Good Morning Nesters..
Day five and I'm happy to be alive.. (thinking of Gman.. you did daily rhymes for AGES, remember?:happy2

I so appreciate all the messages, positive thoughts and love you all sent out.. I had a night of not sleeping at all and was a zombie for a day, but other than that have been doing much better, exercising each day and being very careful to eat enough of the right kinds of food. I know that sugar is not my friend!!!
My sister and her 2 cats showed up on my mom's doorstep Friday night. My mom had been notified by the police in the county where she'd filed the missing persons report that my sister had been thrown out of a motel in another county and the police there had contacted them to say that they'd spoken with her, she was alright but didn't want to have contact with her family. Four hours later she was at my mom's, annoyed that she'd filed a report.. in her mind, she was on a road trip, touring the state to look for options to live other than Phoenix. She was gone for almost 5 weeks.. my mom is relieved to have her home, but isn't sure what to make of it. My sister has gained a bit of weight (when she left she weighed around 110 lbs and she's 5'8.) and took good care of her cats.. I spoke with her for a while and she sounded better than she has in the past year.. a bit down, as she didn't find a place she could imagine living, but she asked questions about me, the girls and the cats, she said she felt better physically than she has in ages and more stable mentally.. she still gets intensely angry but she feels more in control of her thoughts/reactions.. she's off all her meds, except for the weed which she's cut back on. She doesn't really have a plan. Is thinking about getting therapy (my stepdad asked if she'd thought about that) and while she doesn't want to be medicated anymore she can imagine talk therapy. She's planning on staying with them for a bit.. doesn't want to get "stuck" in phx.. but as now is the most gorgeous time of year, maybe she'll stay put for awhile. I'm very relieved that she felt like she could come back.. though don't really have any idea how she really is and my mom is skeptical.. I guess we just have to take it one day at a time..
You all inspire me and give me hope that I can have a great life as well be able to get through all the shitty times without the crutch of alcohol.. which doesn't help at all, quite the opposite. Dealing with the raw feelings, as you said Slo.. thinking of you, too..
Wishing everyone a nice Sunday.. lots of love and thank you so much.:love: