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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, Nest

    I've been struggling with a virus I picked up from a grandchild towards the end of vacation. After not being sick at all for 15 months, my immune system apparently forgot how to do its job and now I have a secondary infection! Fortunately it isn't Covid so I just need to be patient and let the meds and time do their work.

    Your Me-time sounds marvelous, SLO. Enjoy!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Lav, am I the only person who doesn’t own an Insta-pot? Had no idea you could do hard boiled eggs in one. Who thought of that?
      Kensho, you are such a trooper. 10 days in 200 sq feet. That’s only 20 sf/ day :haha: I so admire you for your energy and sense of adventure. My parents didn’t take us anywhere, prolly why I can’t swim, roller skate or bowl worth a toot. Hats off to you.
      Slo, I also admire people who can be with themselves. When I was a salesperson on the road, that was the hardest part for me. I always felt sorry for myself (thus eating and DRINKING too much due to a sense of entitlement). Im glad you are treasuring your time there at at cabin. That’s a lesson for us all, tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.
      We have an eye on Elsa. These storms are getting old fast.
      Wishing everyone a peaceful, easy day. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone. Forgot to check in yesterday...but had a lot of chores to do including giving the pup a bath. Not fun. We tried the day before but there was a woman at the 'do it yourself dog washing tub' washing her beautiful husky and said she "was going to be a while" so we went back yesterday.

        I'm envious of you guys who are in cabins, camping and whatever in the great outdoors. Enjoy! I probably won't get that chance this summer with college prep and other things keeping me home. I'll have to make up for it sometime.

        Byrdie, Last week I found out I could cook corn on the cob in the Instant Pot!! They came out perfectly, and did not heat up/steam up the house. I do hardboiled eggs in it all the time. It is amazing what you can do with it. I bought one of the first ones that came out on the market and it was supposed to be for my dad to "cook pigs feet faster". lol. but at 85 it was too complicated for him to use so it became mine.

        July 4 was like a war zone on my street. It started way before dark and I think everyone shot their wad early...and then my son and daughters friends showed up. I bought some probably crappy fireworks because I have never bought before and did not know what to get. And then around 11, (ex?)-boyfriend shows up with fireworks he bought in PA, apparently illegal here but they were like real fireworks. Thank goodness my husband was out of town because he would have had a fit. The kids were smart about playing it safe and cleaned up everything. Fortunately, my pup who is afraid of almost everything, is not bothered by fireworks and storms. and no, she is not deaf.

        Happy to be AF and free today.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Tuesday evening greetings Nesters,

          Waiting for a storm or something to break. Up the heat - again. It’s so hot I can’t spend more than a few minutes at a time outside, ugh.
          Treated the chickens to some cold watermelon slices this afternoon which they gobbled right up.
          Great to see so many checking in, looks like we all survived the holiday OK.

          Slo, I just keep thinking it’s easier & kinder to yourself to focus on one day at a time. We have no idea what the future holds so there’s no sense stressing ourselves. Enjoy the moment, the day……sounds like you are doing just that

          NS, summer viruses stink, sorry. Hope you heal up quickly :hug:

          Used the iP again today to make some fresh cauliflower soup - yum.
          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Big waves to my friends here in the nest.

            All is rolling along ok over here. SB, wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

            Speaking of pots, i'm on the hunt for a biggish one. maybe 7-8 litre size made of iron or steel. Something with the least amount of toxins inherent in the product. i.e. aluminium.

            Hi Belle. 'AF and free today'. Yep! I'll take that.

            Take it easy. Safe travels friend Kensho and to all.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Great that you have three weeks in, LC! I’m glad you listened to your body and took some extra rest and down time on your ‘off’ day. It’s a natural rhythm.

              I have an Instapot, but so far only use it for cooking dry beans, usually pinto beans. It works great for cooking beans!

              Belle, a fun evening for your kids with the fireworks and friends.

              Sorry you ended up so sick to cap off that long, intense vacation, NS. Hope you can shake it off soon.

              LC, I’m on the border between Wisconsin and Michigan. It has been cold, damp, gray, and endlessly raining today. I have been dusting, vacuuming, laundering, etc. No magic today! Actually, I got a nice bike ride in this am before the weather turned dramatically.
              The holiday weekend was nice & sunny, and warm from the heat wave! It was fun to be with the children as adults with those nice son-in-laws -all great guys - and lots of time to cuddle super sweet little baby Mabel! And chase around 1-year-old Beckett! Everyone pitched in and cooperated together, and it was a nice time. (I never got much “pitched in and cooperated together” up here with HB over the years, so really notice & appreciate it now with this group of young adults. And him now finally too.)

