinking of you.

                  Hope you have nice grandson time, Lav!

                  Wishing all a good weekend, and a restful 3-day weekend to the U.S. ones!
                  Last edited by Slo; May 29, 2021, 07:05 AM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by Slo View Post
                    I’m not really worried that I’ll drink at this wedding today, but more about the quality of the experience. Can I still enjoy the experience; can I still be conversant and reasonably good company? That sort of thing.
                    I don't think you'll drink, either, SLO - you've got this!

                    As the US opens up a bit and I've been in a couple social situations, I've been thinking about how my drinking was caught up in all of that. I'm realizing that I really just don't like long, superficial social interaction (e.g. sitting around a table chatting for hours). I thought I used to but now I think I liked it because I could drink in those situations. In some ways that seems odd because I did not overdrink when there were witnesses but I guess just being able to have a few glasses of wine over the course of the evening helped me think I was enjoying myself. So, I would say the quality of those experiences no longer seems as good unless there is something else to do or the conversation is meaningful. I actually enjoy weddings more now because I'm more confident dancing (not worried that I'll dance awkwardly or spill my wine -- why is it that everyone has their drinks with them on the dance floor these days???). If you don't like dancing or your knee stops you, maybe you could find a friend you haven't seen in awhile and have a talk that actually means something. I hope you have a good couple days and get to see your sweet grandkids.

                    It is dang cold here, too, Lav, so more of that is probably heading your way. It is beautiful, though, because the sun came out, everything is lush and green, and the spring flowers have continued to bloom.

                    We're getting ready for 3 weeks at a vacation house. (Heading north, which at the moment seems crazy since I'm freezing!). It is really nice not to be planning how to acquire, hide, and consume booze in a small house full of people! Such freedom :heart:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Slo, I know you won't drink either. I have come to really like weddings. I went to my cousin's a few years ago and my husband and I were on the dance floor all night long. I get shy about dancing, but I love it. Once I make that hurdle, you can't hold me back. I wasn't spilling on everyone as I was dancing, and we were among the last to leave the party. Another time I was tired and was among the first to leave. Do what you need to take care of you, and I hope you can celebrate the couple and enjoy yourself. I've said this before many times, but live music is one thing I never thought I would enjoy or want to do sober and I was so wrong. I love being clear headed and remember the music, and I don't have to spend all my time in the beer line or going to the bathroom! Maybe you'll find you love weddings sober...

                      NS, I LOVE sitting around a table for hours talking with good friends. It is one of the things I really missed in the pandemic. Can't wait to get back.

                      Sounds lovely, Mr. G. I have a goal to live on a beach someday, although the cost of housing around beaches is too crazy!

                      Happy SOBER Saturday,


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy Memorial Day weekend, nesters!
                        Sounds as if everyone is working his/her plan!
                        Slo, your post reminded me of a couple of things. One of the last straws for my hubs was that we had been invited to a neighborhood party for which I had made appetizers. I sat them on the counter to cool and next thing I know, I woke up. It was nighttime and we had totally missed the party. The look on my hubs’ face was one of pity and disgust, I’ll never forget it. I had passed out That last year was a real doozy. Things went downhill fast. I’m not sure why that is, other than maybe panic? I knew my drinking had been exposed and now I was trying to hide it, it is hard to regulate such. I’d go in my closet and gulp 7 swigs from my hidden bottle. Then brush my teeth and come back into the living room try to act normal. Trouble was, when I was sitting here, I wanted more and was afraid I wasn’t going to get it. What a hole I was in. Just awful.
                        We have been invited to a neighborhood function on Sunday. I guess this is it, we are going to have to socialize. Then, a former neighbor is dog sitting for another neighbor and she invited us over tonight! At the time I accepted the invite, I was excited about it. Now I’m thinking how nice it feels to be here with my dog. Ha! I told hubs we must be on our best behavior. We will have to use utensils for our food, real plates and no wiping our mouths on our sleeves, we must use napkins. Ah, napkins….not paper towels. Diet Coke in glasses instead of the small bottles. Yikes! I fear we have devolved, I hope it all comes back to us. We were talking about the neighborhood potluck tomorrow and I told him I’d eat before I go and he asked me why. Isn’t that funny, when I first got sober, being hungry could often be mistaken for a big AL craving, so I always ate before going to a party. Now, it’s just second nature. It also prevents me from eating a bunch of junk. I’ll be taking my own drink, too. I don’t take chances with that, early in my quit, I had a dream where someone accidentally gave me a drink with AL in it and it derailed me. Those dreams do serve a purpose!
                        I hope everyone has a safe and sober weekend! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy holiday weekend Nesters,

