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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Evening nesters

    Welcome Mulburry and i hope you keep checking in and saying hello.

    We have had a glorious weekend, got the lawns mowed and whipper snipped, did a bit of weeding in the garden and a lot more to do. went for some lovely walks with Carl..

    We got a new addition to the family last week. Bob who is a shih tzu. Carl hates him which is funny. he is more my daughters dog and she has told me i am not allowed near them as all dogs seem to love me. i did mention if she feeds Bob and walks Bob then bob will love her as much as Carl loves me.


    Going into work tomorrow even though we are in lockdown. They are making more covid wards so the neurology ward is relocating yet again. its getting monotonous and annoying but not much i can do. They have employed a new PA, never met her so will be interesting to see what she is like. they know if she has a big ego or attitude i wont work with her but time will tell.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well and getting out and about. my big trip is on Tuesday to donate blood, not done that since before my dental operation so am looking forward to it.

    Take care xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hiya Nest.

      Isn't Bob a cutie! Ava, it's so awesome to see how you've set boundaries at work. I think you must work in the Neuro Ward, not the Covid ward, right? I hope so. Be careful!!

      LC, hearing an octet play sounds really nice. We see a lot of live music, but it is rarely orchestral. It's very beautiful when they blend their harmonies and instruments and I feel so relaxed listening to it.

      RE: community, I've been thinking about whether we could have a "Climate Action Group" in our neighborhood. We could research and gather recycling, compost, share environmental news, etc. Anything to get people thinking about what THEY can do, and how THEY are also a part of the problem and solution... Just a thought, but I think I'd be the one heading it up and I'm not sure about the time commitment.

      Glad PAV and Byrdie are not in the hurricane's path. Weather is weird all over the world now.

      We celebrated my husband's and daughter's birthdays last night out at a restaurant patio. My kids wanted to be on their phones the entire time. I feel like I've done something wrong as a parent. Have I not spent enough time with them? Do they just have the personalities to get sucked in? I know they are addictive. I threatened to take their phones for 2 days if they didn't get off them. They got huge, entitled attitudes and I plan to have a come to Jesus meeting with them today about how eating out is a privilege and they can stay off their phones and join the conversation, or stay home. I am worried about them.

      Anyway, that's it for me. Just my usual night out with no: alcohol, gluten, dairy, corn, soy. It's a challenge, but doable.

      Have a good day everyone.
      Last edited by KENSHO; August 22, 2021, 09:36 AM.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Just wanted to say sounds like a lot of people on here are sober and doing well (seems like a change from when I was on here more some years ago), which is great to see.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening friends,

          We had some rain today but not much compared to the areas getting hit by Henri.

          Mulburry, good to see you & I hope you’re doing well. We always have people at all different stages of their quits. Some of us quit years ago, some more recently. Let us know how you’re doing.

          Hello to Wags & LC. LC I love any kind of live music too. I hope you enjoyed yourselves

          Ava, Bob is a handsome young man . I have a feeling Carl will warm up to him in time, haha!
          Good luck with the work situation. I’m sure this is a hard time for anyone starting a new job.

          Kensho, I have a feeling your kids are just doing what all of the other kids are doing with the phones. There’s nothing wrong with drawing boundaries with them. I don’t allow the grandkids to mess with their phones when they’re here for a meal. I came right out & told the boys it’s rude, haha!! I’m too stubborn to deal with entitled attitudes, LOL

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Ava - Bob is such a cutie!!! Poor Carl -- hopefully he will adjust quickly once he realizes that he isn't going to lose out on your affection or attention.

            Kensho - the phone thing is tough in a lot of situations. I don't have kids but one of my best friends is a university prof and she struggles mightily with students on their phones even with a "no phones" rule. I've seen this thing that adults do when they go out to eat together: everyone puts their phone in the middle of the table face down, and the first person to reach for theirs gets to pay for everyone's meal. Of course you would need to adapt that for your kids but maybe something similar, especially if you can frame it as something that 20-somethings do when they go out as a group.

            Mulberry - the Nest is a pretty solid place to be these days for sure, even with folks in many different stages of their quits. Glad you're here with us!

            Well, I've got two more days "off" before I start to ramp my work schedule back up. I haven't had many of these days fully off, but just taught one class and have met with about 6 prospective new students so nothing too heavy. It has been WONDERFUL!

            Hope the week starts off well for all of you!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola evabody.

              I understand Carl's position. I'm the same if a cute younger guy starts at work. All the ladies shift there attention to him and not me!!! (Carl listen to me buddy - that's. our. warped. perspective. Some truth in it yes, but don't stress. You and i are still valued bro).

              Hope the hurricane has bypassed everyone and fizzled out at sea. Working today. All ok here. New music album just released. Yay!

              Welcome Mulberry. Great to see you taking back your precious life. Hope you're having an easy week friend.

              Take it easy out there.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                We’ve had a day of repeated thunderstorm but nothing real bad. I do have a bunch of wet chickens outside though, haha!

                G, no need for you & Carl to feel bad. Puppies are just so darn cute, yo can’t help but love them too

                Wags, I had friends that were teachers & I remember the end of the summer angst they had. One of them worked herself into a real ulcer every new school year, poor thing.
                I’m sure you will be OK, you are a lot more calm & experienced than my former friends!

                Our son just texted us a video of water running through his garage like a river. He lives near by but we don’t have any of that going on, thank goodness.
                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Checking in on a sober Monday night. I've been dealing with an ear infection/ear blockage, or something equally annoying the past few days. Thankfully I have an appointment with an ENT on Thursday. I did manage to get some badly needed yard work done this weekend. I guess that is what us empty-nesters do. I do miss the kids so much that I am in a bit of a depressive funk...hence my not posting as much as I could. I guess I just need to get used to the new normal. Hubs is not being the nicest either.

