Good evening Nesters,
Chilly day & it was supposed to snow a little but that never happened & that’s OK with me.
Working on those pillow orders so people can have their gifts on time

Pav, hello to you & I hope your day was a good one.
Doing this craft y stuff that people actually want to buy is a kick & it makes me happy

Ava, yay for the new car - whenever it arrives. Nothing is simple these days, the car lots around here are almost empty. It’s sad but a sign of the times.
Sorry your Mom is being such a stubborn bugger but I guess she’s not willing to make any changes now. She just sounds so angry all the time, that’s sad.
I’m glad you don’t have to rush to surgery before the holidays. The plan sounds good, keep moving as much as you can. I gave in & bought a harness for my dog, I was tired of her pulling me off my feet all the time & it works like a charm. I knew I should have done that a long time ago but was just too lazy, haha!
Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!