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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    G dude - thanks for checking in on Ava. Hope she's just off having a good time with her fam. I had forgotten about the big Oct trip that Lav mentioned. Hope all is well with you too.

    Lav - those veggies sound amazing!

    Slo - that's great news about your recent walk without pain. Sounds like the exercises are helping! I'm so sorry to hear that your brother is struggling though. Al really does a number on people and it's hard to help them before they're ready and receptive. A heart-to-heart seems at least worth a shot.

    Hellos and waves to everybody stopping by the nest, and virtual waves out into the stratosphere for those we're missing. Hope you all are well.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Saturday evening greetings Nesters,

      Well we started the day with summer-like weather but a cold front blew in bringing with it a drenching rain. The temp has alreday dropped 10 degrees, yay. I’m so tire of this extra long, extra hot summer. Fortunately igot my walking done just in teh nick of time .

      G, thanks for checking on Ava, you’re a good friend

      Wags I hope you are having an easy weeknd to finish winding down afer all the busyness of late.

      Had some more of those roasted veggies on my salad tonight, yum. Fortunately for us a lot of the local farmers grow veggies all winter in their greenhouses & long tunnels. Feeling fortunate to have easy access to good lolcal food.
      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Vegetables are the best when roasted, Lav!

        I remember Ava had her family vacation planned with the kids, and hope it was a great time. Kensho is on a little vacay now too!

        You’re right, Lav: I can’t second-guess myself. This marriage has been hurting me in way too many ways, and for way too long. I have wanted out of this pain for a long, long time. I tried again to rekindle: made dinner for him, turned the fireplace on and watched a show with him …and then this morning he wouldn’t allow me to go on a walk with him & his sister. His sister is the new VIP in his life, now that she’s moved back and has dementia. Well he needed a replacement when young daughter left for college. He never paid much attention to his sister before; it was always my idea for us to go visit her. He never paid much attention to little daughter either, until D3 left for college. THEN he turned to D4. It’s always someone who is his VIP, but never me.
        SO, more tears today, but finally coming to acceptance. He doesn’t love me, I WILL be divorced, and soon; and in the meantime I need to live ALONE together here, until I can go. I will miss my house though -but not the upkeep.

        Thanks for listening.
        Last edited by Slo; October 16, 2021, 05:11 PM.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Slo :hug:

          Lav - you do sound fortunate on the veggie front. We're pretty lucky here too, and we just learned that our closest farmers market has decided to run all through the winter. They usually take Dec-Feb off but we'll have them twice per month this winter instead.

          Speaking of farmers markets, that's how we started our day here. It's kind of a Saturday morning ritual. Then after taking our pup for a nice long walk, my wife and I walked across the river into downtown and just enjoyed our city on a beautiful fall day. Things are pretty rough here right now with LOTS of house-less people and a definite increase in gang activity and crime, but the city still has many wonderful aspects and today was a good way to remind ourselves of that.

          Tomorrow is back to teaching but I think I'm rested up and ready to go!

          Hope everyone is having good AF weekends.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi all

            Thank you all for thinking of me. I have had a busy month or two but happily not drinking and of course no thoughts to drink.

            I finished doing two jobs for 3 plus months thank god. i was pretty worn out by the end of it. The new PA is great so i had 3 weeks off which was good. our hospital is in crisis mode with covid cases but thankfully we are getting up there with vaccination status which is great. i have two kids who are vaxed and two not. they are sick of me hassling them but i dont care i will keep hassling.

            My daughter turned the big 30 on 1st October so we had a big expensive cake as it was celebrated at home. The kids came over but was very quietly spent.

            The guy i am seeing had his cataracts done on the 30th September and operation went well.

            My mum had a fall and ended up in hospital, she degloved her scalp and has a scar 25cms long and a bowel bleed, luckily my son was there so called an ambulance. I drove down but no one is allowed in the hospital but did get to see my son who was pretty shaken up. cant get to see her now as we have a lot of cases and cant drive to the country. Said son has told me she has lost a lot of weight and her memory is not that good. so as soon as we open up i will be there.

            My nieces bubs that was premmie is being palliated. it is so sad, we have not seen him since he was born and now he is going to die. we are just numb really waiting for the call. his little lungs didnt want to work and they have tried everything to make him better.

            We do have a new puppy, not sure if i told you all that, it seems like forever since i have been on. We have not been on our weekend away due to lockdown, all of our shops are still closed. its very frustrating but is what it is. I have managed to do most of my xmas shopping online so at least i am organised for that.

            Its been a pretty shit time really now i read back on it but the positive is i am not drinking, nothing will entice me to do that, the 4 kids are meandering along in life and mum is still above ground.

