Good evening Nesters,
Byrdie, today is actually the last day of summmer, tomorrow we are in fall. The rain & wind yo’re having is supposed to be here Thursday, oh well.
I know you’re keeping yourself busy with sweet chocoaltey things

Belle, good to see you but I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Being someone’s punching bag or sin eater is not fun. Time to strengthen up your boundaries. There was a time, many years ago I was known for sending my husband right out the door if he walked in grumpy & growling. It used to upset me & the kids hearing that nonsense. Look out for you, this is your time now :hug;
Stay close to the nest, we will share our collective strength.
NS, I couldn’t be happier knowing the cooler weather is almost here. I suffer too much all summer, this is my time of the year, yay!!
Wag, yep, I’m happy to throw on a jacket, grab the scarf & gloves if needed too & get my walking done. The colder air invigorates me. I’ve been like a slug all summer, haha!
Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.
I just heard the bat population in Pennsylvania is on the rise & I’m OK with that becaus ethey eat all the mosquitoes the chickens miss, haha!