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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters - wherever you are

    NS, you cracked me up haha!!!! Don’t you know it’s usually better not to be completely honest about old boy friends??
    You got a lot of snow & we’re getting nothing but rain. It’s been warmish here for a few days so we are getting rain. Now the tenp is dropping below freezing & ice will be the main issue. Glad yuo finally got plowed out just in case. You need to get out. I’m starting to dream about spring too!!

    Hope everyone is OK & wiashing a sfae night in the nest for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Here I am!

      NS, I bet you regret telling your husband that! Decades of being needled about it! I like ‘The Best of Bread’, and another one I love is the Moody Blues’ greatest hit album.

      Mr. G is up in the sky now probably! I look forward to his updates about his travels.

      I am taken with popcorn lately, and seem to need a huge bowl daily. I guess it’s how I make serotonin. now that I’m not eating sugar. Are you craving carbs, [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION]?

      Thanks for the re-frame, Lav. They are helping to a peaceful new life. I went out to see my condo that is being built. It looks great! The walls are all up now on the inside, and sprayed with plaster. Well, I was drawn out initially to take care of my sister’s cat. Then couldn’t resist taking a drive to the condo. Had to drive home slowly in a slippery new snowfall though. It’s beautiful though!

      Ava, I was wondering how little Jasper was getting on. Glad to hear that he’s hanging in there, and that your sister got to babysit.

      Looks like some shoveling to do tonight, and then looking forward to watching the Olympics.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hello Nesters, near and far.

        I really enjoyed my 2 day "vacation" with my niece. She is at such an adorable age, but can crawl faster than lightning. She says "Hiiiiii" with a cute smile about 100 times a day. "uh oh" is another of her favorite words. It is hard to believe she is 10.5 months. I got the lovely task of dealing with 2 humongous poops. You moms know the "up the back" kind. Sorry for being gross but it is real. However she barely gives you any time to wipe her bum as she is wrestling to crawl away and I found myself trying to get a final wipe or 2 while she was on the move. It did get me laughing though.

        I was off on the "no booze" house. My sister in law (they're not married but might as well be) had a bottle of wine in the fridge. She opened it the first night I was there, and offered me some, I just said no thank you. Brother also did not have any. 2 days later there was still about 3/4 of a bottle left? How do people do that...all us alkies would like to know.

        Work is insane again for at least the first 2 weeks of the month. However, I am starting up another knitting project. Just got the yarn and needles yesterday and am itching to give it a go. It is a "seamless quilt pattern" looks like a quilt with different square patterns, but the entire "lapghan" (lol...a lap blanket version of an afghan) is knitted in one piece.

        I think hubs had a gin and tonic last night. He's still in bed... And thankfully I have no idea where he hides his gin and don't want to know.

        Having been to Colombia 3 times, I cannot wait to see Mr G's photos. And yes, I loved the group Bread and went to see them in concert (as a young teen?) with a friend. We both fell in love with David Gates.

        My first make out song was "One" by Three Dog Night. I'm sure many of you remember that one. I think I was in 8th grade. I'll remember not to mention that if hubs and I ever hear that song.

        Take care everybody

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nesters,

          Freezing here but it was sunny all day
          We ran around to different places like the Amish hardware store (where you find really good buys) & the Amish Market where you can buy locally grown veggies all winter, nothing better thanthat.

          Slo, we actually took our kids with us to see the Moody Blues in Philadelphia. They were young teens then but we wanted them to hear really good music
          I’m glad you got to see your condo in progress, that’s cool. Keep the positive thoughts going & know that everything is going to be OK.

          Belle, good to see you. Your babysitting story sounds very familiar, haha! I remember grabbing my grandson out of his high chair & running him back to the bath tub when he did that. No amount of wipes could have cleaned all that up, Lol
          Good luck with the busy time at work but keep yourself grounded. Checking in here helps.

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hello dear Nesters,

            Belle, that’s what Mabel is like when I change her! It’s a workout to wrestle a diaper on her! I’m glad that you have a knitting project to look forward to, to relax with after a busy day at work.

            That was a great idea to take your kids to the Moody Blues concert, Lav! They really are excellent musicians and singers.

            Ava, my nephew twisted his ankle, and needed to use crutches for like a week while the sprain healed. It just needs a little time.

            I just feel run over by a truck, and so tired. Think I’ve blown the last of the head cold out today though, anyways. So, just relaxing by the fire in the living room with HB, and watching the Olympics.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters,

              Just a quick check-in, been meaning to log in for days. Lots going on, and glad to be sober!