            I have not read back but will get myself a cuppa and settle in for a read. We have daylight savings now and i am loving the extra hours so Carl and i can go for a walk. Some warm weather would be novel to go with the extra daylight though.

            Thanks G for checking up on me, and take care xx

            carl cardi and bob.jpg

            I love how the other fur babies are not happy and there is Bob, happy as can be.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Speaking of farmer’s markets, I can’t believe I haven’t been finding local apples at our markets! So I’ll drive out to a farm maybe tomorrow and get some. I look forward to fresh local apples in the Fall.

              I wonder how Belle is doing this weekend with no visiting kids from college? My daughter at college took a bus this weekend to visit high school friends at another college. She has had a vicious, long lasting cold with complications, but is on antibiotics now.

              Ava! So good to hear from you. I was wondering how the extra workload with the two jobs was going, and glad to hear it’s finally over. The reward is a decent PA to work with, and three weeks off to recover.
              That sounds like a horrible, icky injury to your mother from her fall. It’s good after all that your son is there living with her. And so very, very sad about your niece’s baby. You have had a lot going on.

              I feel for our Aussie friends being stuck in lockdown, and feel fortunate that I can still roam freely.

              I’m crying my tears, finally coming out of denial, facing reality as best I can; and hope to start orienting myself towards looking forward to my new life soon.
              Last edited by Slo; October 17, 2021, 07:51 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hola evabody,

                Wow Ava, you sure have a lot going on! You're doing an amazing job as Mumma, and your family and work are lucky to have you. As are we. Sorry to hear about the young one struggling. Keep on taking care of you.

                Hang in there Slo. You have a lot of courage and strength. When you get through this, you will no doubt emerge an even bigger totz raaaawk star.

                Big hello's and waves to all. Just do your best friends. Surf's up.
                Last edited by Guitarista; October 17, 2021, 03:01 PM.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Just home from a pleasant class at Longwood gardens where we learned to create our own outdoor containers. We both did a pretty good job.

                  Slo, my heart goes out to you but I just kniw you will fimd happiness on your own & living your life your way. Your children & grandchildren will help you to heal from all this unfounded traum a. You deserve so much better, hang in there :hug:

                  Wags, get ting fresh veggies in thew winter will be a blessing. Glad you enjoy ed your day out & feel reday for a brand new week.
                  The nunber of homeless & unemployed people is so disturbing. I hope the President’s Build Back Better plan is a hige success to lift people out of this mess we’re on.

                  Ava, so glad to see yuo but sorry to hear the news about your Mom. Falls can be devastating to the elderly. Your son being there was a blessing, really.
                  That’s very sad about your niece’s preterm baby, prayers for all of them. I hope your lockdown ends soon so you can all get back to som enormalcy.

                  G, thanks for finding Ava for us. Hope you are doing well yourself!

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nestfor all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Ava - so great to see you here and to catch up on your last few months. Sounds like they have been challenging for sure! I'm very sorry to hear about your mom's fall and your niece's baby. Either of those would be hard enough alone but both, on top of covid lockdown and all of the other stressors, must be exhausting overall.

                    Lav - I hope the President's plan works too -- so many people are hurting and struggling.

                    Slo - those are healing tears and I hope they gradually bring you some comfort.

                    Hellos and waves to G and everybody. Now if we can just wrangle Nar, Pav and the other wayward nesters back into our twiggy world!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                      Slo, I wouldn’t be surprised if your later in life drinking SIL has a problem herself. I’ve observed that most people who push it want to normalize their own behavior.
                      You know, [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION], I never thought that about her, but I suppose it could be true! After all, she has been living in the state of Washington the whole time I’ve known her (35+ years), and only recently moved “back” -so maybe she has developed addictive habits around alcohol while living far away.

                      Thanks also for the tip about the Libby app at the library for audiobooks. I’m not familiar with that one yet! I’m thinking it might be time to let Audible go; an extra monthly expense I don’t need.

                      You did introduce us to Bob briefly, Ava; but thanks for the update on how the cheery fellow is doing. It looks like he gets along with the other dogs.
                      Glad your guy’s cataract surgeries went well also. I was taking my mother back & forth for her cataract surgeries this year, but, unfortunately, she had a poor outcome on one eye. But hers is complicated by the presence of a second eye disorder: keratoconus. Thus the poor outcome. She also doesn’t like having to wear thick reading glasses now.
                      I took HB in for cataract surgery on one eye a couple years ago. Guess I won’t be doing that for the second eye when that goes.

                      Lav, are you all set for the craft fair? That sounds like a fun as well as useful project that you & your husband did together at Longwood Gardens!

