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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    I’m upright today after having a stomach flu all weekend. Hopefully it was a good re-set and clearing out. That was one way to lose 5 pounds. And I didn’t have to do anything except lie in bed sleeping and watching TV for over two days.

    Ava, yay for the 3-day weekend. Yup, the more you do, the more they rely on you! I hope you can carve out time to travel to see family. Right when I have to soon start paying for my own fuel, then gas prices skyrocket and inflation hits. So annoying, and a bit scary. Have to think twice about traveling, and make sure it’s well worth it.

    With the extra time spent lying in my bed, I had time to ponder and feel; and I do feel more at peace with the decision to divorce, and that it’s the right thing to do. That’s good, because I have a lawyer appointment tomorrow, and a court case over Zoom on Thursday.

    It’s warming up outside finally! Take care.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Enjoyed a sunny day with temps in the 50’s so the snow is gone, yay.
      Now we enter mud season but at least i have good muck shoes so I don’t sink in too deep. Itching to get started on the flower beds

      Slo, glad you are vertical today but that is an awful way to lose 5 pounds, ugh. Get your strength back & do what you have to do.
      Hope your lawyer appt & court case go off without a hitch! This is the beginning of your new happy & peaceful life, keep that important fact forefront in your mind :hug:

      Hello to all & hope to see some of the others check in soon. Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hey everyone,

        Hope the new week is off to a good start for all of you. We are starting to emerge into spring -- still rainy and some pretty cold nights, but milder days and even some sunshine. I wasn't able to attend but my cousins and other family and friends held a memorial 5K walk for my aunt who passed yesterday. I mean they held the 5K yesterday -- same aunt who passed about 5 weeks ago. She was an avid walker and runner on a charity fund-raising team in the Los Angeles area. Loads of people showed up to walk or run the 5K in her honor/memory. It sounds like it was a moving healing day.

        Aside from that rough start to the year, things are going ok. Work is steady and I've been slowing writing my curriculum (for eventual book and/or video lessons).

        Byrdie - sorry to hear about your eye condition but glad you've got someone who seems to know what they're doing helping you.

        Ava - good choice to stay away from the garage!

        Lav - sounds like your weather has been quite up and down! I hope you have some nice days ahead.

        Slo - glad you're feeling better. The stomach flu is never fun!

        Hellos and waves to everyone. I still have some reading back and catching up to do but am grateful to be here in this moment.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters...whoa it has been way too long. It sounds like all is well (except Byrdie's eye which I hope gets better soon).

          It's so nice to be sober swinging into spring.

          I was away for 5 days week before last, visiting my best friend in NC. We had a great time. Shopping, walking, napping and just sitting around doing nothing but talking. I even extended my trip by a day which hubs didn't even notice. I guess I'm really

          When I returned, daughter came home for spring break. She did not have any real plans (which is good, I don't want her wandering around drunk or high in Miami or some other destination where I see other "spring breakers") but she is a bit high maintenance and we had to go shopping a couple of times, which in the end was good for spending time with her...except for the fact that I dropped a lot of money shopping with friend in NC.

          And this week is son's spring break. He came home for a day and then flew off to Savannah GA to spend a couple of days with a friend before they both drive back together. He did this trip completely ON HIS OWN. After having his original flight canceled due to weather they put him on a 3 leg trip that had him sitting for 5 hours in Newark, and then having to sprint his way through Atlanta airport to make his connection. I'm proud of him. I thought mr absent minded would have left his luggage in the overhead compartment or something like that...but he gave me renewed faith that his frontal lobe is developing.
          Through all this it was good to be sober in case anyone needed my help (just one good reason). I won't be totally relaxed until son comes home Wed or Thurs. Then back to campus on Sunday.

          And of course when I returned from my trip, not only did I have ms high maintenance...I had a lot of work dumped on me. Still working on it, but it will get done at some point.

          I'm also working on a new knitting project that I realized is kind of like meditation for me, because I really have to focus. It is probably the most difficult thing I have knitted and I have to keep my knits and purls straight.

          I'll have to read back a little before I start work. I did see slo had the stomach bug...yuck and sorry about that...but glad you are on the mend. Need to see where Mr G is these days. I feel like I have been away for so long...but I needed to pop in and show that I am still alive and sober.

          ❤️ to all.

          Alcohol does me no favors.

          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Sunny & really spring-like here so I’m happy
            Got a little time outside to work on cleaning up the garden beds. That makes me happy too!

            Wags, so glad to see you again. I know you’ve been thru a difficult time but you did it unscathed. Your strength serves you well. The 5K walk/run memorial for your aunt must have been special :hug:
            I hope work stays solid for you but gives you space to just breathe.

