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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    morning nesters

    quick check in as working but having a read while drinking my coffee.

    Wags, much admiration, i was never any good at sitting exams. i feel i must have had anxiety at an early age as they petrified me. Good luck.

    Pav, the government was slow of course. I went with my daughter to get tested yesterday as she is still working and has cold symptoms. im hopeful to still get surgery next week though we are in lock down again for another week.

    Kensho, we used to always camp with our kids as could not afford anything else and they still talk about the great time they had, so many stories and good times. lots of rain too on occasion.

    Nar, good luck with your interview, is it doing the same work you are doing now? oh i put clean flannelette sheets on the other day and they were divine but since i get hot flushes, they are on and then they are off. its getting cold here but beautiful days. 31 is hot, your temps are weird.

    Lav my neck starts off fine and then diminishes through the day, i would love to retire but not for another 40 years ha ha.

    Slo, i hope your daughters graduation goes well for her. I hope your sister is doing better and trying to not drink. its very sad to see that person and realise that was your life also and just how good her life could be if she stopped. half the battle is stopping, the other half is staying stopped.

    take care xxx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Ava - I can really understand the neck pain and headaches you're talking about. Ever since my car accident I've had trouble with both and it's almost always my neck as the root cause, even when my head is the thing hurting the most. I hope you're able to get your surgery next week. And thanks for asking about our pup. She's doing very well these days. We can definitely tell she's aging (11 or 12, not totally sure since she was a rescue) but her pneumonia has totally cleared and she's been very stable for the past few months.

      Kensho - you sound great! Glad you were able to go camping, even with the rain. Where are your favorite places to go? I've done a fair amount of backpacking, climbing, and camping in Colorado and hope to get back there soon for some more adventuring.

      NS, Lav and others - yes, I'm taking the test solely on my own motivation. The possibility of teaching it in the future is a good carrot, but it's mostly that I want to have very fresh memories of what my students are likely going through and I want it based on my own experiential learning. I think it helps me empathize and sympathize, but it also gives me very practical first-hand knowledge of things like what it's like to take an exam through remote proctoring for example. Before COVID, most of these big tests were given a handful of times a year at test centers or universities or in hotel banquet rooms etc. With Covid they have almost all adjusted their platforms to administer the tests online, but they also have a remote proctor AKA "somebody watching the test taker through their web cam" to ensure no cheating is taking place. I want to really be able to speak to what that experience might be like and how to best prepare self/home/office/etc in order to minimize the stress and chances of snafus.

      Nar - good luck with your interview! What is the job?

      Slo - happy graduation to your daughter and I hope the celebration goes well this weekend!

      So happy it's going to be cooler here tomorrow. We have no AC (most homes here don't) and anything above 85 F starts to inch toward unbearable.

      I'm a day or two late but Happy June everyone! It's PRIDE month in the LGBTQ+ community, and it's awesome to see how much things have changed in the past 10 years or so. Lots of work left to do of course, but day by day and inch by inch LOVE IS WINNING. :heartbeat:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        Wags, you must be such a great teacher - to want to empathize, and to put yourself in that situation to help them. That's awesome. I will be able to retire from my long education career in the not too distant future and have thought a lot about what is next. I've always been drawn to nursing, so there's that. I also write some, so I have thought about doing that more formally. Or a MFTT? Theater? Art? There are so many things I want to learn about. I think ultimately I'll settle into art classes at the community college. Lav, I went back to school to get my Masters degree when my kids were fairly young - 11 and 8 - and we made it through. I spent one weekend day studying and many nights (after dinner). It was challenging but ultimately I thought it was good for them to see me work hard towards a goal and make priorities to get there. I don't think they missed me too much - I missed some little league games, but they didn't know I wasn't in the bleachers, and honestly - I didn't mind...Of course, a doctorate is a long longer process.

        Nar, good luck on the job. It would be good for you to be paying into a pension system, for sure. You sound great.

        Sorry about your neck, Ava. Hope it heals quickly.

        Kensho, glad to have you check in. This pandemic has been so hard on kids and some are just losing all motivation. My niece is in the same boat. I'm not 100% sure she's going to pass chemistry. Of course, I see that she can take it again and it will all be ok, but she is struggling. My just post high school son is struggling also. It is hard to watch. Because he's an adult I don't have a lot of control over it - which is hard for this control freak.

