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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Birthday Fennel hope you have a good one :bday
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Happy Birthday Fen, how many candles?

      And Hip - the things we do for them kids!!! good on ya, they'll have such fun and good memories.

      Suns what a wait - still it will be so worth it when you see that bub

      Panno NoraC Molly hi to you all. Just a quick check in as haven't been here for a while. Been lurking again and having some naval contemplation me time. Doing well - will be a whole month this weekend. Feeling pretty darn good about that too.

      Bit of a test tonight as going to dinner at a pub with my fam. But I'm determined not to spoil what I have achieved so lemonade it is for me - plus I'm designated driver so even more incentive.

      Gotta go - hope everyone has a good Friday night/day.
      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone -brillo loads around!! Happy birthday Fennel have a lovely day! Hipster,gooday to you -NOTHING worse than 11 year old girls on sleepover aaaggghhh and you HAVE to be so pleasant (think that's the hardest part!!!) Good luck with all that!!
        Mazzie lovely to see you - great stuff with a month, I suppose the best thing about having a decent amount of time AF is that even if tempted there is a lot to give up.
        Sunny, Nora, Panno, Dancing and all the other still missing persons! Have a lovely day and will check in later
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Mazzie. Nice to have you back. Well done on a month AF.
          Happy Birthday Fen. My daughters birthday is actually on Sunday however with football and soccer on the weekend, it was better to have her party tonight. They have only been here an hour and already I am going crazy!!!! Where's my drink..............JOKE!
          Hey Molly. How you doing? I wish I could go with your daughter. I would love to see Canada one day. Hope she gets her grades soon. I hate waiting for things like that.
          Hi Nora. Hope your friend is doing OK.
          Hello to everyone else. Stay strong on this Friday night and over the weekend. I am off to turn the music down AGAIN! It's official..... I have just become my mother!
          Bye for now
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            hi all. i had a fabulous night out last night. my first evening out with girly friends, meal and cinema. i havent done this for years due to having my head stuck in a bottle. i arrived early and my friend was about to open a bot of wine. she put it away as she didnt want to tempt me but i said i was fine with it and she had acouple of glasses while i had my fizzy lemon. she got a bit tiddly but the others didnt drink much. it was great ordering my slimline tonic and enjoying the food. not having to think about my next drink all evening was sooooo good. i feel really good today and am very grateful for having still having friends after all my crap. LOVING BEING SOBER
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Newbies Nest

              Wey to go Spuds - awesome another tick in the box, proud of you x
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Newbies Nest

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FENNEL!

                In honor of your special day, I have taken the liberty of decorating the taco truck and adding some extra gourmet treats for your birthday breakfast. Perhap one of those bags of white rice hanging off the front end would appeal? It looks as though there are even some fireworks to be procured here. All very convenient - compact and self contained... just one rollin' party, I'd say! Happy Day, friend Fennel!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Coco-Nut;884215 wrote: In honor of your special day, I have taken the liberty of decorating the taco truck and adding some extra gourmet treats for your birthday breakfast. Perhap one of those bags of white rice hanging off the front end would appeal? It looks as though there are even some fireworks to be procured here. All very convenient - compact and self contained... just one rollin' party, I'd say! Happy Day, friend Fennel!
                  Coco! I love it! :H

                  The rice will go perfectly with today's lunch special..."Bubble's Basmati Burrito Delight".


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks for the B-day greetings everybody! 49 today, Mazzie. I don't feel like it, though. Or, maybe I do this morning...Bob wouldn't quit pestering me, so I got up and started making breakfast. I sat down with my coffee and nearly spilled it all over myself when I saw it was only 6:15! Darned kitty.


                      Newbies Nest

                      spuddleduck;884131 wrote: hi all. i had a fabulous night out last night. my first evening out with girly friends, meal and cinema. i havent done this for years due to having my head stuck in a bottle. i arrived early and my friend was about to open a bot of wine. she put it away as she didnt want to tempt me but i said i was fine with it and she had acouple of glasses while i had my fizzy lemon. she got a bit tiddly but the others didnt drink much. it was great ordering my slimline tonic and enjoying the food. not having to think about my next drink all evening was sooooo good. i feel really good today and am very grateful for having still having friends after all my crap. LOVING BEING SOBER
                      Good for you, Spuddleduck! Sounds like a wonderful evening.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Birthday, Fennel!!!!! :bday7: Have a wonderful day, my dear - and go slip a sleeping aid in Bob's next feeding. 6:15! Sheesh.

                        Hippy... deepest condolences! Pre-Teens! Arrrgh! :H

                        Spuddle... awesome! SO glad you enjoyed your evening!

                        Well, no news from this end - still waiting! My daughter said that if he's gonna keep going like this he will NEVER get an allowance! :H The kid's got a guilt trip hanging over his head and he isn't even born yet

                        Anyways, gotta run - high finance stuff today - I bought (well, lend the money) a vehicle for my daughter, did I mention that? Anyways, final transaction time today

                        Have a fabby Friday!!!! Btw.. I HONESTLY thought today was Thursday!? :scratchinhead:
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Have a great 49th Birthday Fennel!! Celebrate with all the AF drinks you want !! Here's wishing you many many more. Thanks for being one of my friends in the Newbies Nest and for always making sure we are well nourished.

                          :l :h Pam and da boyz and da kitties too!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nesters....looks like lots happening or waiting to happen here.
                            A very Happy Birthday to you Fennel!!! Good to hear Bob is well enough to "pester" you eh..
                            Sun is shining again and summer is coming. Have a Fabulous Friday everyone! )

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Sunny, Papmom and RC!


                                Newbies Nest

                       better get a move on if he's going to get born today...

