I love some of the architecture in those old South American cities, G.
7 million people seems like a quite big city, but so frustrating about all the poverty. That’s a lot of struggling people.
Lav, what a full Saturday you ended up having! Saw all the kids & grandkids in one day! You’re right though -this is why we stay sober. It gives us the freedom to drive places, and be dependable.
Yes, Ava, this is an attempt to live my best life. I am embracing the freedom to get used to just up & going places on my own. I will make the 6-hour drive home from daughter & son-in-law’s house tomorrow morning. It has been a nice, gentle weekend of walking their dog, sightseeing the area, meeting their cats; visiting with some of his family; shopping, a game, TV shows, sleeping late, meals in & out together.