              Will read back & post more in coming days.

              Hope everyone's well, take care,
              AF free since April 29, 2013


                Re: Newbies Nest

                It’s good to hear from you, Steady!

                Sounds like you had a fun and interesting shopping day at the Amish places, Lav. That’s some unique shopping!

                The G-force has landed in Colombia!

                I hope Wag’s aunt is hanging in there and healing from pneumonia.

                Hope Pav & Ava are having good weekends off from work.

                I wonder how hard Byrdie got hit by the snowstorm?

                The Olympics have been fun to watch. I love watching the ice skating and the downhill skiing and snowboarding.

                I’m on a detox diet (Love your Liver / Nutrition Restored), and some days are just dumping days / heavy detox days. That’s why I get so tired and lethargic, and feel like I’ve been run over by a truck sometimes. Well, we all know how it is from our experiences of getting off booze. I have been sleeping well thankfully, and have been taking it easy.

                A shout-out to [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]; hope you are doing ok, and will come back soon!

                Hello to Kensho, NS, and everyone else too! May we all have an easy AF day.
                Last edited by Slo; February 6, 2022, 10:20 AM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nestres,

                  Still cold & sunny here but not as windy so that’s good.
                  I cooked up a couple of pork tenderloins in the iP today, they came out nice. Takes all of 3 minutes to pressure cook them, awesome. Now I have leftover pork for tacos, etc.

                  Slo, glad you’re enjoying the Olympics. I used to watch & enjoy but have lost interest over the years for some reason. Glad you’re taking care of yourself, get lots of rest.

                  Steady, hello to you & hope all is well.

                  G, hope you have made it to your destination safely

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning, nesters,
                    Just a quick check in before "heading down to the dungeon" of work. Husband is going to his office today...yayyyyy! It is nice not to hear the meetings, conversations and other unmentionable noises he makes. He also sneezes a lot. It is not a seasonal thing because this has been going on for about a year. I wonder if there is any medical connection. He has sneezed twice during the time it took to write this!

                    Looks like Lav and I have pretty much the same weather patterns. And I also love my instant pot. Husband made pasta with Bolognese sauce last night and it was awesome (though not in the instant pot, which I would have done).

                    Slo, I have alot of respect for you going through a divorce but still living with Hb.

                    I have committed to taking better care of myself and not being a slave to work. Life is too short. I committed to my friend's online yoga studio to practice twice a week. And the knitting...started the blanket yesterday. Lots of casting on...for all you knitters!!

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by BelleGirl View Post

                      I have committed to taking better care of myself and not being a slave to work. Life is too short. I committed to my friend's online yoga studio to practice twice a week. And the knitting...started the blanket yesterday. Lots of casting on...for all you knitters!!
                      That's the way forward Belle. Great plan. Keep it rolling.

                      Hola evabody. All's great over here. A couple of days in and the feeling's very good. People are friendly and a delight. First gig last night in a back street. Chilled and fun.

                      Colombia bogota calle 16 la candalaria first gig 2022.jpg

                      Colombia bogota ricardo 2022.jpg

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Glad you're safely there, Mr G! Have FUN.

                        After escaping my house, I escaped my state to visit our son and his family this week. There is plenty of snow here, too, but I don't think we're going to get much more this week anyway. There is a grandson here (3 years) who refuses/is scared to potty train. So, he holds it all day and poops sometime during the night. It is a massive and gross mess!! I'm glad they aren't pushing him, though. For some reason he is scared. I assured them he won't be doing this when he is 12 (hope I'm right!!).

                        We took our youngish teens to see Gladys Knight and the Pips, who I then heard referred to as "old fogies in red suits"!! I later enjoyed/endured numerous Dave Matthews Band concerts with them and managed to keep my comments to myself.

                        Belle, I'm a knitter. I can't imagine taking on a blanket! For one thing, I get bored once I see what the project is going to look like and want to start something else. For another, it would cost me about $1000 (!!) because I like the natural fibers that "feel good" to work with but man, they can be so expensive. I make scarves, shawls, and cowls, mostly because I don't know how to make things with a shape. It is such a relaxing, meditative hobby. And one taken up by tons of ex-addicts!

                        This is a booze-free home so that's nice but sometimes it seems to be food-free! They make rather small portions. I always eat less than usual when I'm here. I guess I can use it as a weight-loss camp if I need to!