                      I haven’t been feeling well the last couple days, waking early and needing to nap (I never nap!). After yesterday’s nap, I was upright for only a few hours, then back to bed for 12 hours. Sheesh. I’m finally feeling better.

                      Hope you all are having good days!
                      Last edited by Slo; October 18, 2021, 05:19 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hey, Nesters!
                        Slo, I just hate to hear how you are being treated. My niece has been married for nearly 3 years and has a one year old. She is having a time with her controlling, narcissistic husband. What a mess. Not sure what she will do, probably nothing, which is heartbreaking in itself. She is a wonderful person. He has all but extinguished her light. That’s no way to live. My heart goes out to you and her.

                        I had a return trip to the eye surgeon, my left eye is wonky. It feels like there is a giant tear ready to fall…..there isn’t, I’ve checked, rubbed, dabbed and cussed. Additionally, the eye has a flickering/shimmering that is maddening. Perhaps the most disturbing is that when I’m reading, the next word I’m about to read is compressed (as if from pressure from a bubble, it’s curved like that). When I get to the word to read it, it’s full size, but the next word is compressed. The issue with this is that it gives one a feeling of motion when reading. The eye surgeon gave me a more potent steroid eye drop but there has been no improvement. It’s got me down, I must say. If you are a girl, you know that if you feel like you are about to cry, it doesn’t take long for your mood to shift into that mode in solidarity. I’m to call into his office on Wednesday to let him know how I’m doing. I imagine he will send me to a specialist. I’ll keep you posted.

                        I got my covid booster about a week ago, so I’m happy for that.
                        My chocolate arrived a couple days ago, so I will get busy. On Friday, I tried making a Santa and he broke so I need to get back on the horse and try again. Working with red chocolate is quite messy, it looked like an ax murderer had struck my kitchen. And looking at my hands, ut looked like I did it!

                        Linda, those dogs are adorbs! I’m in love with Bob!
                        Hugs to all! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          This whole day has gotten away from me, somehow! At least I’ve been busy & productive.

                          Wags, I’ve noticed our county food bank is busier than ever. Went by there today & saw loads of foods being taken inside. I donate what I can to help but it worries me that people are so needy & I know a lot of them are the kids of the immigrant farm workers in the area.

                          Slo, please go easy on yourself while you’re rebuilding your life. One day at a time comes to mind. Things will be different but not necessarily bad, right? I have to keep my thinking in the positive mode because I have a history of going dark & negative. It helps to stay in the light so to speak & we’ll be right there with you :hug:

                          Byrdie, sorry about your eye problem. I haven’t heard that complaint before, I’ll have to do some redaing. I imagine it must be annoying to say the least.
                          I hope you get your chocolate santa together. I’m aslo sorry about your niece’s situation. Why do men turn like that after the wedding?

                          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Lav - I somehow missed your comment about making the outdoor containers. Sounds fun! Glad you had a busy and productive day today.

                            Byrdie - great to see you, and sorry to hear about your eye troubles. That sounds really frustrating and uncomfortable. I hope that a specialist is able to correct whatever is going on and bring you some relief. Back in the saddle with the chocolate Santa for sure! We will look forward to pics once you feel up to it.

                            Slo - glad you're finally feeling better. Your mind and body have been dealing with a lot of stress and maybe it just caught up with you in the form of fatigue. Keep being gentle with yourself.

                            Things are pretty good here. Tomorrow is our last dry day before a week or so of rain, so hopefully getting out for at least a short bike ride.

                            Take care everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              Nice day here, sunny & dry & most importantly cool

                              Wags, I hope you got your bike ride in before the rain appeared.
                              We really enjoyed the class at Longwood Gardens & came home with two beautiful containers.

                              Slo, I agree with Wag’s comment re fatigue. Long term stress upsets our natural balance , disturbs sleep & even the way we process our food & nutrients. The time for good self care is now!!

                              Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                I’m up helping daughter with the babies and the cleaning. Thankfully Beckett is taking a really long nap, because he’s quite sick with a bad cold. And I enjoy the break! Mabel took a long nap too, and at the same time!
                                I stopped at an orchard and got my fresh apples on the way up too. Also climbed the spire of an old cathedral, a lookout point. The Fall foliage is near peak and gorgeous. And sending another lovely day your way, Lav!

                                Byrdie, I’m so sad to learn about your left eye complications! My mother has been using those various steroid eye drops too, to try to bring the inflammation down. Your eye problem sounds totally annoying, and I sure hope it resolves itself soon. Do keep us posted.

                                I hope [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] is doing ok.

                                Good luck with your workweek, Wags. Hump day! Surf’s up, G!
                                Last edited by Slo; October 20, 2021, 02:57 PM.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