              Pav, that sounds like a perfect way to celebrate the extra holiday day; with a relaxed gathering with lots of good food that no one person had to host.

              I need to take your advice to heart, Lav; as you speak from experience and lived with this same uncertainty for 4 years. And used it to your advantage, to use the time to focus on self-care and healing.

              Time to re-kindle my fire! (Literally, not figuratively!) Goodnight.
              Last edited by Slo; July 7, 2021, 06:04 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                hi Nesters!

                Yesterday at work a colleague brought a small thank you gift to the kitchen.. included was a mini bottle of prosecco.. for the first time in a while my mind went a bit crazy. Completely preoccupied with the stupid bottle and whether or not I could/should drink it. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't, knowing that it would send me off on a spiral.. thought of giving it to my neighbor who always takes care of my cats, but in the end gave it to my kitchen colleague.. the thoughts continued for a while after.. could I just have "a" beer after work? Just one? Or more.. I could just drink this one afternoon and get back on track tomorrow.. in the end I thought of all of you, thought of the girls and how happy they are that I haven't been drinking, I thought of all the time I'd lose and how stressed I'd be due to that, I thought of how I would most definitely carry on with a great binge.. how all of my work would go down the drain and I'd have to begin again. Again! No thank you!
                Crazy.. just from one stupid little bottle of alcohol. Anyway, went to the gym even though I didn't feel like it and that made me feel good.. and feeling mentally strong this morning.. So nice to have this Nest to come to!:heartbeat:

                NS, I sure hope you'll be feeling better soon!:hug:.. are you a patient patient? Sending healing energy your way..
                Slo, how wonderful to have a baby to snuggle! How old is Mabel? And a one year old to chase around! I look forward to being a Grandma some day..
                Gman, that's a big pot you're looking for! Planning a party?

                Big hugs to all of you!! Wishing everyone a happy AF day.. xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  NS - sorry to hear you caught a virus, and I hope you feel much better soon! Sending healing energy and hugs :hug:

                  Byrdie - we don't have an InstaPot either so you're not totally alone. I hope that storm steers completely clear of you.

                  Slo - I didn't realize you were near the Michigan-Wisconsin border. Are you a Yooper? That's a beautiful area!

                  Hellos and waves to Lav, Pav, G and everyone else stopping by the nest. Happy hump day coming up!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Thanks for the get well wishes, Nest. I'm feeling somewhat better today, thank goodness.

                    I also don't have an InstaPot - can't take anymore kitchen appliances. I make my hard boiled eggs in one I already have - the rice maker. They come out perfectly every time.

                    Good for you, LC, being the Boss of that bottle of Prosecco. Funny what a mind-F something like that can be! I used to imagine thinking and feeling about something else like I used to about alcohol. Imagine getting spun out of control by a jar of pickles :haha:! And the thing is, for a non-addict, that little bottle of wine is no different to pickles. The fact that all of us probably can relate to what happened to you is exactly why we are here!

                    Mr G, RevereWare makes big stainless steel pots at an ok price: Sorry! Something went wrong!
                    I've had mine for years and years and love it.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Still hot here & we never got the rain last night. Maybe tonight maybe not, who knows. I do know tropical storm Elsa is working it’s way up the coast & will be arriving Friday evening I believe. Up to 5” of rain with this one that I would love to send out west where it’s really needed.

                      OK G, now we’re curious. What are yo cooking in your large stock pot? I actually use my IP to make vegetable & chicken stocks & freeze them in cardboard containers

                      Slo, it’s true that when you don’t know what the future holds the kindest thing you can do for yourself is stay positive. I kept telling myself, over & over that I would be OK & I definitely not lose my quit over his irrational behavior. Keep your focus on you & your daughters & grandbabies, that’s what I did. You will be OK :hug:

                      LC, pitching that bottle out the window or straight into the trash would have been my choices, haha! Never let a stupid bottle of wine or whatever destroy your hard earned quit. Good job!!!

                      Wags, hope you’re still enjoying some cooler air

                      NS, glad you’re feeling better now.
                      You should see my freezer. I have large bags full of vegetable scraps & some with chicken/turkey bones. When I need broth I empty a bag into the IP, fill it with water & lots of savory herbs (no salt) & have at least 3-4 quarts of broth in 35 minutes. I make that IP work for me, Lol.