        I'm off. Happy SOBER Thursday Lav, NS, Slo, and everyone else I didn't mention. I am grateful to you all...



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nesters,

          A big storm just moved in so we’ll see how bad it gets. There’s a tornado warning 2 counties south of here, that’s concerning.
          I spent this afternoon going thru my fabric stash looking for materials to make 6 large dog crate beds for the Relief Crafters Group I joined a few years ago. I need 100% polyester fabrics (such as polar fleece) so these things are easily washed & dried. I have enough for 3 beds so far so that will keep me busy for a day or two. Keeps me out of trouble haha!

          Ava, I really hope your surgery isn’t postponed. I know you’re psyched & ready to go! Of course we don’t have any control over these pandemic related things, do we?
          There’s no way I could tolerate flannel sheets, ugh. These days I am sleeping much cooler on bamboo sheets, they’re all the rage

          Wags, your students are lucky to have such a caring & concerned teacher. I give you much credit friend
          Happy Pride month, big celebrations going on the the Philly area!

          Pav, I really don’t care what my DIL chooses to do, it’s her choice. She got her BS & Masters just recently & is barely using those degrees to teach part time. She’s got health issues she needs to be paying attention to right now in addition to the boys but it’s her choice. Taking care of her health has to be priority so she can do the rest.

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Pav - those post-retirement options all sound interesting! I'll look forward to hearing what you end up doing. How many more years do you have before retirement?

            Lav - hope you stayed safe from the storms in your area. That's fantastic that you're able to help out with dog beds through the Relief Crafters Group. Sounds like a great way to use your skills and interests to help others.

            Happy Freakin' (almost-)Friday everyone!!!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Well now, Happy Freakin' Friday! As a wise person said here - the days are long but the years are short. Hard to believe we're into June already...

              Not much to say - I am very tired this week for some reason and look forward to sleep and (some) rest this weekend - in addition to a graduation party and a birthday party. :eek-new:

              Happy SOBER Start to your weekends,


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Un Hung Friday everyone.

                My cousin just recommended this book: 'Pleasure Activism, The politics of feeling Good' written by Adrienne Maree Brown. She says it is must reading for all women. I am going to check it out after my post.

                Hey, alot going on in Nar land right now. Feeling a bit overwhelmed but not drinking.

                The intereview was ok but not great, I guess we will see. It is for a procurement job for the health region here. Thanks for asking everyone.

                Everyone sounds good. Glad to be sober.


                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Friday everyone,

                  We were supposed to have another storm this afternoon, guess it went somewhere else. I could hear thunder in the distance while the sun was shining here
                  Last night’s storm came in about 3 waves, seemed to go on forever. Lots of rain, no damage, yay.
                  Made the first of those dog beds this afternoon, 5 more to go. I’ve always had dogs. I know they need their own comfy bed.

                  Hey to Wags & Pav! Hope everyone gets rested up this weekend & have a little fun too

                  Narilly, feeling overwhelmed is normal but not an excuse to drink. We know that now. I hope you can center yourself & find some peace :hug:
                  I’ll keep my finger crossed for you for that job, could be a good change for you!

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    I think I’m pretty much ready to host this graduation party tomorrow! There will be a cooler of beer, but that’s it for the booze. Otherwise iced tea, lemonade, sodas, and waters.

                    HB upset me Wednesday night with talk of how he doesn’t love me and wants a divorce. And here I thought we were going to at least try to heal our marriage over the Summer!? I guess I misunderstood. And I bothered to go to that wedding with him last weekend for his work colleague, in an effort to work on our marriage -when I could’ve gone to the bridal shower for my daughters’ friend instead! But, I cried & cried my bitter tears yesterday, and they were cleansing. I guess that’s what we have to do now instead of drinking. I looked at a condo yesterday, and made an appointment to talk to a lawyer on Monday ....and now I have turned my focus onto my lovely daughter and her happy weekend!

                    Pav, I do hope you can find some rest this weekend. You have been stretched very thin with all the extra end-of-year activities. Hopefully the parties will be relaxing a bit in their way too.

                    Nar, I hope your current job in monitoring COVID cases can act as a bridge to get you out of oil & gas and into something else.

