Good evening Nesters,
Enjoying the cooler & sunny weather still, my fav

My younger grandson decided to come back again this weekend but I told him only 1 night this time haha!
Byrdie, that’s a shame about the chocolate shortage, geez. I wonder if we need to be stocking up on necessities again. Hope something comes thru for you soon!
G, I’m definitely going to have to redecorate the chicken house before you show up, haha! It’s full of dust & cobwebs right now to be perfectly honest

Slo, Congrats on the condo, I’m happy for yo. I also wish things could be different for you & your husband. I’ve learned that when people want to hold on to their depression there’s really not much we can do. It’s up to him to decide to make a change & maybe get a psych eval & some meds. You may remember several years ago my brother-in-law committed suicide next door. There was nothing we could do, he had made the decision & took matters into his own hands. It didn’t have t o go that way for him but it was his choice. Glad you had. Fun with the littles.
Wags, yep I’m keeping a positive attitude until I get my results, doing what I can. Hope your weekend is good.
Belle, enjoy your time with your son, that’s great! Being busy is good, helps me stay on plan.
Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!