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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    We were blessed with a 62 degree sunny day, wow! Feels like spring but it’s supposed to snow on Sunday ~ somehow.

    Wags, I am truly sorry for your loss. What a hard time for your cousins now, that’s sad. I can just imagine how tired your aunt must have been after raising her family & providing all the needed special care to your cousin. I hope they can get the support they need to carry on. Hugs to you :hug:

    NS, sorry about the nerve pain, that’s rough. I hope you can hang in there until you see the doc on Monday.
    My dIL told me last night that my son might have shingles, ugh. Haven’t heard from him yet today & I know he hasn’t seen a doctor yet. I don’t want to tell him about all the possibilities related to shingles

    Pav, good to see you! Busy can be a good thing but we have to maintain a balance, right?
    Drinking has no part in our self-care plan, doesn’t work & only makes everything worse. We don’t need that ‘help’. Where on the east coast is your nephew? Maybe I can visit him & encourage him to get his family started, haha, just kidding. You take care of you

    Hello to Slo & anyone else popping in.
    Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I did get Covid, and wow, has it flattened me and knocked me sideways! It has been like a bad flu.

      I hope something can be done about the corneal scar on your eye, Lav. At least you know what is going on with the eye now, like glad it isn’t something worse. Small comfort though, I know.

      Pav, you do have tight days with your busy job, made more challenging by the effects of the Covid pandemic.

      Cali looks beautiful, G-man! I am enjoying learning a bit about Colombia!

      G, well said. Relying on a drug that is killing us is a crazy & deadly hamster wheel. Yes, I do see that my brother’s reality has become distorted 24/7, along with a depressive negative mental loop. It’s sad to see in another person, even though we were in the same place ourselves. Thankfully we have escaped!

      NS, that chronic nerve condition sounds so frustrating to live with! I am so sorry that it has flared again.

      Wags, good luck with funeral planning and everything. That’s rough for your older cousin to have both parents die in quick succession, leaving her abruptly saddled with her sister’s care.

      Happy Saturday to all!
      Last edited by Slo; February 12, 2022, 08:17 AM.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hola friends,

        Wags, sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.

        Slo, yep we're lucky to have escaped. We are here connecting and looking to discover or maintain a better way to live. I know it doesn't always feel easy as just making a decision to take back our lives, but i suppose we can look at it as being simple.

        Belle, i'm off to Cartagena tomorrow for a week. First time there. I'm in Cali currently. It's a rough, raw, beautiful city of around 2.5 million people. I still see too much poverty and homelessness, people struggling to earn enough to eat. I don't see that a lot has changed from my previous trips to Sth america. There's a big gap between well to do and poor folks. My friend here runs a fast food stand and said if she doesn't sell anything, she doesn't get money to live. She lives in the family home, so shelter isn't an issue. But it's day to day survival for her and many. All with a warm friendly smile. Experiencing this alone and reflecting on it has had a big impact on my perspective on life.

        I wish everyone an easy weekend. Take it easy.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          I have my younger grandson here just for tonight. He has an early appt tomorrow for his 2nd Covid shot so he’ll be picked up early.
          The day was nice but with less sun. It really is supposed to snow lightly overnight after being 62 degrees this afternoon, crazy.

          Slo, sorry the Covid virus found it’s way to you. Rest, take it easy & I hope it moves on quickly.
          It’s not that bad with my eye as long as I’m not trying to focus on something small like reading & the like. I’m interested to see what the specialist comes up with next Tuesday.

          G, you certainly are observing & learning a lot about different cultures. The income disparity sounds pretty brutal. I imagine there’s not a whole lot of good employment opportunities for the population. Glad your friend is OK, housing wise. Enjoy the next leg of your journey.

          Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hope you’re hanging in there, Wags. It’s a sad weekend for you.

            I love it that your grandsons get one on one time with you, Lav.

            It’s almost Valentine’s Day: [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION] must be up to her elbows in red chocolate, crafting beautiful heart-shaped chocolates.

            That income disparity is so sad, G-man. It’s not a sign of a healthy society. I remember Brazil was warning the U.S. to watch out for our disappearing middle class; that we don’t want to go that way!