            Belle, sounds like you have been super busy too!
            It’s exciting when the kids finally grow up enough to handle their own details, haha. It shows you’ve done a good job preparing them for life
            I’m not a knitter so you’ll have to tell us about your new project, have fun.

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!


            I hope spring brings you some relief
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Good to see you Wags. Glad you were focusing on yourself and your family and I hope you all are healing. I know you've had a lot.

              Slo, thank goodness you're sober through a divorce, right? Can you imagine doing a zoom court date with a hangover? Thanks to your sobriety you'll have all your wits about you, and if you have had the same experience as I have, you'll have more confidence, too.

              Lav, that seems like a great deal to have all that fresh food so close.

              Byrdie, I think I'm getting the rosacea, although I didn't know what it was called. I have bumps and flakes on my eyelids. My mom has it too, so I figured it was just a matter of time. As my dad liked to say - getting old is tough, but it beats the alternative! We eat fish 1 - 3 times a week. We vary the type so we don't get too many chemicals, and include the smaller fish that don't have the mercury (I hope!). It isn't my favorite, but with the right sauce and cooking it is quite good to me. Sorry you don't like it, T!! What a bummer.

              Belle, that's a lot of spring breaking over there. One son is home and probably not going anywhere for his, and the other kid is going to Mexico. He is not very good with money so I'm waiting for the call to borrow money. Thankfully he has a job, so I know he's good for it...

              Ava, I feel so lazy about house chores when I hear what you all do. My garage is a mess, as are other parts of my house, but I seem to prioritize hiking and hanging out with family and friends on the weekend. I've also taken up ceramics as a hobby and now spend a lot of time doing that. I really love it, and have many heavy-bottomed mugs and vases to hand out! Haha.

              I saw NS in the goss columns, too. She was elegant with a sparkling water and a plate of healthy food in her hand - and NO SUGAR!

              Hope everyone is ok. Happy SOBER Hump Day.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                It’s like Spring here today!! Once the babies wake up, then I & my helper young daughter will take them to the park! We have already taken a morning dog / stroller walk.

                I have a sister-in-law who developed allergic-type reactions around her eyes whenever she wore eye makeup, and had to lay off of that.

                That memorial walk with such a large turnout for your aunt sounds really special, [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION].

                So you make pottery on a wheel, [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION]?! Everyone’s hobbies are so intriguing -that people are careful to make time for hobbies, creativity, avocations, etc.
                Like Belle’s knitting project with the complicated pattern.

                I enjoyed playing Ticket to Ride with daughters and son-in-law last night, and young daughter & I have had a lot of fun playing Wordle together during pockets of downtime.
                Young daughter wanted to go home with a friend who lives in Oregon for part of Spring Break, but the flights were too expensive. So we get her!

                Yes, I have been thinking of how blessed I am to be solidly AF through this divorce. And I don’t have to do Zoom court while hungover or, worse yet, a couple under to take the edge off.
                And you are right, Lav: I am on my way to my new more peaceful and happy life! I can hang onto that as a mantra.

                I hear Mabel. So glad to “see” everyone!
                Last edited by Slo; March 16, 2022, 01:59 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  Taking advantage of the mild weather i spent almost the whole day outside, pulling weeds, pruning back woody plants & all that stuff. Also got the nursery side of the chicken house ready for the young ones. I’ll likely move them over on Saturday. Just took a walk down the road with my dog to see our horse friends. I love walking when there’s no cold wind smacking you in the face, haha.

                  Pav, I just did some reading about the things we get as we age, ugh. Rosacea & psoriasis are just a few. Apparently we are supposed to take extra care to clean the lids, especially at the lash line using just mild soap & water. The fewer chemicals the better. I had to see an allergist a few years ago & she recommended Cerave soap, very mild & you can use it all over. I have no reactions to that soap so I’m using it daily. Good luck with the spring break festivities, I remember. My son & a friend went to Ireland one year specifically to tour their fire houses, Lol. They both ended up being professional firefighters.

                  Slo, glad you’re having some nice weather too. It’s great to get the kids outside as much as possible.
                  Keep happy & positive thoughts, they really help

                  Wags, hope you are doing well.
                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening nesters

                    Pav, i have been looking at doing a pottery/ceramics course. I made some beautiful pieces when i was young lol. i think you have motivated me, i just need to get my bank balance back up there. i am figuring i have to get out and about and meet some people. not that i want to as i like my own company but i know it will be good for me. my anxiety is not good with the Putin crap and covid and it will be good to get out of my own head and think of something else.

                    Wags, that is a great idea for your aunty and i am glad you are not drinking and hopefully life has evened out for you.

                    Slo, how did the court case go. oh i shuddered when i thought of you doing it drinking, can you imagine how bitter you would have been and illogical. well i would have been ha ha. there is nothing like a clear head daily. Cant beat it really.

