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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Congratulations, Byrdy! Isn't it great that not drinking is normal now? You helped yourself and you've helped so many others, including me. Thank you :hug:.

    Slo, I had that weird unsettled feeling yesterday and I'm not even going through any big life changes right now, thank goodness. I try not to over-react to myself, knowing that my thoughts and feelings will inevitably change. Other than being way too cold in the single digits F, today seems fine (even though nothing about my circumstances is different to yesterday!!). Brains are weird.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Congratulations ,no more booze ,
      Its lost control as through life you cruise,
      No more hell,for you just heaven ,
      What a star ..year eleven.

      Times have been hard times have been tough,
      You weathered it all when the going was rough ,
      Not only that ,but every day
      You helped lots of others along the way .

      So go make some cakes and have a ball,
      For me and others you answered that call.
      despite the pond and being miles apart ,
      I thank you T from the bottom of my heart

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: Newbies Nest

        What a great poem, Mick!
        Congratulations on double hockey sticks, Byrdie! Amazing! That is a seriously long time. I’m glad you chose your marriage! My BIL chose the bottle when confronted with that choice. He’s dead now from alcoholism.
        I too love the being able to go through the vast liquor aisles in the grocery store, and not be bothered by it at all.

        I’m not enjoying having this cold at all, and need to just kiss Mabel on her ears and forehead! I don’t want to wear a mask around an 8-month-old baby, as she needs to see smiles.
        I’m not enjoying the super cold frigid weather either.

        The full moon really kicks me around badly, with lots of physical & emotional symptoms. But I am on a detox diet, and take mineral supplements to push detox; and it just ramps up badly at that time. That’s just how it is. Thankful it’s over for another month!

        It sounds like you had a very nice dinner out to celebrate the family birthdays, Lav! That is fun.

        I went out to see my condo today after getting my hair cut -so I was halfway there. The insulation is in between the duplex condos, so I could assess the amount of sunlight I will get in it at midday, with that whole windowless wall blocked now. Not too bad! I still feel good when I’m there, like I can be at home there.
        So, you’re right, Lav: I really will be ok, and I need to focus on telling myself that. Because it’s true.

        Bless this Nest!
        Last edited by Slo; January 21, 2022, 04:33 PM.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Wow Byrdy! Congratulations on 11 years. Smokin' Ma'am.

          Thanks for being here and making yourself available to me and others over the years. I remember you messaging me, (along with other generous souls) years ago with your phone number and an offer of daily support. Wowza! Thank you my friend. Have a great day and buy yourself somethin nice. xx
          Last edited by Guitarista; January 20, 2022, 06:15 PM.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Happy 11 years AF Byrdie :welldone: :yay:
            Yuo were a very good student & very willing to learn new ways of living AF! I’m very proud of your accomplishments & you have helped so many others. Keep going friend!

            Hi NS, stay warm!!!

            Mick, great poem for our friend Byrdie!

            Slo, I just know we’re all on the right track & we just have to keep moving forward to success. Having a huge group of friends here doesn’t hurt a bit either.
            I’m glad your new condo is feeling like home already. You’re going to do just fine.

            Stayed inside all day except for caring for my chicken friends. We’ve had rain, then snow then a little sun. Tonight it all freezes up when those single digit temps get here, Brrr.
            Hope everyone is oK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              ELEVEN YEARS, WHAT???

              Huge congrats to Byrdie on a decade plus one circles around the sun with NO booze! Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us, for cheering us on and leading the way. :heartbeat:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters
                Checking in on a frigid Friday. Need to do this more often, as I know how much it helps. Especially when I am overloaded with work. Got a raise and a bonus to...I'll drink to that!!!, no I WON'T.

                Congrats Byrdie! I remember when you were just a little fledgling.

                Hi to all. off to the dungeon to work. I need to commit to coming here twice a day, even if it is just to read.

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  morning nesters

                  quick check in for me as its just after 5am and at work, or sitting in bed watching the news and working. i just love this working from home. 3 years in March and still no desk at work lol, suits me fine.

                  Congratulations Byrd on your 11th birthday. You deserve every single day of those years. We put in the hard work to achieve them and you added extra hard work helping myself and others. Who would have thought sobriety would give us peace and happiness, certainly not I at the beginning. Have a happy day and much love always.

                  nothing to report really, work, work and more work.

                  Slo, i am on nana duty also and have my sons fur baby for a few days as he has gone away to work, i think dogs are not as demanding ha ha.

                  Belle congrats on your pay rise and extra work (not!).

                  Lav, the boys look great after their hair cut and its great for them in the warm weather.

                  take care xx
                  Last edited by available; January 21, 2022, 01:44 PM.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Thank you all so much for the kind words, and a poem! It doesn’t get any better than that! I took myself shopping yustaday, bought a set of Pyrex bowls (with LIDs!) for my 11 years, so it was a great day (my standards are low).
                    Today, we are having freezing rain, so I did what any reasonable person would do…..I made chocolates!
                    Thank you all so much for making me feel like a Queen!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Beautiful chocolates, Queen Byrdie! I do like glass Pyrex bowls with lids too.

