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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good morning, Nest!

    NS, that is lucky that your dog isn’t biting off her diaper and is leaving it alone.

    Ava, thanks for the explanation about why Jasper’s lungs are failing him. So sad for your SIL, as you say, to be missing out on watching a grandchild grow. Jasper is getting lots of love from you all, and beautiful about the four generations photo. I do hope grandchildren will be in your near future too, when the time is right.

    Daughter D2 got a positive pregnancy test this week after having the embryo transfer procedure done last week, so they are cautiously optimistic! So far so good.

    Grandson is going through lots of stages: being endlessly sick, teething to get big teeth to cut through, not knowing how to talk to communicate his needs yet understanding most everything…he is much happier with the day care family during the day because they have a little boy near his age for him to play with all day, plus four more brothers & sisters who come home from school to dote on him. And the mother is gestating yet another one (six kids!), so Mabel will have a young playmate there too when she goes there!

    I have to go now, so wishing you all a good AF day.
    Last edited by Slo; November 3, 2021, 06:34 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      HI Nesties. Having a stressful week, but nothing terrible to complain about. Got a rental car lined up and complained so that I don't have to pay - it's their issue after all. I drove past the liquor store I used to sneak buying at when the kids were at swim, and I remembered how awful it was to "look so forward" to those times I could steal away to get my fix. Yet, I am wanting an escape right now. I guess I need to reevaluate my coping mechanisms right now. I don't want to be a drinker, but I am wanting a way to "forget" the stress of the day. I know the drill - exercise, bath, walks, etc. I have to be careful now.

      Slo, congrats on the possible grandchild in the making! I remember the teeth-cutting years... it's tough on them (and you!).

      Ava, my heart breaks for Jasper and your family. He is lucky to be so loved :heartbeat:

      Wags, removing clutter is such a breath of fresh air! You won't regret the space you make

      Back to work. No more tootsie rolls for me. Now that I think about it, I DO find that the more sugar I eat, the more I crave alcohol. Hmmm.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
        No more tootsie rolls for me. Now that I think about it, I DO find that the more sugar I eat, the more I crave alcohol. Hmmm.
        That is my experience, also, Kensho. I realize that for many people, sugar is an effective substitute for alcohol, especially in the early days. For me, once that dang part of my brain gets triggered, I just want MORE MORE MORE! And, another part of my brain knows that alcohol is more effective than sugar so sugar just makes me want alcohol. My overall situation was reversed though, since I got off sugar first. And as I look back, that lead to an escalation in addictive drinking. I loved the hit from a glass of wine on a several-hour empty stomach. When I was quitting, the good thing about that was that eating was an effective brake. I wasn't so interested in drinking on a full stomach.

        Your daughter and her family are in my thoughts, Slo. Infertility has been an issue in my family, too, and it can be so heartbreaking. I hope this is their path to their much-wanted child.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Well we did have our first overnight frost, the longest summer ever is finally over, haha!
          Stopped in a cute little Amish store today to stock up on flour & bread flour. They buy in bulk so everything is very reasonable. My goal is to make the best tasting sourdough dough bread I can with the least amount of salt (due to my BP issue). When you see a recipe calling for 5 cups of bread flour & 1 Tablespoon of salt - yikes, that’s way too much. Last time I baked I used half the amount of salt & the bread turned out fine. This next loaf will have even less, it should be OK. This is the stuff I spend my time on these days, Lol

          G, hello to you & I know my chickens wold make room for you if you stopped by, haha!!

          Slo, that’s such good news for your daughter, I really hope everything works out.
          Teething issues with kids, oh boy. They certainly get cranky, stop eating, have diarrhea, diaper rash, i remember it all. Fortunately it will be over with before you even know it.

          Kensho, go back to your gratitude list often to help center yourself, it works for me
          Nothing is ever really fixed by drinking, right?

          NS, I never craved sweets until I quit drinking, then I couldn’t get enough. I finally had to get a supplement (can’t think of the name) to help me quit the sugar, geez, LOL.I guess we have to expect to go thru all these phases until we settle down.

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Ava - glad you're able to wrap Jasper and family up with love during this difficult, heart-breaking time.

            Lav - I wonder if L-glutamine was the supplement that helped you quit sugar. I think that's one of its uses.

            A little tired here. I had a horrible headache yesterday, starting around 2am, and it didn't go away until later afternoon. It's all residual stuff from my car accidents and whiplash, as the headaches stem from my neck. I don't get them too often anymore but when I do they stop me in my tracks with pain. I had a better night last night and was fine today -- hoping that will continue.

