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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Happy Friday Nesters,

    We have beautiful weather here, Fall has arrived
    I ended up driving the younger grandson to school this morning & now he’s here for the entire weekend, lucky me!!

    Hello to g, Pav, Wags. Everyone!

    LC, sure hope you guys find your way OK. Enjoy the weekend.

    NC, Congrats on the new bike. Enjoy your purchase safely!!
    I miss bike riding but won’t get back on one at this stage of the game. I fear fracturing something or getting hit by a speeding pickup truck or something around these parts.

    Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good Friday evening, everyone,
      I kind of lost yesterday, not in a drinking way but in a busy way. Work, therapist appointment, more work and then a zoom meeting with other parents at my daughter's Univ. to discuss security issues. I guess I am more involved than I originally set out to be but there have been some serious issues and there does not seem to be any accountability...just finger pointing. This group is going to send out a letter to just about everyone they can think of...and I would like to think I can help.

      And today I brought daughter home for the weekend. She had been sick earlier in the week and I think just "wanted her mama". It's fine with me, it is less than an hour drive, and she hasn't been home in 3 weeks which is better than I thought she'd do. She wanted to see her doggy too. But after being home for a couple of hours, off she goes with friends to their old HS homecoming football game.

      And then hubs had to open his big mouth about how I should make daughter take public transportation home...and how I am not "teaching her to be independent". I said to him "how about you get off my back"...and he went away. Idk where that came from but if it works I'll say it again. And if I feel like driving to get daughter I will. I enjoy the drive and it gives us a lot of time to talk on the way back. She is a smart young lady and very independent in many ways and her college has thrown many challenges (including the security issues) at the students so far this year, and she is only a freshman.

      hey Mr about I take a little jaunt to down under to get some "thinking time" done? Just kidding of course, but Australia is a place I always wanted to see.

      Lav, did you take any photos of your embroidered blankets? What a nice gift to the bride and groom. I want to get going on my cross stitch project but I lost a screw in my glasses (and it had to be special ordered...) and now I am wearing my contacts, which do not work very well for tiny work like that.

      And now y'all got me thinking of bike riding. I'm no young lass, but can still ride a bike because we have lovely and smooth bike paths around where I live. My bike was stolen a couple of years ago, but son's bike is just sitting in the garage inviting me out for a ride. Weather should be lovely to do so this weekend.

      Stay safe Mulberry...we are all pulling for you!

      Alcohol does me no favors.

      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Belle, drop in anytime. The light's always on.

        SB, cool move on the bike. Do u have a 'tude when ur riding? Maybe a curled lip and snarl every few hundred metres coupled with a 'move over whacky ass! Don't ya know the road rules?!'

        Your weather sounds noice Lav.

        Hello to evabody. Have a good weekend.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Belle, you deserve to feel loved and respected! If something or someone is making you feel otherwise, it may be time to re-evaluate it’s/their place in your life. For me, not drinking made me see clearly why I wanted to drink in the first place, and then I had the opportunity to fix it. The most empowering thing I learned was that I didn’t have to stay in an unhealthy situation of any kind. For me, that was working myself sick late into the night, and being in a tense environment with my husband. I set boundaries with myself and him - I was lucky that he decided to change and do HIS work, though I would have left if his behavior lasted. Take care of yourself, and don’t let anyone else treat you poorly. YOU. CAN. HAVE. All you ever dreamed of. We all can.

          Slo, I remember the younger years of all those illnesses. It’s so great that you can be there for your grandkiddos!

          LC, hope your countryside trip was/is nice! Sounds wonderful!!

          LAV, fun to see you always cooking up something great! I tried tortillas and failed miserably!

          PAV, wow on the yoga. I’ve been out of habit for many months now, and miss it!

          NS, yea for the bike! It’s such a lovely way to be outside! TOTALLY imagining the NS ‘tude….

          A busy day here, but weekend stuff. We are also having beautiful fall weather, and I am appreciating the clean air, when we have it, more than I ever have before! I had a very distracting but inspiring idea come to me yesterday about purchasing land and putting a couple old train cars on it and fixing them up to be air b-n-bs, with an emphasis on community, and environment. I would refurbish them completely in reclaimed materials, and use sustainable energy. I would have a big garden, bees and chickens - and people could get a reduced rate to stay if they worked on the property or showed that they did community service.
          Not sure how I can make that a reality - or if it makes sense, but my juices are flowing!!

          Have a great day everyone!
          Last edited by KENSHO; September 25, 2021, 10:00 AM.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Having a fun weekend with grandsons & one of their friends. I actually like kids better when they are old enough & willing to have real conversations with you. Guess all stages are good in their own way.
            THe beautiful weather continues & I am grateful.

