Congratulations on so many successful sales at the craft fair, Lav! It must feel good to see so many people loving the items that you create. Christmas craft fairs are fun, as it’s festive, there’s lots of eager buyers, and they’re indoors so you can set up ahead of time -and not have to worry about wind & rain.
Sorry about the knee diagnosis, Ava. And sorry that you’re hobbled for awhile now. I wore those clunky 4-Velcro-bit knee braces for years before I qualified for surgery -nice that you found a simpler one. Yeah, I would end up with the baker’s cyst too. Thank you for sharing a photo of little Jasper snuggling his mama. He sure is being loved. And your nurses are right there with you!
Wags, it sounds like you have a full day of work today on Sunday. Short weekend for sure.
I did overreact to the Christmas tree incident with HB -just by virtue of reacting at all. We don’t have a long history of picking out a tree together; only for about the last five years. Before he used to get the tree with his dad and brother. He was trying to be nice to daughter before she went back to college. It just hit me wrong. So many losses with this divorce, and so much emotional turmoil. I failed to keep detachment at that point. I did apologize, and explained where I was coming from.
Wags, young daughter is completely nonplussed about our divorce. She just said she thought we would divorce when she was in 7th grade, and was glad we waited so she didn’t have to live between two houses.
I had a lot to try to explain last post while sorting through a rough day, so will try to be more brief this time and cut this off now. Happy Sunday to you all!