            I’m over the worst of Covid now. Just weak still, and a bit of an exercise-induced cough. I didn’t expect Mabel to give it to me! To bad I can’t resist kissing those sweet baby cheeks.

            I hope everyone else is doing well.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Snowed all day as promised after 4 days of Spring-like weather.

              Slo, I’m so glad to hear you are healing quickly. I hope the kids & their parents are doing the same.
              I ran across this today from one of my favorite Buddhist teachers & thought I would share here. It helped me through a very rough time.


              Wishing everyone a safe & warm night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                evening nesters

                Wags i am sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt and i hope the funeral was lovely, as they can be.
                Slo, sorry you had covid and glad you are on the mend. Apparently it can throw a lot at you for fun, symptom wise.
                one of my doctors finally got covid yesterday so i have been busy changing apts and cant reschedule as dont know how he will be after 7 days.
                working in healthcare never ends with changes daily.
                NS i hope you find some relief from your nerve pain, nothing worse. sometimes i wake up with numb hands now. i am glad its only when i sleep.
                Happy valentines day everyone. my house, as usual is full of aromas of flowers ha ha.
                taking bob to the vets tomorrow to get a medical and book him for desexing, i need him to stop cocking his leg on everything that doesnt move.
                i took them for a walk today after two weeks and it was great to get out. only did a short walk but it was good.
                Lav, lovely to see you spend time with your g-son, lucky you. hope the specialist has some ideas on your idea that arent going to drain the bank account.
                G, glad you are having a good time and staying safe.
                going to catch up on reading back.

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Thank you for that powerful quote, Lav. I am applying it to my situation, and it brings relief.
                  I am turning the corner, and am back to realizing that this is actually likely a good thing, and it’s what I want. I visited my condo over the weekend, and I still feel good there, like I think I can feel at home there, and be free and at peace.

                  Ava! Thanks for the update on your end. Everything is always changing in healthcare enough, then add in doctors out with Covid of indefinite duration, and that’s even more chaos.

                  The ice dancing sure was beautiful in the Olympics last night!

                  Hope you can get the right relief for your nerve pain today, NS.

                  Thinking of G in Cartagena!

                  Hi to all.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Well, I'm home and was able to see a Dr so that's good. Doing a short course of prednisone to hopefully calm down the inflammation. Referral to a neurologist but who knows how long it will be before I can get in. Spraying lidocaine all over makes it manageable so at least I've got that going for me!

                    Lav, I love your quote. My immersion in Buddhism, the 3 Principles, and Stoicism over the last several years has made me realize that no matter how it looks, everything is neutral. All that matters is our interpretation, which explains why this country seems to be split into 2 realities at the present -- It is!

                    When Obama was elected, I thought it was the best thing that had happened in the US in my lifetime. But that election led directly to Trump, which I consider the worst thing. So was Obama's election actually a "good" thing?

                    Now I see that Obama being elected was simply a 'thing' that happened - good for some and horrible for others at the time with none of us aware of the downstream consequences. Like Chodron says, we can't know.

                    Wags, my thoughts are with you and your family. I hope you are able to gather to celebrate your aunt's life.

                    Glad you're feeling better, Slo - after Covid and especially about your upcoming life. Spring will be such an appropriate season for renewal. xx

                    I used to get numb hands at night, Ava - turned out to result from some really weird sleeping positions. I had to splint my wrists for awhile so I couldn't bend and press them so far inwards.

                    Enjoy Cartagena, Mr G!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Super cold today but sunny. Went to the dentist to have a broken tooth prepped for a crown. Why is everything spontaneously breaking on me? Haha……sure seems like it anyway
                      Tomorrow is the eye specialist so I will keep my fingers crossed for something good.

                      Wags, thinking of you & your family.

                      Ava, getting those dogs fixed is a must, haha. My Golden continued to make love to everyone’s leg years after his surgery, LOL
                      Good luck getting all the appointments rescheduled, sounds like a headache to me.