                      Pav, I have sampled “Succession” some too, and it is “bad” but good!

                      Working at home is wonderful for so many in so many ways, Ava. And that’s something good to come out of the pandemic!

                      Belle, that’s good news about your raise and bonus! Don’t drink to that -you can reward yourself with Pyrex!

                      At least dogs can’t give you a cold, Ava! I’m home now, and babysitting a grand-dog too. Not much I can do for the dogs though, because the wind chill factor is still too frigid, so I don’t want to walk them in that. I’m babysitting my sister’s cat too, so went over there to tend to him too.

                      It’s meatloaf for dinner tonight. No relation to Meatloaf’s death.
                      Bundle up, unless you’re in Australia, and have a safe night in the nest!
                      Last edited by Slo; January 21, 2022, 04:50 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Still frigid here but it is winter
                        Looking forward to some sunshine tomorrow, just to take the edge off, haha! Kept myself busy & the day went by fast.

                        Wags, hope your weekend is a good one!

                        Belle, Congrats on the raise & bonus, nice to be appreciated. That’s something I never got working in hospitals & from what I hear it’s even worse now, if ytou can believe that. Treat yourself to something nice. All celebrations are AF for us, right?

                        Ava, working from home is great, can beat that! I bet the boys look real handsome with their new hairdos

                        Byrdie, it’s Girl Scout cookie season up here & your chocolates look like some of their cookies - delicious!!!
                        I’m glad you treated yourself to something useful that makes you happy.

                        Slo, I wouldn’t walk a dog in this weather either. I have my dog confined with an invisible electric fence. She can roam around in her confined area by herself & for as long as she likes, Lol
                        I’ve done a lot of dog sitting too, fun most of the time. Sad news about Meatloaf, he was a great entertainer for a long time.

                        Hello to everyone else & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Belle - congrats on the raise and bonus! It always feels good to be recognized, compensated, etc. A treat for yourself (non-al of course) def sounds in order.

                          I hope all of you in the cold frigid areas right now are staying safe and warm. And then Ava and others in the middle of hot summers -- I hope you all are able to stay cool (including your pups!).

                          Hoping for some sunshine this weekend. It will still be pretty chilly but having a break in the rain will be a nice change. Take care everyone!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy 11th Sober-versary, [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION]! As others have pointed out, you've not only achieved that for yourself, but also helped many other people on here, way to go!
                            [MENTION=6487]ava[/MENTION], I hope the knee eases up soon. I tore the medial meniscus in my knee a few years back, but pleased to say exercise has helped strengthen it. I really thought I'd be in pain forever with it, but it's fine now.
                            [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION], I feel excited for you beginning a new chapter. I know our situations aren't the same, but a lot of what you post resonates with me. Best wishes on your new condo.

                            It's really hot in Melbourne right now, but I had some nice chocolate gelati today :happy2:

                            Take care everyone,
                            Steady x
                            AF free since April 29, 2013


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, Nest:

                              CONGRATULATIONS, Dear Byrdie! I'm on the team of people who you have helped stay sober. I appreciate your kind and straightforward advice at all times. Pyrex bowls are an amazing gift - store that food safely! You go, gurl! xoxo

                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lav! It is quite possible I have already written that here - my brain is so scrambled these days that my memory is terrible. Monday feels like both five minutes and five months ago. It sounds like you had a great day. What DO the Stella do to stay warm? I would think their little feet would freeze off...

                              Belle, what ARE you going to do with that raise and bonus? I think a treat is in order...

                              Wags, something new is a good idea. It is a nice compliment that your client likes your teaching and program enough to want a sister to get support also.

                              Ava, Steady, Mr. G - sounds HOT down there, which sounds good about now. So grateful for rain this winter, though.

                              Not much to report. Work has been absolutely crazy, and last week I had something going Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. All good, but I am happy to be vegging with a cup of coffee and being LAZY this morning.

                              Happy SOBER Saturday,


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Woke up to a brisk 11 degrees today, only went to 30 degrees this afternoon. I’m mostly staying in but I really feel for the folks who have to work outside.
                                My chickens do just fine in this weather but they suffer in the summer heat. One of my oldest hens hasn’t been out of the coop for more than a week. She has a lame leg & the cold does get to her so she’s doing what I’m doing ~ staying in I’m trying out a new bread recipe today for a multigrain loaf with lots of pepita & chia seeds & other good stuff. Should be ready to bake in about an hour.

                                Wags, hope you got that sunshine today, we did

                                Steady, glad you’re finding delicious ways to stay cool in the heat!!

                                Pav, my birthday was last month. This week was my daughter’s & my son-in-law’s birthdays so we went & celebrated with them.
                                As long as the bedding in the chicken coop is dry their feet do OK even in this weather. The first few years I was worried half to death about them, typical mother hen, haha!!
                                I hope your whole weekend is relaxing.

                                Hello to the whole crowd & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

