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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    It was OK today but Sunday & Monday coming up are supposed to be 71 degrees, wow. But first we have to get thru a couple of cold days of course.
    My chicks are growing feathers already & that means they’re eating like little piggies haha! I just had to refill their feeder for the 2nd time today

    G, I think it would take me a month to recover from that trip, Lol
    Glad ‘normal’ is right around the corner for you.

    Slo, I hope your day with Mabel was awesome. It’s nice when the older ones get to go to preschool or somewhere & give you a break.
    I’m not a bit surprised the Ukrainians are standing their ground, they are strong & proud people :hug:

    Pav, I’ve been having lots of thoughts about Putin but they haven’t been about tree hugging. He is now a war criminal & needs to be severely dealt with & soon.
    I just pray the Ukrainians can keep up their resistance.

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Evening nesters

      just home with Bob from the vets, he had 12 teeth out today, mostly baby teeth that had not fallen out and a couple that were under the gums. i wont say my bank balance is sadly lacking as he was only desexed two weeks ago and had a hernia repaired also. hopefully he will be back to normal in no time and then i can wish he was quiet again. carl had the best day today without him. he is just an annoying 7 month old puppy to Carl.

      It is just awful what is happening in Ukrain, so very sad and putin is a psychopath. I just hope China doesnt decide to join in. We have had a lot of flooding in Australia which has just devastated towns so the news has not been overly appealing this week. We really need a good shower of rain, the vege garden is looking grim but as its Autumn its to be expected.

      Slo, i am so glad you have the g-babies in your life.

      LC, i still love to hear the birds in the morning. i remember in my drinking days, all i wanted to do was shoot them to shut them up, just goes to show how grateful plays a huge part in our sobriety.

      Kensho, the patients i deal with at work suck the will for me to live, right out of me but then you get a beautiful person and it makes this job all worthwhile. Just keep smiling.

      glad its the weekend, hoping to get into the garden this weekend and play with the plants, that always relaxes me. trying to keep away from the shops so i dont spend money.

      G, glad you are all settled back in to Ausland, hopefully work is not too hectic for you.

      take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        hi Nesters!
        Ava!! HA!!! had to really laugh 'cause all i wanted to do when i was hung over was shoot the f****** birds!
        Love to you all.. and yeah, it's such a crazy time.. i don't get it.. noone i know does..
        i would guess that most of the humans on this earth want peace.. so it's always inconceivable that a few crazies can make such huge decisions/take such crazy actions.
        anyway.. so glad that you're home safe, G!
        i'm heading off tomorrow and will check in often.. NS are you back from CA?
        Thanks for the info, Slo..
        hugs and love to you all..xxxx


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Friday evening greetings Nesters

          I was out today & noticed my gas tank was down to one quarter. Figured it would be smart to fill it now & I still spent $38 for 9.5 gallons of gas. Geez, it would have been even more if I hadn’t crossed the state line into Maryland. My state is charging well over $4/gal now. This is going to get worse I imagine. I am saddened by the news coming out of Ukraine, those poor people fleeing with their children.

          Ava, Vet expenses are over the top these days. But, in the end we’re happy to have our fur friends & want them to be healthy.
          Is your growing season ending already? I can’t until ours gets started. Love those fresh veggies

          LC, good to see you & hope you are doing well.

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            I haven’t noticed the higher gas prices around here yet -not something to look forward to.

            Your baby chicks will be outside in no time, Lav! That must be a fun stage though, when they’re rapidly growing baby chicks.

            My time with Mabel was awesome! Beckett is much harder when he’s around, with all his crying & whining and meltdowns.

            That’s so funny about the birds chirping, and the difference in how it’s perceived between waking up hungover or sober!!

            I hope you get good garden time this weekend, Ava, as it’s supposed to be so relaxing & grounding to be outside digging in the dirt.

            LC, good luck on your trip, and I hope your partner has your back!

            Best wishes to all the Nesters for good AF weekends.
            Last edited by Slo; March 5, 2022, 09:59 AM.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters,

              Today’s high temp was 53 degrees but it felt colder because of the wind. Waiting for the mild temps to roll in tomorrow & Monday
              Stopped at a garden store today but there wasn’t much out yet, too soon I guess.