            Kensho, your idea is awesome! Work on that thought & you’ll have something really cool & popular. My daughter & her family went camping at a place on the Brandywine river where they had chickens & lots of animals & all the kids are invited to work a ‘shift’ doing barn chores & feeding the animals. They loved it & will definitely be going back. My cooking adventures are kind of strange in that I’m leaning more & more vegan these days while trying to keep the calories & sodium content down to help my B.P. Everything gets eaten &. Sometimes the chickens help, haha!

            G, I hope you’re having good weekend weather as well to get out & do something fun.

            Belle, glad you can be available for your daughter when she needs you, nothing wrong with that. I read what you said to your husband & said YAY out loud, Lol. Sometimes a quick comeback like that shocks people into behaving better, good for you. The embroidery work I do is all machine embroidery. I get the designs put together & send them over to my machine & it does all the stitching. The customer supplied the blankets - she just wanted them to throw over the backs of chairs while they were sitting out around a fire after the ceremony. She picked them up at Walmart, haha, not exactly keepsakes.

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
              I had a very distracting but inspiring idea come to me yesterday about purchasing land and putting a couple old train cars on it and fixing them up to be air b-n-bs, with an emphasis on community, and environment. I would refurbish them completely in reclaimed materials, and use sustainable energy. I would have a big garden, bees and chickens - and people could get a reduced rate to stay if they worked on the property or showed that they did community service.
              Not sure how I can make that a reality - or if it makes sense, but my juices are flowing!!

              Have a great day everyone!
              Yo A- team.

              I forgot to say have a bewdy LC! And Pav, top job on your yoga practice and self care. I still do my humble patented speed yoga for attention deficit people like myself! Takes about a minute for one set. But i've learned that the trick and real magic/change is in the daily action of turning up for oneself. Cool eh?

              Friend Kensho! You're talkin my language re land purchase and accom etc. project. Two words - Do. it. If i was doing that here my first steps would be the local council authority town planning department to see if it's allowable/possible, and at what specific location/street/suburb/part of town/country, as planning laws can change here from street to street or part of town/area. Then i'd work out the demand and what the competition looks like. On the face of it, a goer.

              How are you doing Mulberry?

              Hi Pauly if ur reading.

              Don't let external events control you or do your head in, at least not for too long. I look at them all, give them a little time and respect to evaluate, then give 'em a rating of importance to me. 1 - 10.

              Big waves to all.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening to all!

                NS, what a great purchase! That sounds totally fun!! I think you’ll really enjoy your new e-bike, and the chance it gives you to bike with your husband.

                Yeah Lav, it doesn’t sound like you have a safe place to bike where you live. Like Belle has good paths, I have a great rails-to-trails bike path right near my house.

                …except it might not be my house anymore soon, because…I signed an offer to buy a condo today!!! I’ll find out on Monday probably if I get it!

                LC, hope you found your way to your relaxing weekend destination on your bicycle trip!

                Geez I’m sick of knee pain. This knee replacement is crap. And I think my new water aerobics class is irritating it more than helping it. Otherwise I love the water aerobics! But will likely have to give it up.

                Good for you for squeezing in yoga, Pav. I need my yoga-like stretching too. And good for you for taking a weekend break from computers.

                My little bike ride with sister, daughter, and nephew is tomorrow morning! My bike is loaded in the car and ready to go.
                Last edited by Slo; September 25, 2021, 08:34 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Slo - fingers crossed for you on the condo! Will wait to hear your update on Monday. Hope you have a wonderful bike ride tomorrow.

                  NS - awesome news about the e-bike! They are really becoming popular and the technology is changing quickly. I hope you enjoy your immensely, 'tude or not My wife and I have done test rides a couple of times -- my favorite part was pedaling uphill and being able to actually accelerate while doing so. Have a blast!

                  Belle - I admit I also let out a "YAY!" when I saw your response to your husband. Maybe a wake-up call or two will lead to some behavior change. I hope the security issues at your daughter's school can be addressed quickly.

                  Hope you all are having great weekends!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    The first weeks are difficult. @Mulburry; there’s no way around it. But you seem to know that and are making your way through them. I do keep an eye on your detox thread. We’re pulling for you!
                    Thanks. Everyone kept telling me the first few days are the main thing to get over, but from experience, I knew this would be a long process... but things seem to be getting a bit better and that's the main thing.