                      Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                        Mr G, RevereWare makes big stainless steel pots at an ok price: Sorry! Something went wrong!
                        I've had mine for years and years and love it.
                        Hola nester's,

                        Thanks SB. Glad you're feeling better. The revere looks perfect given it's stainless steel with copper bottom. No aluminium, which i'm told can be toxic when heated and leak into food. Gonna check out a local store and see if they have similar, otherwise i'll order a revere from amazon. Much appreciated mi amiga.

                        LC! Yo, w'dup. I want a large pot for cooking up a big batch of tucker so i can store portions to freeze for later, Lav style. Good work on thinking that tricky situation through. You could even write out exactly what you wrote in ur post above (your reasons why you didn't drink), laminate it business card size and put in your wallet to read when the old coping mechanism program strikes. P.S. In my experience that program gits weaker and weaker with time, sobriety, and going for what we actually want in life, rather than focusing on what we don't want or have. Go git it pardner!

                        Lav, i'm following your lead in lot's of ways. :-)

                        Take care out there y'all.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Quick fly-by for me. All is well in Wagland, but I'm tired from a lot of teaching.

                          I just realized that my FIVE YEAR quit-a-versary is coming up later this month. Five. Freakin'. Years!

                          :yay: :sohappy: :congratulatory:

                          See you all tomorrow. Safe days and nights everyone.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings from the cold & rainy north woods! I’m not complaining, as Lav & many others are still in the heat wave, and Pav doesn’t have rain her way. Plus it’s good to get all the rain & cold out of the way in the middle of the week, so it can be nice again when the four teenage girls arrive tomorrow.
                            I’ve never stayed here alone between weekends; always went back to drive daughter to her swim practices etc., and once she could drive these last two summers, I had commitments to get back for. You’re right, Byrdie; it is a bit lonely.
                            I went grocery shopping in the next town down today, and went to the local lodge hotel to use their pool and sit in the hot tub. Heavenly!
                            Wags, I’m not a Yooper. I travel up here through Wisconsin. It is beautiful up here with all the pine trees!

                            All-Clad makes a big steel pot, but too pricey. I know what you mean about not wanting to use aluminum pots.

                            LC, that’s how it is at three weeks. But if you keep your quit going, it can reduce to feeling just a slight twinge when you’re presented with a bottle of hooch. It’s too bad you had to be tempted like that when vulnerable. Good job fighting it off!
                            Baby Mabel is 8 weeks old!! She’s an absolute living doll.

                            I’ll try it, Lav. Just stay positive and focus positively on my blessings: especially young daughter and her last summer home and those precious tiny grandchildren. If I over worry, I’ll miss all this. Just focus on enjoying the Summer.
                            Last edited by Slo; July 8, 2021, 07:46 PM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hello folks. Jumping in with what seems to be an annual check-in. Coming up on what I think is 8 years. Fortunately I haven't had any thoughts or temptations. That part of my life is gone. The sense that I know that I can't have one keeps me sane and sober. That feeling is just as strong as day one. Survived Covid but not the Covid beard ☺ I swear one more Santa Claus comment and I'm getting out the Grecian Formula. Hope all is well in the nest! It was, and is,a special place. I quit privately, without family or close friends, but this place allowed me to talk to others that really understood what I was going through. It was a safe harbor to "fake it till I made it". Good thoughts and special hugs to all
                              Last edited by TJAF; July 7, 2021, 10:43 PM.
                              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                              William Butler Yeats


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                TJAF, great to see you. I sort of quit privately. I told a few close friends, but I was very ashamed that I had to quit. Glad you check in with us and let us know how you're doing. 8 years is amazing.

                                Wags, when is your anniversary? Let's celebrate. I remember a bad car accident either right before or right after you quit? I believe that was you. How are you feeling from that?

                                NoSugar, sorry you got sick. It is a bit of a shock after all this time to get sick, I am sure. Glad you're feeling better.

                                Mr. G, I am a LeCruset fan. Expensive, but they last forever. I have two sizes and make all of my soups and stews in them - things don't stick to the bottom. Also, I think they have a lifetime warranty and you can get them re-enameled, although after 25 years I still haven't had to do that with mine.

                                LC - glad you talked yourself out of that. You really flexed that sober muscle. Good for you. That conversation you had with yourself is why I had to go to total acceptance. I cannon drink. That changes the conversations I have with myself - from should I drink or not to what am I going to do instead of drinking. It seems subtle, but I do think that I've read that your brain can't rely on sheer willpower forever. I have that "should I eat it or not" conversation with myself all of the time and inevitably I say YES all too often. Stay close, my friend!

                                Hi to everyone else. Stay cool, warm, safe.

                                Happy SOBER Thursday,