              Slo, I will definitely get the chicks out as soon as it warms up a bit or they outgrow their current home, Lol
              Glad you had a good time with Mabel. Toddlers are not as much fun, seriously. Maybe his mood will improve when we have some real spring weather & he gets to run outside a bit. I spent a whole lot of time outside with my grandsons to let them run off some energy

              Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                Have a good trip, LC. Remember to use us if you need us - or even if you think you don't!

                Glad you got some grand baby time, Slo. Sounds like a lot of work AND like a lot of fun.

                Not much to report here. I've been trying to eat with a little more restraint, so I'm feeling better about that. Gas is almost $5/gallon here. I don't like to have a regressive tax that over charges people who can afford it least, but I do like the idea of the true cost of fossil fuels being born so that we get to innovation more quickly and try to slow down the negative effects of climate change. We'll see.

                Happy SOBER Sunday!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Happy to report we just had the first of several spring-like days that were forecasted . I know spring is close but we have been known to have big snowstorms here in March & even April. Better not get my hopes up too high. I do have my 13th AF anniversary coming up in a few weeks so that’s something to look forward to & celebrate. Never thought I’d be saying something like that, haha!

                  Pav, our gas prices are climbing fast & we’ll soon be at the $5 mark too. There is zero public transport around here so driving is a must just to get food & medicines. No big trips planned so that’s good.
                  I hope my grandkids generation can figure out how to save us since we haven’t made much progress in the climate change battle.
                  Sending hope & prayers to those fleeing for their lives in Europe :hug:

                  Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening nesters

                    I went to write yesterday and then got sidetracked which who knows what lol.

                    Slo, i do enjoy gardening but can only bend over for so long before my back aches. going to put the chooks in there soon to have a scratch around, they will love that.

                    Bob recovered a day after the surgery, trying to get the mouthwash into his gob is nearly impossible. he hates taking any medicine for some reason, tried everything. we try and squirt it in when he is asleep.

                    Pav, i googled $5 a gallon and near died. i am complaining about $2 a litre here. i put $50 in my car and it only went to half a tank. going to cut going into work to one day, which is tomorrow. I have saved so much from working at home. car parking and fuel especially.

                    I now have carpal tunnel in my right wrist but listening to all the sage advice here have a wrist splint and have ordered a wrist support for the computer as i feel i am permanently on my work laptop and home. i want to pull the knitting needles out soon so im hopeful its not too painful. i found a pattern for called 10 stitch blanket so am going to try and give that a try.

                    LC happy travels and make it your mission to not drink, nothing can take away your sobriety except for you. that is my mantra to myself these days.

                    Lav, my mother loves her chooks and she got an egg today. i think i have gone up in the daughter ranks of being favourite, well there is only me! Not much competition. She has cut the chooks wings and let them out.


                    Pic is of Karen and Susan, inside and helping themselves to the leftover dogs food.

                    Hows the fam Kensho?

                    How is work G, settled back in?

                    time for sleep, take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      We are having the most beautiful snowfall today!

                      HB completely froze me out again yesterday; stayed upstairs in his room watching shows on his computer instead of using the living room TV and sitting by the fire. Came down only to quickly eat the roast beef dinner I had made. I guess he’s getting me ready for the imminent divorce.

                      I never took to gardening, Ava. Didn’t grow up with it, and never really took to it. But I hear it’s supposed to be relaxing!
                      Yup, getting a dog to swish & spit sounds pretty impossible!
                      Sorry about the carpal tunnel problems; that seems to come inevitably with heavy computer use. Hopefully the splinting will give it the rest it needs.

                      It was wise of you to get your grandsons outside a lot when they were young, Lav. Boys seem to have an awful lot of energy to burn off. We did take Beckett (& Mabel) to the YMCA that day where he got to run around a ton. And I didn’t get to sit on the sidelines with the other parents & grandparents -he wanted me in there with him climbing & sliding! And I got the kids out for a cold stroller ride that day too. I bought him a new truck that I can bring to him today.