                  I believe it was Lav that said something to the effect of remaining AF will help me claim my power to stand up to him. I'm not good with confrontation and I do hate when people are angry with me, even if unjustly so. I had a therapist appointment today and we are starting to work on those issues.

                  I need to go back and read, but I'm happy to be here and sober. G'night everyone.

                  Alcohol does me no favors.

                  Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi all!

                    I’m up babysitting Beckett & Mabel for four days. Such a joy to snuggle babies, and spend time with daughter! And son-in-law. Such a nice family. I love being here with them. I’m exhausted though; the toddler is intense.

                    Kensho, maybe you & husband can set the expectations before you leave for the restaurant -that dinner out will be phone-free, and they can either leave their phones at home or put them in Mom’s purse before entering the restaurant? The trick is getting husband on board too, and having a united front.

                    Yup, Carl is jealous! It’s true that the one who walks him is the one he will be loyal to! My MIL’s dog preferred me, because I was the one who walked her.

                    Belle, I feel your pain. (But thankfully not your physical ear pain -ouch!). My daughter leaves for college on Sept. 3rd, and then it will be empty nest with the broken marriage. Dread.

                    Have you been out on your bike during your week mostly off, Wags? I got some nice little rides in over the weekend.

                    Hope the new PA turns out to be a nice co-worker, Ava!

                    Night-y night, Nest.
                    Last edited by Slo; August 23, 2021, 09:49 PM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest


                      I have a busy week here with lots of work and the girls at home. My eldest is moving out on October 1st and we all seem to be feeling the need to spend every minute we have together. It's hard when they move out, isn't it? My daughter is still in school around the corner so I'll see her often.. Slo and Belle, I feel for you! It's so exciting to have them flying off on their own.. but such a big change for everyone.

                      Belle, great that you're beginning with a counselor to talk about and work on the issues bothering you! Well done!

                      Kensho, I sure understand what you're dealing with. It's not your parenting, it's the phones/technology! Every parent I know has similar issues and I see the struggle my girls have with them. We have an absolute no phone rule at the table whether it's at home or in a restaurant. I feel like it's so important to be present while eating, not just for physical reasons but for the interaction with others, community. I work in an artist's studio where (pre-covid) 100+ people came together to eat lunch at 1 pm (creative, young, phone savvy people!) and nobody had there phones out at lunch.. for an entire 30-45 minutes! Eating together is so important! Let us know how it goes..
                      Wags, love the idea of phones in the middle of the table and whoever picks up first, pays! Enjoy your last day(s) off!

                      Ava, that is one cute puppy!! Hopefully soon Carl will realize he's gaining a potential play buddy.. I remember many years ago, my sister and her hubs at 8 shihtzus.. they were addicts!:happy2:

                      I would love to see some wet chickens, Lav! I'm looking forward to getting some chicken action at my friend's this coming weekend.. she's got some in the awkward teenage stage that will be fun to watch.

                      ok.. running off to work. Wishing everyone a lovely, AF day.. let's try and make the most of it.
                      Big Hugs!xx


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Slo - enjoy those baby snuggles! Yes, several bike rides this past week and I'm so happy about that.

                        Lav - yikes about the water flowing through your son's garage! You all have too much water while the western US and other parts of the world are in a severe state of drought.

                        Belle - the empty nest sounds rough right now. I'm sure you'll gradually adjust to the new home life but it makes sense that it's hard especially at first. Hope your ear clears up quickly!

                        Well, I've got two more days mostly off (except for two new student consults and one first class session). Tomorrow will be tasks/chores/projects at home, and then Wed is a long bike ride. It has been so good to have this week+ mostly off. I feel the most rested I think I've felt in 18 months and I'm excited to start teaching again.

                        Happy new weeks to everyone!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          x-post LC!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            hi Nesters!

                            I've had the 2nd day of stupid witching hour cravings.. today I reminded myself of all the nice things living AF brings to my life. Deep sleep, no regrets or shame, more energy, complete presence with the girls (I always realize when I'm not drinking how much they still need me and how much of their lives I miss out on), a clear head at work, a better, more positive attitude, clear skin, better decisions with regards to eating and of course in general, etc.! I also reminded myself of how difficult it was to get a day 1 under my belt yet again! How desperate I felt..
                            Off to the gym now and then I'll check in again this evening..


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Now we’re in another heatwave of 90+ degrees for the next 6 days, ugh. I am so sick of summer, this is not my weather.
                              Just made some gluten free oat flour waffles (dairy free too) for a light dinner & served them with some raspberry syrup I made last week. Our garden keeps us full one wayor the other.

                              LC, I sure hope you got thru your day OK. Of course we know how much better life is AF. Shut down those thoughts, don’t letthem linger in your head.
                              I have to tell yuo that wet chickens don’t smell very nice, haha!! Enjoy your weekend visit with the young chickens, sounds like fun.

                              Wags, you sound like you’re ready to tackle a new school year - good for you!

                              Slo, enjoy those grandbabies, they grow so darn fast!!!

                              Belle, that’s great that you are talking things out with a counselor. I know for myself at least that I can stand firm & call out BS while looking at him right in the eye - when I am clear headed. I had lost that ability during my drinking career & will never go there again. I think we are pretty much unable to defend ourseleves when we are not clear headed. Glad you are taking care of business.

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe nighgt in the nest!

                              Last edited by Lavande; August 24, 2021, 05:38 PM.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Another day sober is another good day. Count me in!

