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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good afternoon everyone! Remember me?

    I'm going through the DT's today and I hate that feeling. I have someone checking on me.
    The easy way to quit drinking?:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Overit! Welcome back.

      Good on you for taking back your precious life. Keep connected with the person checking on you. If they aren't a medico, please consider getting medical advice and support too. Stick with it and back yourself. Remember, we often start to feel better after the first couple of days or so. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.

      Big hello's and waves to evabody. How are u Byrdy?

      Surf's up pardner's.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        The clouds are back with a very light rain today, nothing like what we had last week, thank goodness!
        We had no plans for the holiday weekend so just hanging out with the chickens haha!

        Slo, I’m glad your drop off day went well until it didn’t. Your husband truly must be chronically depressed to think nothing of wrecking the mood like that. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
        Find yourself a good realtor & let them know what you want. They search the multiple listings daily & should be able to find a good condo match for you.
        My granola does make a good snack dry & I also put it overtop the cashew/banana yogurt I make here’s the recipe I use: Healthy Granola Recipe - Cookie and Kate
        You take good care & stand strong for yourself!

        Wags, I could never be any kind of teacher because I hate hearing myself talk, LOL
        I’m pretty sure I’m an introvert unless I am around people I am very comfortable with then I’ll talk my head off, haha!!

        Over-it, I’m so sorry you are going thru withdrawal again. Please be safe & keep yourself well hydrated & don’t hesitate to get medical help if you’re too uncomfortable. I’m glad you let us know, please stay close to the nest so we can keep a check on you :hug:

        G, hello to you & hope your day was excellent.

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Overit. Be safe and glad you’re here.

          I’m at a party. The hosts never drank until recently but now seem to be living the 20’s they never had. It’s fun but I’m getting pangs of “what if I let go and participated?” It was always about letting go for me. The host is a controlled, super hard-working, shy, never stops moving kind of guy and so I relate to the desire to do exactly what he’s doing. Unfortunately his dad is an alcoholic, so I hope it doesn’t take him somewhere troublesome. Anyway, just here remembering why I don’t drink. 3.75 years alcohol free is NOT something I want to break. I can “let go” other ways and skip the sure trouble alcohol would bring me.

          Wags - introvert, and INTP the last time I checked. Glad your workload is good.

          Lav, I’m trying that recipe!!

          I’m not a drinker any more…

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Overit - glad you're here and glad you've got someone checking on you. Be safe and please let us know how you're doing. Pull up a twig and stay for awhile.

            Kensho - you know exactly what would happen if you let go and participated. Maybe it wouldn't happen right away but you've been down that road before. Protect your quit and you'll be so much happier tomorrow!

            G, Lav - good to see you both.

            Happy new weeks everyone!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Wags, I just took a free online version and I'm ENFP. I always feel like i'm between E and I - I want to have quiet time to re-charge, but I absolutely love working with and being with other people. Sometimes being social is a chore. Also, I think when I was younger that last one was J - I think I got less judgmental as I aged...

              Lav, what a scary scene there. I'm glad you and your property are ok. The videos from that storm are so scary. The aftermath in the South is still bad!

              Welcome back, Overit. I am glad you have someone with you. If you have full DTs should a doctor be involved? I'm glad you're here.

              Slo, congratulations on the successful launch of your daughter. How exciting for her, even if it is bittersweet for you. Sorry your husband couldn't just let it be, and good luck in your next chapter.

              I LOVE this three day weekend. We should do it every week!

              Happy SOBER Monday,


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Over-it!! So glad you checked in, and wishing you much strength to get through the initial days. I hope it’s just withdrawals, and not real DTs. I’m glad you’re back!

                Kensho, those parties are hard. They have the release that we want! Especially watching the hard-driving, buttoned-up guy let loose. But you’re right to note that he could easily develop problems with his new-found substance if his dad is alcoholic. I have had to watch this phenomenon too recently; people who rarely to never drank suddenly embracing the stuff later in life, in this current culture that is excessively embracing & encouraging booze culture; and acting like new 20-something drinkers even though they are now much older! It is jarring.

                I am also an INTP, although tipping close to an INTJ. A rare bird either way. I know as an introvert that I liked to drink because it made me more extroverted. And as a thinker I liked to drink because it got me out of my head.

                That looks like a great granola recipe, Lav. Thanks for sharing.
                I have decided to keep the house, probably. This market is awfully rough as condos are priced too high, and if you find a good one you have to grab it right away without time to think or consider.

                We had a nice time this morning taking a dog walk with HB’s sister and visiting there. I also painted with her yesterday, and we had her over for dinner. (No caregivers on the weekends yet for her, so we need to cover those, for her worsening dementia.) Then on the way home today he started in with am I getting a condo and do I have a lawyer lined up yet…and how long he has waited for this day!
                So, get my retainer fee over to the lawyer’s ASAP tomorrow morning, and let the games begin. If that’s how he feels about me then I am feeling more ready than ever to get him out of my house and out of my life and move on from him!
                Last edited by Slo; September 6, 2021, 04:44 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters. Happy Labor day if celebrating!