            Take care everyone. We're over the hump day!
            Last edited by wagmor; November 3, 2021, 08:25 PM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Afternoon nesters

              Thanks so much for thinking of me during this time. Jasper eneded up in hospital yesterday as his oxygen levels would not go up and when they got him there he was fine. He just missed saying hi to everyone!
              Today i visited my ex-MIL and that was lovely. i have to have a break from my mother tomorrow or i am not going to get her home alive. even my SIL said she cannot find happiness in a single thing. It makes you just want to be as negative and nasty as she is but thats not me.
              Hoping to see Jasper tomorrow and then will head home.
              I got a GPS dooby installed in my car today so that will be handy. I kept losing reception on the way here on my mobile so i am hoping this has fixed it. my car is a 2009 model and manual and i love it so since its still going i am not trading it in.
              Congrats Slo on your daughter falling pregnant, that is lovely news for them. And did you say another for your other daughter also? if it doesnt rain it pours!
              Wags, i am not a fan of headaches, i seem to get more migraines now im menopausal. Could be stress too!
              Lav, i would love the tranquility of where you live and i have always had the facination with the Amish. Such a simple way of life.

              Nothing else to report, sober and happy.

              take care xx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good morning!

                Wags, that headache sounds so painful, and doubly so since it took away your night’s sleep. Thankfully those incapacitating buggers are few & far between now.
                It has to feel good to get some renovation projects handled in your home, and be enjoying the results.

                I have been ordering my bread lately from a family business in Indiana that makes their own sourdough bread, and I think they might be Amish! Maybe someday I’ll learn how to make my own bread. Then I will tap Lav for tips!

                We learn that alcohol and sugar are intertwined with one another when we quit alcohol and turn into sugar monsters (or the reverse for NS!).
                I have been struggling with sugar for a long time. I didn’t “decide” to quit this time; I was just having severe stomach issues from my detox diet coupled with emotional distress, so I couldn’t eat very much. And then found I had actually left sugar behind, and just went with it. It’s nice not having to carry cookies & candy with me in case I crash and need my fix.

                Ava, no -the daycare provider for Beckett is pregnant with her 6th child! D1 had two difficult pregnancies, and also bounced back very slowly from them. She knows that her body can’t handle another pregnancy yet. She is so exhausted from being back working outside the home and at the start of a bad cold, and up a lot at night with the babies, that her alarm just went off for 10-15 minutes straight and she didn’t hear it! I guess I better wake her up and get her out the door. (Her HB is gone hunting.)
                Last edited by Slo; November 4, 2021, 06:58 AM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  We spent the day running errands which involved a lot of driving & picking up a trailer that had been out for repair on the way home. I don’t know how retired folks have. Time to sit in rocking chairs all day haha! Also stopped & picked up some fabric for two new baby pillow gifts for a local customer. I’ve lost count how many I’ve made for her the past few years, I guess she likes them.

                  Wags, Yes - L-Glutamine, thank you. I just couldn’t come up with that name last night. It really did help me break the sugar addiction. I was scaring myself eating huge amounts of M&Ms, Lol. Glad you headache is on the way out, ugh. It’s hard to function when your head hurts!

                  Ava, glad Jasper made it thru his desaturation incident. Sending him & his family prayers for strength.
                  If your Mom is not on an antidepressant she certainly should be. Chronic negativity is typical of chronic depression. Maybe push her to get medicated so you don’t feel the need to drop her off a cliff somewhere, Lol (I’m just kidding).

                  Slo, if you get your sourdough starter, the easiest bread recipe is this one: No-Knead Sourdough Bread | King Arthur Baking
                  I have lots of other recipes that are confusing & sometimes even irritating, haha. All you need is this recipe, it makes a huge loaf & can freeze half if you like or share with a friend.
                  I remember those days of being so thoroughly exhausted & sleeping thru the morning alarm. It good you’re there to give her a hand especially since her husband is away hunting. (Sounds familiar, mine used to do that too).

                  Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good (almost) evening, Nesters!

                    Byrdie, I was thinking that you may have to dress up as a witch next Halloween like Kensho did, and sit out in front of the townhouse and hand out candy! Then you can see all the little cuties in their darling costumes.

                    Kensho, it’s hard to drive by our old haunts, and remember that we really did dip into places to buy and drink booze while our kids were at swim practice. Yup, I did it too.

                    Young daughter was released from Covid isolation today, and is back in live classes (they wear masks), and is back to swim practice today trying to gain back all that she lost during the long hiatus. I’m not going to bother going to her meet tomorrow, as she won’t be in any shape for that anyways. Save myself 5-6 hours in the car. I did enough driving today home from her sister’s house. She says her dad is going to the meet though.

                    Ava, how nice that your visit with ex-MIL was lovely rather than awkward!

                    HB invited me to go along to dinner tonight with him & his sister. I guess I’ll bite.

                    It’s Friday: time to relax, but no boozin’!
                    Last edited by Slo; November 5, 2021, 04:55 PM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      No one here but us Slo
                      I hope your dinner out is peaceful & comfortable.