                      “Nothing can take away your sobriety except for you” -I like it! Keep that mantra close, LC!
                      Last edited by Slo; March 7, 2022, 08:51 AM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        Awaiting a severe thunderstorm this evening. We had those gusty winds all day.
                        Trying to get some work done here & there in my embroidery shop. It’s fun & keeps me out of trouble while preparing for the next craft fair

                        Ava, sorry about the carpal tunnel. My husband ended up having surgery on both wrists which put and end to his wrist discomfort. He actually has pretty bad arthritis of the wrists, I saw his xrays. He uses CBD oil on them (Amish made) & it helps a lot. I’ve used the wrist splints myself with good results. Glad your Mum is happy with the chickens. Chickens make me happy too. Karen & Susan look very spoiled, Lol

                        Slo, I’m sorry but he just sounds rude. I don’t know how you put up with that behavior. He will miss your lovely meals, his loss
                        We have a 2 1/2 acre lot so there’s lots of running around room for the kids. Now the boys just want to sit inside on their phones or laptops unless I talk one of them into taking a walk with me. We like to stop & say hello to the horses along the way. I haven’t met my new Amish neighbors yet, two doors down. Not exactly sure how to approach them. They brought their chickens with them & have a small sign up Eggs for Sale. Keeping taking the grandkids out once the weather gets really nice, they’ll appreciate that. Enjoy the snow, we;’l just get rain.

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          I topped up my gas tank a couple days ago before the prices went up too much. The price of gas is climbing here now too.
                          Yes, going into work causes extra expenses to be incurred by the employee, like for gas and parking. I like how the new flexibility of being able to work from home more can help people avoid those costs.

                          Actually, I stopped cooking for HB, and stopped doing his laundry, when he filed for divorce. I just sometimes cook a joint meal on weekends. It’s just that I’m on this detox diet, so we don’t often eat the same things. At first I tried to cook for him and adapt the food for me, but when he made it clear that he definitely wanted a divorce and no going back, I dropped that to make things simpler for me.

                          Beckett is bellowing…
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            I did make it to CA and back. Had a lovely time. LOVED the warmth and sun.

                            The cocktail parties were so LOUD it was unpleasant to be there so we left the first one and waited until it was time for the food at the subsequent ones. I know I'm lucky that my husband has a take it or leave it approach to booze. So, there really were no temptations and I enjoyed talking to people during our meals. We were at a super swanky resort -- kind of fun to see how the other half (or maybe 2%) live!

                            Now we are seeing different family groups. Busy but fun/meaningful/necessary.

                            I'm glad the other travelers are safely home.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              We had the opportunity to stop at Costco this afternoon & fill upon necessities. I wonder if these gas prices are going to slow down the delivery of foods & products tour stores at some point. At least we will have fresh eggs provided we can keep them fed properly.

                              Slo, I’m glad you’re not waiting on him while he sits & sulks. Using your free time for you is best
                              Do you have an Instant pot? If not be sure to add one to your new place so you don’;t have to labor over cooking for yourself. When I found out you can do a pork tenderloin in 3 minutes I was thrilled. No more turning the oven on, yay! You can make great meals for yourself.

                              NS, welcome back & glad your trip was a success.
                              I haven’t been anywhere fancy since I din’t know when, haha! At this point I don’t even have any dress clothes, just every day stuff. Hope i don’t get any invitations soon, Lol

                              Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Did everyone fly out of the nest while I was gone :egad:??

                                Lav, I took a fancy beaded top and a mid-length flowy skirt with some nice shoes to wear to the main ceremony. Then it was chilly that night and I ended up adding my black sleep leggings and chunky Dansko boots to the 'look'. I'm not thrilled to be old but I sure am glad to no longer care so much about what anyone else thinks about what I have on! Back in my drinking days I always strived to appear to be perfect so no one would suspect how messed up I was.

                                Slo, your husband reminds me of a snotty adolescent who isolates himself to pout. You will be better off without his passive/aggressive behavior and negative energy around you every day.

                                Ava, our gas prices seem high but really, we have been underpaying for gas for years, especially when you consider the huge cost the environment is paying for 'cheap gas'. I so wish our government (and others) weren't scrounging around for new sources of oil but instead investing in non-polluting energy sources. This could be an opportunity to start making changes to avoid destroying the planet but instead we're desperately trying to return to "normal". I'm afraid we don't have it in us to change the course we're on and I fear for what our kids and grandkids will have to face because of our selfishness and inability to take the long view.

                                Gee, I bet you're really glad I'm back with my cheerful observations!!! At least I no longer share drunken ramblings doom and gloom with anyone...

