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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone.
    Coco, you are a pelican now? Looks like one that has been in that horrible oil spill.
    Hi Nora, Welcome back, we missed you.
    Oh Mazzie I so know what you mean about struggling to find yourself. I feel like i have been floating around in limbo since January. I was thinking today that if I was on my deathbed, I would have so many regrets. So many things I havent done that I want to, some many things I dont do that I wish I did.
    (Please dont take this the wrong way and think that I am thinking about dying. I am NOT. Just wanted to clarify this as I got into serious trouble on facebook when i was drunk one night and said something similar. Frightened lots of people. Especially as we were dealing with the suicide of a close family member).
    I thought take away the AL and my life would be immediately better. But it isnt. However I do know that my life would be worse with AL. So it is an easy choice.
    Molly - when do you go? Where to? And I want to come too. Mazzie can come too hey?
    I am feeling slightly more recovered after my hell-weekend. I am in panic/stress mode again though trying to organise us for our holiday next week. And my husband has just growled at me for deleting the golf from the recording on Foxtel..... I thought he had finished with it! Oooppps. Got to go and suck up big time!
    See you tomorrow.
    Stay strong.
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all,

      Mazzie - struggling with cravings. Feeling weak these days. Must re-focus.
      Hippy - no regrets. Start today with simple accomplishments. I need to do that to. Somedays I feel overwhelmed with the smallest tasks. ARgggghhh.
      Sunshine - You sound terrific! having a good time. Awesome.
      Hope everyone has a great day!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all,

        Mazzie - struggling with cravings. Feeling weak these days. Must re-focus.
        Hippy - no regrets. Start today with simple accomplishments. I need to do that to. Somedays I feel overwhelmed with the smallest tasks. ARgggghhh.
        Sunshine - You sound terrific! having a good time. Awesome.
        Hope everyone has a great day!


          Newbies Nest

          Morning all

          Meech, hang in there. Are your craves physical or mental? Years ago when I wasn't drinking much cause my kids were little and I was in having babies mode I used to have really bad physical cravings and I remember what that was like. In trying not to drink this time it seems to be the mental games I have probs with. No real physical craves at all which makes it a hell of a lot easier I think.

          And Coco, yes I thought about you after I had logged out. I missed saying hello to you last night. That oil is just beyond words. Did you see those pelicans on the TV in some holding pen waiting to be 'cleaned'. How traumatic for them.

          Hip, we have the opportunity to re-invent ourselves - if only we knew how:H

          Anyway I hope you all have a good day/night. I'm off to work again. Gotta love it!!!
          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


            Newbies Nest

            Mazzie - My cravings are definitely mental at this point. Although I physically want to feel the buzz, it's all mind! I think I'm coming down from my "race high" on the weekend. Feeling bored, blah, un-inspired to get busy and be productive. Want to "numb out".

            I took all the supps. today and will dedicate 1 hour to CD listening tonight. sorry kids, sorry hubby i can't put off the CD's like I've been doing lately.

            The rain is helping my mood either.


              Newbies Nest

              Mama here...i have not disappeared...just really struggling with lots of stuff....booze, finances, hubbys job, LIFE...
              but i AM NOT giving up.....
              hang in there meech.....
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                Mama Bear - Keep hanging in there too. Struggles are part of life and they stink don't they!

                Never, Never, Never Give up! :l:h


                  Newbies Nest

                  yeah meech...they sure do..and my poor husband and I have had more than our fair share lately.....
                  BTW....glad BOB kitty is better and welcome home Nora!!!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,
                    I thought I would make my way back to the nest since I stuffed up so bad a couple of weeks ago.. I am currently on the waiting list for rehab, one that I can take my son with me to. I am working in the meantime and staying away from AL.. I have a new partner who has been amazingly supportive with f**ktard and everything that has been going on..
                    It's good to be back and sane once more!
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh baby...I am swo happy to hear from you..I have been worried sick about you. I am happy for your new partnership.....
                      did you counsellor come to the rescue???
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        mama bear;887958 wrote: Oh baby...I am swo happy to hear from you..I have been worried sick about you. I am happy for your new partnership.....
                        did you counsellor come to the rescue???
                        Yes he did, and a friend of mine, and my new partner.. I managed to get through but still want to go to rehab for the psychotherapy so it never happens again! I had come so far to let life get on top of me like that..
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello nesters.......

                          The great UP is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Yoopers. lol (Oh and ROTFL is Rolling on the floor laughing :H )

                          My kiddos are coming tomorrow. My great niece & nephew. They are staying with us for the summer. They are flying in from Italy. Actually their plane leaves from London. It is a direct flight to Los Angeles. We are so excited. This is the longest we have been apart from them. So, we are thrilled.

                          I am sorry that I haven't been around much. Just life going on like Mama Bear said.

                          Catch you all in the morning. :l
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello to all,
                            And a BIG welcome back and hug to Katie.
                            This is a journey and struggles and cravings and low feelings are part of it. As are moments of surprise, satisfaction and joy. It's a big hill to climb. But I know that if I stand at the bottom and look up to the very top, it will look so hard and I may give up. So I am just climbing steadily. Who knows, I may surprise and delight myself....and find myself at the peak one day. Stay strong to all. Just waking up without remorse is worth it. prancy


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all.
                              Welcome back katie.
                              Mama - sending you lots of cyber strenght and a hug too! Keep at it, you'll win eventually.
                              Hi Nora. It will be so nice to have your family around you.
                              Funny how we all seem to feel the same at the same time. Life is getting in the way of everyone at the moment. I never seem to have enough time lately and that seems to be the complaint of alot of people.
                              Maz - I lilke your idea about the opportunity to re-invent myself...... Might have a good think about that one. It is never to late to start again, is it.
                              Looks like winter has finally arrived with lots of rain. I just love listening to the constant, steady rain falling. The wind will arrive soon enough and spoil that.
                              Going to take the moggie to the vet this afternoon for her vaccinations. They are both going to a hotel for cats for next week while we are away. I am feeling abit anxious about going. I havent had a holiday (a real one where you get on a plane) sober yet. Drinking is always such a huge part of going away for us. It starts on the way up to the airport with a roadie or two. Then straight into the Qantas Club for as much champagne as possible. Usually have to pour me onto the plane where more drinking takes place. I once arrived in Bali in a black out! Didnt remember a thing about landing and getting to the hotel. Probably not such a good idea! Anyway I am not going to project into next week. i will take each day/moment as it comes.
                              Catchya later.
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                For non mid-western folks, this is the region Nora was visiting. I know it's summer, but here ya go...[/video]]YouTube - "Rusty Chevrolet" by Da Yoopers