                    Mulburry, I just peeked at your thread & I’m left wondering why you chose to do a home detox. You seem to have multiple things going on at once & that’s a lot to handle on your own. Just know that after these initial days things will get much better for you, be safe.
                    I'm actually really glad I did it home, the idea of being stuck in a facility with all these medical personal and other strangers makes me very uncomfortable (I have social anxiety and being in any sort of medical setting ramps my nervousness up 10-fold). Plus the detox facility here is basically 5 days, and the hardest part has almost come after that. Not to mention having all the regular comforts / distractions at home and freedom (and friends and family have been very supportive as well and have been keeping in touch which has been great). Aside from dealing with different people all the time the outpatient program has actually been really good, they check in on you (by phone) all the time and make adjustments to meds etc. as necessary.

                    Also, have been perusing all your comments on here and sorry to hear those that are struggling with life issues and glad to hear about those doing well.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                      We were blessed with another perfect day in the weather department. After such a hot & stinky summer this is heavenly.
                      My grandson finally left around 4 pm, he was well behaved but he still makes me tired for some reason haha!

                      Mulburry, I’m glad you are making progress & feeling better. We all have to do things our own way & I get you about the social anxiety. Keep up teh good work & keep checking in with us. We are all happy for you

                      Wags, I hope your weekend has been a good one!

                      Slo, Congrats on the condo, I hope it goes thru for you. That’s just awesome! You can set it up to your liking & not worry about anyone else’s opinions, Lol
                      Sorry your knee is still troubling you. I know you did PT, do you think another session or two may be helpful? Take good care.

                      G, about those external events - I’ve learned to ignore them if i can’t do anything to change them to my liking. I think a lot of us, especially females were taught to be people pleasers & basically sin eaters. I have gotten so far away from that & everything is better

                      Hello to LC, Pauly, Byrdie, Kensho & everyone.
                      Let’s all have a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hello all,
                        Just a quick check-in on a non-hung Monday morning. It has been a busy weekend with daughter here. She needed some fall clothes and new shoes...and a trip to Ulta (for those that don't know, it is a beauty products store), Target, Costco, etc.
                        I did all that and hubs complained when I asked if he could take daughter out for ice cream last night. He hasn't seen her driving...I let her drive all the time and think she is ready for her license. But he complains that he is not so sure...when given the opportunity to actually see her driving he acts like an @$$.

                        Slo, congrats on trying to move out into a condo! I hope it works out. It is a big step. And I'm sort of jealous that I'm not there yet. I have read that when your child is in their first year of college, it is not a good time to make family changes like that. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

                        Have a great day, y'all. I'm off to work at home before taking daughter back to campus later today. With all the purchases we made we might have to rent a U-Haul. lol.

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          Still sitting here in really nice weather, grateful

                          Belle, sounds like you had a great weekend with your daughter! Keep those happy memories forever.
                          Both of my kids took their driver’s test just weeks after turning 16 - they weren’t about to wait a moment longer haha!! Getting a license is a normal part of growing up & becoming independent.

                          Slo, thinking about you & your planned changes.

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            That was a long stint you had with grandson, Lav! Kind of fun that you had both plus a friend for awhile -bring is some youthful energy. And they are old enough to entertain themselves for the most part. But still exhausting!

                            I’m glad that you did an in-home detox too, Mulburry!

                            My daughters all got their driver’s licenses shortly after turning 16 as well.

                            The organized bike ride was fun, and that was helped along by perfect weather!! It was a big drinking event; hosted in part by a German restaurant, and leading into an Octoberfest event: beer & vodka available for breakfast, a house along the route inviting everyone along the route to stop for a beer for $1, and a brat & a beer for lunch after you rode in. Just beer -no apple cider, lemonade, soda or anything was offered as an alternative. Coffee was also available in AM, and water bottles. But since I rode with a minor (nephew), a recovering (I hope!) alcoholic (sister), and a young woman taking pricey meds to prepare for imminent transfer of an embryo to her uterus (daughter) -I was with all non-drinkers and could ignore all that! Bicycling events are always heavily intertwined with drinking culture.

                            Belle, do you mean that divorce isn’t a good idea during a child’s freshman year of college? Yeah, not ideal; but he did file for divorce right after she left, so not much I can do. I won’t find out until tomorrow now if I get the condo. And if I do, it won’t be finished being built until around June.

                            Hi to Wags too, and I hope things are humming along for you. Wishing a good evening to all!
                            Last edited by Slo; September 27, 2021, 06:09 PM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Quick sober fly-by to say hello. Today was a very long day and tomorrow starts super early but I'll be done by noon. Catch you all tomorrow!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Quick check in. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Lots of work, and then my daughter's volleyball game this afternoon. We may go to the high school game tonight, as it benefits breast cancer. And my big opening night of the showhouse room I did is tomorrow night. Just plugging along here.

                                Keep moving towards good things Nest!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