                    Lav, i went for a walk at 7pm tonight after being on a chat with my internet provider trying to log into a new account. i just told them i had to go and take dogs for a walk before dark. it was just absolutely lovely out. i will miss daylight savings and the dark and it will be cold. Just have to man up and do it. i twisted my ankle yesterday again, falling over nothing so its a bit sore but trudging through the annoyance.

                    Lots of kid time Belle, i like mine in small doses now. They are so full on when the 4 of them get together. Enjoy your time with them and great work on not drinking.

                    The new PA is still driving me nuts, now she is going to refuse to do certain jobs, i need to speak to my boss about her as she is driving me insane.

                    Had a blood test the other day and got a message to make apt with doctor. hopefully nothing as i am feeling healthy. giving blood tomorrow, i like the food after ha ha.

                    take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Sorry about your ankle, Ava. Yes, I am doing pottery on a wheel. It is so meditative and I have no expectations that it will be any good, so I just play around and practice and every once in a while I get something I "sort of" like. I loved two mugs I made but after they were fired, they shrank and now I have two nice espresso mugs! I am so glad for more light here now. I can go for walks after work and it is still light out. Morning is hard, but it always is...

                      Thanks for the rec, Lav. I use Cerave lotion - I'll try the soap. Hope those chicks like their new home.

                      I have to run. Happy Sober St. Patrick's Day. Thank goodness we don't drink!



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Happy Sober St Patrick’s Day Nesters,

                        Cloudy & damp here today but that’s OK, tomorrow is looking good
                        My husband drove thru a college town in Delaware today & he said the students were out, full force, drinking, partying & one even throwing up on a parking meter…..yuck!! That sounds like so much fun, NOPE, haha!!

                        Ava, I actually went & took a pottery class many years ago after my mom passed away. I found it nice & calming & kinda good to be around calm people. I also took a flower arranging class, that was fun too.
                        Getting out for your walk before dark is smart. We have no sidewalks around here & I won’t walk on these darks roads at night. Hope things get settled at work for you.

                        Pav, you should love the soap. I even have my husband using it because I was tired of hearing about his dry, itchy skin, duh. Seems to do a good job

                        Nothing much to report so I’ll wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Ava - sorry to hear about your ankle! I hope it's just sore and you didn't injure it.

                          Pav - pottery on a wheel sounds so cool. Meditative and relaxing. Of course I can't help but picture the movie Ghost. Enjoy this wonderful pursuit!

                          Ah, the college spring break days... no thank you. Pav I hope your kids have great weeks and make good choices. From what you've described they sound like good decision-makers.

                          I had a long hard work day today but am looking forward to a relatively easy weekend so I'll take it. Hope Friday brings happy good days for all of you.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Things are moving fast here: HB & his lawyer accepted my lawyer’s proposed settlement from our first mediation meeting on Tuesday, without a fight! It is generous! Today is a formal court case over Zoom, but now it won’t be much more than a formality…then everything is expedited, and our divorce will likely be final in about 10 days already! Wow.

                            Sadly, I gave young daughter the stomach flu. She came down with it last night. So, not much of a Spring Break for her.

                            I always liked the treats after blood donation too, Ava! Yes, keep the boss apprised of this new hire who isn’t doing her share! Your ankle probably twisted because it is lax from the first injury. Aren’t you due to get a tooth put in in March?

                            Wags, it must have been so hard to focus on work through those weeks when your aunt had died. I hope your weekend will make up for the grueling day today.

                            Into the weekend we go…at least green beer day is over with now!
                            Last edited by Slo; March 18, 2022, 09:09 AM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              I’m happy, I’ve moved the chicks out of my laundry room to the big house outside, haha! They adapted very quickly. I just hope th enights stay above freezing because there’s no heat or insulation to keep them warm, just a heat lamp.

                              Wags, you deserve a relaxing weekend & I hope you have one

                              Slo, wow is right! Things have moved fast but I imagine that’s better than a long protracted ordeal. When can you move into the condo? Some great things are lining up for you :hug:

                              Ava, hope you & your ankle are OK. These random injuries seem to happen so frequently as we age. We really need to pay attention to every step, twist & turn!

                              Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters,

                                A common thread throughout is how thankful we are to be sober. So much trouble in the world, so many ups and downs for all of us, but our sobriety remains our super-power. I'm very thankful for that right now. My mother-in-law passed away last night, and I'm feeling gutted. She's been a second Mum to me through the years where my own Mum had dementia. My Mum passed away last July, and now M-I-L's gone. So very sad right now. The temptation to drink has been very powerful today, but I know that my grief reaction is normal and will ease with time.

                                Waves and best wishes to everyone,
                                AF free since April 29, 2013

