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Newbies Nest
patrice;885600 wrote: I feel a bit ashamed because I still haven't started Day 1 but today I am .. its a Sunday here and there is nothing to do... but I am on the road for tomorrow for sure for sure, have got all the plans in place.
Are you doing ok?Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Newbies Nest
Hi Raven, glad you found us. Congratulations on taking the first step of facing up to your problem
Patrice, don't worry many of us have made a few false starts. I'm loathe to announce where I'm up to again. One day I'll casually announce that I have been AF for a month.
But seriously, come in and chat and don't be afraid to talk openly about your successes and failures
Newbies Nest
Thanks Techie, yes its really hard here.. too hot to go outside, just put the aircon on and mmm a cold bottle of wine sounds good but NO I won't do that anymore.. I will drop the little one off at school 2moro, go straight to the gym and take care of business!!! I am holiday from school for another week so its the week I'm going to change my patterns and behaviour... Yes I'm going to pull it all together.. Thanks for your support, its great!! Triathlon? fantastic you are a star
Newbies Nest
Hi nestlings...
Techie, thanks for the birthday greeting!
I have a cat update. I hope I'm not wearing you all out with my cat drama.
The good news is that my kitty's B.U.N. and creatinine have all come down to nearly acceptable levels, so her home treatment is working. I can go to 75 ml.s of sub-q fluids every other day, instead of daily. She is much more herself and her daughter is accepting her a lot more. I've been working (and obsessing) like a crazy person to administer her meds, food, fluids, etc. It's paying off, fortunately.
Unfortunately, when the vet made a house call yesterday, she detected an arrhythmia in my kitty. She suggested an echocardigram and perhaps a trip to the U.W. vet school. Of course, my main concern right now is Bob's kidney function and getting her situated that way. I'm hoping the arrhythmia is a temporary or benign thing, but I'm open to hearing suggestions/stories concerning feline arrhythmias/crf.
Newbies Nest
How's her breathing fennel? If it's regular and steady and not too fast that's good. Arrythmia can have several'll probably settle down.
Cats are wonderful animals and I could talk about them all day...hearing about them could never wear me out.
Newbies Nest
I'm with you Bluey. I love cats too. I have two and love them to bits.
Hi Raven, welcome. Stick around for a while. We are here to support you when you need it.
Hi Patrice - glad you are still around. When you are ready, you will start day one. If you are here you must be nearly ready to quit. That is a good thing. It took me years to be ready although I did give up once I discovered this site. I read the book two years ago but wasnt quite ready. Still needed to punish myself for another two years. Hopefully it wont take you that long though.....
Has anyone heard how KatieB is doing?
Hey Dancingon. What would the temperatures be in NZ in January? Do you have a proper summer like we do or is it abit like Tassie where it could be anything? We are coming over on a cruise and I am not too sure whether to pack my swimmer or my jumpers?? Any hints would be great. (cant wait!)
Think my daughters birthday celebrations are nearly over.... thank goodness. I'm exhausted - but she sure is worth it.
Anyway my peace and quiet time is up, so will pop in again tomorrow.
Take care and stay strong.
HCI finally got it!
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah
Newbies Nest
EB 46 Cancer Cure Discovered In Queensland
I don't have a URL for this but Google should get it. This is a miraculous new treatment for animals and maybe humans too (we are animals) it will be available to Vets later this year and human trials are on the agenda.
Newbies Nest
Hi Fellow Nestlings
Do hope everyone is having a great day/night al free.
Today is day 30 for me. I feel so chuffed. I have got to this point 3 times before so I know I have to be careful not to get complacent. I do feel like I have my head heart and soul in the right place this time and the person who used to find the bottom of every bottle is starting to be 'someone else' not the new me! Must be the 'right' time for me.
Blue, looking forward to hearing a bit more about that cancer treatment. So many with that insidious disease. Its just horrible.
Hip I forgot you are going on that cruise next year. Awesome, you'll have such a great time. We went to NZ for a touring hol for 11 days last August. Not long enough and I want to go again. Just went to South Island - the scenery is just so amazing and the people so friendly. Loved it.
Hi Molly hope you are doing well. Hi also to Nora,Tech, Patrice, Dancingon and everyone else who checks in. Fen, just as well you are not drinking now, your al money has got to go to the Vet!!!!Developing an Attitude of Gratitude
Newbies Nest
hi all. i had a great urge to drink today. my other half was cooking a roast and always has a bottle or more of red whilst cooking. im normally ok with that but today it got me craving. i did a fast forward in my head. he will drink his wine, enjoy his meal and have a chilled evening. i would drink the wine, drink more wine, not eat, get very drunk, spill wine, get depressed/angry/stupid, phone/text bollocks, pass out and wake up feeling awful. needless to say i didnt have the wine, the urge passed and im now having a chilled out evening. i find this fast foward technique very helpful.. give it a go when you get a craving..... it might just stop that first drinkToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
Newbies Nest
Hellloooo Nestlings!
I got NEWS!!!
It's a wonderful bright and sunny Sunday, I had the farrier come up, worked on cleaning up the vehicle for my daughter all day yesterday.. Oh.. and....
I think I'll just go back to my normal life - that boy sure is taking his sweet time! Anywho...will try to check in later - going out for dinner nowBe good, everyone!
Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?
Winning since October 24th, 2013
Newbies Nest
Oh Sunni-that was mean!! :H
Hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday. I was very productive but didn't get out of my jammies all day!! Whooeee!!New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!