                        Let's have a good AF week, Nesters! NS


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters

                          In the salt mines but having a break.

                          G, glad to see you got there safely and hope the jetlag was not too bad.

                          I am jealous of all of these grandbabies/nieces/nephews etc. I am trying to be patient. Would love to be closer to Jasper to spoil him rotten. I need to try and control my shopping for his 1st birthday which is a huge milestone for us. He is so much more alert now he is not on so many drugs.

                          NS, i need to go your families house for a few weeks i think.

                          Having some lovely weather atm, not too hot and of course i cant walk which is a pain. My ankle is not fractured so that is good and now i choose to ignore the pain and get on with it. Great in theory!

                          Belle, i found a pattern to knit a blanket that is in square so i am going to try that. if i had to knit it all at once, i would do an NS and dump it. My daughter can only knit so she is going to do the plain squares and i am going to do the cable squares.

                          I took my two eldest to see Cat Stevens and they loved it and my two youngest to see Phil Collins and they loved him too. i suppose they knew the music as when i was drunk i used to play Cat and Phil constantly. Not sure that is a positive of being pissed but they have some taste in music ha ha.

                          Slo, i know how you feel about being run over by a truck. my sleep is crap, 4 to 6 hours a night. i accept the 6 hours but anything less is just silly. i seem to fall asleep really quickly but ten minutes later am awake and toss and turn for an hour or so. glad your condo is coming along nicely, how long till it is finished.

                          Wags, i hope your aunt is on the mend and you are not working too hard.

                          The highlight of my week has been able to buy RAT tests from the chemist, the covid surge has now gone but have them for next time. i am really annoyed that i have to spend $50 on them but apparently can claim on my tax. how am i going to remember where i put the receipts is another thing.

                          doing some billing for work so must stop procrastinating and get on with it.

                          take care xx
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            We enjoyed a not so frigid & sunny day today. Starting to feel like I’m done with winter but that’s not gonna happen for at least 6 or more weeks, Lol
                            I grew up watching my mom & grandmom knit. They both tried to teach me but it wasn’t to be. Then I got my hands on a sewing machine at age 12 & was in my glory. Not all of us are made to knit apparently, haha!!

                            Belle, good luck with the knitting & self care plan. We truly do have to take care of ourselves & as women we often don’t take the time.

                            G, glad you arrived safely & hope you are having fun.

                            NS, a food free home? Well there’s always delivery, haha!! I hope your week is good & maybe even succeed with some potty training. I found the son to be more difficult than the daughter, I figured it had something to do with laziness. He still jokes with me that he’d wear a diaper if he could, Lol

                            Ava, our health insurance companies are supposed to cover the costs of vaccinations & the government is supposed to be sending us free masks at some point. We have been paying out of pocket for tests too.
                            I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some grandbabies for you soon

                            Slo, hope all is well with you!

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              All I can seem to do yesterday & today is cry. I can’t fight it anymore; I just need to cry. I’m scared & sad. I’m sad that I have hurt HB, even though he has thoughtlessly hurt me over & over again for years on end. Well, what can you do? The only way out is through.

                              I cast on too tightly -I would have a hard time keeping even tension if casting on for a whole blanket! I remember my 4-H knitting teacher, when I was a child, expressing how much her knitting kept her calm and helped her cope with life. Knitting really is a useful tool, for those who find it soothing, to help with anxiety in place of drinking or using.

                              Thank you for sharing the street scene of your first gig, G! Lots of mask-wearing there too.

                              I always bring my own food with me when I go up to daughter’s house to babysit, NS!

                              Oh, I wish you had a baby in your life right now, Ava! There is Jasper, but he lives so far away.

                              I love Cat Stevens’ music! I remember my young aunts & uncles playing the ‘Tea for the Tillerman’ album.

                              My youngest had a hard time with pooping on the potty. I remember how proud she was when she finally mastered it; proudly telling Daddy & sisters at the dinner table that she peed AND pooped in the potty that day! Of course they burst out laughing at her, poor thing.

                              Wishing you all good AF days.
                              Last edited by Slo; February 8, 2022, 11:38 AM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Another nice day here, feeling blessed.
                                Went to see the eye doctor today 7 have to go back Thursday for more testing on my left eye, something’s not right, oh boy.

                                Slo, I’m sorry your feelings are flip flopping like that. I imagine when you are settled in your place & establishing your new routine things will improve. Hang in there, I know it’s been hard on you :hug:

                                Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