                    I love the idea of dog beds, Lav; instead of just collecting blankets for the shelters.

                    It’s Friday, but as G-man says: that’s not a ticket to Boozeville!
                    Last edited by Slo; June 4, 2021, 09:12 PM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Pav - I hope all of your end-of-year activities go well and are not too draining.

                      Slo - sorry to hear that things continue to be difficult with your marriage. Good for you on looking into the condo and a lawyer. Yes, tears can be very cleansing and that's another way you're truly exercising self-care. A lot of people won't or can't allow themselves to cry. I think there's actually some physiology and psychology behind why they can actually be healing. Hugs to you and congrats again to your daughter the graduate!

                      Nar - Hopefully things will work out exactly as they should for you with the job. If it's a good fit and you're interested, I hope you get an offer. If not then I hope something better comes across your radar at just the right time. Thanks for the book recommendation - I'm going to go check that out right after this (assuming I don't forget in the next 5 minutes!).

                      Lav - wow, one bed already done. It just warms my heart to hear of you and others doing such kind things for pups and their people. Also glad to hear of no storm damage.

                      I have tomorrow completely off and I'm planning on making it an excellent day. It's supposed to be beautiful weather and I hope to spend most of the day outside.

                      Happy sober weekend everyone!!!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Have a beaut weekend evabody!

                        As Slo say's - it's just the weekend, not a ticket to no dawgone, jive ass freakin' boozeville!

                        L8tr g8trs.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Thanks for your good wishes about my being over booked. It is a fine line between fun and rest, so I'll survive. It is all on me.

                          Slo - that must have been disappointing. I think it must feel good for you to start taking some action on your own behalf so that you feel more in control of the situation. It would be nice if he would wait until after you celebrate with your daughter.

                          Good luck with the job, Narilly. I hope you find something that is good for you.

                          Glad the storm missed you, Lav.

                          Enjoy your day off, Wags. Bike ride?

                          Good to see you pop in, Mr. G. I hope all is going well.

                          We are attending a grad party for my niece and then a birthday party tonight. Tomorrow I have absolutely nothing planned and will sleep, clean, and enjoy the outdoors.

                          Happy SOBER Saturday,


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            No drama here just hot & humid & plenty of sunshine. Tomorrow the feel like temp will be 96. Guess where I’ll be hiding all day? Haha!

                            Slo, that was a pretty controlling move he made, sorry to say. I am glad you are stepping up & taking action for yourself. Just keep telling yourself that everything will be OK. It will be!! You just have to get thru the transition. I hope your daughter’s party goes well & she appreciates your efforts. Take care :hug:

                            Wags, hope your day off has been fabulous!
                            I enjoy sewing & I love helping people & animals out where I can

                            G, Happy weekend to you!

                            Pav, this certainly is party time, that & weddings!! I hope you have a relaxing day tomorrow.

                            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hope everyone is having a good weekend with their various parties, weather, chores, and days off. Don't drink -- it just isn't worth it!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Sunday, all!
                                Of course, June 6, 1944 is an important day in history. It’s also an important day in my history. My mom and dad met on this day in 1939 and in 1978, I graduated high school. Also, 3 years ago, I found out my dad wasn’t my biological dad. so yikes to that it’s a day of reflection in many ways.
                                Available, I bought a set of sheets from Amazon on sale and they are kind of slick. They aren’t satan, but have a quality that is similar. I have grown to really like them because my pajamas don’t get all twisted up in them. Flannel sheets grip and my pajama pants end up in a twist. These allow you to make a turn without all that. It was pure luck, but a quality I will keep in mind next time I buy sheets.
                                Our parties last weekend were surprisingly fun. I feared that a year of eating alone had taken a toll on our social graces, but we ate with forks and knives and everything! :haha:
                                Wags, when I had to take CE courses for my state alarm licenses, the test for FL was an 8 hour proctored ordeal. It was awful. I felt sorry for whoever was watching me…I had to go tinkle every 45 minutes.
                                Ive really enjoyed the chocolate work. It’s been an all new medium for me and I’ve had a steep learning curve, but I really like it. My neighbors do, too. At the moment, I’ve run out of gift boxes and awaiting a shipment from Amazon so I can unload, I mean, continue to share, with my neighbors.
                                I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