                  No celebrations here but that’s fine. The Amish don’t celebrate this holiday so they’ve had my husband running them & their produce all over today. He’s still out with one of them delivering 500 ears of corn to a roadside market somewhere, haha!

                  Slo, staying in your own home could be a comforting thing, I hope it works out for you.
                  I almost feel like you should be recording some of these statements coming from your husband. What he said was not only unkind but borderline cruel in my opinion. Sorry you have to deal with that.
                  Enjoy the granola, makes great homemade gifts too

                  Pav, it really is amazing how one storm system can cause so much destruction. It’s sad the number of people who lost their lives too.
                  When it comes to personality tests I think I answer some questions differently now than I did in my 20’s or 30’s. Age & experience count too

                  Over-it, hope you are doing OK. Please check in with us.

                  Hello to Wags, G, Kensho & everyone. Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Pav - I'm an ENFP too! Like you, my extroverted side likes some alone time to recharge, but I get a lot from being around other people.

                    Slo - sorry if this is out of line, but it sounds like your HB is being quite a jerk. If he's trying to prove to you that you deserve to be treated better, he's doing a good job. As hard as all of this is while you're going through it, I truly hope you find that once you emerge on the other side you find peace and happiness.

                    Lav - it is shocking what one storm can do, isn't it?

                    Hellos and waves everyone!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Howdy Nest. Another week after a day off with family. As my "I" would suggest, I am happy to have a quiet house. I just took the free test PAV mentioned for fun (and to procrastinate doing billing) and it came out INFP-A, whatever that is!

                      Slo, what has he been waiting for? Statements like that are intended to hurt. I will be glad when he has less of a chance to hurt you

                      Over-it, are you doing ok?

                      Another week after a day off. We seem to have a lot of expenses coming up, so I'd better get my billing done and keep up with my billing goals. It's all too easy to slack when I'm my own boss! It's been nice to have more balance in my life while not drinking though. That's the key to my happiness that was missing so much - and probably a major reason I drank. Happy Tuesday. I appreciate you all.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Well, I rolled out of bed at 5 am, showered, dressed, made coffee, fed the dog & was out of the house by 6:05 this morning. All this was to go wake up my grandsons & drive them to school. Glad I don’t have to do this every day, just saying being able to do these things with my grandkids makes me happy & grateful to remain AF.
                        We had a beautiful clear & sunny day & tomorrow we go back to clouds & storms, oh well. Just hoping they’re smaller storms than what we had last week.

                        Wags & Kensho, hope you both had a great day!

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Wags, I’m an ISTJ. I always thought of myself as an extrovert, but truth be known, I have had to work at it. As a salesperson, making cold calls did not come easily to me. Now that I’m retired, I don’t know how I did it. I can tell you this, I’m sick to death of sales, sales matrices (sales tracker applications and quotas), office politics, idiot installers, dysfunctional shipping and most importantly, overly demanding customers! The customers who paid the least were directly proportional to how much attention they were going to require. Yuck to all.

                          With my newfound vision, I touched up all the white trim in this house (including steps, doors, baseboards and windows) with a tiny craft brush. I’m also redoing my office. Every time I walk in there, it’s like entering the room of someone who died (my career). I’ve ordered a new black and white picture (Eiffel Tower) and a fun, colorful retro looking rug and a quirky stool/table. I’m going for a whole new vibe in there. Also going to paint the guest bedroom. I fell in love with the living room color in Grace and Frankie, so I’ve got that on the list. The way things look with Covid, I’m going to be spending a lot of time at home.

                          The world is such a mess. All of it, and the US seems to be leading the charge. I’ve never been so disappointed in us.
                          Over-it, I hope you are staying the course and feeling better! Please keep us posted.
                          Slo, I wish I had some wise words for you, but you are going through something that simply must be endured. I’m thinking of you and I know brighter days are ahead for you.
                          Hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend. Now back on your heads! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Lav - sounds like a great (occasional) way to start the day!

                            Byrdie - your new office vibe sounds wonderful. I'll have to go back to Grace and Frankie to check out the LR color as I can't recall.

                            Overit - you doing ok???

                            Hellos to Kensho, Pav and everyone else stopping by the nest. Happy almost-hump day (already!)


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              I guess the answer is that it takes all personality types to make an alkie as we seem to run the gamut. Thank goodness we found each other.

                              Lav, that's a grandma's dedication. I'm sure you're appreciated as my mom was when she took care of my little kids when I needed. It is great that you get to be so close to your grand kids. I am waiting for mine... (although also hoping it will be a while as my sons are really still kids themselves...)

                              Byrdie, painting is a good idea in Covid times. It'll keep you busy.

                              Not much to report. A lot going on at work as usual, and some at home, but the gift of steadiness that quitting drinking has given me is helping me get through. I restarted my daily yoga practice 9 days ago and it really and truly makes such a difference. I just have to remember that next time I feel like stopping.

                              Happy Sober Hump Day.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
                                I'm going through the DT's today and I hate that feeling. I have someone checking on me.
                                You're not using medication or anything? I've never gone through that but sounds terrifying. Hope you make it through ok.

