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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Visualization on lock, Wags. You deserve a good batch of students. How's YOUR pup? Glad your aunt is better.

    Slo, that financial aspect of divorce is a beast. Good idea to talk to an advisor. Hearing about your husband it sounds like you need a good lawyer, too.

    NS, it is so hard to see dogs sidelined like that. I hope she feels better soon, it warms up, and you feel better.

    Byrdie, stay safe. I was reading about all of the hospitals being full and the doc said "don't get appendicitis right now, or break your leg." That thought is pretty scary.

    Hiya Lav and everyone else. Hope all is well.

    It was VERY challenging for me to get out of bed this morning. We'll see how the day goes.

    Happy SOBER Tuesday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I'll take that energy, Wags! Thanks :smile:

      I'm curious about what makes you enthused about a particular client. Is it the subject area? Or the personality/enthusiasm of the person? I'm glad you've found at least one that you feel really good about.

      I'm a total slacker about financial stuff, too, Slo. I don't care much about money anyway and all the investment stuff confuses and bores me. When my husband almost died several years ago, I had many weird thoughts during that traumatic day but one of them was, Oh crap, I'm going to have to figure out all that financial business!!! (Another was that I was going to hire someone to mow our too large yard. You, know, the kind of stuff you really should be worried about when someone might be dying osteroops

      When he (thankfully!) recovered, I initially vowed to become more involved and learn about all our money stuff and yeah, that resolution failed...
      Good luck with your advisor. I hope they are able to explain simply where you are and what you need to do.

      The vet isn't concerned about the ragged looking wound on the pup. It is going to be a pretty ugly scar -good thing it will eventually be covered with some fur. I never thought of reducing the drug dose, Wags - good idea.

      Lav, I'm going to force myself to work on one of unfinished projects. I know I'll enjoy it once I start - I'm just lacking initiative for just about everything.

      Have a good AF day, Nesters.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Today has been the coldest day in 3 years. Just goes to show winters haven’t been too bad the last few years. Woke up to 16 degrees, cold for us.

        Wags, I totally understand wanting enthusiastic students. Your job is to teach/tutor not light fires under their lazy butts, haha!
        Glad to hear your aunt is getting closer to discharge to home. Too many cooties in a hospital for people undergoing chemo treatments, she’s better off at home.

        Pav, hope your day went well after the rough morning. We all have them, even when you’re retired

        NS, I think it’s normal to have your thoughts go wild during a stressful time. Could be a way of protecting/shielding ourselves from unwanted possibilities. Fortunately we have a great financial advisor & I knlow I can depend on him if I’m left to handle things on my own. It’s really a big relief actually. Hope you can manage your pup on a half dose of doggie downer. They heal pretty quickly no matter what you do with them. Talk about being unmotivated - I haven’t crafted a single thing since early december, haha. Not sure how the craft shows are going to go this year, we’ll see.

        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

        Last edited by Lavande; January 11, 2022, 06:22 PM.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
          Lav, I'm going to force myself to work on one of unfinished projects. I know I'll enjoy it once I start - I'm just lacking initiative for just about everything.

          Have a good AF day, Nesters.
          Yo NS. Unfinished projects hanging in the air have been a regular thing for me over the years. Far less so now. As part of slaying the booze beast and rebuilding my life i've noticed the internal resistance that comes along often. Having had to explore that resistance in order to grow, i discovered the simple equation - If i know putting running shoes on and getting out the door is good for me and i know i'll feel better later, but my mind is putting up barriers and wanting to keep me inside, warm and 'safe'.....well, i'm a wake up to that ol chestnut these days. I now just breakthrough and do it, detaching from thought and feeling once i know it makes sense on all levels to git out the door. i've applied the same principle to making music and it works. Just an observation on your forcing yourself to tackle unfinished project. Exactly my approach. And it works! Know thyself etc. What's the project? Are u putting a V8 into the family car?

          Happy birthday Slo for the other day.

          Big waves to evabody.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Evening nesters

            Wags, i to am interested in what makes a good student. glad your aunt is on the mend, covid is harder when you have an underlying condition already. We are up to no visitors at the hospital now except for certain exemptions. i would not want to be admitted if i was sick.

            NS, you are lucky hubs does all the financials, i think i have gotten better over the years, except when i was drinking of course, then i just had no money for anything other than booze.
            now i have savings which is novel to say the least.

            Slo, how are you going? i hope all went well with the lawyers.

            G, i have just gotten back into the mindset of walking again. i just tell myself it strengthens my knee that little bit more and i get to have a chat to some lovely people on my way.

            Lav, that sounds cold, hope your chickens are ok. i had to cut Susan's wing tonight, she keeps getting out and standing at the back door pecking, she likes the dogs food.

            Watching Mrs Browns Boy, i do love a laugh, even though they are reuns.