                      Ihad a weird experience this afternoon. My DIL texted me & asked if I could pick up my oldest grandson from school at 1:30, but didn’t give a reason. So I went & waited in my car at the door of the junior high. When he didn’t show up I went inside & spoke to the office ladies. They didn’t know he was supposed to leave early, they hadn’t gotten a note from his parents. So I proved who I was, they called him down to the office & off we went. I asked him if he had a dental appt or something, he said no & was just as confused as I was. Turned out my DIL should have said 2:30, not 1:30, haha! So he got to miss 8th period on a Friday afternoon & he was OK with that, LOl. Learning something new every day

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hola friends,

                        Nice work for the young fella knocking off early Lav!

                        Slo. i recall some folk on this site a couple of years ago had breadmaking machines and were creating all sorts of magic. Not sure if it was this thread or somewhere else. Everyone swore it was easy!

                        Have a great weekend evabody. I jogged past the train station this morning and the tracks were rusty and overgrown with weeds. Not a ticket to boozeville in sight.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Slo - I somehow missed your news about your daughter's positive pregnancy test. Fingers crossed for her/them!

                          Lav - the sourdough bread sounds yummy. Haha, bet your grandson was happy to get out of school early on a Friday!

                          Happy weekends to G, Kensho and everyone. Hope you have great days and nights!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for the bread recipe, Lav. I like King Arthur flour. I had forgotten about the bread machines, Gman! If I decide in the future to bake my own bread, that may be the way to go.

                            Funny about your grandson, Lav. Hey, you were just following orders!
                            Interesting about the baby pillows being a popular gift item too, since pillows for babies seems to be so frowned upon these days.

                            Ava, I hope you got to spend time with Jasper and your niece again before you hit the road.

                            Speaking of nieces, that is so sad about the situation your niece is in with the abusive husband, [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION]. It would be easier to get out of if she didn’t have the 1-year-old child now. But with the baby; you’re right, she probably will just stay in the miserable situation.

                            I had a lovely dinner out last night with HB and his sister (who doesn’t cook for herself because of her dementia, so the family takes turns taking her out to eat a lot.) With so many restaurants closing from the pandemic, and others with limited hours due to lack of help; we ended up at a great steakhouse and had wonderful steak dinners, since the Mexican restaurant we drove out to near it was closed down.

                            I find that I just can’t acquiesce to HB, even though it could possibly save the marriage.
                            I suggested a Chinese restaurant as an option, and when he started his intimidation tactics (“I can just turn around and drive you right home. Is that what you want?”), I didn’t back down. When he said his sister couldn’t have Chinese because she just had Indian last night, I said “Why don’t you ask her instead of assuming?” I drilled down to the fact that HE didn’t want Chinese, and said he should own that, instead of blaming it on his sister. Said now that I knew one of the three of us didn’t want that, then I no longer did either. Discovered the reason was because there were no good Chinese restaurants in the area, and the one I had proposed driving to is always way too crowded. So that’s a good reason!
                            I pointed out that this is how you have a discussion to come to a consensus. (Not just bossing people around and saying it’s my way or the highway!) I don’t want to be disrespected like that anymore.

                            Yup, the tracks to Boozeville that we used to take have all rusted due to lack of use!
                            Last edited by Slo; November 6, 2021, 12:48 PM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Sunny but chilly day, perfect for me
                              Took a ride to the Natural Foods store today to stock up on my favorite dairy free items. It’s in another state but only a half hour drive each way.

                              G, hope your weekend is going well.
                              I’ve never used a bread machine, I kind of enjoy being involved with the process of breadmaking. I do have a big kitchen Aid mixer that handles most of the kneading saving my achy hands. The sourdough require no kneading which is cool.

                              Wags, yes a kid just a few weeks away from his 13th birthday is ecstatic to miss an hour of school, haha! That was such a dumb incident but i’m laughing about it now. Hope your weekend is great!

                              Slo, glad the dinner went well.
                              The pillows I’m making are pocket reading pillows. They are 16” squares with an embroidered pocket in the front meant to hold a book. I add a small handle for the littles ones to carry it around. A lot of people want them in pink/blue baby elephant fabrics to be given as gifts but not to be placed in cribs of course.
                              I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself. I wouldn’t let anyone talk to me like that either, that’s just weird & childish behavior. I am very careful of who I let in my space anymore. Many relatives & old friends are kept at arm’s distance for good reason.

                              Hello to all &wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi friends,

                                Weekend's going nicely thanks Lav. I agree that it's a good idea to be mindful who we allow into our space. Some folk are still learning how to interact with others even when 'mature' adults. A lot of old learned behaviours that they're often not aware of, or don't know how to change the operating system. or it's perceived as too difficult. Either way, i try to look at the situation compassionately, but that doesn't mean i give everyone equal time. If someone's always on a whingeing rant, then i don't stay long, family, friends, or otherwise. We've got to take care of ourselves and keep a positive mental attitude. Life's tooooo short.

                                Have a great weekend evabody. Just do your best friends.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

