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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hey Nesters,

    Stopping by to say hello while we have power & internet still. Some crazy wind, rain & a probable tornado touched down nearby taking down power lines, trees & at least the roof on one house. I’ve seen pics of flooded roads in the area too. Tornado warning is up for another few hours. Doing fine so far & hope everyone is well & has a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola Nester's,

      Lav, hope you and anyone else in the path of that weather are ok.

      Pav, you sure can buy my album. Yo can also listen free anytime to a few of them online. I'll pm u.

      Friend Special K Kensho, i don't surf as a habit, but have dabbled. I'm often in the water in the thick of it. Surf beaches are about an hour or so from me, however i live a few hundred metres from a huge bay. We get some wave action to be sure, but not big surf. A favourite thing for me is to swim when the bay is rough and choppy, surrendering to the ebb and flow of the waves crashing around. It's wild and i hand my destiny over to king Neptune, the sea and universe. The currents aren't real strong so it's not too foolhardy. If there were strong rips, i'd keep out. It's the connection with nature that's the buzz, as you know.

      Big hello's and waves to evabody. Back yourself and be kind to you.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Lav - stay safe! I know it's not totally under your control, or anyone else's for that matter. Thinking about you and all the others in this big storm's path.

        G - sounds like you live in a pretty wonderful place. I totally get the connection with nature and feeling her energy.

        Pav - I've never been a classroom teacher except at the university level, but I've worked as an educator/teacher/instructor/trainer my entire career. I've taught everything from outdoor education to ESL. I discovered I was good at test prep tutoring when I first helped many students prep for the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language), which is required for non-native English speakers applying to undergrad university programs in the U.S. Then one of my adult ESL students asked if I could help him prepare to take the GMAT (entrance exam for MBA programs and another asked for help with the MCAT (medical school admissions) and the rest was history. The one good thing that came out of my car accident back in 2017 was that I decided I didn't want to be out driving/commuting so much, so I got my hiney in gear and learned how to tutor online. When COVID hit, I was way ahead of the game since I was already doing 80-90% of my teaching online/remotely anyway. I still love it, and, I want to find a way to generate some of my income while I'm sleeping

        Hellos and waves to Slo, NS, Kensho, and everyone else stopping by the nest!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters!

          Just checking in to say hi and that everything is fine here with regards to drinking! I'm slowly coming out of a terrible cold.. I was at my friend's out in the country last weekend and we got caught in a lot of cold rain.. my immune system must have been weak 'cause I was thrown for a loop with a bad chest cough, sore throat, etc., etc.. Beginning to see the light again!:happy2:
          Read back yesterday and it seems everyone is hanging in there!
          Thinking of you a lot, Slo, through this difficult time with your husband..:hug:
          I hope that tornado quieted down, Lav.. and that you're safe.

          Hugs and love to everyone in this wonderful Nest!xx
          Last edited by lifechange; September 2, 2021, 05:09 AM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Lav, I'm sorry you're without your services, but glad you could still check in. My friend's daughter had to drive on the sidewalk in NYC to narrowly avoid a deep flood where she could see the water rising. And there were two more small fires around here, not to mention the giant one burning by Lake Tahoe. So much going on - it is a lot to take in, and a lot to deal with at work. People's fears and anxieties are high, and it is my job to keep things smooth. I don't feel overly anxious, but my body is telling me otherwise - I have a very stiff neck and canker sores in my mouth (which I rarely get). Have been practicing yoga, breathing techniques, enough sleep, and getting hugs from my husband. The very good news is that I never even consider drinking. I can't imagine having that stress and lack of control on top of everything else I can't control.

            Wags, that's a cool trajectory into something that works so well for you.

            LC, glad you're back and feeling better.

            Well, I messaged Nar on Facebook also - she'll feel the love for sure.

            Happy Thursday. Can't wait for this three day weekend!



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
              My husband has a father that taught him manipulation, conflict avoidance tactics (primarily turning it around on others), controlling behavior, and a sometimes condescending / borderline abusive tone.
              KENSHO, yes, these are the exact same ones my HB uses towards me, and that his father used. Except not manipulation -HB is not manipulative. But, the conflict avoidance tactics that get continuously turned back onto me feel manipulative, as I can never get my message across and be heard and come to any sort of resolution over anything.

              LC, wonderful to hear that you’re not drinking! That’s one doozy of a cold though -ouch.

              Wags, I loved hearing the story of how you ended up in your career, and so cool that you got an early jump on teaching remotely!

              Lav, sad that Hurricane Ida is having such a long reach. New York sounds like a flooded mess now.

              Ava, yes, I agree that sugar and alcohol are very intertwined. And those of us who kick the booze are usually left with sugar cravings.

              Tomorrow we drive baby daughter to college to start her Freshman year. The time has arrived. I have debated about whether I need to drive myself separately, in order to protect myself from too much sadness in one day; but I think I’ll just tell him that this is daughter’s day, and I want no talk about divorce on the long drive home together after we leave her there.

              Thank you for your support and strength.
              Last edited by Slo; September 2, 2021, 09:04 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                LAV - been thinking about you. Glad to hear you are ok. Keep us informed!

                G, I admire your Neptune surrender. I have trouble doing that in the ocean - more of a feet in the dirt kind of girl. I love how in tune with nature you are!

                Wags, I love your story. It's amazing what happens when we walk through the doors that open to us! I'll bet you are really good at what you do!