            Back to the dentist next week and i should get two teeth put in now that the implants have grafted to my jaw. i still have one that needs to go in, in a couple of months. not really looking forward to it but i have come this far.

            had a chat to Nar on fb the other day, she has been busy but said she will check in, coming up to 8 years. Another successful Loamer, those were the days !

            take care and stay safe xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              NS, you have the whole nest intrigued as to what your project is! I’m so jealous of you and Lav, for having epic sewing skills. I don’t know how you do it. You have to think of things in the reverse, that would doom me. Way back in 1991, I fell for one those Ronco mini stitch things (Mighty Mender) on tv, thought I could teach myself to sew. My first project was a living room full of drapes. It was a disaster. I ended up safety pinning the @#$& things and calling it a day! I sense that sewing takes a great amount of patience.

              I was going to make some chocolates this afternoon, but got so aggravated at lunch, I decided to wait. I made fajitas and oil splattered everywhere, cleanup was a major undertaking so by the time I got everything cleaned up (including the floor) I wasn’t in the mood…well, I was in a mood, a bad one. I got oil splatters all over my shirt, I think it even got on the dog. Yikes. They were pretty tasty, so least that.

              Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Above freezing today & sunny, nice
                Made a pot of my fav DF Cream of Mushroom soup today, yum. I never made mushroom soup before moving to this area where they grow the mushrooms & sell them to you fresh, what a difference.

                G, good to see you! I bet NS will be back & describe her project at some point. We do have similar sewing interests which is nice.

                Ava, the chickens are fine. They’re all hearty & can handle the cold without any problems. Clipping those wings is a must if you want to keep them safe. There’s too many predators running around here so I don’t let mine out to roam anymore. You’re going to love your new teeth. I think the hardest part is done

                Byrdie, there are tons of youtube videos on beginning sewing. Get yourself a regular (not fancy) sewing machine & follow the videos. Sewing can be fun & rewarding & it can also be a giant pain in the a$$, Haha!!!! I started at age 12 & believe me I tossed many projects in the corner. After a few days I picked them up & figured out how to finish them, honestly. Sorry about the oil splatters, i hate them too, yuck.

                Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Byrdie - yum fajitas! Well, I'd say yum to the veggies anyway (vegetarian here). Sorry to hear about the oil splatters though.

                  NS and Ava - the main thing that makes me excited about a student is when they bring energy to the overall process, when they invest in what we're doing together. This can take many different forms depending on the student's personality, their confidence level, etc. I appreciate curiosity, positive attitude, completion of homework (which I always put a lot of thought into), asking questions, etc. Most of my students fit this general description, but sometimes we really click and that's extra motivating for me. Occasionally I get a student who says they will work really hard but then they just have a string of excuses for why they aren't prepared for sessions, why they couldn't do their homework, etc. We all have stuff come up, but when that's a student's regular pattern I get frustrated. I need to make a living but I'm definitely not in this just for the money - I really want to help people and I want us both to enjoy that process as much as possible.

                  Speaking of great students, I got another new one this evening. She's originally from Japan but lives in NYC now. I'm excited! Keep on channeling and visualizing everyone -- it's working!

                  Happy Hump Days (or beyond I guess, since everyone but us US west-coasters is already on Thursday).


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning!

                    I’ve been pretty busy with Mabel the last few days, and the whirlwind of a busy young household at daughter’s house, so missed some days of posting. Mabel turned 8 months old and Beckett turned 2 years old this past week! I’m filled with baby kisses, and will head home this morning.

                    Our dog had a poorly healing incision too, where the stitches in the middle kept popping open. It did eventually heal, but left a ragged-looking scar, that didn’t grow over with hair.

                    I guess it’s a good time to be working with red chocolate, Byrdie, since Valentine’s Day is coming! Getting grease stains on my clothes from cooking makes me understand why people used to wear aprons in the kitchen!

                    G, thanks for sharing your technique of detaching from distracting thoughts & feelings when pursuing the goals you have decided on. Food for thought.

                    I’m sure you’re not looking forward to more dental work, Ava; but the end is in sight now, finally!

                    My talk with the financial advisor actually went just fine. NS, realizing that I would have to figure out finances and do my own taxes & stuff made me pull back from the divorce. Like, what am I thinking?? But, at least I have found guidance. And HB is supportive that I have a financial advisor.

                    Wishing a good AF January day to all!
                    Last edited by Slo; January 13, 2022, 10:55 AM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Enjoyed a heatwave of 49 degrees today haha! I went out & got my hair cut & picked up some necessities at the grocery store.
                      Some big storm is headed here Sunday into Monday, it’s still winter.

                      Wags, so glad to hear you are attracting positive students . I hope it makes for a fun winter & spring for you!

