Good evening Nesters,
Things are heating up around here too but we do have the AC on. It’s been on for quite a while due to my excessive allergies. Sorry you don’t have any way to cool down Wags, be careful & stay well hydrated.
The craft show was OK but not very well attended. I think there was a lack of advertising by the person in charge actually. Still I made 4 good sales & am grateful for that. Next one will be the last Friday in August. That may end up be a hot & sweaty event, haha!
Slo, I’m just now thinking any occasion where there was a free open bar was enough to induce some crazy drinking for me. I figured I did nothing but work & work & we never went out for just an evening out so I tool full advantage of those opportunities. Glad that’s long over!
Belle, welcome back! The nest is the place to be, you already know that. I would highly advise writing yourself a new plan & be sure to address all of your triggers HALT. I did that & made a solemn vow to myself to never ever buy any more. Your husbands booze can be hidden or it can be thrown out if he’s not accommodating to your needs. Listen, you can make it easier on yourself by planning ahead & not leaving anything to chance. Keep your focus on what you need these next few weeks until you feel stronger. We’ll be here so stay close to the nest, you can do this

G, you sound like me & found success when you realized what you truly needed. Turns out what I truly needed was PEACE.
LC, so glad you are feeling human again. Worth the trouble don’t you think?

Ava, sounds like you’re all set. I hope things go as smooth as possible for you. Your kids do owe you some TLC, for sure!
Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!