                      Slo, no matter what’s going on I keep telling myself everything is going to be OK & it always is one way or the other. We really don’t know how the future will unfold, we don’t have as much control as we hoped & thought we did ;0

                      NS, hope the Prednisone helps, it usually does the job for inflammation.
                      I fixed my numb morning hands with splints decades ago then gave my splints to a friend. Now I am super conscious of the position of my hands & arms when i go to sleep. Keep up the good work.

                      Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening everyone. Long time.......but I'm sober and FINALLY on the right path. I first came to MWO with a sober date of 12/12/12. MANY MANY MANY MANY times I have tried and stopped, all to go through the same hell over and over. I finally hit my bottom in a big way. But I'm happy to say it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Tomorrow will be 59 days. 59 days of serenity. For the last 9 years I have tried every means possible, every trick in the book, every medicine to make me sick, white knuckling, etc. I was really never doing it for me, but for someone else, some consequence etc. Today I can say I'm happily sober for myself. I am attending AA and I am truly thankful for the program and everyone who shows up that I can learn from. I always wondered why you Oldtimers stuck around for so long. I mean why not move along? I get it. I am committed to my sobriety and every good or bad thing that may come with it. NOTHING is as bad as the drinking, the lying, the fear, the uncertainty, and the shame. Thank you to everyone that is still here and to all the newcomers.
                        The easy way to quit drinking?:



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Overit! So glad to see you here and feeling and doing so well!!! Welcome back!
                          Ava, I'll be thinking of Bob today... Hah. I hope it goes ok.

                          Slo, glad you didn't get too sick for too long. I'm getting on a plane on Sunday - I have to try to stay well until then! I don't want to lose my vacation.

                          Lav, thanks for sharing that. I love Pema - I'll have to go back and do some reading because I am a little off balance lately.

                          Mr. G - Thanks for documenting your trip. It is such a fine line existence for so many in this world. One sickness or setback and it can spell doom for someone living day to day.

                          Wags, I hope the funeral was a sweet send off for your Aunt and that you and your cousins are holding up.

                          Not much to report here. We're having crazy warm weather and my allergies are killing me.

                          Happy SOBER Monday!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone,
                            Quick check in before never ending work. Pav, I'm getting on a plane in 11 days...I hear you...don't want to miss a vacay. I'm going to visit my best friend. We have a whole "bucket list" of activities planned. This trip was delayed 3 months because of her mother's death. Keeping fingers crossed that 2nd time is a charm.

                            Mr G...I am so jealous. Please take tons of pics in Cartagena. I can live vicariously.

                            Slo, sorry about the covid. glad to hear you are on the mend.

                            Wags, your cousins sound like they have been through the wringer. Hope they find a way going forward.

                            Ava...I would wake up with numb hands for years...almost numb to the point of pain if that can make any sense. Turned out I had carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. Severe in one, moderate in the other. Had a (very quick, while awake) surgery on each one, three weeks apart. Right before having to pack for a big move. Sorry I waited so long to get it fixed. You might want to check it out with a neurologist.

                            And Lav...what the heck. It was like 60-ish here on Saturday and snowed Sunday. At least I saw my first crocus on me hope.


                            Enjoy your day everyone. I woke up with a positive attitude...hope that doesn't mean something bad will happen. lol.

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              I saw the `eye` specialist today & he confirmed the corneal scar Dx & said the`re’s nothing that can be don`e about it short of a transplant & I ceRtainly don’t need that. I have already adjusted my vision to kind of ‘see around the scar’ if that makes any sense.

                              Overit, great to see you & hear your news of 59 AF days, yay!! You found what works for you & that’s great! Keep up the good work.

                              Pav, I hope your upcoming vacation is wonderful. Stay well. I love going back & reading words from my previous mentors, helps me to keep moving forward.

                              Belle, the ground is so frozen here nothing has popped up yet, nice you have a crocus in sight . The snow was predicted but still a surprise after the warm w`eather, haha. I hope your upcoming trip goes off well, stay healthy.

                              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Goodness, my post did not save.

                                I'll just say a quick thank you for the warm welcome back. There are lots of old friends here. I plan on sticking around.

                                Have a good evening.
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