                      Slo, you sound busy & that can be a good thing. Glad the kids are happy & healthy.
                      I’m glad you had a good meeting with the advisor. I wouldn’t begin to know how to file taxes anymore, an accountant has been doing ours for many years & there’s been so many changes to the tax code.
                      I guess you’ll be seeing this weather before I do, be careful.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone,
                        I realized that I haven't checked in for a while. January is our busiest month of the year at work, and the first couple weeks are a b**ch. I've been buried and hardly keeping up with household stuff. But I know I needed a check in and to read a little as I can be drawn into the booze hole quickly when I am in this situation.

                        Today would have been my 10 year sober-versary if I hadn't lost it 5 years ago...and struggled to get back.

                        Got to get to work...waves to all. See ya later.

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          Brrr the cold air is moving back in to prepare us for a big storm Sunday night into Monday. Don’t think I’ll be going anywhere soon.

                          Belle, glad to see you. Nothing wrong with being busy provided you remember to take a little time for yourself too. I remember those crazy busy years of my life, I could/should have done better for myself.
                          Stay on course & stick with us & you will get to your real 10 year anniversary.

                          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            morning nesters

                            Slo, how far away does your daughter live from you? sorry cant remember. Menopause mind i say! So lovely you get to spend time with your g-babies and they are growing so quickly.

                            Lav you can have my heat and humidity atm. I'm over the humidity as we very rarely have it, it keeps on storming so we keep getting humidity. My vege garden is going beserk though, its like a jungle, might have to dig a new one just for tomatoes as they are taking over everything as are the zuccini's and cucumbers. its nice though to have fresh produce and my chook, Susan, is laying again.

                            Wags, thanks for the explanation and totally get what you mean, why spend time on someone who doesnt want to put in the effort. Glad everything seems to have settled down with you.

                            I slipped over the dogs plate last night and my knee just crumpled. it was agony, if Carl could have spoken i am sure he would have asked if i wanted an ambulance. so back in the brace today and resting. I had this false sense of security that i was healing and the majority of the pain was gone. WELL thats a big lie. I have a rubbish pick up booked for Monday so the kids are coming over to do it. Might be a reminder to just slow down.

                            Good to see you Belle and glad you are doing well not drinking. 10 years, what made you drink again? did you think you would have it under control with that just one? We cant take back the past as im sure all of us would like to take something back, we just learn by our mistakes i suppose. My work is crazy busy too with covid rampant here. the whole health system is burnt out, even when we have a break off work we come back and it just sucks the life out of you again.

                            take care xx
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Your January work sounds brutal, BelleGirl. And, well, congratulations on having even made it 5 straight years AF! Your long quit & Wag’s long quit make me realize that I can’t get complacent.

                              It looks like that storm is going to miss me, Lav. We’ll just get the fringes of it here. I had a great dog walk yesterday when it was 25F out, with no wind chill factor to factor in! Today was back to bitter cold and damp though. And getting colder.

                              Today I went out to lunch with my sister, then out to dinner with HB & his sister. It feels strange to be doing our normal things together, with HB, yet we’re getting divorced. I’m still ambivalent. I took my sister out to see my condo today. That makes me feel excited for the future!
                              Tomorrow we drive up for Beckett’s 2nd birthday party. Daughter lives a 1 hour and 50 minutes drive north of here. It has been great to see the g-babies weekly so I can see all of their changes, and don’t miss anything!

                              Some people wonder what [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]’s craft project is, but I wonder what [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION]’s guilty pleasure TV show is! ‘The Bachelor’?

                              So sorry about your knee again, Ava. I wish healing was quicker.

                              Here we are on a TGIFriday! But we don’t waste it by getting wasted!
                              Last edited by Slo; January 14, 2022, 11:45 PM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Currently 19 degrees & heading down to 12 tonight, bitter cold! Hoping my chickens don’t freeze their little feet off overnight, geez. Still not sure what we will be getting with Sunday night’s storm, rain or snow? I can’t imagine rain with these cold temps & the ground is frozen hard.
                                Spent a most pleasant day with my oldest grandson, he wanted to come over & hang out with me . Younger grandson is here now & will be spending the night, lucky me.

                                Ava, so sorry about your knee, ouch. You better keep that brace on while your knee is so unstable. Takes a long time to heal that stuff.
                                I’m not a fan of humidity either, my hair reacts so badly, Lol. Glad Susan is back in laying mode again. Enjoy your veggies & share when you get too many like we do.

                                Slo, glad the storm will be missing you. Not really looking forward to it but then again I don’t have to go anywhere either. It must be confusing spending time with your husband like that, not sure I would be willing at this point. Wonder if he will continue to take his sister out when he’s on his own. Keep on enjoying the family, that’s the best.

                                Belle, hope everything is OK with you!

                                Has anyone heard from LC?
                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