                Slo, I'm sorry that you have that behavior around you. No one deserves that disfunction. Reach for better! You deserve not just function, but support, love, and nurturing. :hug:

                Though I'm feeling overwhelmed with the world right now, at this moment I am sitting in a quiet house with my pup, seeing the sunshine and listening to the birds. The air quality is not too bad today and I can smell the earth. Right now, right here, I can sense that enough of our collective energy wants to take care of each other and the earth. We just need to decide to do it. I am not religious, and would not even call myself a Buddhist (though I connect with many Buddhist principles)... but I found the placement of this ray of light coming through my window this morning very interesting, given the news in Texas - thought I'd share. Love and light to everyone.

                Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 8.47.21 AM.jpg
                Last edited by KENSHO; September 2, 2021, 09:47 AM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I agree with you [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION] - so much awful stuff is out of our control right now, thank goodness we aren't being controlled by a bottle! My 'escape' has been listening to light-weight fiction or interesting nonfiction audiobooks rather than paying intense intention to all that is going on. I have the basic facts but am not listening to all the interpretations.
                  [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION], I did see that your area had some damage. I hope the morning found you safe and powered :hug:
                  [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION], tomorrow sounds tough on many levels. So here's a :hug: for you, too.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    We had an unbelievable 7.75” of rain yesterday thanks to Ida. A tornado touched down up near town about 5 miles from here, 9 houses damaged, 7 condemned in one development. Then the tornado moved on & took down many trees & power lines, a few greenhouses on an Amish farm & a roof on a new Amish owned hardware store. Several major roads are blocked with downed power lines & entire trees uprooted. There was a total of 7 tornadoes in neighboring counties. Such destruction is sad & scary. I feel lucky we escaped with no damage.

                    Hello to G & Wags!

                    LC, glad you’re starting to feel better.

                    Pav, there is so much going on to cause tension. We just have to remember to indulge in self care before we feel ourselves going over the edge. This three day weekend should help out a lot

                    Slo, it was hard taking my daughter across the state for college, I remember. You have the right idea to protect yourself on the way home :hug:
                    I’m sending you lots of strength to take care of yourself!

                    Kensho, I think that light is definitely there for a reason. I subscribe to Buddhist principles too because they give me comfort & make sense where religion never did.
                    I agree that we mostly want to take care of each other & seeing my neighbors reach out to one another today after this storm has been comforting. Hang in there, we’re due for a change.

                    NS, we took ourselves on a tour around the area & saw some of the damage first hand. How lucky no one was injured or killed in this storm.
                    I agree we all need to do what we need to do to remain calm & stay open for change.

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Yikes, everything that is going on in the world is overwhelming and disheartening. It's all so big and feels so horrible. I think the only way I maintain hope is by shifting my focus to a much smaller scale -- looking for (and seeing!) acts of kindness amongst neighbors like Lav mentioned after the storm damage, for example.

                      Kensho - I'm not religious either but find some comfort in Buddhist principles as well.

                      Slo - I hope the trip to drop off your daughter is an enjoyable right-of-passage for all of you.

                      Pav - sending you extra hugs to help weather all you've got on your shoulders right now.

                      LC - good to see you and hope you feel 100% better soon!

                      Lav - the devastation all around you must be difficult to see, and I'm glad you all are safe.

                      Waves and hugs everyone. We will get through this challenging time.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Quiet day here after all the craziness of the week. The NWS has designated the tornado as an EF-2 with 115 mph winds. Now I can see why there was so much damage.
                        Flooding has been a big issue too in some areas. This is what we have to look forward to I’m afraid. Now would be a good time for the US to get serious about reducing carbon, don’t you think?

                        Wags, we all need to hold on tight & things will lighten up again, I hope!

                        Not much to report today. Since there was no where to go I spent time making a batch of yummy dairy free granola
                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Friday-into-Saturday everyone! Hope we have good weekends all around.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey to Wags & all Nesters,

                            I hope everyone is busy having a terrific AF weekend.
                            We have wall to wall sunshine today with temps in the 70’s ~ perfect

                            Wishing everyone a safe nigh in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hello Nesters,

                              It was a really nice right-of-passage trip for the three of us, taking daughter to college! We all had a really nice time together, and even HB & me on the way home…until nearing home, when he said he saw a condo flyer and wondered if I was going that route; and asked if I had gotten a lawyer yet. It just really burst the bubble on a nice day. And took out the last little bit of hope.

                              I looked again at a condo today that I had liked, but on closer inspection it’s pretty worn, has had a lot of renters parading through rather than one steady condo owner, and is pretty expensive for what it is.

                              Lav, do you eat your homemade granola dry, or do you pour nut milk on it? Sounds like a good snack.

                              HB was gone to a football game today, and now is napping in front of baseball. I felt down and tired today, and sick of my sore artificial knee. Didn’t do anything. Talked to my sister on the phone. She was very supportive.

                              Hope you’re all having good AF weekends. And especially Pav, with all the strain you are under running a school district, with COVID and fires and everything going on.
                              Last edited by Slo; September 4, 2021, 07:30 PM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Lav - that sounds like terrific weather, and you all earned it after the past week or so! Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

                                Slo - my heart breaks for you that you're being treated in such a way. I'm glad that most of your "drop off daughter" day was as nice as it was, but the rest must be so difficult.

                                Things in Wagland are pretty good. I had a huge teaching day yesterday and was kinda brain-fried today. I really like my "commute" with teaching online, but I definitely find that it takes a bit more energy to be engaging and interactive through a screen, especially with students who are introverted. I myself am extroverted, but not in a social butterfly kind of way -- just in a "I get energy from the people and activities around me."

                                How about you, nesters? Who are the introverts? Extroverts? Anyone know their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? Actually, along that same topic, I wonder if there are any patterns of personaltiy type that tend to be more or less prevalent in the worlds of alcoholism and addiction.

                                Stay safe nesters and do something nice for yourselves during the rest of your weekends. You deserve it!