                          We had rain this morning, just grey gloomy skies this afternoon with a temp hovering around 50. Staying inside was my plan for today anyway, haha.
                          Grandson is here eating non-stop as usual. He’s just getting over a head cold, I think he’s making up for lost time.

                          G, sounds like you have a busy weekend planned, have fun.

                          Wags, I feel much safer & always prepared with my generator. I can’t control the weather so this is the next best thing. Hope your weekend is good.

                          Slo, we’re all with you in spirit today :hug:

                          NS, a 3 week vacation sounds awesome, have fun with that & I hope it warms up a bit for you.

                          Byrdie, what’s baking in your kitchen this weekend?

                          Pav, I hope we all get to catch up with family & friends soon. It’s been such a weird existence these past 15 months.

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Slo - can't wait to hear how the wedding was. Your plan sounds solid!

                            NS - hope you have a wonderful getaway to the vacation house.

                            I had such a good day off today! We went to the farmers' market and then walked with a neighbor friend from our street to our community garden (about a mile or 1.5 km roundtrip). My wife still uses a walker for walks of that length but it's great to see her cruising along! Back home, I got in a good workout and then spent about 2 hours rigging sun shade sails in our backyard to help us have cooler areas to sit during the heat of the day. Dinner on the back deck watching bike adventure films while sitting by a fire for ambiance. So nothing really "wow" about it, but it made me happy nonetheless.

                            Perhaps best of all is that I have tomorrow off too.

                            Good nights and days to everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Evening nesters

                              what a beautiful day it was here, took carl for a walk and so many people out and about walking. not good for carl as he wants to say hello to every dog and every human. we power walk a lot. my shin splints are playing up again so lots of stops and starts. Since we are in lockdown again there seems to be more people walking, which is good, i just love the way it puts me in a good head space.

                              Lav, that side of my neck is great, now its the other side which always gives me grief. im sure its from a bad whiplash i sustained when i was 18. finding my thumb is aching in cold weather now but i am in denial that it is arthritis. imagine i used to laugh at mum when she complained of all her creaks and here i am creaking away.

                              How was the wedding Slo? yes the 10th is the dental surgery if we are out of lockdown and then 22nd for 2nd surgery. i think my anxiety is starting as i am having really strange teeth dreams but staying positive. being a bit of a basket case is better than a lot of a one.

                              Nar hope all the family is on the mend now. how are the covid cases there, i hope they are slowing down.

                              My sons friend is out of rehab and visited today, he is very positive which is great and feels my house is a safe house for him to visit. we had a little chat about this being 100% about him and not anyone else and to walk away if he feels any urge to take any drug. I am hopeful for him but know how easy it is to think having one is okay. he has applied for a casual job which is great and i really hope he gets it.

                              i started back at work 2 days a week last week but now with a 7 day lockdown that has stopped which i dont mind. i am not ready to go back to work but i do enjoy it when i am there. Carl on the other hand is not happy at all.

                              Time for dinner, pumpkin and sweet potato soup. first time i have made this recipe so i hope its nice. stewed some apples that i found in the fridge when i was cleaning it.

                              Take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Sounds good all around. These parties as we open up are a lot of fun for sure, and it is nice to keep it simple also. Hope the wedding was fun, Slo. Sounds like a perfect day, Wags. Byrdie, that is REAL. Those day parties always got me...

                                We had a nice day yesterday, too. A hike with a good friend and then lunch on our deck. Then cards and some TV and bed in clean sheets. It's the small things...

                                Happy SOBER Sunday,

